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What does the 1-49 bracket teach us about PVP gear?


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best thread ever. :)

I was member of 6-year SWG. what made me stay in SWG is because of skills, adrenaline rush, balanced profs, world of pvp and bf. I rememeber I used to be bounty hunter. I went in base bust thats where my bounty in there. I happened meet 3 red jedi, I realized Im SF(special force) so they all are. problem is Idk which is my bounty. I just used all of my skills, speed and los. I ended up killin them all 3 jedi. yes I hunted a bounty. Awesome adrenaline rush. After that happened I addcit to pvp and hunting for 6years. It was very fun.


Here I got champion gear and pwn 3 imps in WZ. Did I feel any adrenaline pumpin or excitement for killing 3imps? nope I felt nothing because 3 imps were undergeared. I got 2weeks left before my sub expired then Im out...

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best thread ever. :)

I was member of 6-year SWG. what made me stay in SWG is because of skills, adrenaline rush, balanced profs, world of pvp and bf. I rememeber I used to be bounty hunter. I went in base bust thats where my bounty in there. I happened meet 3 red jedi, I realized Im SF(special force) so they all are. problem is Idk which is my bounty. I just used all of my skills, speed and los. I ended up killin them all 3 jedi. yes I hunted a bounty. Awesome adrenaline rush. After that happened I addcit to pvp and hunting for 6years. It was very fun.


Here I got champion gear and pwn 3 imps in WZ. Did I feel any adrenaline pumpin or excitement for killing 3imps? nope I felt nothing because 3 imps were undergeared. I got 2weeks left before my sub expired then Im out...


Ok. Now we are getting somewhere. At least you made choice, you got your Champ gear before you decided to quit. Sooner or later there will be more people in BM/Champ gear. I hope you come back....

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Im in full champ and I fight against other people in champ, but more often than not in full BM. Its really not a big deal. I win some fights, I lose some fights.




If dying in game upsets you as much as the thought of dying in real life then maybe you shouldnt play computer games?


If losing against people who are simply better/luckier/more geared than you upsets you, then sprinkle your fairy dust and fly off to Never Never Land and hang out with Peter Pan and his cronies. Obviously you have no grasp on reality and/or your parents have brought you up as their "special little man/girl" and actually made you believe you can/could do anything... Obviously they were WRONG!


Now continue playing the game or simply quit. Just stop whinging about things being not fair.

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I'm not even sure where to start with this because I am probably alone or very few will agree with me.


First off, the warzones are a joke, the point of them is to get commendations so you can get pvp gear so you can do more warzones? What's the point? I hear, it's going to be fixed, it's going to be fixed. Rating system won't hold either. There needs to be more than just warzones.


This game is going to be a $15 a month to play huttball. Not sure why so many enjoy huttball so much when it is so boring. I don't mind the other two warzones but huttball is silly.


How many characters are you really going to roll up so you can try to gear them all out for more huttball? This is really what the fate of all that playing culminates towards, huttball.


Why doesn't this game have RvR? This is what is needed. Where there are areas that can be fought for for control. I know there are more imps than rebs but that can easily be solved through bonuses gained through control.


RvR makes way more sense in the starwars universe and lore, and why bioware didn't consider it when so many great pvp games in the past have RvR. That's why they are great pvp games.


Think about it, even on the pve servers, when you are lvl 50 what else is there to do? Nothing, absolutely nothing except play some huttball over and over and over.

Edited by Krumple
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Nope. I don't want gear to matter.


Player vs Player.


Not gear vs. gear.


Come on, if you are a PVPer you don't need the crutch. Don't hide behind your gear.


This is not the game you're looking for.


We're not going to change and entire genre of MMO because you think you can box.

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Never play a WZ or Ilum with my 50, though I played a lot before I hit 50.


Guess you are something like a level 40 running into a level 50 WZ if you are a fresh 50.

And that will last so many weeks suffering until you get a fair fight for yourself.

Guess that's why so many players hitting 50 say PvP sucks at 50.


10 == 49

50 != 50


SWTOR's logic.



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all you need to do is save up 1000/1000 coms and an extra champ bag. the moment you ding 50 you will have 6 bags and then finish your dailies and get 2 more. weeklies are 6 more. so day one 50 you can have 11 bags day one. that is more than enough to have 4-5 pieces of gear and be competitive in pvp at 50. DAY ONE
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People are leaving the 50's bracket and re-rolling characters so that they can continue to PVP in the 1-49 Brackets.


Lets really think about what that means.


It means that people would rather do the PVE grind AGAIN then put up with being the equivalent of being grey mobs in WZs who's purpose seems to be to entertain no one but the people who are lucky enough to have more free time or unlucky enough to simply have no life who get to kill you over and over again.


It means that PVP is MORE exciting when your adrenaline is pumping because you are in a pitched battle with someone who does the same damage and takes the same damage you do and it really comes down to quick thinking, reflexes and strategy that you EARNED through practice rather then because you have a statistical advantage over your opponent. Where the timing of every shot counts. And obviously that is going to be more exciting then losing simply because your opponent hits far harder and takes far less damage.


Gear based "PVP" is not a test of a player vs a player unless people really think that because someone was able to do more repetitive tasks over and over again because they don't have kids, or a job or a life (Or simply are willing to sacrifice those things they should be spending more time on) is somehow something that people can be tested for and be lauded as if they "accomplished" something.


The grind olympics? Is that something you want to be remembered for? You were better at wasting more time in your life then someone else so you "win"?


If we are going to have brackets, I think we should have a bracket where Expertise is shut off. ESPECIALLY if you are thinking E-sport. And ESPECIALLY if you are going to have a PVP rating system.


I have a feeling that bracket would be far more populated.


EDIT TO CLEAR UP A MISCONCEPTION: I do not feel that gear should no longer be acquirable through PVP. I feel that gear should be attainable through PVP, and be on par with gear in PVE. And that the advantage gear affords be curbed in PVP across the board. I am not asking for PVE to cause someone to win PVP. Resilience was the wrong answer. Expertise is no better.


I often led dmg on my alt on the first day...


get tank armor mods (endurance), get crit/surge enhances and 50 blue mods and put them in level 40 pvp set. Get Ilum epic hilt/barrel (2 if your class can equip them) from dailies (can get it the FIRST DAY YOU DO THEM).


Spend all badges on belt, implants ear piece trinket (get blue endurance lvl 50 trinket if you can). Spend 30 minutes and get your level 50 class matrix cube for the other trinket slot.


If you don't have enough saved by 50 to buy these things? I don't even know how that is possible to be honest...


You basically have a better then cent gear set. Additionally if you are somehow broke? you can get 5 46 pvp weapons saved up, take the enhances out (expertise on them). Personally I would rather have the crit/surge.


You will have around 15 k health doing this and can do almost as much dmg as someone in champ gear. You just wont have as much survival. Takes a whole week to get that...


If you are going into a level 50 warzone with less then 14 k health? I hate you...There is no excuse for it. You will just make yourself mad and make teammates leave the warzone as soon as they see your lol health.


Hell someone even made a guide here for you that should be STICKIED on this forum.



Edited by biowareftw
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I can think of 20 other people in my guild including myself, some even BM that have given up on the 50 bracket. Its just a fight of the have an have nots, Sure i can do the grind an be a have and rofl stomp the nots all day but i could have stayed in WoW to do that.


Is it to much to ask for PvP where skill will always mean more then gear?

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You will have around 15 k health doing this and can do almost as much dmg as someone in champ gear. You just wont have as much survival. Takes a whole week to get that...


This is a sound strategy if your goal is to own the non-expertise geared people you encounter in warzones. Try it against a full champ or bm geared player and see how well you do.


I enjoy PvP in this game and I'm working on getting the bm gear. The problem is that I'm doing the gear grind not because it's fun, but because it is a necessity if you want to stay competitive. I think this is the same problem most people are having.


I think it would have just made better sense to offer Tionese/Columi/Rakata gear as PvP AND PvE rewards. If they want to differentiate them, changing the set bonuses to have more of a PvP impact would have been enough of an incentive IMHO.

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all you need to do is save up 1000/1000 coms and an extra champ bag. the moment you ding 50 you will have 6 bags and then finish your dailies and get 2 more. weeklies are 6 more. so day one 50 you can have 11 bags day one. that is more than enough to have 4-5 pieces of gear and be competitive in pvp at 50. DAY ONE


all your problems solved with a small amount of planning.

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cu in GW2


Where i will be competitive and have fun from minute one.

Where i'm not forced to do stuff i don't have fun with to grind levels and gear and then don't have fun stomping others who are about to grind gear.

Where skill, teamplay, strategy and tactics is deciding matches.

Where they have a devteam caring about PvP and don't completely ignore their hardcore PvPers because casual PvEers give more money.



Have fun in SWTOR and chase your carrot on a stick while i'm eating mine.

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cu in GW2


Where i will be competitive and have fun from minute one.

Where i'm not forced to do stuff i don't have fun with to grind levels and gear and then don't have fun stomping others who are about to grind gear.

Where skill, teamplay, strategy and tactics is deciding matches.

Where they have a devteam caring about PvP and don't completely ignore their hardcore PvPers because casual PvEers give more money.



Have fun in SWTOR and chase your carrot on a stick while i'm eating mine.



$10 says my GW toon and my guildies in our elite armour sets would beat the crap outta of you and your team.

Gear did and still does matter in GW. Not as much as in this game but as it was previously mentioned in here in GW your could do 15% more damage (whilst hexed, enchanted, under 50% health, etc), You armour could mitigated certain damage, not to mention other crap...


Yeah thats right I played and still play GW (mainly because my collection of elite armour/weapon sets give me BETTER GEAR in GW2)... So please stop with your "Gear doesnt matter" crap.


Same with the DAOC clowns... Obviously if gear didnt matter to you then you never got your class spec crafted gear which ONCE AGAIN made you *********** well decimate others you fought.




Just like this game. Its just that you noobs are too skilless to acquire gear... Which should only take you 1-2 days max for full champ.


Stop crying you care bears!



And yes, i will see you tools in GW2. And Diablo 3. And TSW... Where my toon will continually mash your skilless-noob heads wih my "supposed" OP gear that is available to EVERYONE for next to no effort!!

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Having gear matter in pvp is honestly the dumbest thing about MMO pvp.


When you can win a fight before a shot is launched just because you outgear somone does not make a good game.


The problem is, how do you get people to pvp if gear doesn't matter and they don't have that carrot on a stick?


There could be other ways, like gear customisation, titles, money n stuff...

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The "Work ethic" of PVP response is a canned one I have heard many times before.


They try to tell you that if you were not lazy, then you would just go grind.


This is how they delude themselves into thinking they are "good at" something just because the numbers say they are.


Back when I first started PVPing in SWG, a game where everyone could buy the PVP gear because it was all crafted, you had a different and MUCH more exciting grind.


It was called dueling. A lot. Get together with friends and "spar". Exchange strategies, builds, and pointers. Practice your timing.


Gear was a factor, but it became part of the perfecting of one's play style. Not an "I win" button. Did I gear for this statistic or that statistic? Which one better compliments my strategy?


Rather then a flat "I WIN!" button that for some reason people who have deluded themselves into believing they are PVPers seem to feel is critical.


You have been duped if you believe that you have done anything worth bragging about if your gear stat is critical to your ability to win.


I currently do not own a single piece of champions gear, in fact i am currently at expertise 25, and I love to PvP.


I am rubbish at it, I suck and thats why i am specced Immortal so that i can still help my team with the aweful gear I am in.


Bear all this in mind when I say I think your attitude stinks, yes you are allowed your opinion, but no-one has the right to try and force it down the throats of others.

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Let the thread die good god...


No, It must continue to live!


I cannot sit idle whilst clowns like Torleen continue to cry "its not fair! Im uber skilled!"


By now people should have like 4 character with full BM. If not then they are doing something wrong!


And if everyone is running around in full champ/BM then it does all come down to skill. Which means if you are STILL LOSING then you dont have half as much skill as you claim you do!

And if you arent geared up yet... Then there is something truely wrong with you.

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No, It must continue to live!


I cannot sit idle whilst clowns like Torleen continue to cry "its not fair! Im uber skilled!"


By now people should have like 4 character with full BM. If not then they are doing something wrong!


And if everyone is running around in full champ/BM then it does all come down to skill. Which means if you are STILL LOSING then you dont have half as much skill as you claim you do!

And if you arent geared up yet... Then there is something truely wrong with you.


Ummm, how aobut people who actually work irl for a living? I understand the argument but when you go out and say such things it only damages your argument. I am all for gearing up, but 4 fully BMed character? Doubt it.


Ether way you don't need full BM gear to be competitive, if all the skill capped players are saying they only reason they are losing is cause these noobs are running in BM gear then they should be able to bash them down with thier champ gear, which is much much much easier to obtain, and is only about 2% off from BM(which is questionable since mods from champ gear is better in most cases).


But I guess the skill capped players here can't close that 2% gap, since it's such a wide margin.

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ya most of the people in those brackets are still trying to level to 50 though too. And the others that reroll to play in a lowbie bracket aren't good pvpers and are too lazy to grind gear.


This is a mmo. You have to reward players for investing their time and energy building a character up. Why should you just be able to ding 50 and come in a WZ and dome me when I've put all this effort into the game that you haven't? Why don't you go play an FPS if that's the kind of equal playing field you want. I want my time and energy to mean something. If you weren't such a brat then you could suck it up and grind the gear out like everyone else in EVERY OTHER MMO


So the point of an MMO is for you to feel big because you spent more time on something




If you play it NOT to have fun, then why are you playing it? Spending time an energy? Grinding?

Edited by Zunayson
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