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PVP as a lowbie no fun


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So far ive pvped as a Jedi Sentinel (impossible) and Gunslinger (Sharpshooter) at 22 and 23 respectively. I basically just run to point, die. repeat. Any Advice cause this isnt fun at all!


I'd suggest running to a different point, attempting to stay alive, and repeat.

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At least you aren't grouped with 50's. When I was pvp'ing the 50's were in our brackets still. Then I dinged 50 and got my butt handed to me by all the older 50's. Just gotta keep on grinding, create some strategies and stick to them. Try to help your team complete objectives.
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So far ive pvped as a Jedi Sentinel (impossible) and Gunslinger (Sharpshooter) at 22 and 23 respectively. I basically just run to point, die. repeat. Any Advice cause this isnt fun at all!


You just need to learn the game.....I've PvP'd with all of my char's from lvl 10 up.....lots o fun. :rod_grin_g:

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So far ive pvped as a Jedi Sentinel (impossible) and Gunslinger (Sharpshooter) at 22 and 23 respectively. I basically just run to point, die. repeat. Any Advice cause this isnt fun at all!


Warzones are team based, work as a team and stop running into the enemy solo.


I've had no issues as a Sniper and Sith Juggernaut at level 14 and 15, I just don't run solo into the enemy.

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Skills has very little to do with it.


A level 10 commando should never beat a level 49 commando. He lacks the skills and talents to do so.

Theres Bolster in the low level PVP zones.


If you are a level 49 commando losing to a level 10 commando in a WZ, you should have learned to use your other moves in those 39 levels.

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Theres Bolster in the low level PVP zones.


If you are a level 49 commando losing to a level 10 commando in a WZ, you should have learned to use your other moves in those 39 levels.


Every class is a joke 1-49, its the baddie ez mode bracket. I can re-roll a lvl 10 an kill 49s np.

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So far ive pvped as a Jedi Sentinel (impossible) and Gunslinger (Sharpshooter) at 22 and 23 respectively. I basically just run to point, die. repeat. Any Advice cause this isnt fun at all!


Learn your class, take a good hard look at your skill trees, if you find you can't survive a straight up fight then try to get utility skills instead and be generally helpful towards winning the match. For example, a Sentinel can use DoTs to prevent people from capping for a while, you can root and stun and slow, try to use these abilities in situations where they're useful to the team overall and not just to get one random enemy down because he happened to be closest.


As a Gunslinger, try to find out what the best positions for you are in the different warzones. In Huttball that'll not work very well in random groups due to the map design, but Civil War has some points around the middle turret that are hard to get to and make good sniping positions (keep in mind that cover also prevents people from jumping to you etc.). Even in Void Star you have the advantage over melee classes guarding a door because they don't want to run away. If they do however run away, just play bait and lure them away as far as possible instead of trying to kill them while hopefully someone on your team realizes what's going on.

Edited by dannythefool
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I think they just need to make huttball 50 only or make more brackets for huttball specifically.


You can certainly get by or even do very well in civil war or void star as a low level, but you really lack the tools to do well in huttball (for example a sith warrior lacks force push or intercede).

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You are missing pretty much all the good abilities as a sentinel that low a level. Things should start to improve around mid 30s. While leveling up, make sure you are watchmen/focus spec, as combat doesnt really get better until the very end for most people(and many would argue it still doesnt compare).
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You can certainly get by or even do very well in civil war or void star as a low level, but you really lack the tools to do well in huttball (for example a sith warrior lacks force push or intercede).


Meh, I've scored in Huttball or significantly contributed to scores just by using my awesome OP skill that lets me look at the playing field and figure out where's a good place to stand in...

Come to think of it that's what's usually winning matches...

Edited by dannythefool
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The lower bracket is a blast. If your playing solo, its gunna hurt while you learn your rotations and how to stay out of harms way.


Line of sight is the most important thing. Duck for cover and dont be a target (stand in the open )


Best way is to fall in with a team with experiance. Get in a ood guild and make some friends.


PVP is a team sport.

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Gear plays a big part even with the buff system, I noticed on my gunslinger once I put in lots of purple mods in my gear and weapons I was doing a lot more damage at the same level. If your lvl 25 and still wearing lvl 10 gear then yeah you will feel gimped..


Also you need to learn your role, if your playing a gunslinger make sure you don't charge in, there's a reason why you have a 35m range on your weapons... I also try and setup in corners where i'm less likely to be seen.. also try to use natural cover instead of your shield, the shield just screams "I'm a sniper kill me first"

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I heartily disagree with this thread. My main is a valor rank 52 sorc in full Champion gear and I have just as much fun playing my lvl 23 juggernaut alt in warzones. I get destroyed all the time, but it's still a blast.


I agree, at least in the 10-49 bracket you can buy gear or mods to keep you competitive in pvp, at 50 your at the mercy of RNG and dailys...

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