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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leaving warzones is an epidemic...


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Guys, I didn't mean to start an argument and a fight here, just correct a false premise because of its improbability.


There is no reason for you to feel targeted. I understand you might feel somewhat uneasy about it, but rest assured it was only meant as a tip for you not to fall in the trap the day you really need to make an argument or must win one against the same kind. There was no intention of making you look bad or attack your intelligence.


I've made my share of wrong hypothesis and premises in the past and still do sometimes, feelings can be strong. This is simply not something you notice until someone does the difficult job of pointing it out. Humans just like taking shortcuts.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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You should vote because you want to and believe it makes a difference.

I vote on what I care about and don't vote on what I don't care about, letting the more knowledgeable dealing with the subject. Typically, I will never vote for presidency as I consider this pointless and do not share the views of any of the political leaders attempting to reach it. At the same time, I let the rest of my country decide for me and accept it.


That's called respecting yourself and others.



Hahaha, how does one vote make a difference? I am not asking you about your political views. I am asking you why someone should ever vote if 1 vote makes no difference. Do you know what the answer is?


IF everyone thought that way we would have no democracy.


IF everyone quit Warzones we would have no PvP.



I can not explain this too you more clearly. Just continue quitting losing matches, you are right it is agood policy. Thankfully the majority is not selfish.

Edited by richardya
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Hahaha, how does one vote make a difference? I am not asking you about your political views. I am asking you why someone should ever vote if 1 vote makes no difference. Do you know what the answer is?


IF everyone thought that way we would have no democracy.


IF everyone quit Warzones we would have no PvP.



I can not explain this too you more clearly. Just continue quitting losing matches, you are right it is agood policy. Thankfully the majority is not selfish.


You are :


- completely missing the point and continue to believe you make sense. You don't.


- assuming I'm quitting losing matches, based on what? I wonder. Probably jumping to conclusion based on a false premise, again.


- not respecting others right to leave a game they do not want to partake in


Sadly, you seem to be taking this personally from the beginning when the same would have happened had another said the same thing.


Since it has gone down to such awful feelings, I'll leave it at that. I'm just hopeful despite your reluctance to listen, one day you'll encounter the same dilemma in the real world and will understand better the fallacy of your hypothesis.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Hahaha, how does one vote make a difference? I am not asking you about your political views. I am asking you why someone should ever vote if 1 vote makes no difference. Do you know what the answer is?


IF everyone thought that way we would have no democracy.


IF everyone quit Warzones we would have no PvP.



I can not explain this too you more clearly. Just continue quitting losing matches, you are right it is agood policy. Thankfully the majority is not selfish.



thats easy sir. say candidate 1 has 500k votes, and candidate 2 has 500k votes. if one person had voted either way we would have a winner.


you being such a smart guy should know that 1 vote in a tie breaker makes a difference.

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I don't really care if people leave in Huttball or Alderaan, but it can completely ruin a Voidstar game extremely quickly when people leave en masse (it can ruin Alderaan as well, but not as quickly).


Just today we had 5 people leave when the enemy capped the door in the first defender round. If they had just stayed we might even have disarmed it, but due to them leaving the enemy could push through to the download in a matter of 2 minutes while the newcomers were stuck behind timers or the wrong rooms.


Joining a Voidstar mid-game should be more efficient imo.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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I see no problem with people wanting to leave a WZ. I see no reason for a long debuff either. its better than them being afk in the zone or being miserable and bad and pulling the team down anyway. Every battle I have been in where there have been leavers we have had replacements turn up... and most of the time they have been far more effective than they guy who left.


Does it suck when people leave and you are down players... no more than it does being down players for any other reason.


I have a guildy that leaves Huttball as soon as they get in because they hate Huttball, the game hasn't started and they are quickly replaced. They don't want to spend 15 minutes playing a WZ they hate. Might be a little different if you could pick WZ's but until you can forcing people to play one they don't want to so they don't get a debuff that stops them participating in WZ they do want to play in is a really gaming model.


Besides we seem to rarely get leavers... sometimes there are people I wish would leave because they con't seem to pass the ball or defend an objective. I would like to make it as easy as possible for those people to leave rather than frustrating me.

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First off I leave every time I get huttball because I absolutely despise the game mode. Secondly if you implement a "deserter" debuff you're just going to have more and more people going AFK or not participating to make the game go faster so they can get out.


Quoted for truth, I do the same, can only handle *so* much huttball.


Leave it as is, the problem is the 3 wins required for the daily quest. With the dailies not counting that takes it to around 9-10 wins to complete you actual daily & that's what's led to people leaving if they see the WZ heading south.


How to fix the problem:

1. Make WZ wins actually count towards the quest

2. Given the current faction discrepencies, change that quest to 3 wins OR 6 WZ's played.

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Did anyone mention huttball....leave? That's what i do. When they give us an option to not que for it altogether i'll consider a deserter debuff. Until then, not happening.


Agree, we need to 24 separate war zone ques, 1 for each WZ, level brackets, PUG's vs Premade, and gear levels. And those wait times better be short.


Until then, lets quit if we don't like what we get.

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thats easy sir. say candidate 1 has 500k votes, and candidate 2 has 500k votes. if one person had voted either way we would have a winner.


you being such a smart guy should know that 1 vote in a tie breaker makes a difference.



But your hypothesis is not wrong or right, it's logically unacceptable.


That will never happen.

What happened to the logical fallacy thing????????????????????????????????


So 1 vote doesn't matter so according to you people voting is a waste of time.

Edited by richardya
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you forgot to add, you feel you join the wrong team from the begginning you leave... I agree with the penality, it's so hard to join a WZ from the queue that when I get in I like to play no matter with who or if we lose or not... losing 10 in a row it's frustrating when people start quiting because we face pre-made...
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That will never happen.

What happened to the logical fallacy thing????????????????????????????????


So 1 vote doesn't matter so according to you people voting is a waste of time.



you know what else will never happen.


all people in the US not voting, and pvp being empty because of people leaving WZs...

Edited by jimlaheysadrunk
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IMO I prefer people leaving with no penalty, I see a bot in almost every other game and it really upsets me. I would rather have a baddie trying then having a useless person taking up a space. Joining a game where your down 0-4 and coming back is EPIC! That game I joined was one of the most memorable games I will ever have!
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Wow, this richardya kid sure is angry. Did he not realize I answered this on like the second page? There are two sets of people: those pre-60 and those post-60. Bioware's design (clearly flawed) only incentivizes one group to stay for full games, win or lose.


As for your bass aackwards logic "well, what if everyone did this?! Huh? Huh!", well then all my wins would come within around 120 secs...so please bring it on. lol


None of us owe strangers anything, especially strangers like you...who I'd probably ditch out of spite after reading this thread. :D

Edited by Pulpp
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Why does it matter to any of you if someone stays or leaves? If someone leaves a warzone, they are immediately replaced by a new player. Do you realize that introducing a penalty for leaving warzones is going to cause those same people to sit in a corner and go afk instead of leave. They're still going to give up... but they're probably going to wait.


The way it is now, when someone leaves, it's a good thing. The person who comes in and replaces them is likely to actually contribute to the team more than that person would have if they were compelled to stay.


Seriously... all this complaining about people leaving. You guys are REALLY going to complain if you actually get the leaver debuff you are demanding. You just don't foresee the consequences right now.

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There shouldn't be a penalty for quitting anytime. You cant choose WZs, (hint hint) not everyone likes Huttball which can take the most time for example and most misplayed WZ... Should be a grace period when join you can leave but after there's a small penaty for quitting. BUT frankly no penalty is best...


You get replaced, honestly it speeds things up in queue... and if you're on a team and trying to coordinate and no one listens or argues why waste your time... huttball is the worst with this, ppl don't pass, protect, just zerg around the field... after 10 mins and 0-5 down why waste the next 5 mins... esp if you got your daily, so it's not so easy to just hand out a penalty for quitting.


Honestly, the 3 win daily is what drives it the most. Esp at end of the day before reset it's the worst... and if you're fresh 50 or grinding to just get any kind of expertise gear you NEED that daily... so as it's set up don't blame some for quitting frustrating as it is.

Edited by ErisktheRed
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This is 100% truly a huge issue. I am not saying putting a huge defuff is the answer, but my god. I just went into a huttball match, the other team just barely makes it over the goal line for 1 point making it 1-0. 6 people leave the warzone ARE YOU KIDDING ME? One point guys, seriously its ok.. Its not over..
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I used to stick around for every game, but since I am STILL having the WZ Daily bug (not getting credit for wins) it takes me anywhere from 4 to 9 wins (not even kidding) just to get 3 to count. I'm employed, and can't afford to waste time with groups who are destined to fail. Sure, it sucks but BioWare has much, much bigger fish to fry. Let's hope they do so quickly, because there are fewer and fewer people online as each day goes by.
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Is it better for people to leave or simply stand just out of the spawnpoint and do nothing? Might as well let em go.



standing at the spawnpoint is the only way i know how to leave the dam WZ , you get ported out after a bit if you stay in that area

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