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  1. as a lacking of healing I only use Quinn. Do you have same level gear for Bronmark ?
  2. Inquisitor, jedi sage, you know mages type character
  3. Is it me or when I force Choke someone in PVP especially a mages I see him running away while I still have my hand in the air... and the fact that it's the only ability where we are stabilizing the victim near us... but people are able to break out? and if we move an inch... the abilities interrupt...
  4. So expertise it's only usefull in PVP ? If I follow good then, the best PVE gear is the Rataka one ? and you get them by doing what ? I just turned 50 last week and PVP like crazy to get 3 out of 5 of the champion set after opening maybe 15 bags.
  5. I was wondering why people say that it's not smart to PVE in PVP Gear... I may sound noobs but I just want to know... because I had PVE Gear level 50 and the PVP tier 2 Champion PVP Gear was way way better with all the MODS level 56... just to know thanks.
  6. you forgot to add, you feel you join the wrong team from the begginning you leave... I agree with the penality, it's so hard to join a WZ from the queue that when I get in I like to play no matter with who or if we lose or not... losing 10 in a row it's frustrating when people start quiting because we face pre-made...
  7. I played on Mind Trick and we did some pvp today and we were less Empire than Republic... for at least 3hrs... didn't win any events because I was playing with 5 empire Vs 8 republic getting our *** kick... this was brutal...
  8. I have 1 red and 1 blue lightsaber on my Sith Marauder and i'm light 5 at level 44. But I cant find where to get the purple light saber or the name of the crystal only I see is blue red green orange and yellow.
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