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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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For pure PvP, nothing quite matches up to AC - Darktide in the early days was brutally fun with politics that no other game has come close to matching. Bloods, Mercs, Antis, neutrals. Running into town to buy comps naked for fear of being ganked - ahh, the good old days.


RvR - easy. The game that coined the term - DAoC. Sure, there was no item loss, but three factions and being part of a realm really meant something. Alliances and guilds were important as was leadership and strategy. There was a real sense of pride associated with being a member of Midgard, Albion and Hibernia and defending your relics. Palomides was the little serve that could btw. I remember when the created the FFA server (Mordred?) and everyone played on it. Wasn't long before many were complaining about Palo guild dominance. But that's what happens when you play on small servers where it's all about 8v8 group PvP.


Shadowbane. Good game, but it had balance issues (Vampire Scouts for example) and the infamous sb.exe error as well as other bugs. Still, it was pretty revolutionary.


A game I've not played that I've heard was great was UO back in the early days. A game that's piqued my interest - Darkfall.


If the devs are reading this - please focus your energy on improving PvP. You certainly need more warzones (3 is ridiculous - you should have 6 or 8 warzones honestly), but much more importantly - nurture real world PvP. After all, warzones are nothing more than group duels and are not really PvP as there's no element of surprise and nothing to fight for beyond arpees (those who played DAoC will know this term). . . er, valor. Give us something significant to fight for.

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Indeed. Let's PvE more in order to PvP.


this meme is stupid and should die. it should benefit you to play all facets of the game.


i think the most disappointing aspect of newer mmo's is how little they attempt to make the game world matter. i think back to playing lineage 2, the game sucked but it still had it's moments, how in order to advance your character you needed the help of friends and a guild in order to get groups to fight in dungeons (not instances, just dungeons in the world with groupings of mobs), that territory was staked and if you wanted it you had to be willing to fight for it.


they take the idea of a persistent world and do nothing with it, what is the point of the world always being on if you can't have any affect on it?


as far as the best pvp game, shattered galaxies.

Edited by jakeic
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Wait a minute, anybody play Mechwarrior on AOL. It was a great game for about six months until somebody figured out you could hack the game by changing settings in a simple text file. Suddenly the bots were able to fly around and not die. About a week later the game was dead and gone. But for a short period of time me and buddies owned it. Ah, the good old days when games where perfect, NOT!
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EverQuest had the best open world PVP by far (and I played UO, AC-Darktide, Darkfall, Shadowbane, etc):


  • Killing a player left a corpse with all of their gear -- you could prevent them from doing anything by locking down their corpse.
  • No instances so it was possible to prevent an entire server population from doing content (we locked down an entire expansion on Tallon Zek)
  • Huge battles with 100+ players
  • PVP tournaments that ran across ALL servers (until they RIF'd the CS staff that supported it...)

Edited by Moghra
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You seem to be lacking some measure of pride.


What do you lose when you die? Pride. You also lose the opportunity to gain whatever your objective was -- kills, "points", maybe your relic, your keep. Maybe you lose your ranking. Maybe you lose your title.


Taking someone's items does nothing except make them PvE more in order to come back and PvP. Clearly, PvP to you has something to do with gear. You think they get mad because they lose their items, when they're really just annoyed that they have to do retarded PvE-esque **** to get their boots back.


You seem to want to discourage fighting, and encourage 100% guaranteed ganking. Then have your victim come back even weaker than before.


You don't want to fight.


You want to win and then keep on winning.


You have no pride.


You're not a warrior, not even a soldier.


You're a thug.


You don't want PvP. You want to beat people up and take their lunch money.


No offense, but that entire post screams: I'm a carebear who's never touched a MMO with item loot, or meaningful world PVP.


In very simple terms item loss simply added excitement to PVP, and made it meaningful and personal.


It's like playing poker with fake money or real money. Without actual risk, the thrill and excitement is nulled - as is the victory.


Die in PVP these days (assuming you can find world pvp), and you click respawn. Then you run back and try again. Pride? Excitement? lol. Who are you kidding. These days it's red = dead, does anyone even look at names? Gone are politics, gone are consequences for ones actions, say hello to the grind fest.


In AC1 and UO people knew who you were because of your actual skill, and how you acted (rpk, anti etc..), and not because you had some title that you got from running around in gank groups or grinding minigames for 'pvp points'.


Anyone remember the AB wars in AC? That was real PVP. The enemy would attack and try and take over control of the town (meaningful world pvp objectives, what?!), and if you beat them they would have to have some downtime to recover, re-stock and form new tactics. It wasn't just one never ending tug of war zerg vs zerg fight like tauren mill vs SS - winning or losing battles had actual meaning and impact.


You can theorise all you want, but the truth of the matter is, ask anyone who played AC (UO, EQ etc) and they will likely tell you that simply walking into town in AC1 with a backpack full of gear to sell was 1000x more exciting than actual top end PVPing in most current MMO's. That speaks volumes.


Not saying it's for everyone, but your rants and PVP-lite views are way off the mark.

Edited by Jebi
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Classic Server DAOC. No bots, no gear advantages, just 8v8 or 1v1 or w/e. We managed to turn a big, open pvp area into an instance...


Speaking of DAOC, we really need server forums to call out the lesser gaiming mortals when we pwn them. The old VN boards were like a whole other game inside the game.


Ilum could learn a few things from Emain too.

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EVE or Warhammer online..


In fact just found an old vid of the first EU siege of the Inevitable City (which happened on Eltharion) - hundreds of people fighting and no where near the unplayable mess that is ilum - andi t made me really miss that damn game.


Makes you wonder if developers are actually progressing? when stuff like DOAC and WAR were infinitely better games than the **** we get now :/

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EVE or Warhammer online..


In fact just found an old vid of the first EU siege of the Inevitable City (which happened on Eltharion) - hundreds of people fighting and no where near the unplayable mess that is ilum - andi t made me really miss that damn game.


Makes you wonder if developers are actually progressing? when stuff like DOAC and WAR were infinitely better games than the **** we get now :/


Progress the last few years has stalled. With the success of WoW you have so many games trying to copy the success along with games being more suited towards casual gamers. i.e. just pick it up and play for only 30-60 mins.


With all that there has been so few companies that seem to be willing to try something new to grow and adapt the genre (good or bad). Guild Wars 2 seems to be the most recent that's trying something, with being able to acutally dodge attacks with out it being more of an FPS style MMO (Darkfall). There may be a few others but for the most part everyone seems too afraid to fail with something new which ironically leads most of these games to failing or not lasting beyond a year or two at the most or they switch to F2P

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1.1 SWTOR is pretty high up there- I did get a great deal of enjoyment out of low-mid level WAR too.


My all time favourite though was 2 day Alterac Valleys- those were so much fun it was ridiculous. That, and the one time they had knockback snowballs that were friendly fire- I had a blast having snowball fights on the big bridge and knocking allies and foes alike to their death.


I also took alot of pleasure in early Wintergrasp- balanced fights there were a blast.



At this moment though? There's no pvp out there that's better than average in an mmo- I'd find better in League of Legends of BF3.

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