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  1. I believe I can craft this. Server is down ATM, but if I'm not out of my mind, I got this from a pvp crafters box way back in the day.
  2. I thought I read that they outright stated that. I won't state it as fact until I find that article, but I'm pretty sure they made it very clear they didn't want pve gear in pvp.
  3. My point was whether or not the results fall within the variance, which it appears to do in many cases right now because the lack of a proper sim. As long as any skill has a range of damage, and the numbers fall within that range, the results don't prove anything. There's variance in each individual test yes, but that's not what I mean. Yes, the effect of expertise itself is amortized, but the effect of power isn't. If anything, the flat nature of expertise is more beneficial, since it takes more into account than any other singular stat. I'm just saying the only way to get any result where the effect of the stat can be definitively demonstrated is with a proper sim. And as I said earlier, it doesn't really matter in any case of an item other than items where the comparison of amount of expertise gained is direct to the amount of power gained. In other words, where you'd trade expertise for power directly. Anything else is covered by itemization provided by bioware. There are mods and gear with expertise and power on them to cover almost every slot, and there is no equivalent item level piece of pve gear that will return damage results higher than an expertise + power gear that is on an equivalent item level. It would have to have literally twice as much power than the amount of expertise (or expertise and power combined). The itemization available in the game currently renders the entire conversation moot beyond 'get expertise and power in every slot' except for something like a lightsaber crystal. And lets be honest here, if your'e trading out damage AND damage reduction for an increase in power, you are either 1) on a perfect pvp team that accounts for your glass cannon status or 2) or solo and likely dying a lot. On a paradigm level, gear is an arms race, and damage reduced is a minus to damage done and slows the other team from winning, and the idea of replacing pvp gear with pve gear, gives your opponent a solid advantage in this scenario. It's a big mistake to not consider damage reduction for 99% of the players out there. Its for this reason, any stat has to provide at least an increase in damage over expertise by the amount of damage it reduces, and none do.. And that still doesn't account for damage *you* take. The only situation where damage taken isn't a factor is when you're playing against people you outskill. In a situation where item level and skill is equal, expertise will decide the win every time.
  4. If that were the case. Itemization being what it is in this game, you won't be in any positions to lose things like willpower in an enhancement. Also, variance is a factor, your testing, unless run a 1000 times in a simulation proves nothing unfortunately. It's not as simple as saying 'you get x amount of damage from expertise' and 'x amount of damage from power', because mods expertise + power mods / enhancements exist, and even with accuracy as the third stat, with the expertise + power combo, you're still going to be doing far more damage against a player than any pve alternatives.
  5. This. It's not necessarily about willpower vs power, but a combination of the two and how mods vs enhancements vs armoring are itemized. There aren't going to be a lot of times where you'll have to sacrifice one against the other. The comparison is rarely direct, and because the other stats don't even come close in terms of value, the bigger question is not necessarily how to pinch more willpower / power, but rather how to reduce unnecessary stats. The stat priority of Power > willpower > surge > endurance is a bit confusing but an artifact of not having combat logs. Once that feature gets fleshed out and parsing becomes better, you'll see EP values telling how exactly how much each point gives in dps, with all of the if-and-or-but's included. TLDR version: Don't compare willpower and power on a point to point basis for an overall value if its just a few points, as its difficult to calculate. Focus on mods that include more power over tertiary stats, the willpower will come.
  6. There is currently not enough available expertise to reach a level of DR where it would be remotely worth replacing over another stat, that doesn't even include the side effects of DMG reduction / bonus to heals. Keep in mind half of expertise is also the DMG reduction. Without it, you are essentially nerfing your dps by allowing your opponent use it and reduce your output without equalizing it on your end. The only case this wouldn't be worth it, would be if power boosted damage by a minimum of 2x the effect of expertise. Expertise also scales dps stats multiplicatively I believe, thus improving every other stat or buff, where as no other stat other than power can touch it, and the fact that power and expertise items exist, means ther is no equivalent item level item in Pve that can match a pvp item with power on it. Think of it this way, if any stat combo attainable from pvp were better than expertise and it's associated stat, no one would wear it, and raiding would then provide a superior advantage, and negating the very purpose of expertise's existence. This could change in the future if steeper DR is implemented, but at the moment the scaling is so straightforward that expertise is the master pvp stat, and in no way with current itemization that it's worth sacrificing. Your only concern where pvp gear is concerned is getting war hero in every piece, an attempting to reduce the amt of accuracy without sacrificing expertise. The war hero items will likely be mostly stalker, with the exception of a few force master / healer items with power and no accuracy. At war hero levels even switching to Pve gear to replace power over accuracy, will not be worth it. The only time you'd replace Pvp gear with Pve instances might be with rakata vs recruit, and honestly I don't even think the math would support that. A case could be used for proc relics, with procs you find super useful. Stat priority should be expertise >>>>> power > willpower > surge > crit > accuracy.
  7. the Lightsaber can indeed crit, and on our sever you can barely sell them for 50k. And besides, RE'ing items isn't even worth it. The saber vendors for like 3.5k right? Unless prices are astronomically high on your server, the 1 primeval or upari you get out of it, won't be worth the price. Just make enough for yourself, then vendor the leftovers if you can't just outright buy them. There's no market for em on our server, and how many do you really need?
  8. I'd agree that its gimmick (in that any pvp armor stat is a gimmick), and honestly I expect a change to the damage it provides soon, it's simply too high with a near lack of DR now. Mathematically speaking, power would have to provide the same degree of increase in power, effect every attack you make, as well as provide the same protection / healing benefits. It simply can't, otherwise expertise is a broken concept. It breaks the PVP gear paradigm and would allow pve'rs in full power gear an advantage over a BM geared PVP'er. If it is, I would expect bioware to nerf it severely, and quickly. The other big thing is itemization. In PVP vs PVE gear, the amount of stats (non expertise) isn't that far off (they reduce all stats, not just secondary), so the only place this would matter would be in cases of a black or white choice of power vs expertise, such as a lightsaber crystal. No PVE gear mod is going to be better than the equivalent PVP gear piece unless the PVP piece is full crit and accuracy. Any pvp piece with power (even with acc) on it will trump anything from PVE. I'd even go so far as to say thats true for any stat other than pve with a lot of power on it vs a crit piece with nothing else. But that's not going to happen. I'm actively seeking ways to increase my damage as a 31/0/10 KC shadow in dps gear, moving away from a more survivor based gear set up. I'm stacking power as much as I can, cause its definitely the best, I just don't know if its worth any trade off in expertise. I'm hoping to see some kind of parsing tools come out so we can solve this. I'd like to see some shadow centric testing too, I just don't have the time to test like I used to in those *other* games lol.
  9. How are you supposed to move out of sight with the root?
  10. I got the schematic from the level 6 crafting PVP box.
  11. Don't forget willpower, its important because some of the mods etc have reversed balances (low willpower / high stat vice versa). I'd go something like Power > WP > surge > crit > acc
  12. The argument is kinda moot, since neither of the talents your'e speaking probably wont have a huge effect. There are some considerations to take into account though. Technique damage as KC is garbage, and its a proc chance on a cooldown. You can increase the proc chance, but that requires 2 talents. So expertise requires 5 talents to be 'effective' and it doesn't even effect the useful part of combat mastery. If you're not putting a full 3 points into it, its quite literally unnoticeable because of damage variance. Endurance amounts to a small amount of health, 400 ish in BM gear. It's also increased in effectiveness by the trooper buff, as well as having a positive effect on your harnessed shadows heals. Personally, it depends on your needs. If you're pvp'ing the survivability is hands down the better option, more health, more healing, more defense. I'd probably go the same route for tanking too. Keep in mind for PVP, it's all about burst damage; 20-30 damage every 4.5 seconds isn't going to have an effect at *all* unless you're taking 20 minutes to kill your opponent. Bottom line: rapid recovery and expertise are better for the other specs than it is KC. If you're playing KC, go for the survivability, thats why you play it right?
  13. Are there any numbers to back that up? I'm not claiming one way or another, but I'd like to see math. 41 expertise amounts to about a .8% increase in damage no? Then there's the damage reduction portion. I'm not 100% sure how the multipliers stack, but if expertise is a flat bonus damage, it'll scale substantially better than power, and that's just the only offensive consideration. % damage reduction means its more effective the stronger your opponents get too. I'm more than willing to accept that power is the dominant stat, I just haven't seen much mathematical evidence as to why.
  14. Correct, 340 slicing gave me two green 22 augment recipies
  15. Afaik you can buy them. Or just stand idle in the fleet and get 5 every half hour or so from being infected.
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