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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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two games for different reasons. At release Aion when lvl'n was the most fun I've had. A good player with flight scrolls and potions could kill a full party that was several levels higher by himself (I know as I did this many times) and also ganking was scary since if you did lose once you got higher rank then you were screwed.


Sure aion at cap was pretty much a joke with gold buying pvp sets and random crafting crap dominating along with classes like my sin and ranger requiring no skill to decimate a player but pre-cap was the most fun I've had in any game.


Next rift early on was great. 1 player as any of the 4 callings could equal 5-10 equal geared players if they were skilled (I know this as many ppl will tell you I did lol :) ). Last fall they greatly dumbed down pvp though. Before last fall there were burst specs in all callings that required positioning, saving cds, pickign targets and timing, however last summer to fall they got rid of many cds etc and made the game much easier.


Rift did have its problems with the time it took to get geared up and the gear difference, however if you played in a server group that had many geared players and in matches with equally geared players then you could see the high skillcap of that game pre-fall updates. there were so many matches I joined hwere my team was down horribly and then we won after I joined. Other players like me could do the same. That was the only game I really noticed that big of a difference a single player could make.

Edited by DarthRaika
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What that really boiled down to on the NA servers was hordes of gold sellers taking over entire dungeons with pking enforcers keeping anyone not working for the sweat shop out of the area.


back in time when i played on NA servers, gold sellers didnt exist. Ive heard the tales about Depardieu having 100 players and 500 gold sellers. What a shame...

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Dark Age of Camelot for objective mass PvP having a real impact on the faction.

SWToR pre-1.2 warzones for the fights themselves.


Aside from the BG, SWToR isn't that far from a total failure as an MMO, while the RPG is just above average (stories are excellent, but playing a second char you already feel bored by the almost exact same class missions...)

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My favorite was DAOC as has been mentioned.


But best I think by far is EVE. You can not like the game or the genre or the slow pace, but you can not deny that it works extremely well and is the best in several categories. Economy, PVP, free expansions till the end of time, community, I could go on and on. It's a shame it is a niche game for every mmo I have ever played could learn alot by following their example.


No I am not a fanboy, nor do I actively play it. But I have to give credit where credit is due.

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In terms of skill required: Darkfall is by far the best hardcore PvP game ever made. FFA

full loot game that gear doesn't really matter and you have to actually aim to kill someone.

The ship battles and sieges on cities are epic. Downfall of the game is that there is no story line whatsoever. It's just 24/7 PvP.


In terms of overall story and PvP: Asherons Call. Bad graphics but ffa PvP with looting and decent story line to go with it.


I give an honorary mention to EQ1.

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Technically PlanetSide (it's an MMOFPS), but I pvp'd in just about every MMO I played and most has been good, pre-issue 11 City of Heroes was absolutely fun to pvp in but post-issue 11 I may just as well /sit and let them kill me, Aion pvp is pretty fast paced, SWG pre-CU was the best. WoW's pvp was a joke, I levelled a shaman and pvp'd with it, it was weak as hell and then suddenly they buffed restoration (which was my spec) and added resilience pvp armor and then suddenly I was unstoppable if I kept earth shield up (think a healing operative with perma 2x KP on him and never ever having a chance to land a crit on him) and I pretty much stopped playing that game.


UO pissed me off alot back then, DAoC was pretty good too, but I didn't stay in that game for very long. I even pvp'd in Tabula Rasa which didn't have a true pvp system and no faction, it was just guilds fighting other guilds, but boy some of the classes were incredibly fun to kill players with (spy, grenadier and medic).


EvE wasn't my style, never heard of Darkfall until last year so I haven't played that game, I should look into it.

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Pre cu - SWG by far the best for the freedom and diversity of where ever the masses gathered - it was on like Donkey Kong.... Imperial bases or rebel bases constructed and created a sense of teamwork and that laying claim to a piece of in game land - would cause ppl to seathe and want to destroy it as soon as possible.


Also i hate to say it even during the CU / NGE .... it was by far the best free world PVP in any game... even if it was focused on Restuss .... at least it was free world, and not a bloody wz themed on american football like huttball ... seriously what were the devs thinking of ... that should be a side game for PVE rewards not a pvp wz/bg !!!


i cant believe the devs of this game didnt take notice of the good and the bad of all the other MMO's out there and make what we really wanted. Not hack together something with a star wars skin and call it the "best" mmo of all time....


the lack of free world PVP objectives ... or bases/temples on planets in this game to take over and control saddens me.


a simple reward for this sort of free world pvp would be - NPC controlled bases - PVP flagged when come within 500m of base, the attacking side needs to not only kill the npc's controlling the objective but also contend with the 1 or 1000 players that decide to defend.

If the attacking team wins control of the base/objective then a handy reward could be :

1. Certain pvp items become available from vendors inside the base/temple

2. That if the base is controlled for "x" amount of time after being attacked, the base/temple allows that faction to get a bonus to xp (grinding) or bonus to comm's for the period they stay in control ..... NOTE that this is the incentive to the new attackers to gain that advantage for themselves and stop the defending side reaping the benefit.


They should go over to the SWGemu and create a toon and play the game ... and get a sense of the way we wanted our games to play and develop.... irony is they had the greatest game back 8-9yrs ago and decided to dumb it down to make it easier for carebears ..... ROLLBACK to swg for a win win !!!

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You seem to be lacking some measure of pride.


What do you lose when you die? Pride. You also lose the opportunity to gain whatever your objective was -- kills, "points", maybe your relic, your keep. Maybe you lose your ranking. Maybe you lose your title.



Taking someone's items does nothing except make them PvE more in order to come back and PvP. Clearly, PvP to you has something to do with gear. You think they get mad because they lose their items, when they're really just annoyed that they have to do retarded PvE-esque **** to get their boots back.


You seem to want to discourage fighting, and encourage 100% guaranteed ganking. Then have your victim come back even weaker than before.


You don't want to fight.


You want to win and then keep on winning.


You have no pride.


You're not a warrior, not even a soldier.


You're a thug.


You don't want PvP. You want to beat people up and take their lunch money.


Was Hello Kitty perhaps your fav PvP game?

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DAoC > old school WoW (although some Arena seasons were nicely balanced).


Looking forward to GW2 PvP.


This game probably has the worst PvP I've seen, large part of that deriving from the horrible engine. Given the heavy focus on "story", acting and questing, I suppose it shouldn't be too much of a surprise but with the gigantic budget and how new it was all supposed to be, I was hoping for a lot more.

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I liked darkfall, because it was a real mans pvp game..


And it didn't have the stupid tank/healer/DPS crap that ruins pvp....


And that's what I didn't like about it.


Everyone had the same exact skills, and most of those people leveled them up with bots and macros that they kept running while they were are work and sleeping.


Darkfall was/is crap.

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And that's what I didn't like about it.


Everyone had the same exact skills, and most of those people leveled them up with bots and macros that they kept running while they were are work and sleeping.


Darkfall was/is crap.


You must have died.. a lot..

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Meridian 59 - During Red Skies


Early days of MMO before all this other crap had come out (even before UO). Every so often the GMs would turn the skies red. At that point it was all out carnage - no area was safe, no rules just kill or be killed. Imagine the GMs releasing the locks on the imperial fleet where anyone could attack anybody at any time with no penalty.


My second favorite was Meridian 59 during beta testing (circa 1995). The graveyard would bring out all the Pkillers. You always had to look over your shoulder at all times. It was pure glorious chaos.



Team Based - Dark Age of Camelot

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Loved UO, but didn't play it that much the PvP side of things anyways, just cause I think my friends were not that into it, after that I didn't care and started doing my own thing.


SWG was awesome fun, the way the Jedi were actually mysterious etc, just like the movie they did REALLY well (I played before expac packs etc though, but I really enjoyed it)


Asherons Call 2 was really good PvP was none of this 2 shotting someone was really solid pvp.


Planetside was damnnnnn fun, use to play with my brother for hours and hours every day on this thing, was great!


WoW was awesome in its day, I actually enjoyed Vanilla a LOT, TM vs SS was really really good world PvP. Saying this they did go through all modes, cause I really enjoyed BG's also when they first came out, Enchancement Shaman with WF was awesome. Also Mage. Single shotting stuff was fun back then but then it moved on also to nice things with Arena , resil na all that as well. It's probably the only game I enjoyed every element of but it got old (like all things do) so got boring after so long.


Age of Conan was really fun PvP wise, I dunno it didn't keep me cause of balance I think, plus WAR came out and well WAR was damn awesome, some of the most fun I've EVER had in PvP, it is insanely good but well the people didn't know how to run an MMO (reminds me of SWTOR actually) and the game got ruined, nerf after nerf (of the wrong classes, again reminds me of SWTOR) and the OP ones were left as is, people got over it and left.


Didn't like Guild Wars the original, I'm really hoping GW2 is a lot better (it certainly looks the goods)


Saying that I really REALLY hoped SWTOR was a lot better than it currently is, I think its getting worse if that is even possible, performance, balance etc all seemed even better at release than it is now... (again reminds me of WAR in that department, although I had more fun there...) and the game is STILL really REALLY buggy for me , huge fps issues, rubberbanding is the worst in pvp I've ever experienced EVER, de targeting in pvp for no reason, the list just goes on....


Now look what you made me do OP, I miss all those games! Oh the memory's....

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