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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Leveling 9/10

PvE Endgame 5/10

Flashpoints 6/10 (*bumped up due to the addition of Kaon Under Siege)

PvP 3/10 ( another failed Warzone/Battleground model vice open zone PvP)

UI 2/10 ( no combat logs, very little customization)



I'm looking forward to seeing these numbers increase over time, Bioware's endgame plan is incomplete at launch so it should be interesting to see how it develops over the next few months.

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10/10 Leveling


9/10 End game,



People need to keep in mind, no MMO is perfect. While we have that on our minds SW:TOR is still a new game. It will take time for everything to get to where it gets better. See all of you need o take your time leveling and just enjoy what you got, becasue things will get better.



TOR is better then Star Wars flavored Everquest.


TOR is better then Farries, Gobblins, Trolls and Orc.


TOR is better then Hobbits, Wizzards, and and winged player characters

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10/10 Leveling


9/10 End game,



People need to keep in mind, no MMO is perfect. While we have that on our minds SW:TOR is still a new game. It will take time for everything to get to where it gets better. See all of you need o take your time leveling and just enjoy what you got, becasue things will get better.



TOR is better then Star Wars flavored Everquest.


TOR is better then Farries, Gobblins, Trolls and Orc.


TOR is better then Hobbits, Wizzards, and and winged player characters



More people need to be like you! So right!!

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Leveling 10/10. Incredible value and fun for the price.


PVP - I enjoy warzone type pvp, so 8/10 for me. I usually dont enjoy pvp, but I'm having fun in Star Wars pvp.


End game pve. 2/10. Bugs and the UI ruin raiding for me. No target of target, lack of combat log, and not being able to beat the stupid puzzle boss in Eternity Vault because it bugs out is infuriating. Karagga on hard mode while I'm sure is doable, isn't very pleasant without target of target. We could do it, but why bother doing something that makes you pissed off because developers forgot to add something so basic to their UI that every other MMO has?


I wasn't concerned about the UI while leveling, but trying to actually do somewhat challenging content, the lack of basic UI features makes me not want to raid. Bioware should be kicking themselves for not focusing on this for all the money they spent.

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Honestly, I was about to unsub while playing a consular. Thank god SI is a lot more fun because I don't feel pushed into acting like a panz.


Leveling - 7/10: Basically as fun as WoW was the first time I leveled. WoW had more variety as you level in terms of questing areas. I feel stuck on Taris right now, horrible planet. The way mobs are arranged is annoying as is getting from point A to point B as they are stationed in pathways, 3 or 4 at a time. Also, they should do something about knocking people off mounts after one hit. The V/O is alright I guess, but not necessary.


Other stuff - 2/10: No combat log?! SERIOUSLY? No server forums (STILL, Allison Berryman or whoever is making those decisions needs to be moved to an area that they understand, people WANT server forums, they WANT a place to smack talk with guys on their server, they WANT to goof around and post dumb youtube vids without having the thread closed) no UI customization at all, which wouldn't bother me as much if the UI wasn't terrible to start with...hate having chat at the top. AH ui is horrible too. Corridor worlds, stupid amounts of instanced zones and zero world PvP son't help either.


6/10 overall. I lol @ people who flame people who don't like this game like the fervent fanboy zealots they are. This game TRIES to be WoW but fails to do all the things WoW does well. "I hate WoW!!11! But I LOOOOOVE this cheap WoW clone beecuz it STAR WURRRZ!!!!11! :csw_bluesaber:"


I waited too long for this game to give up on it quickly, but I sincerely hope that they have some different things in store for the future. I'm frustrated that Bioware, after dropping the stinking turd called Dragon Age 2, is now going downhill. Worried for ME3, my fave game franchise. They used to innovate, and SWTOR feels stale after a little more than a month.

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Leveling 4/10.


Voice Acting 8/10.


End Game 0/10.


PvP 0/10.


Flashpoints 5/10.


World PvP 0/10. Non-existent.


Open world feel 1/10.


Alive feel of the game -10/10.


Customer service 3/10.


Moderation -5/10.


Game engine -100/100


Wow, you pretty much picked my ratings for me.....friends http://www.swtor.com/community/images/swtor/icons/icon7.gif

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Individual Class Storylines: 10 of 10 (Imp Agent is 20 of 10 it's that good)


General Quest Storylines: 1st time around 8 of 10 (deduct 1 for every alt you have to do them with).


PvP: 7 of 10 (till you realize its what you have grind endlessly to gear up, then it's 1 of 10)


Ilum: -5 of 10 (the worst timesink I've ever seen in any game)


Galactic Market: 4 of 10


Flashpoints: Black Talon 9 of 10, all else 5 of 10


User Interface: 0 of 10


Chat options: 0 of 10

Edited by quarlo
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8/10 levling

8/10 end game I have lots of stuff to do at end game, pvp, craft, hardmode flashpoints, more options at end game here than some mmo's that thave been out for years, all mmo;s pretty much have the same stuff at end game nothing new /shrug

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8/10 Leveling - Standard Bioware story telling even if you have to do some quests over again with alts, but Flashpoints, PvP and Space Missions allows you to skip a lot of it the second time around.


6/10 End Game - Operations Hardmode Flashpoints are a bit buggy, especially annoying when the loot system is broken or it gives the wrong type of loot after hours of play time.... Open World PvP is a joke, needs some major work... Although Warfronts are still fun just wish there were more of them... Also wish there was a bit more originality with end game instead of the standard fare

Edited by Monoth
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