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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes I do.


I believe that it needs to be fleshed out more, but that's just something that comes with time. Really enjoying the questing and story (I don't usually like "kill 10" quests, but if there's a reason why,and there's good voice acting behind it, I'm sold)

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I'm taking my time and enjoying the game for what it is... Sure there are some issue they need to hammer out like end game pvp but overall im having fun...


I went into this game knowing it was going to be a Dragon Age / Mass Effect style game mixed in with MMO components and thats pretty much what I got...


I think to many were expecting a SWG / WoW hybrid...



People complaining about SWTOR are going to do the same thing when Blizzard releases Titan, the people with no jobs or social life who can play 10-15 hrs a day will burn through the content and then complain how bored they are... It happens with EVERY MMO...

Edited by Monoth
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also, to folks so angry and 'canceling' over small bugs and fixes, I am betting you don't own any OS for your computer that you are typing on, don't own an iphone or any other mobile item of any kind, or a car as they break and have bugs in the software, etc.


Point is, nothing is perfect, but to rail on a game, any game and saying you had enough cause bugs aren't fixed yet in almost 2 month's time is ludicrous.


The problem extends for most people beyond bugs. I have played MMO's now for well over 13 years and have played extremely buggy start up MMO's in a far worse state than this game and stayed with them because they where ACTUAL MMO's that had some semblance of a community.


Go read back through this thread and you will see it come up time and time again people don't mention the fact that it's just bugs for why they are quitting but it's the fact that this game is not an MMO it is a very well done single player game.


There has been far too much attention payed to the "Single player story" in this game and not enough to actually what makes an MMO Massively Multi-player. The worlds are too small, There is no world PvP at all there are no proper systems to engage the community into playing together and fostering an actual community to grow.


This game has managed to create little bubbles for people with the single player story arcs and player zones all over the place that it has left the feeling of lifelessness all over the game. Add to the fact that it is far too easy to level in this game with a very small cap to reach max level and it's wasteland while you're out leveling in the world.


The only time I even seen other players in this game while leveling where in the early worlds when people were looking to do early group based heroic quests and after Dromund Kass that dropped off significantly. There is little to no zone chat going on in any zone at all that I spent over 4 hours on Dromund Kass on my first playthrough and there where over 130 people playing in that 4 hour period, Not a single word was spoken in the chat.


This game has great story arcs and character development but I cannot ever seen them making changes enough to allow this game to grow into an actual MMO and I refuse to pay monthly for a single player game.

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No - They have already begun nerfing everything from classes to crew skills. I dont see a future for this game, especially not in the PvP area.


edit - I feel like Im paying to play a game that should still be in beta.


unsubbed, enjoy your single player game guys.

Edited by Alwaysthirsty
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Log on, 1 Que up for Hutball, 5 mins


2 Spam LFG,Hm's 4 hour's


3 Go to Ilum, Fight Imp's for create's. 3 hour's


So I tend to play Hut ball. Val-or 62, Its fun.


No, cancelled, Will come back march. For a month, See if they fix FPS, Camera, SLI, More than 10 toons on screen with out crapping out, Icon Lock Buttons to work, Select targeting to work 100%





AND What really KILLS iT ABILITY DELAY . When they fix and sever mergers i be back.


Computer, is very fast.

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Got boring. Voice overs are more irritating than anything. The community sucks.. As it should they went after wows sub base. There no socializing aspects in this game. Pvp was extremely exploited and not rolled back. End game pvp is not balanced. Server populations have died considerably regardless of their claims of 1.7 million subs. Bioware did not have the proper personal working on this game.. I.e EA mythic is top to bottom a mega failure. Ill never buy bioware or ea again after the long wait and hype for this trash.

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Guys it's also because this game just released last month give the devs a couple of more months to add in extra content....


Not sure if its the content thats the biggest issue.


Its more of a game design and mechanic sort of issue. Its UI and usablity things that have left out, not applying best practices (observing and using where appropriate game mechanics that have proven to be successful).


Some things are deeply ingrained into the game design and would take a big shift away from their current thinking (not to mentions large changes) to change.


Some things can be added (not content based) but by then the hoarse has already bolted.


I will continue to monitor how the game is progressing and if some significant change occurs down the line i will come back because I like the game concept of being at war with either the reblic or the sith in a Star Wars theme.

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283 for NO


320 for YES




Click here to view results in pie-chart form.




REMINDER: Do NOT respond to flaming, baiting, trolling, or anything of the like. You have your opinion, they have theirs. Be the mature party and walk away to keep this thread in excellent condition.


REMINDER #2: Do NOT vote twice. If I see more of this, I will discount your previous vote and throw you on ignore list so you stop screwing up my ALREADY time consuming and confusing task of tallying these.


Updated from page 78 to CURRENT. As always, counted twice and made supreme effort to maintain overall accuracy. Where vote was unclear, added to undecideds per usual.


Continue on, updating periodically.

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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to WoW.


~No arguing/provoking others. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


CURRENT TOTALS (As of page 89, 02/02/2012) IN FORM OF PIE CHART:




***Please Note: I am periodically tallying all YES, NO, and UNCLEAR/UNDECIDED votes every few pages and posting the results for the interest of all. It helps me to tally if you make plain your decision. Limit votes to once per thread. Unclear answers will be attributed to UNDECIDED category. Thank you.






SWTOR is so extrem in every direction .. extrem good at many things, extrem bad at others. For me its alright, as long as i see futher development.

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Dissatisfied with identical classes, repetitive leveling content, and PVP. No motivation to play at 50 due to lack of dungeon finder. I normally enjoy healing but UI is a pain to heal with. Sadface. Subscription expires in a few weeks; not renewing at this time.

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