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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Do people even read what other people post? I never said PVP is the main aspect of this game. PVE obviously is. What I am disputing is that PVP is 'a small part'. BW has made and continues to make decisions to institute and improve PVP content. They obviously think PVP is an important aspect of the game.



PVP is a part of the game, and quite an important part, but i heard the number 80% being banded around. and i would argue that point PvP is not 80% of the game, and nor does the fact there is 40% PvP servers make me think PvP is the main aspect of endgame. i believe PvP endgame is a personal thing which ppl will have different views on

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Overall... no.

I think I'm only playing it because nothing else interests me at the moment.

Waiting on GW2.


Overall, I'm getting a little tired of companies releasing incomplete games as if it's ok simply because it's an MMO.

You have the most people at release. If they like the game they will stay with it. Nobody wants to pay for a work in progress, unless it already has a lot of features and is fun, and adding more will just be over-the-top awesome.


SWTOR literally is boring as a whole and falls way below customer expectations for an MMO in 2012.


Correlia is possibly the worst zone I have ever seen in an MMO. It was actually painful to play through... like REALLY painful.

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Yes I do.


There is, however, much room for improvement and a need for fixes. It is very fun and I am having a blast. How long it stays that way is up to BW. I will not play for longer than 5-6 months in the current state. I do have faith that I will be given many reasons to continue to play after that time period.

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Do people even read what other people post? I never said PVP is the main aspect of this game. PVE obviously is. What I am disputing is that PVP is 'a small part'. BW has made and continues to make decisions to institute and improve PVP content. They obviously think PVP is an important aspect of the game.


It is apparent you don't remember what you wrote:


At endgame PVP is one of the biggest, and only, time sinks there is. Also, there is a reason that 40% of the servers are PVP.


When you say something is the "only" time sink there is, how are readers supposed to interpret that?

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Just don't find the story engaging enough. Got bored at level 42 on a sorc and thought it was the class. Rerolled a BH and got to level 30 - Was just bored of the same old quests. Once you see past the deliverance of the quest, it's the same old fetch quests found in every MMO.

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I enjoyed the leveling experience but the pvp and end game content at 50 was extremely disappointing and boredom has set in. I want a game I can enjoy and not feel like I am having to put in countless hours of my time just to get there. I can forgive the bugs and severe lack of "fixes" but the game overall, is still quite lacking.

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I think it's o.k. right now.


It could be better, and there are things I'd love to see in place. There is so much possibility with this game and yet I feel it's barely been tapped, I guess I'm consistently disappointed they didn't take it just a little farther...


However to answer your question, Yes I like it. However, I'm taking a different approach to this game as I have with others and simply just enjoying the process... I have yet to reach max level and thus could be very disappointed when I get there. There really doesn't seem to be a whole lot of options nor a definite feeling of progression.

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No end game to speak of. Crafting is terrible. PvP Is dull. Engine is terrible and wont support 15+ people on screen pvping.


Its simplistic, no day/night cycle, no swimming, etc.


Thats what you get for a decade old engine that was made by a company that creates text based rpgs.

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No, the end game PvP did it for me. 1-49 was fun.


Edit - I have 4 friends who came into this game with me. All 4 say the same thing. 2 have already unsubscribed as well as most of our guild who happen to be game designers, developers, and involved heavily in MMOs. They liked the leveling, but there was little or no incentive for them to continue since it was such a single player game.


1- make content harder, more rewards for multiple players

2- allow for lower level and higher level classes to level together. A sidekick type system.

3- little or no player action with the other faction unless in warzones. There should be more cross player encounters


These are just a few thoughts. Tons more that could be done for the game for player interaction.

Edited by OdinsBloods
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Because I'm enjoying my gameplay, enough said!


Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?


~No talk about/comparison to wow.


~No flaming/arguing. You get your say, everyone else gets their say too.


~If someone annoys you, IGNORE THEM. You have your opinion, they have theirs.


~No fanboyism and/or hater banter.



Just a simple YES or NO answer with a brief description of why you feel that way. This should give a clear look at the current mood of this forum with regards to SWTOR in it's current state.


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For a single player RPG it's fine for one playthrough. It does not justify a monthly fee the slightest, however hard i try, i can't see this as an MMO...


I regret to say i really had higher hopes from a developer like Bioware, and such a great IP that Star Wars is...

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