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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Sadly I must say No, the game is too linear and too restrictive I am not yet level 50, and I will keep playing some more months, but I think I wil get bored very quickly with this mmorpg. This game really misses the open world/galaxy feel, and could use some more sandboxy elements like housing and decoraction, cosmetic gear like in lotro, and a better pvp.
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Q: Do you like SWTOR in it's current state?




It is too restrictive, too repetetive and feels too much like a single player game. Leveling the first character up to 50, exploring, doing all quests and flashpoints was a great experience, but after this I feel like having seen the credits and its game over.

Edited by DarthWayfarer
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While i am expecting more issues and bugs to be fixed, and await fro new endgame content (both of them are being worked on according to the dev posts). This game is not perfect, far from it, but it is fun to play. The key factor is that when you find a good guild to join with nice people there the game looks and is far more great.

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This is a loaded question. There are things that need fixing. Period. But most of the problems are just bugs and polish issues. And the problems that are major (like crafting being out of whack) are things that you can't really anticipate pre-launch, so it's understandable that it'll take time to adjust.


I just think people need to take a step back and stop raging. And that's saying something, considering I'm the biggest Blizzard fanboy you'll ever find.

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It is too restrictive, too repetetive and feels too much like a single player game. Leveling the first character up to 50, exploring, doing all quests and flashpoints was a great experience, but after this I feel like having seen the credits and its game over.


You just described every MMO there has ever been (and likely ever will be).

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yes and no


yes the game is great. nuff said

NO because of all the showstopper bugs,...(especially towards the endgame lv40+)


im NOT going to unsub,.....i love the game and want to enjoy many more years from it, but when my playtime is over im not gonna buy new ones,... instead il wait a few months till bioware has at least ironed out the big showstopping bugs.


i already paid for a broken game,... yeah sux but nothing i can do about that.

but im not gonna continue to fork out money for a broken expierence that frustrates to no end.


/opinion voiced

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Don't get how anyone can like the game in the current state. Sure, it has it nice moments, but there are too many features missing or just crappy implemented at moment (lacking features should be easy to fix - just implement them), there are some bad design decisions (some might get changed in time, some might not be possible to change anymore), there are a vast number of bugs (some are pretty minor, but some are really annoying).


So at moment I have to say no, but there is still hope and I will stay at least until patch 1.2 around.

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If I may ask for a favor:


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Overall I would have to say YES, and I couldn't say it enough, however due to the devs' inability to fix the little things that I would imagine more than half the community plays for, it's a big fat NO.

Simple things such as terribly buggy end game bosses. Loot bugs that still persist from beta. Unbalanced classes that remain an afterthought. No LFG system at all. Flashpoint bugs. Non-customizable UI.

If you were playing only by yourself forever, this game would be next to perfect, but unfortunately that is NOT what an MMO is about.

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