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The next person who says operatives got buffed...


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Seriously people, quit posting things like "stop qqing you got buffed because your 1.5 second knockdown doesnt fill resolve bar."

Do I need to point out the obvious?

- minus 20% armor penetration. So our out of stealth burst dps was OP before. -20% armor penetration simply makes our already poor steady DPS even worse.

- 20% nerf to shoot first / hidden strike. That destroyed our out of stealth burst.

- Knockdown lasts only 1.5 seconds BUT we can use stun immediate following it because it no longer fills the resolve bar. So about all this accomplishes is giving us the opportunity to blow all of our CC to keep you stunned initially, then left with nothing as you break our dirty kick/debilitate and drop us down due to the fact that we have little survivability in comparison to other classes out of stealth.


Operatives/scoundrels did not get buffed, people who continue to post such lies are simply ignorant.


Dont get me wrong, I still do decent on my scoundrel. I am able to easily run away from people due to the fact that flash bang stuns you for (is it 8 seconds?) and sever tendon roots you momentarily. You wont catch me, and I wont kill you. Just don't go ignorantly shouting "operatives got buffed."

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They kill me just as quick, if not quicker.


Fail nerf was fail.


Dead in >10 seconds flat, stunned and lying down (the animation itself takes forever) for the most of that.


Yeah, good stuff really.

Edited by Jebi
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So doing 20% less initial burst damage and 3-8% less sustained damage makes you die quicker?


Apparently so, maybe their nerf got uh.. bugged, and they added an extra 20% instead of subtracting it?


Either way, the nerf was intended to make PVP fights last longer.


FAIL. Oh, unless people now die in 7 seconds instead of 6? Yay!


Poor OP's. Guess you all realise another nerf is heading your way shortly.. so you are trying to get in early?


TLDR: Operatives got buffed. :eek::p

Edited by Jebi
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I'm a Champion 50 Operative.


If you can't adapt to the small change by pressing 1 extra button, you are a baddie. -1000 burst damage is not that big a deal in PVP. 3 Shot turned over 3 seconds turned into 5 shot over 5 seconds. Yeah its harder but it didnt ruin the class


Meanwhile, PVE got screwed hard because it's minus 10-20% damage over a long period of time...ridiculous since I never heard any QQ about PVE overpowered.


GG Blizz

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some smuggler and operatives i saw tonight just seemed to not be able to adjust to the changes while a couple of us did and if anything are doing even more damage in warzones. you just have to realize you are not going to get off massive hit and hope to kill before kited. going to have to rely a bit more on range tactics as well. I am sure other players will in turn adjust to our adjustments and that is when the nerfs will really show.
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I'm a Champion 50 Operative.


If you can't adapt to the small change by pressing 1 extra button, you are a baddie. -1000 burst damage is not that big a deal in PVP. 3 Shot turned over 3 seconds turned into 5 shot over 5 seconds. Yeah its harder but it didnt ruin the class


Meanwhile, PVE got screwed hard because it's minus 10-20% damage over a long period of time...ridiculous since I never heard any QQ about PVE overpowered.


GG Blizz


that is where it bothers me too the acid blade reduction for bosses and heavy armor players

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I'm a Champion 50 Operative.


If you can't adapt to the small change by pressing 1 extra button, you are a baddie. -1000 burst damage is not that big a deal in PVP. 3 Shot turned over 3 seconds turned into 5 shot over 5 seconds. Yeah its harder but it didnt ruin the class


Meanwhile, PVE got screwed hard because it's minus 10-20% damage over a long period of time...ridiculous since I never heard any QQ about PVE overpowered.


GG Blizz


Whos gonna ***** about PvE?? lololol Kraggas Palace Boss says Ops are OP and need to be nerfed and need to do less dmg LMAO i think they did fine with the nerf they didnt get buffed your just facing Ops that have most thier BM gear now since they got 4 boxes today alone so they hit really hard ya i get melted by Ops that have 17k hp (TY Ilum) so i just have to stick it out and once i get my BM gear then i will make judgements till then i think its ok and should be left alone commando/merc well thats a whole new ball park

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They kill me just as quick, if not quicker.


Fail nerf was fail.


Dead in >10 seconds flat, stunned and lying down (the animation itself takes forever) for the most of that.


Yeah, good stuff really.


You sir should be ashamed to post that on the forums after the nerf. Go back, work around and practice, because bringing down classes to match your incompetence....sorry it won't do.

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You sir should be ashamed to post that on the forums after the nerf. Go back, work around and practice, because bringing down classes to match your incompetence....sorry it won't do.


ITP: an operative.



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*agrees with OP, facepalms at everyone else*


It's not more control. It simply isn't. Scoundrels and Operatives are burning a second stun to get that "more control". Which means they are down a stun later in a long/group fight. Why can't people understand that?


Plus, the knock down is very buggy now, and doesn't trigger right away on damage, making it very unpredictable in a fight.

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Decent sorcs have become hardly killable solo. It is all about their skill and cds. Just because they control the flow of battle. You can win but anyway you should blow all cds and be easy target during next 2 minutes.

But most still die helpless.

Mercs - guess what?


But still performing well. The good thing I can select targets and geared full hp chars just not my targets anymore.

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