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A Spoiled Playerbase Spoiling a Great Game


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What is truly funny is that most of the people are playing and enjoying the game and don't even bother with the forums. Some will check on class, some will check on suggestions, some come to community, but most wisely avoid the general and abundant QQ, flame, rage quit.


If you go by the few posters to judge a game, you will sorely miss the majority that are just playing and having fun.


You are correct to an extent. If people are enjoying the game, they normally don't get involved in forum wars. They would rather spend their time playing. After I purchased the game, I never even read the forums until I went there to find out if their 1.2 patch balance/problems were some kind of terrible programming mistake.


I now read the forums and find something odd - there are just as many people defending the game as there are attacking it. That tells me that something is seriously wrong with the game - otherwise people who are defending the game would be playing it and having fun instead of wasting time fighting on the forums!


Yes, you can tell a lot about the community by reading the forums!

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Here is the thing for those of us who are level headed and disappointed with the game. It COULD be a great game and should be one at that. However, between veteran Dev's who can't fix bugs without causing new major ones and poor customer service why complain about the players who leave?


After all it is their money and they expect a quality gaming experience and are not receiving it. With a game that has had years in the works with roughly a year of Beta and going into the half year mark now since release we should be better of than this.


The only valid excuse would be if they WERE new to the MMO world, but they are not. Not to mention the fact the the MMO genre itself is not new to the world so they had plenty of things to learn FROM. By the way if you did your research you would see the RIFT had just as clean, if not cleaner, launch as TOR and TOR still has not gotten past its launch hiccups.

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To counter any and all topics on this subject. I regret not doing research on the game i was to purchase as i normaly do.


Hey its freakn star war how bad can it be?


To my suprise after playing 10 minutes, well actualy more like 2 minutes..Gota create the toon make a name..then wait for like 5 minutes in load screen..such joy. Then once im into my first 2 minutes of playing..first thought comes to mind..aw man! freakn copy of wow!!!.


months later the more i play the more i grow to hate the game.

Edited by HumanSheild
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Why is the OP comparing Vanilla WoW(8 years ago) to SWTOR? Apples and oranges...


Anyway, the reason people complain is because they're paying customers. We pay $150+ to play this game yearly. That's quite a bit. That's as much as my gym membership. If a piece of equipment doesn't work in my gym I certainly expect it to get fixed.


And not everyone is "screaming obscenities." There's nothing wrong with constructive criticism.



The problem isn't with criticism, its with people who think they understand how MMOs work and offer criticism and advice when they really don't understand what it is they are asking for or talking about.


Games have limits of what you can and cannot do. Many of the problems are with the limits of hardware and software. Think about how many different configurations of computer systems are there? How many can a company test even with beta testing? How many different configurations are you going to try and get the game to work on, if you get it working on one what effect will it have on the others. This is just one of the countless issues a company faces.


Players want to compare this to other games that have been out for years and wonder why isn't this game as bug free? Players often do sound like spoiled brats even if they are not trying to.

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Seriously people this is a great game, and he just expressed his opinion, on how he feels but no, just like youtube, everyone only has the ability to spread hate, and feel like everything anyone says, is a threat against there beliefs... GROW UP PEOPLE.... WE LIVE IN THE 21st CENTURY AND ALL EVERYONE DOES IS COMPLAIN AND WHINE. Get out of your basement(not to be rude to those who actually do live in the basement unless you are one of the before mentioned people) and GET A LIFE.... I dont mean stop playing SWTOR but seriously the games been out for almost 5 months now. Sorry they can't live up to your expectations, yet. You people act like great games were invented without any problems whatsoever. Cough, Cough CoD games Cough. Your spoiled, immature, and unfortuantly more busy pointing out problems in a game that hasn't even been a year old yet, then you are with real world events. Its really sad. I love this game and will continue to subscribe until this game dies like Star Wars Galaxy did, a respectful death. Play video games but lower your expectations its, 2012 not 2120.
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I liked SWTOR, but i see it as a threat.

The game is ok but i would much rather play a much better SW MMO, like SWG.

While BW had a nice try i feel like someone would be able to do a much better job, but since there i SWTOR it seems there is no reason for someone to attempt a better SW:MMO.

I don't want to see this game die, i just want an MMO that feels more like Star Wars, and is less of a theme-park type MMO.

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OP, just some food for thought.


You compare the player base to spoiled children and then equate Bioware to the parents? Bioware is a business, not the guardian of the player base. Ridiculously false analogy, because Bioware in no way takes responsibility for the rearing or public displays of the player base, as a parent would for a child. Weird choice, really.


Second, Bioware is a company offering a product that they presented in a particular light. When Bioware gave a release date, and followed through, they were claiming "Our game is ready, come enjoy it...for money!" Of course players were excited and quickly paid. The truth, however, is that the game was not as polished as one could hope.


While the argument has been put forward that "all" MMOs have had similar problems, and so Bioware shouldn't be judged too harshly, the truth is that precisely because so many MMOs have experienced similar difficulty that SWTOR should have done better. The list of problems can be researched as easily as you did. The number of patches required, common problems, etc. Given how many MMOs have existed and been thoroughly fleshed out and taken apart and studied from every direction till Ragnarok, Bioware should have been able to provide a more polished product out the gate. Customers know this, and so when the product that was advertised, and that they have paid for, isn't up to snuff...they complain.


Third, they complain on the FORUMS. The very place where players are invited to come and share their thoughts, feelings, angst and anger. You're claim that the player base who is upset with these items should not complain on the forums is like getting upset that someone filled a comment box at Taco Bell to say "Your tacos were awful, honestly thought it was rat meat." Why have a comment card? Why have game forums? It's not as though players are protesting outside the Bioware offices, or attempting to have LucasArts shut the whole project down. They are voicing their complaints in the only real way they can be sure it will be heard by Bioware; the company's forum.


Finally; the arrogance! This adopting of a superior attitude because you are apparently more willing to accept manure when steak was promised. Congratulations on having small expectations and lacking the strength of character to raise a cry alongside you're betters. The only conclusion that I can come to is that you think this will buy you brownie points with the community, with Bioware, or that your post will assure others of your intellectual. emotional, and ethical superiority. Given this, you are clearly a despicable boot-licker of the worst kind.


I honestly can't imagine that you thought your little diatribe would result in anything but backlash from the community. I really hope you are a young person, because naivete on this scale would be tragic in an adult.




To the OP: They over-hyped this game and when people got in there and saw that it lacked passion, depth,was repetitve, and just in general had a crappy engine and no world vs world pvp in a game where you have the "Republic vs Empire", it made 0 sense to folks. So in your words anyone that complains is a spoiled brat? True, some kids are spoiled, but some of us expect better considering they have so much in terms of resources to pull from. You fail at trolling the community dude,please, don't quit your day job.

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OP, no one gives a **** about you and your mmo experience. I've played mmos longer than you and i think this game is a complete mess. How's that for you?


I agree with this.

Anyone that blindly wants to hand money out to people that don't deserve can give it to me. It is not the customers fault. It's our fault BW ...

1. Didn't look at all the MMO's and figure out what they had that they needed to have in release of the game. (server merges/player transfers/FFS MACROS?)

2. Didn't look at popularity trends of mmos besides WoW. They would have seen the player base drop hugely in all of the games from 3-6 months.

3. Told us to reroll. Like a month ago. After 5 months of playing on a server. We all don't play 8 hours a day. Not leaving a WH toon. I was always a one toon kind of guy.

4. Have little D'bags like the op tell us its our fault. We pay money and should have a impinion on the game we play. Sorry but the general community normally wants to make the game better.

5. For the last 4 weeks the forums have cried. No answer from BW trying to tell us anything except reroll on fatman. THIS IS INEXCUSABLE.


I understand that you can't make everyone happy. But you can try?

Edited by mikedee
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Before I purchased this game, the forums had mostly good things to say (besides the normal, nerf this, nerf that) so I decided to go ahead and try it. After reading the current forums, there is no way I would ever try this game because it is obvious that the majority of people who tried the game don't like it for one reason or another. The current subscription numbers only confirm that


That is a mistake right there because no game forums represents the views of the majority of the players. People who are generally happy with the game and aren't looking for information just don't post on the forums in large numbers.


The current subscription numbers are fine for a game that has been out less than 6 months, the initial rush fueled by the marketing hype at launch has played out, but that is to be expected for every game that launches in a competitive market.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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People expect a lot from these games now days, and the amount of technical problems the game is still having with people is driving them away. How was releasing the game before its ready benefiting anyone but their shareholders? It just is not good business sense, the game is not doing as well as it could because of their greed.


Microsoft does this all the time. If software companies waited until all the bugs were out they'd never release anything. Besides not matter how hard you try beta testing is never going to find the things that a huge player base banging on this game constantly will find. Maybe BW should sweeten the deal for us. I like the game enough to put up with annoying things for now. If this was the lead contender for all the stuff I need to worry about in my life I'd consider my journey through life a remarkable one. Just saying.

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I agree with this.

Anyone that blindly wants to hand money out to people that don't deserve can give it to me. It is not the customers fault. It's our fault BW ...

1. Didn't look at all the MMO's and figure out what they had that they needed to have in release of the game. (server merges/player transfers/FFS MACROS?)

2. Didn't look at popularity trends of mmos besides WoW. They would have seen the player base drop hugely in all of the games from 3-6 months.

3. Told us to reroll. Like a month ago. After 5 months of playing on a server. We all don't play 8 hours a day. Not leaving a WH toon. I was always a one toon kind of guy.

4. Have little D'bags like the op tell us its our fault. We pay money and should have a impinion on the game we play. Sorry but the general community normally wants to make the game better.

5. For the last 4 weeks the forums have cried. No answer from BW trying to tell us anything except reroll on fatman. THIS IS INEXCUSABLE.


I understand that you can't make everyone happy. But you can try?


You might have had a good point if you'd not resorted to name calling. Just because you don't agree with someone there isn't any point in the forums of calling anyone a "little D'bag" as you so eloquently put it if you're trying to make an intelligent observation.

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OP why do you post in orange text like you work for bioware or something? get ur nose out of the moderaters butt and breathe.


There are so many things wrong with this game and players, who pay a monthly service fee, DESERVE to have their complaints heard and addressed. got a problem with that? then move to china

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I wanted to give my own opinion over the recent forum outbursts of rage-quits, fps complaints, and dirty patches, but first I'll give a little information about myself.


I have come to SWTOR with a large experience with other MMOs including WoW (7 years), Everquest 2(4 years), and SWG (9 years [since beta]) - I have seen patches, bugs, fps problems, class exploits, quest bugs, & many other threads like those seen here on these forums about such topics.


Now - My Case:


I have thoroughly enjoyed SWTOR since releases and hope to continue to enjoy it for many years to come, but I have come to worry that a percentage of spoiled players are going to spoil this game as well as WoW and SWG had spoiled in the later years. Before I continue I'd like to give the definition of the type of spoiled I'm talking about:


"A spoiled child (also called a spoiled brat) is a child that exhibits behavioral problems from overindulgence by his or her parents. Spoiled children may be described as overindulged, grandiose, narcissistic or egocentric-regressed."


My friends, SWTOR has been out for only two months and has successfully pulled off one of the smoothest launches in all of MMO history - as well as creating thrilling stories as well as a overall good game. I do believe that there are problems in SWTOR and there are many things, I, myself are not happy about- Believe me.


FPS, Loading, Memory Leaks, and general problems being some of many things I find unworthy of the great game that SWTOR can be. Am I going to throw a temper-tantrum and cry to mommy about these issues? No. Am I going to flame the forums and threaten to cancel my subscription? No.


What some spoiled players seem to forget is that every MMO in history has started in this same way.


All of these complaints can not be addressed at once - they have to be systematically solved just like patients are prone to triage in a hospital. People - Bioware is a buisness, with deadlines, managers, and corporate heads; just like how Governments are full of different bodies of power. Bills take time to pass as well as patches take time to be made!


Frankly I'd rather them worry about getting guildships, banks, and a custom UI before dealing with these time consuming things like memory leaks which would mean large amounts of programming and overhaul.


Do I think this game was released 6 months too early? Yes - am I glad its out? Hell Yes.


WoW's peak didn't come until 3-4 years after launch. The first 2 years were filled with server downtime and crashes along with horrid glitches. What do you expect? These games are made at scales 10x larger than that of Halo or Hello Kitty Island Adventures and there for take 10x times longer to build everything.


Frankly EA and Bioware spent way too much money on SWTOR to ignore the things that need to be dealt with, but you as consumers, threatening, screaming & yelling, and flaming like a spoiled 6 year old in JC Penny does not make this situation any better. If you think you can make a better game in less time, do it.


Calm down, take a Xanax, and try not to ruin it for the rest of us. I'm not asking you to stop wanting, it'd just be nice if ya'll can calm down and let Bioware do its job. Seriously - its only been two months.


As for me, I'll be playing just as I have since launch - waiting and watching this game get better.


Here's the list of things I'd like to see in SWTOR patches in the future -

1. Safe Travel Roads - I miss being able to travel freely without being attacked every ten seconds from any direction. It slows gameplay down and feels unnatural to star wars.


When luke traveled to Ben the hermits place in IV I didn't see him stop every 10 seconds to fight monsters and get yanked off his speeder.


2. PATS - I believe that patrolling elites are broken, especailly with the fact that all mobs can't be pulled apart one at a time, you have to fight all or none - and as a healer from my experience 99% of the times that a PAT comes in my direction if I don't CC I'm dead.


3. Music - Where is it? I've youtubed the soundtrack to SWTOR most songs are only 1:00 minute to 2:00 minutes long, where are the SWTOR ballads I've come to love?


4. Sorc Heal Leveling - it's quite hard; I did it just for the fact that I love healing and doing it in Heroics and Flashpoints, Respecs are too expensive to swap over and over.


4a. Respecs - make them cheaper or add duel specs. Actually just add duel specs.


5. I'd like less loading screens


6. Voss needs a wider pallet of mobs; do they know that they have a Nexu infestation? its worse than the show infested on Discovery. (Personally I think the guy in charge of placing mobs on Voss just kinda went crazy) - please look into it.


7. I'd like to feel like my 1,200$ computer is worth something - less FPS bugs please? and while you are at it stop clogging my computer with leaks.


8. I'd also like IP recognition for activators - If I accidentally close my game and want to sign back on real fast, please don't make me go get my tablet every time.


9. I personally thing that segregating 50s PvP wasn't the best idea, I as a healer on the Sith side loved playing mixed PvP, now that I only match up with 15-20s I've stopped PvPing until 50


I wonder if the OP plays or is even still a subscriber...


Last post by the OP was nearly a month ago on 4/20...


How many of the problems the OP cite over THREE months ago are still not corrected? Granted some of those most of us would not consider "problems"...


Food for thought.

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I wonder if the OP plays or is even still a subscriber...


Last post by the OP was nearly a month ago on 4/20...


How many of the problems the OP cite over THREE months ago are still not corrected? Granted some of those most of us would not consider "problems"...


Food for thought.

LOL. OP probably unsubbed. So much for his argument.

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Haha still comparing to WoW's early days are we? Its 2012, wake up. Anyway, would I rather be a spoiled brat or a doormat...hmm. Stop making threads thinking your opinion is important.


And you can stop thinking that "YOUR" opinions are important if you call someone else's opinions unimportant.



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Why do you guys act like a modern release makes it easier to code? If anything it's more complicated than it was then.


Some of you guys just don't understand the process at all.


Yes this game is flawed and has some problems that need to be addressed sooner than later. I've seen people think because the money they've made back they don't care anymore. If they do this right though this game can bring them a lot MORE money. You guys really think BW would forsake their reputation for a few quick bucks as opposed to turning this into a great game and profiting for many years? They want this game to be a success, they are working hard on it.


I'm sure I'll just be called a fanboy though by the people that will soon be complaining nonstop about Tera and GW2.

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Why do you guys act like a modern release makes it easier to code? If anything it's more complicated than it was then.



This made me chuckle a little bit. I remember back in the 90s that my geek friends had the same conversations. They were complaning about the same thing, about how it should be easier to create new games with all the enhanced technologies and knowledge. Things never really change hahaha...

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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