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Whats wrong with RotS


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Padme dying completely destroys one of the important character scenes with Liea and Luke.



in ROTJ Luke asks Liea if she remembers her real mother. Luke is trying to connect with his dead mom and his sister. Leia then tells him she died when she was young, was very beautiful but very sad.


She was sad of course because the man she loved became the Dark Lord of the Sith and because of that she had to separate her twins and she never got to see Luke grow up.



By having Padme die that ENTIRE SCENE IS A LIE.


This is why it happened.


Leia had force powers, this is shown through the EU, and how Vader knew he could turn Luke's sister in RotJ.


Leia didn't know she had force powers, bt subcontiously she could sense who her real mother was, through the force she knew, she just thought that the visualization of her mother came from her young memories, which she said were cloudy.


It's probably not the best eplanaition, but I think it works.


Also, to the bad writing statments, i will direct the ESB lovers to this gem.


Leia: "I love you!"


Han: "...I know."

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Also, to the bad writing statments, i will direct the ESB lovers to this gem.


Leia: "I love you!"


Han: "...I know."


It perfectly fits Han's character.

The romance between Han and Leia came off far better than Anakin and Padme.

A combination of better writing, and making it less central to the plot of the films.


Overall, RoTS is the best of the Prequels. I will gladly watch it and cringe far less than with TPM or AoTC.


Unfortunately the plot for it still feels horribly rushed. In particular Anakin's fall to the Dark Side, helped along by Palpatine's manipulations.

It could have been saved by one thing being in the film, that was in the Xbox/PS2 game of the film. Anakin and Mace Windu battling each other. It could easily have been used to show the shift from Jedi to Fallen Jedi, instead of "What have I done?!" to "Yes, my Master" in the space of a couple of minutes.

Not to mention, a proper display of what Darth Sidious was capable of could have been kept for fighting Yoda, just as it was kept for his torturing Luke in RoTJ.

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For me the most surprising thing about RotS is that many people regard it as the best of the prequels. Personally, I think it is the worst. Everything that is wrong with episodes 1 and 2 is magnified to an even greater degree to the point where it almost feels like parody. Episode 3 is an absolute car crash of terrible scripting, a plot that makes no sense, actors flailing around under what is obviously a total lack of direction, sfx sequences which are so over the top that you cannot even tell what's going on in many sections and fight scenes so ludicrously long that you actually get bored during them.
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I dont really care for the prequels at all. RoTS might not be the worst of them but still its pretty bad.


For one, the audience never really connects with Anakin. Lucas made the prequels to be a character story about Anakin Skywalker but we miss out on the most important parts of his life like his Jedi training and his relationship with Obi-wan. Everything is just slightly mentioned and we just have to assume thats what happened. Obi-wan spoke very highly of Anakin Skywalker calling him a "Good friend" and a wise and powerful jedi. But instead it seems like Anakin was just some punk that kills kids, complains and pisses off Obi most of the time. Doesn't really seem like "Good Friend" material.


The whole entire fight scene at the end was just boring because we dont care for the characters. The scene lasted 30 mins to long and the CGI was just overkill. Obi-wan ultimately won because he "Had the high ground", but what happened when Darth maul had the high ground?


but thats just me i guess.

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What you have to do to enjoy all the star wars movies is watch all of them in one sitting in order (that is to say 1,2,3,4,5,6 not 4,5,6,1,2,3). It makes the whole thing into a way more epic story imo, like listening to all of der ring des nibelungen instead of splitting it up.
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For me the most surprising thing about RotS is that many people regard it as the best of the prequels. Personally, I think it is the worst. Everything that is wrong with episodes 1 and 2 is magnified to an even greater degree to the point where it almost feels like parody. Episode 3 is an absolute car crash of terrible scripting, a plot that makes no sense, actors flailing around under what is obviously a total lack of direction, sfx sequences which are so over the top that you cannot even tell what's going on in many sections and fight scenes so ludicrously long that you actually get bored during them.




How about;






Yoda's escape from Kashyyk far too brief. How about showing us an epic battle between Yoda and Wookies vs Clones.


Anakin a Jedi one minute then killing young Padawans the next.


Obi Wan vs Anakin stupid CGI Blue vs Blue lightsaber fight, complete with ridiculous fighting on top of small robots on a lava river nonsense.


Most of the Jedi falling like lame ducks, especially the 3 who go with Mace Windu to face the Emperor.


Too many meaningless Lightsaber duels, General Grievous, Count Dooku.


Watching the film and knowing exactly what is going to happen to EVERY character.

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the whole luke leia and mum scene in jedi i , well after knowing what we do in rots i assumed luke had some feeling or sense of his true mother through the force and he was just seeing if leia did/had more


i think people forget just how bad the ewoks actually were;)

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This is why it happened.


Leia had force powers, this is shown through the EU, and how Vader knew he could turn Luke's sister in RotJ.


Leia didn't know she had force powers, bt subcontiously she could sense who her real mother was, through the force she knew, she just thought that the visualization of her mother came from her young memories, which she said were cloudy.


It's probably not the best eplanaition, but I think it works.


Also, to the bad writing statments, i will direct the ESB lovers to this gem.


Leia: "I love you!"


Han: "...I know."


that is probably the worst explanation I have ever heard.


You are saying because of the force she remembers her mom who was alive for all of 5 mins?


She says her mother died when she was very young. Not my mother died when she was 5 mins old.


She was very beautiful but sad. In the 5 mins of giving birth she was able to see what she looked like? Then it should have been she was very beautiful but in a lot of pain.


as far as the Han/Leia I love you scene that fits perfectly with his character. Also it's one of the most famous lines from movies of all time.

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I feel Empire is the best movie and all movies decrease in quality by one step every step they get away from Empire.


So Empire is awesome, RotJ and aNH are also really good, RotS is okay, Clone Wars is meh and PM is something Lucas is worthy of death for creating.

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Yoda's escape from Kashyyk far too brief. How about showing us an epic battle between Yoda and Wookies vs Clones.



Most of the Jedi falling like lame ducks, especially the 3 who go with Mace Windu to face the Emperor.


Too many meaningless Lightsaber duels, General Grievous, Count Dooku.



That would be cool, but at the same time, that battle would just alert the entire Clone forces stationed at Kashyyyk of where the Jedi Master, which I bet is high priority on the kill list, would be at. Yoda needed to escape the planet as quickly and quietly as possible.


Betrayal sucks. Especially when you've formed a bond with the troops you've lead in to battle for the past year or two. Like Commander Cody and Obi Wan. From their brief interaction, they seem to be on friendly and laid back terms.


I suppose all 3 Jedi Masters falling to Palpatine was rather quick, but I guess its to demonstrate how powerful he is.


I don't see how they are meaningless. They are generals of the separatists, and they use lightsabers. Grievous was a Jedi hunter ( which they don't explain in the movies) and Dooku was a fallen Jedi. The protagonist were Jedi, and since this movie wraps up the war, light saber battles between them would have been inevitable.


I suppose some of the movie scenes make more sense if you read the books and the comics. The facts that don't interfere with the movie canon that is.

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Ok. Ive heard that reception for episode III can be split into two categories: Awsome as original trilogy, or 'just as bad' as the other prequels.


Ive been wondering, how can anyone think episode III was 'just as bad' as the other prequels. Is it just because it was a prequel film, or was it something else?


Ranters, trollers, etc..., this is your chance to do what you do.



some people will over think anything and fail to just enjoy it.

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What you have to do to enjoy all the star wars movies is watch all of them in one sitting in order (that is to say 1,2,3,4,5,6 not 4,5,6,1,2,3). It makes the whole thing into a way more epic story imo, like listening to all of der ring des nibelungen instead of splitting it up.


I disagree. If you come across anyone that has never watched them, the best way to watch them is 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6. That way, you still have that OMG moment at the end of ESB, because the prequels ruin that. The only spoiler to watching them in this sequence is the fact that Luke & Leia are twins.

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I feel Empire is the best movie and all movies decrease in quality by one step every step they get away from Empire.


So Empire is awesome, RotJ and aNH are also really good, RotS is okay, Clone Wars is meh and PM is something Lucas is worthy of death for creating.


My own view of the movies, and I know it is an unfashionable one, is that Episode 4 is the best one. I'd even go so far as to say that if I rank the films in order from best to worst, I'd put them 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3. No, really. I'd say each movie was just not quite as good as the previous one.


I prefer Ep.4 to Empire Strikes Back because it's just a more interesting and stylish film. Tarkin is the best villain in the whole series. Vader was far more interesting a character when he was simply the main villain's creepy and weird henchman and not the emperor's right hand (complete with dubious EU justifications of Vader and Tarkin's seemingly 'wrong way round' relationship). Even today, the scenes set on the Death Star are still some of my favourite scenes in any sci fi movie.


Not only that, but my favourite character of them all, Han Solo was also much more compelling when he shot first and you didn't know whether he was really on the rebel's side or just looking out for himself.


Empire was where the badness started, in small subtle ways. Vader suddenly becomes the central pivot of the whole saga and he's really not that interesting a character. It is also where the slow build up of the jedi begins. As the films progress the jedi become more and more prominent, until by the prequels it's all about the jedi. Jedi are the least interesting, most 2 dimensional characters in the whole star wars universe. I'd rather watch a story about shifty smugglers, princesses and farmboys who becomes heroes, than dull tales of perfect paragons. Yes, one of them has the decency to at least try to become interesting by falling to the dark side, but the rest of them are so achingly, mind numbingly good.


I own the original trilogy and episodes 1 and 2 on dvd. I never got round to buying episode 3; never felt the urge to. The only one I actually watch these days is Star Wars, A New Hope to give it its retrofit title. Give me a bit of Han and Chewie, the rescue of a princess from the clutches of an evil genius and his 'Black Knight' lackey and the blowing up of a Death Star and you can keep the rest.

Edited by Crito
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Ok. Ive heard that reception for episode III can be split into two categories: Awsome as original trilogy, or 'just as bad' as the other prequels.


Ive been wondering, how can anyone think episode III was 'just as bad' as the other prequels. Is it just because it was a prequel film, or was it something else?


Ranters, trollers, etc..., this is your chance to do what you do.


Great special effects can't hide the fact that Lucas was just trying to squeeze out another pay check between his pasty old cheeks.

Edited by Gantoris_Aym
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There's more than a few disconnects between RotS and the Originals. Little bits that are thrown in, that aren't developed well. Padme dying is one of them, but Chewbacca's appearance and the barely-used characters of Owen and Beru are two that come to mind.


I liked the movie a lot, but in particular, these 2 stand out.


So Chewbacca was never like "Hey Luke, I hear you're headed to Degobah, tell Yoda I say 'Hey'!"?


Or that Obi Wan's plan was to hide Luke with Darth Vader's step-brother? Guess its a good thing Vader never went to tie up loose ends...


My other main issue is how fast Anakin goes from confused dude to kid mass murderer in like 10 minutes. Like he woudlnt argue to just put the kids in a detention center or something. Seeing Vader in action in ROTS really drives home how BS it is that one action taken in part to save your own hide doesnt really erase a lifetime of evil. No Anakin, just because you threw the emporer down the well after he your replacement to kill you, doesnt really make you redeemed, just kind of self-serving. Granted, that's also a problem with ROTJ, but still...

Edited by NermalDetonator
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I liked the movie a lot, but in particular, these 2 stand out.


So Chewbacca was never like "Hey Luke, I hear you're headed to Degobah, tell Yoda I say 'Hey'!"?


Or that Obi Wan's plan was to hide Luke with Darth Vader's step-brother? Guess its a good thing Vader never went to tie up loose ends...


My other main issue is how fast Anakin goes from confused dude to kid mass murderer in like 10 minutes. Like he woudlnt argue to just put the kids in a detention center or something. Seeing Vader in action in ROTS really drives home how BS it is that one action taken in part to save your own hide doesnt really erase a lifetime of evil. No Anakin, just because you threw the emporer down the well after he your replacement to kill you, doesnt really make you redeemed, just kind of self-serving. Granted, that's also a problem with ROTJ, but still...



I like how Anakin argues with Mace that Palpatine should be put on trial instead of executing him then and there yet he had no issue cutting Dooku's **** off earlier. Poor writing and poor consistency with character is strong in this trilogy.

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I like how Anakin argues with Mace that Palpatine should be put on trial instead of executing him then and there yet he had no issue cutting Dooku's **** off earlier. Poor writing and poor consistency with character is strong in this trilogy.


Dooku did try to kill Obi, Anakin and Padme, and then cut off Anakins hand, so there's that whole revenge thing.

Edited by Lividcalm
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Padme dying completely destroys one of the important character scenes with Liea and Luke.



in ROTJ Luke asks Liea if she remembers her real mother. Luke is trying to connect with his dead mom and his sister. Leia then tells him she died when she was young, was very beautiful but very sad.


She was sad of course because the man she loved became the Dark Lord of the Sith and because of that she had to separate her twins and she never got to see Luke grow up.



By having Padme die that ENTIRE SCENE IS A LIE.


YES- when you make a prequel...you should actually rewatch what you're prequelling and make sure that it doesn't create an incontinuity

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Dooku did try to kill Obi, Anakin and Padme, and then cut off Anakins hand, so there's that whole revenge thing.


Which I suppose justifies execution vs usurping Republic control and killing all the Jedi. Thats a court sentence.

Edited by GellonSW
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