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Marauders are weak... And now boring...


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surpisingly enough i solod most things 3 levels above me, Try different tactics.

Learn to kite a little bit aswell maybe?

1V1 was 100 times easier, hitting groups was def harder.

But all in all its really not that hard a class to play as.

Maybe its just me? maybe im just too good?

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I wish you had fraps too. So i can actually believe you.


I believe that he killed two SI's by himself, but I also believe they are both incredibly bad. Seriously, they didnt rotate healing each other depending on the target? Did they chain stun you? Probably not. Was your focus target kiting you in circles while his partner rotated heals and dps? Probably not. No marauder will ever kill any pair of decent players, it doesn't matter how good you are. We don't have the toolkit to do so. Most other classes dont have the toolkit for 1vX situations as well either, so we are not really lacking there. Hell, some other classes dont even have proper toolkits for 1v1 (Mercs come to mind).


We're not that bad off, and we scale incredibly well with gear. We just lack some nifty little tools that would honestly (if I were an elitist), prevent me from ever taking Marauders' to any serious raid, or 4v4 arena team. Bloodthirst is not a viable cooldown, perhaps for a spiking rotation in pvp, but thats it. Other classes bring equal dps to any raid or pvp (with real stuns, knockbacks, control, and peeling abilities), as well as bring off-heals, guard, taunt, or any other manner of utility to the table. Hell, even snipers bring Orbital and stuns to the table (hint: drop orbital on your healer when melee are surrounding him/her, say gg to the melee). The real problem with Marauder isn't our durability, or our damage. It's the fact that we bring no REAL group utility to the table. I would hands down take a sniper or a assassin, or a dps Jugg anyday, over a Marauder. They have much better group playability.


That is the area where Marauder needs to be looked at; we simply bring nothing extra to the table.

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I believe that he killed two SI's by himself, but I also believe they are both incredibly bad


well, they arent really bad, i play against them from time to time(probably the same on all servers ... theres a lot of pvpers that you see in WZs on a regular basis) however, im guessing they assumed an easy victory and just threw out some damage, they thought they had it locked up


it wasnt an example to say "hey, look how awesome i am" ... clearly they werent playing that fight right if i beat 2 of them


they were, however, fighting ... and my point was simply that if i can live long enough vs 2 of the "overpowered" classes to kill them both then our survivability cant be that bad (personally i feel its quite good)

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well, they arent really bad, i play against them from time to time(probably the same on all servers ... theres a lot of pvpers that you see in WZs on a regular basis) however, im guessing they assumed an easy victory and just threw out some damage, they thought they had it locked up


it wasnt an example to say "hey, look how awesome i am" ... clearly they werent playing that fight right if i beat 2 of them


they were, however, fighting ... and my point was simply that if i can live long enough vs 2 of the "overpowered" classes to kill them both then our survivability cant be that bad (personally i feel its quite good)


I agree, our durability is probably somewhere near the top of the pure dps tree's. The real problem, is that other classes can still heal themselves, or equip a tank charge (assassins), and still do excellent dps. Nothing worse then a sorc just barely getting out of your reach, he runs across the map, and full heals himself, even though he is dps spec. Or assassins with Dark Charge critting Maul for 4k damage while using Dark Charge and a shield.


I think Marauders should be able to trade one of our dps tree's for a utility tree. I'm not quite sure on a fix, but bringing something to a group would be nice...

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I agree, our durability is probably somewhere near the top of the pure dps tree's. The real problem, is that other classes can still heal themselves, or equip a tank charge (assassins), and still do excellent dps. Nothing worse then a sorc just barely getting out of your reach, he runs across the map, and full heals himself, even though he is dps spec. Or assassins with Dark Charge critting Maul for 4k damage while using Dark Charge and a shield.


I think Marauders should be able to trade one of our dps tree's for a utility tree. I'm not quite sure on a fix, but bringing something to a group would be nice...


Something to a group? Are the Fury-based group buffs not considered utility now?


They could expand on them, though. A group raid-wall like Snipers get or a raid-wide version of Endure Pain (+Max HP for X seconds), those would go a long way to flushing out our spot in PvP.


We aren't broken. I refuse to accept that notion when I see so many successful Marauders in both PvP and PvE.

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I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant about their class yet still take the time to post threads about how bad their class is.


#1 I've seen countless cries on this thread alone about Marauders being too squishy.

- I don't know what game you guys are playing but Marauders are probably the best PvP DPS tanks by FAR, we have 4 defensive CD's that can easily be rotated (2 of which just flat out make you un-killable, one of which is a Vanish, and the last is an amazing 20% reduction/thorns that has a 50% up time if you use it properly. And that's all without a single talent point.


#2 I've seen countless cries on this thread alone about bad Marauder damage.

- All I can say to this is you're just flat out doing it wrong. Either learn your ability priority or stop complaining. Anni does insane damage and while people might complain that it's dot damage, they are VERY short dots. Because of the short dot duration the dots themselves basically become burst (not to mention you can click one button to make them all autocrits).


#3 How many times can a level 20 complain that their class sucks before they get the point?

- Psst the point is you have no clue what this class is or does yet.


#4 You feel like it's a race again time?

- .... wut? All PvP is a race against time, you race to kill someone before they can kill you unless you're a healer, in certain situations the race may be slow (kiting, hybrid healing, cc's) but it's still a race. That being said, Marauder self sustaining heals in Anni are insane if your brain works correctly. You should have no problem being self sustaining.



What amazes me is that there are so many people who are complaining that this class is awful, while other people are clearly doing amazing with it. Since these same people are probably incapable of putting 2 and 2 together, let me spell it out for you: If you suck at a class and someone else is exceeding all expectations with the same class, the class is not bad, YOU ARE.


I wasn't talking about pvp. At all. I was just saying I didn't like the game play, because it was new to me and I felt weaker. FELT weaker. Playing a sorc I noticed it was easier and more fun, which lead me to asking if the marauder gets better or if I'm playing it wrong. I wasn't calling it awful, I wasn't saying it was bad. Before you go around saying I'm completely wrong and bad, LEARN TO READ

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Something to a group? Are the Fury-based group buffs not considered utility now?


They could expand on them, though. A group raid-wall like Snipers get or a raid-wide version of Endure Pain (+Max HP for X seconds), those would go a long way to flushing out our spot in PvP.


We aren't broken. I refuse to accept that notion when I see so many successful Marauders in both PvP and PvE.


It's my personal feeling that Fury-based abilities are remarkably lacking when compared to guard, taunt, off-healing, the mitigation that snipers bring (as well as the incredible AOE damage they have), and some of the other group utility buffs other classes bring to the table. I feel that predation has very limited use in PvE, and bloodthirst is a marginal dps increase for 15 seconds, on a 5 minute cooldown. It's nice, but not beautiful. That leaves berserk, which, unless you are running Annihilation, is completely worthless to the group. Fury based abilities in pvp are good, but still not absolutely game changing.


My opinion is that classes able to off-heal, taunt, and guard, are far more valuable to a team in pvp, especially in small groups. It's again, my opinion, that Marauders' will not be a desirable class for small group pvp. Not when you can bring a dps Assassin that can taunt, guard, stun, cc, range interrupt..etc etc. Not when you can bring snipers that give 20% mitigation to the whole group, who can drop Orbital and get 4k crits per strike (for 4 strikes). Sorcs obviously bring huge utility to the table with groups, as do jugs, and powertechs. Hell, even Mercs have off-heals. The classes that I feel lack group utility are Marauders, and Operatives (but they can spec heals). Marauders' are, imo, a low-utility class, with very little actual effective group play. Top that off with the fact that we're melee, we have a high skill demand, and we have no effective stun, or control, and you get a class that will just be overlooked in competitive pvp.


I do not think that Marauders' are a broken class, but I think it's a class that requires far too much support to be effective in group pvp, and brings very little actual support of its own.

Edited by Selixx
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It's my personal feeling that Fury-based abilities are remarkably lacking when compared to guard, taunt, off-healing, the mitigation that snipers bring (as well as the incredible AOE damage they have), and some of the other group utility buffs other classes bring to the table. I feel that predation has very limited use in PvE, and bloodthirst is a marginal dps increase for 15 seconds, on a 5 minute cooldown. It's nice, but not beautiful. That leaves berserk, which, unless you are running Annihilation, is completely worthless to the group. Fury based abilities in pvp are good, but still not absolutely game changing.


My opinion is that classes able to off-heal, taunt, and guard, are far more valuable to a team in pvp, especially in small groups. It's again, my opinion, that Marauders' will not be a desirable class for small group pvp. Not when you can bring a dps Assassin that can taunt, guard, stun, cc, range interrupt..etc etc. Not when you can bring snipers that give 20% mitigation to the whole group, who can drop Orbital and get 4k crits per strike (for 4 strikes). Sorcs obviously bring huge utility to the table with groups, as do jugs, and powertechs. Hell, even Mercs have off-heals. The classes that I feel lack group utility are Marauders, and Operatives (but they can spec heals). Marauders' are, imo, a low-utility class, with very little actual effective group play. Top that off with the fact that we're melee, we have a high skill demand, and we have no effective stun, or control, and you get a class that will just be overlooked in competitive pvp.


I do not think that Marauders' are a broken class, but I think it's a class that requires far too much support to be effective in group pvp, and brings very little actual support of its own.


This is basicly true all around. The ONLY thing that is gonna put marauders up with the rest of the classes is if we shine brighter then people currently give us credit for when the DPS meters come out. If not then the class would be "nice" to have not really needed or in some cases wanted.

Even in PvE gear I do cut people down quickly in PvP but I honestly think a good chunk of my PvP victories come from the other guy just freaking out from a stream of attacks then the classes ability to pump out crazy damage. The game is so ranged heavy that its rare to have a melee on you for longer then it takes to knock them back off a Huttball platform.

Edited by Hardways
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The game is so ranged heavy that its rare to have a melee on you for longer then it takes to knock them back off a Huttball platform.


This is definitely my view of this class as well. How can you not be envious when you're getting knocked or pulled every other second in that WZ.

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When i play my 50 mara, i look for people to charge right in, thats how you play marauder. You have multiple skills to move in and out of the battle without people touching you or doing little damage. Your single target and aoe damage are insane when you have high enough crit and surge, and when a player reaches 10% hp they are dead if you use deadly throw. I usually come out in the top 2 dps, and top 3 for medals. I have half centurion and half champion gear, just getting started with mara dps. Edited by Crimmlee
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Lol. This class needs a buff. Now, I didn't play Anni, so I'll respec after the patch to see how things will go.


But ever since I re-rolled to a Shadow, the difference was IMMENSE. Wouldn't you say a level 22 Shadow that defeats a level 40 Maurader in a 1v1 (both were at full health) is proof enough that Mauraders are in need of improvement?


I would. And I say these things because dual wielders are always my favorite class in MMO's, and would LOVE to see this class be equal to the others.

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Lol. This class needs a buff. Now, I didn't play Anni, so I'll respec after the patch to see how things will go.


But ever since I re-rolled to a Shadow, the difference was IMMENSE. Wouldn't you say a level 22 Shadow that defeats a level 40 Maurader in a 1v1 (both were at full health) is proof enough that Mauraders are in need of improvement?


I would. And I say these things because dual wielders are always my favorite class in MMO's, and would LOVE to see this class be equal to the others.


Assuming your a lvl 40 mara in the lvl 40 pvp set, if your losing to lvl 22's 1v1 its you that is the problem, i did well in 1-49 and im doing just as good in 50 bracket, maras have alot of cooldowns to make you unkillable for a certain ammount of time. Make sure you are using predation and bloodthirst, pvp relics, using undyring rage properly(once you get it, you dont even have this skill yet... lol its probably are best one) read the way your talent tree works, if you use the trees mechanics properly you will be getting some pretty good dps. Messing up your skills stacking abilities or mechanics will have a bigger negative affect to you than other classes because we have no cc or stuns, this is the skill curve for mara.

Edited by Crimmlee
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I will just write down my personal experience.I dont usually write on the forums but since the servers went down for couple of hours,i have the opportunity to add my opinion for my favorite class of the game.


I played a 50 lvl Vanguard and a 50 sentinel on Republic side and now i have a lvl 48 Juggernaut on the Empire side.Well as you see i am a warrior/mellee player mostly for the charge abilities that they have.I love to charge in the battle first and die last.I love to keep harashing the range classes and messing with the enemy healers.While Sentinels/marauders can do the last part very well in my opinion they arent the type of the class that can charge first in the battle.While they have excelent 1vs1 survivability they cant handle a focus fire.In my opinion they are more like a rogue class,they can choose carefully their target,interupt a lot,do damage and put snares while they can bring excelent utility to both PvE and PvP.I totally disagree with the above poster that said the opposite.20% healing debuff 10% defence+speed for the whole party,15%dmg and healing boost cant be easily overlooked.

TBH i found Sentinel lvling more difficult than with Vanguard and Juggernaut and i prefer the playstyle of those classes but i have to say that when you master the unbilievably many cooldowns and abilitys that sentinel has(BIOWARE please add some more hotbars)he can be very powerfull.Now if you are new MMO player i would recommend another class to start with cause the sentinel´s skill cap is rather high.Same goes with Juggernaut.To take the 100%of your class you need to use many abilities on short cooldowns but at least if you spec tank you have the satisfaction that you wont die that easy for the expense of some dps loose.

Vanguards on the other side in comparison with the Sith warrior/Jedi Knight class,can do very well with much lower skill cap.

SO if it means that Sentinels and Juggernauts played from an equal skilled player are less effective than other classes that in my opinion doesnt mean htey are underpowered.It means that if you are an MMO rookie you rather stay away from those classes and try something easier.On the other hand i understand that some people may want to play those classes(its their good right,they are paying afterall) and to not feel that they are less effective.So Bioware have to think to either fix somehow those claases OR let us use some macros which will make those classes somehow easier to play and idont mean RIFT macros here(4 buttons for all the abilities).


I really enjoyed all classes i played till now(i found assasin till lvl 25 somehow boring)and i am gonna stik to this game for long time.I hope i contributed somehow with my post and i wish to all fellow sentinels peteince while they try to master their class and fun in every aspect of the game!

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When i play my 50 mara, i look for people to charge right in, thats how you play marauder. You have multiple skills to move in and out of the battle without people touching you or doing little damage. Your single target and aoe damage are insane when you have high enough crit and surge, and when a player reaches 10% hp they are dead if you use deadly throw. I usually come out in the top 2 dps, and top 3 for medals. I have half centurion and half champion gear, just getting started with mara dps.


this post is full of it on so many levels..

insane AoE? With 4m range? insane? lol

Top 3 for medals? Other classes shield each other or heal themselves at spawn points for medals while you watch them get medals. Top 3 in medals? lol

half centurion half champ gear and you're in the top 2 dps? lol what server u on?

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this post is full of it on so many levels..

insane AoE? With 4m range? insane? lol

Top 3 for medals? Other classes shield each other or heal themselves at spawn points for medals while you watch them get medals. Top 3 in medals? lol

half centurion half champ gear and you're in the top 2 dps? lol what server u on?


well, in his defense ... medals are easy to get


1) 75k damage

2) 2.5k single hit

3) Killing Blow

4) Solo Kill

5) 10 Kills

6) 25 Kills

7) 2.5k Single Heal

8) 5k Single Heal


every game, if its full length, short games you probably wont get 25 kills and may not have enough time to find a 1v1


9) 300k damage


get this most full length games


10) 1k Defender

11) 3k Defender


easy enough in Civil War and Voidstar



i generally get 8-9 in huttball and 9-10 in the other 2, hit 11 on occasion


never seen anyone with more than 11 and rarely see more than a few people above me in medals, im almost always, at the very least, tied in 3rd in medals if im playing for medals



as for the rest of his points ... yea, i agree with you on those



edit: forgot 75k healing done, i get that one sometimes in long games as well

Edited by CrazyAl
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well, in his defense ... medals are easy to get


1) 75k damage

2) 2.5k single hit

3) Killing Blow

4) Solo Kill

5) 10 Kills

6) 25 Kills

7) 2.5k Single Heal

8) 5k Single Heal


every game, if its full length, short games you probably wont get 25 kills and may not have enough time to find a 1v1


9) 300k damage


get this most full length games


10) 1k Defender

11) 3k Defender


easy enough in Civil War and Voidstar



i generally get 8-9 in huttball and 9-10 in the other 2, hit 11 on occasion


never seen anyone with more than 11 and rarely see more than a few people above me in medals, im almost always, at the very least, tied in 3rd in medals if im playing for medals



as for the rest of his points ... yea, i agree with you on those


If you played any other class at all, at least at lvl 50, it's MUCH easier to get medals than Marauder. Healers heal for medals when they idle next to turret while getting defender medals. Sorcs and Jugs get guard medals. The 5k in single heal medal will be history next patch (for marauders I mean).


You generally hit 10 medals? what server you guys on seriously?? games end in less than 7-8 mins in every WZ I play with almost nobody reaching even 25 kills

Edited by Precurso
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If you played any other class at all, at least at lvl 50, it's MUCH easier to get medals than Marauder. Healers heal for medals when they idle next to turret while getting defender medals. Sorcs and Jugs get guard medals. The 5k in single heal medal will be history next patch (for marauders I mean).


You generally hit 10 medals? what server you guys on seriously?? games end in less than 7-8 mins in every WZ I play with almost nobody reaching even 25 kills


BW already said they will be adding more ways to earn medals to help even it out so not one class/proffesion can get more than another.


In voidstar i can see myself hitting 9 medals, except i tend to stay away from the doors so i almost never get the defender medals. But its easy to grab the 1v1, KB, 75k, 10 kills, 25 kills, 300k, 2.5k hit in that warzone, same with huttball, not so much with Civil war, but the defender medals i get from that make up for it.


Also if you have the Payback talent you can still get the healer medal. That's ten right there.


Smart level 50's make sure games go full length not for wins but for Valor. It is pretty normal on my server for a team to hold on the the ball in Huttball after someones scored 5 points. Everyone needs valor.

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When I rolled marauder I was expecting something similar to DAOC beserker/ mercenary/ blademaster. Marauders are a severe let down after playing those classes and that game. There are so few times we actually get to engage in open world combat, so assist trains are all but useless. The game mechanics just don't support it... (terrible follow features, no macro assists, etc etc.) The game just isn't team oriented, and choosing targets with quick decision making isn't necessary.


We also lack a commanding presence on the battlfield, and positioning isn't nearly as important. CC reduction (resolve), just isn't big enough to make melee a big threat. I'd be fine with dying incredibly quick if I was able to down someone in 3 or 4 hits. I'd be fine with requiring a pocket healer to be good, if that meant that their healer wouldn't be able to do his job if he has someone beating on him. Hell, the concept of kiting or peeling isn't even important in this game with all the knockbacks and escape tools.


Instead, the present system encourages the following... either zerg in ilum, and marauders are completely useless.. or grind the warzones, where the best gear wins.

Edited by SeppoTheHated
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Something to a group? Are the Fury-based group buffs not considered utility now?


They could expand on them, though. A group raid-wall like Snipers get or a raid-wide version of Endure Pain (+Max HP for X seconds), those would go a long way to flushing out our spot in PvP.


We aren't broken. I refuse to accept that notion when I see so many successful Marauders in both PvP and PvE.


Fury based raid buffs was always a terrible idea. If our DPS didn't depend on Berserk maybe they would be okay but at this point only an idiot would hoard 30 fury on the off chance that Predation might be needed. Predation needs to have a 1 minute cooldown added and the fury cost removed. Blooodthirst has a 5 minute cooldown and shouldn't require fury.

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So I'm opposite of the OP, I played a juggernaut to 50. Rolled a merc to level 14 and got mega bored of it. Could not log in for more than 15 mins on the merc without logging back to jug. Now, I'm leveling a marauder, currently at 48 and have not looked at that merc ever since.


The style and gameplay when done well is extremely satisfying.


How is your marauder compared to your jug? Which do you enjoy more for PVP? What build was your jug?

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I will admit, Marauder is one of the most player skill based classes, if not the most.


If I see marauder I think either easy kill, or hell of a fight.


I have seen a level 16 marauder burn down level 40s fairly fast and easily, but I have also burned down level 40 marauders with toons in my 20s. Lately I have seen more good players start popping up.

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