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Marauders are weak... And now boring...


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So, playing my Marauder started getting... meh..

Every fight is a race against time, and I just feel so squishy....

Plus I have like, no cc! On my sorcerer I come, whirlwind, and lolpwn everything,

but on my marauder, its just not that fun anymore. Now obviously best solution is to play sorc, but gah... The story for inquisitor is just, well... Not very good at all, and dull companions dont help too much either..

I would go for a non-force user, but for me when I think star wars I usually think lightsaber and force :p

Am I playing marauder wrong or is it just how it is, one has bad gameplay but great story and the other has great gameplay but a lifeless story D:

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So, playing my Marauder started getting... meh..

Every fight is a race against time, and I just feel so squishy....

Plus I have like, no cc! On my sorcerer I come, whirlwind, and lolpwn everything,

but on my marauder, its just not that fun anymore. Now obviously best solution is to play sorc, but gah... The story for inquisitor is just, well... Not very good at all, and dull companions dont help too much either..

I would go for a non-force user, but for me when I think star wars I usually think lightsaber and force :p

Am I playing marauder wrong or is it just how it is, one has bad gameplay but great story and the other has great gameplay but a lifeless story D:


Newsflash, friend - we are a DPS class, so every fight *is* a race against time. Love it or leave it.


As far as I noticed, Marauder is one of the strongest 1 vs 1 classes out there. Absolutely the best set of defensive cooldowns there is, amazing "long sprint" aka Predation, which many people don't use, amazing damage, excellent utility.


"But 1 vs 1 doesn't mean crap! It's a team game!", one might say. Indeed, it's a team game. That's why you should have a healer if you're planning to get into thick fighting. Rotating cooldowns, backed up by a strong healer, I, as Annihilation, have little trouble surviving, and I'm also very good at picking off single targets.


If you don't have a healer, skirt the edges of combat, cutting down vulnerable targets, harassing healers (as Annihilation, you virtually have 2 melee interrupts, one on 12 secs and the other on 6 secs - and healers don't usually kite you, because if they try, someone else dies).




I have a Guardian and a Marauder - despite being melee and having access to DPS specs, their playstyle is very different. As Guardian, you can afford to get into a thick fight and hack away with relative impunity - despite having weak defensive cooldowns and mere 33-35% damage reduction, he can always Guardian Leap back to his team after butchering a few enemies. A Marauder needs a more strategic approach, however, especially when his cooldowns are unavailable.



Hope that helped. Good luck.

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Well, all I can say is that my Marauder has now turned 45 and is really coming into its own. The class is really starting to do very very well and hitting damn hard. I'm confident going in to many 1v1's. I'm feeling the Marauder love!


Thanks for reading.


The more you approach 49 the better you do in warzones? That cant be...


Believe me, you will love it even more when you go from 49 to 50! Cant wait!



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As far as I noticed, Marauder is one of the strongest 1 vs 1 classes out there..




Yesterday I was in Tatooine PvP area. Fighting both a knight and consular at the same time, I lost. They weren't great geared but good enough.


I came back again, both were there I died yet again.


Third time I came back, consular was on his/her own. Consular died just after the knight turned up. At which point the knight died just after as well.


If it is ever 1v1, beating a good marauder is difficult, we have camouflage, we have choke, and a stun. What more do you need?

Edited by Wekeltes
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If it is ever 1v1, beating a good marauder is fcking difficult, we have camouflage, we have choke, and a stun. What more do you need?


Couldn't have said it better myself. The usual "warrior" archetype is that they hit hard and are able to take a ton of damage at the same time. This is very far from the case.


Marauders are not designed to charge into a group of enemies solo and take 2 down before they die. If you can pick one off from the back of the pack or focus a healer quick you're doing your job.

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Well, i'll agree its boring, but so is any class in a mmo after putting a decent amount of time i to it.


If we compare Marauder to other classes - pretty much every class of non-Warrior\Knight archetype, they simply lack its complicity and dynamics. It's a fancy way of saying that I find Marauder much, much less boring than every other class (except, possibly, Guardian) that I played.

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Tbh, if you find marauder gameplay being boring then I don't even know if there is a class that will keep you from falling asleep.


We have to be constantly on our toes and think several moves ahead in order to counter what's inevitably coming (cc, knockback, enrage timer, you name it). We have so many tools at our disposal and we have to use most if not every one of them so if playing marauder is boring for you then either you use far less skills then you have or it's simply not your thing to play melee.

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Prepare for "l2p" comments. That's all we get anymore.


because you refuse to learn im starting to wonder are we stupid for constantly haveing to tell you to l2p or the people who have to be told this constantly with nothing in return but a blank stare.

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The fact that it's "A race againts time." should be what makes you better. Your DPS so you should be working on killing as fast as you can. Even the trailers make that very clear that Marauder is the one who charges first in to battle and ask questions later. We are reckless, we are deadly, we create fear on the battle field. If everyone is focus firing on you it's because your a threat. You should feel good about being respected as such.


Now the only thing you need to do is work on your DPS and rotation. Find the best path to gear up and perform and improve. Thats waht makes it fun. Not doing enough damage, start hunting for gear, start grouping, start grinding. The only thing that seperates you from your abilties is your skill. Master that and you will be the most deadliest Sith in the galaxy.


If that does'nt inspire you to continue I don't know what will. We are sith, we are to be feared.

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Reading these comments, I am beginning to think Marauders really NEED a force pull spell.


So many are saying "you can't charge into battle" or "you can't go into the zerg, you have to skirt around and try to pick at people". Yeah, with an organized group that doesn't happen. They stay in a zerg. And unless you charge in, you walk off with 0 damage done, while ranged classes (even close-ranged ones like PT) are still doing damage from range.


A pull would give a Marauder the ability to set up 1v1s. I mean, that's what I do on my Sin and Powertech. I pluck the guy I want to kill to where I want him, and I have a 1v1, or usually 1v3, he dies, I pluck the next one. As a PT, my grapple is on 35 second cooldown. Allows me to pick a zerg apart rather efficiently without sticking my backside into a bonfire.

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:(.. A breaking community too? Well, my guess is this game wont last half a year. Maybe a year.


The game started out with as many if not more subscriptions than WoW did when it began, they exceeded there initial estimate. This game will be around for years to come as it only improved on what WoW generated.


As for you prefering your Sorc, thats natural for a player just wanting to spam 3 buttons. Mara's have alot of abilites we have to keep up with and know when to use. Mara's are not for the casual player. Unless you really learn the class your performance will always be sub par.

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How are Mara's Damage Output? Realistically that is. Sure we all see 7K+ Crits in PvP with them but from my personal one on one experience with geared Maras



A) They have what appears be insane burst (which when they get crits they can kill 18K Health players really quickly)

B) They hit like a wet noodle and have to vanish away.


Are they a more proc based class or they relying on crits/surge to get their damange? (Which if RNG is bad they do no damage as a result really)

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Newsflash, friend - we are a DPS class, so every fight *is* a race against time. Love it or leave it.


As far as I noticed, Marauder is one of the strongest 1 vs 1 classes out there. Absolutely the best set of defensive cooldowns there is, amazing "long sprint" aka Predation, which many people don't use, amazing damage, excellent utility.


"But 1 vs 1 doesn't mean crap! It's a team game!", one might say. Indeed, it's a team game. That's why you should have a healer if you're planning to get into thick fighting. Rotating cooldowns, backed up by a strong healer, I, as Annihilation, have little trouble surviving, and I'm also very good at picking off single targets.


If you don't have a healer, skirt the edges of combat, cutting down vulnerable targets, harassing healers (as Annihilation, you virtually have 2 melee interrupts, one on 12 secs and the other on 6 secs - and healers don't usually kite you, because if they try, someone else dies).




I have a Guardian and a Marauder - despite being melee and having access to DPS specs, their playstyle is very different. As Guardian, you can afford to get into a thick fight and hack away with relative impunity - despite having weak defensive cooldowns and mere 33-35% damage reduction, he can always Guardian Leap back to his team after butchering a few enemies. A Marauder needs a more strategic approach, however, especially when his cooldowns are unavailable.



Hope that helped. Good luck.


i like this. Constructive and helpful and pretty much tells you how our class is viable in a pvp setting without punching your monitor.


like he said, were 1v1 heroes, otherwise pick your battles like a vulcher, and make sure people die when you get on them, otherwise ****.


Having a dedicated healer makes us less frustrating but the key elements that annoy are still in play.. we just deal with it longer.

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So I'm opposite of the OP, I played a juggernaut to 50. Rolled a merc to level 14 and got mega bored of it. Could not log in for more than 15 mins on the merc without logging back to jug. Now, I'm leveling a marauder, currently at 48 and have not looked at that merc ever since.


The style and gameplay when done well is extremely satisfying.

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As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.

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With the way our class is setup, and a little knowledge.... A marauder can very very easily run into a group of 5 players.. Kill one, get another down low and stealth out of there still alive... Turn around and charge back in killing the one and then /dance while the other 3 have no idea what just happened


Now THAT is fun :D


<3 Marauders


PS. all the while, never ever spamming one move over and over, which makes it all the sweeter!

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