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Nerf tracer missle now


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God, you remind me of a Sabetour in Rift.


"Any GOOD Sab will use more than just sticky bomb (can't remember the skill name) and detonate. We use LOTS of skills."


That's not the point. Get that through you're head.


I don't care how many buttons you COULD use.


The point is that it is perfectly plausible for a person using 1 button to, seemingly, put out as much DPS as some builds good rotations. There are reasons we don't have combat logs. I'm guessing this is one of them.


It's a broken skill. You keep defending it in the context as the entire rotation. Good for you. You use other skills.


That doesn't fix the fact that this one skill is broken.


And if you remember Sabs were using a game mechanic exploit that calulated crits that the devs had in the game. Sabs also had to use different bombs to get the exploited damage so it wasn't just sticky bomb. It's not a broken skill it work as intended get that thru your head.

Edited by Buddhalux
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This statement would ring true if WZ's were not full of only Mercs and Sorcs (obvious sign of class imbalance is when there is a high population of that class).


Since they are, you know what that means don't you?


by that logic operative/scoundrels should have been a high population class but they weren't.

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Oh I get it now. You got nerfed already and are hell bent on seeing everyone else nerfed to compensate for your loss of easy mode.


I had no idea that Guardians were easy mode, must be some other Star Wars game out there.


As for the Scoundrel nerf yes I was glad of it and still do well.


Unlike you I like my pvp to be balanced, fotm sheep rolling is dull and does not foster community.

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fotm sheep rolling is dull and does not foster community.


How is there FOTM in the first month of the game?


BH and Sorcerers are popular because thats what people like when they watch SW movies. I never was interested in Agent because I didn't spend my SW fan days rooting for the Agents in all the movies.


People like Bounty Hunters' style, and shooting lighting as a Sith Lord.

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You guys should also think it otherway. What would an arsenal merc have if not a working tracer? One knockback, one stun and one mezz. Yeah that is all. What does a sorc have? Snare, stun, mezz, interrupt, knockback, force speed and a spammable barrier that reduces all damage taken to 0. On top of that they have high dmg and I know it because I have both a 50 lvl sorc and a 50 lvl merc.
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the other day i made it a point to chase that commando that all he did was spam grav round, and interrupt it as my cooldown allowed


doesnt matter, he can jsut stand there , wait four seconds, then he continued the GR spam, he didnt even bother trying to use an abilty in the meantime, when i see that player getting a 300k dmg medal, cliking just ONE abilty the entire game, something is wrong

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This topic is full of people who are just plain ignorant or trolling. Tracer Missile does not do that much damage. The reason why it is spammed is that it procs several other abilities, buffs and debuffs.


TM applies the heat signature necessary for rail shot to be used.


It also increases the damage of heatseeker missle by a set % for each heat signature applied.


In addition each TM or powershot used gives a damage reduction buff to a Bounty Hunter.


Oh and lets not also forget it finishes the cooldown on unload and can increase unloads damage by 33%.


Tracer missile/ Grav Round is central to a lot of Bounty Hunter rotations hence the use of it. Other abilities do a lot more damage, are insta cast and not as noticeable as a BH looking like he's lit a fart on fire.

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The fact you were quoting something of mine that had a quote in it, you should at least see what the conversation is about first. Otherwise you're jumping into a conversation without a damn clue. Anyways, they hit damn harder than other ranged DPS without that, but its the explanation for the 3k crits, the claim is they don't happen, but they do and that's why. If you want to make a new excuse up every time you people are proven wrong on something, something is messed up.


youre QQing about TM, what more is there to read


you do realize that every class is good in pvp gear right? sounds like this is a gear and adrenal problem, not a class problem

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How is there FOTM in the first month of the game?


BH and Sorcerers are popular because thats what people like when they watch SW movies. I never was interested in Agent because I didn't spend my SW fan days rooting for the Agents in all the movies.


People like Bounty Hunters' style, and shooting lighting as a Sith Lord.


Its month 2 for most of us and long enough for there to be a fotm.


These arguements are getting more and more repeated, feels like watching a world of roguecraft video with the mercs and sorcs being the rogue in denial.

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This topic is full of people who are just plain ignorant or trolling. Tracer Missile does not do that much damage. The reason why it is spammed is that it procs several other abilities, buffs and debuffs.


TM applies the heat signature necessary for rail shot to be used.


It also increases the damage of heatseeker missle by a set % for each heat signature applied.


In addition each TM or powershot used gives a damage reduction buff to a Bounty Hunter.


Oh and lets not also forget it finishes the cooldown on unload and can increase unloads damage by 33%.


Tracer missile/ Grav Round is central to a lot of Bounty Hunter rotations hence the use of it. Other abilities do a lot more damage, are insta cast and not as noticeable as a BH looking like he's lit a fart on fire.


So can I have the cooldown taken off sunder armor, the damage increased and it also increasing the damage on bladestorm and increasing my mitigation?


Can I have autoface on masterstrike too?


Hey its fair for one class so it must be for another too right?

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So can I have the cooldown taken off sunder armor, the damage increased and it also increasing the damage on bladestorm and increasing my mitigation?


Can I have autoface on masterstrike too?


Hey its fair for one class so it must be for another too right?



Way to miss the point completely. How about you go look at the Bounty Hunter abilities, you might actually find that they have another attack which is just as spammable, costs the same heat and has the same casting time.


It does 30% more damage than Tracer Missile.


It's called Power Shot. So where are the nerf Power Shot threads? Oh because it isn't getting spammed as it doesn't synergise with the Arsenal spec rotation, no ones complaining.


Well go and make a video of someone just spamming Power Shot over and over for the trolls to flock to, make yourself useful.

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You've obviously haven't read all my posts then. I've flat out mentioned other things and not to mention that has nothing to do with what you just quoted. I was referring to the HP of entry level 50s. Follow the quotes before you type. Yeah, anyone is going to kill against those not fighting back, but you're completely missing the other parts of the point. Even if they do fight back, tracer missile alone is enough to put up a good fight against non-healers. Then you add in their other stuff and it gets ugly.


I just replied to that quote to talk to you. You didn't answer my question at all. No, you can't just use tracer missile and put up a good fight. You are completely wrong. Please tell me why TM should be nerfed. Put together a good, well thought out post and tell me your thoughts. I'm truly interested in what you have to say. I just don't believe TM should be nerfed at all, I told you why in my last post. Let me know why it should be nerfed. Stay on topic, remember the name of the thread.

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No, you can't just use tracer missile and put up a good fight.


The fact that you're set on this makes anything I say to you meaningless. This is just the op/scoundrel conversation all over again. When your spammable attack does as much damage alone as any other ranged DPS class's cooldown abilities, something is off. In the time a sniper pulls off their full rotation, a TM spammer can almost pull out the same amount of damage, and far more then them if the target happens to be a tank. The difference being the sniper's comes more in bursts. That's the big reason why they actually stand a chance against the stupid ones that just spam, combined with interrupts.


Its not that I don't understand why the ability is used a lot, but look up videos of this. There are some videos where ONLY TM is on their toolbar, and guess what? Near top damage, and they were killing people pretty fast still. Do they die when someone attacks them before they start getting shot? Yes, but the ability to be countered isn't what makes an ability ridiculous. Its what it can do compared to what others are capable of. Frankly that's the argument that bugs me the most actually, "oh it can be interrupted". So what? So can everything else. Yeah that's going to work on the ones that try that 1 hotbar button thing, but anyone else? Yeah, sure... they'll use a couple other abilities and hit you a couple times in between. Maybe pop the instant cast ability if they're feeling the need to end things quick.

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I hope Bioware implements soon a combat log so that people can see what hits them hard. And iam sure that they will be very surprised that it is not grav round/ tracer missile. There are some hidden gems in there.

But unfortunately this is not going to happen soon enough so we have to bare with players that dont play the class stating that grav round/tracer missiles are op.

Please Bioware give us a combat log for people to sse what hits them hard..... Please.

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I hope Bioware implements soon a combat log so that people can see what hits them hard. And iam sure that they will be very surprised that it is not grav round/ tracer missile. There are some hidden gems in there.

But unfortunately this is not going to happen soon enough so we have to bare with players that dont play the class stating that grav round/tracer missiles are op.

Please Bioware give us a combat log for people to sse what hits them hard..... Please.


^ This is soooo true.

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I HATE the Missiles.


As a scoundrel healer, I am seeing more and more that the 2 OPed Imps classes are working together to gang-kill me/reps.


It mostly seems to done as so:

1. Sorc will stun me

2. Multiple Merc Launch Missiles

3. I try to break Stun with my 1 skill to run

4. Sorc stun again - Most life gone when Missiles hit

5. Defense Probe and Try to Heal

6. Get Interrupted and stunned

7. Get Dead and Die


To me that is OP-ed.


And FYI in huttball I am unable to get them off ledges.


What I am hearing you say is at least three different people attacked you at the same time and you died while being unable to do anything about it.

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I hope Bioware implements soon a combat log so that people can see what hits them hard. And iam sure that they will be very surprised that it is not grav round/ tracer missile. There are some hidden gems in there.

But unfortunately this is not going to happen soon enough so we have to bare with players that dont play the class stating that grav round/tracer missiles are op.

Please Bioware give us a combat log for people to sse what hits them hard..... Please.



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I'm a mercenary healer.


I have no interrupt.

I have no scorpion "get over here!" ability.

I have no force leap.

I have no force speed run away ability.

I have no ability to avoid tracer missile spam aside from the 5s cc that's on a long CD.


So what should I do?


Healers should lose to DPS classes. You should be somehwere healing. If you want to out dps the dps class roll a damage dealer instead of a heal/support class. The merc cant heal himself effectively. Those little slow cast time heals he has isn't going to slow down anyones damage to keep him from being dead. He does have a 4 second stun. He isnt going to kill you during those 4 seconds, stun him back and leave the scene & heal yourself up. Mercs watch people run away all the time, allllllll the time. If you stand there looking down the barrel of a gun well....boom.

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The fact that you're set on this makes anything I say to you meaningless. This is just the op/scoundrel conversation all over again. When your spammable attack does as much damage alone as any other ranged DPS class's cooldown abilities, something is off. In the time a sniper pulls off their full rotation, a TM spammer can almost pull out the same amount of damage, and far more then them if the target happens to be a tank. The difference being the sniper's comes more in bursts. That's the big reason why they actually stand a chance against the stupid ones that just spam, combined with interrupts.


Its not that I don't understand why the ability is used a lot, but look up videos of this. There are some videos where ONLY TM is on their toolbar, and guess what? Near top damage, and they were killing people pretty fast still. Do they die when someone attacks them before they start getting shot? Yes, but the ability to be countered isn't what makes an ability ridiculous. Its what it can do compared to what others are capable of. Frankly that's the argument that bugs me the most actually, "oh it can be interrupted". So what? So can everything else. Yeah that's going to work on the ones that try that 1 hotbar button thing, but anyone else? Yeah, sure... they'll use a couple other abilities and hit you a couple times in between. Maybe pop the instant cast ability if they're feeling the need to end things quick.


People who spam tracer missile/grav shots are morons. People who use Grav Shot/tracer missile to build up gravity vortexes/heat signatures to help increase the damage of their other powers and get procs off on certain powers are good players.


Seriously, play an arsenal merc and stick with it. I will tell you now, if you just spam grav round/tracer missile and literally nothing else, you will fail on the damage charts.

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Its month 2 for most of us and long enough for there to be a fotm.


These arguements are getting more and more repeated, feels like watching a world of roguecraft video with the mercs and sorcs being the rogue in denial.


Yea I was in the first wave at 10am on the 13th. I know when the game started. Less than 2 months ago.


Is FOTM all you got? Nothing else to back up your QQ?

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Funny, all the complaints. Well, I play a BH. What exactly would you want us to do, not play the class as it is designed? You can get away from TM. Ever been on the bad end of a force lightning/telekenetic throw which, when talented, has no cooldown? I have, and you just can't get away from it.


As a matter of fact, I ran into TWO of them doing it in unison, WITH a healer. Talk about something that needs a nerf!

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