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10 Good

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  • Location
    Vero Beach, Florida
  • Interests
    Gaming, weight lifting, MMA
  • Occupation
    Corrections officer
  1. Did you happen to force leap to a target that was near/on the vent things that throw you up in the air? I got some crazy rides doing that and you can end up in some odd places when you do that. If you haven't tried it, do it sometime. It can throw off your sense of orientation pretty quickly.
  2. Funny, all the complaints. Well, I play a BH. What exactly would you want us to do, not play the class as it is designed? You can get away from TM. Ever been on the bad end of a force lightning/telekenetic throw which, when talented, has no cooldown? I have, and you just can't get away from it. As a matter of fact, I ran into TWO of them doing it in unison, WITH a healer. Talk about something that needs a nerf!
  3. Bigjit

    Need more healers

    But, honestly, why do people heal in WZ's. There is no incentive. Bioware, you seriously need to fix this issue. It seems a no brainer but if your having trouble figuring out why I'm complaining, here's a clue. Medals. Plain and simple. It's much harder to get them as a pure healer vs. DPS or even a tank. Why is this? Why can't you follow give additional medals for healers. Some ideas would be something like: A) One time medal for bringing someone back from under 20% -call it savior (no idea where I got that name) B) One time medal for healing more than 5 people in a warzone- I had some good ideas but it's late and I'm tired. Anyone else got any ideas? I mean, I believe there are people who want to heal but as it is now, a lot of healers feel like they have to DPS just to get a fair shake. What do you say BW? Reward those healers!
  4. Honestly I could care less if they hit hard as long as I could defend myself. They still seem to hit fairly hard but I don't get the lay down and die animation anymore so I'm fine with it honestly. This coming from a poorly geared jugg /shrug
  5. I dunno if they OPers math is correct or not but there is a lot of assuming on both sides of the argument. Most people have jobs, which means they will not have time on a given night to get a daily done. I have no idea what the average is but if it's my long week (I work 12 hour shifts) I won't get to do the dailies for 5 of my 7 days. Now add in to the fact that more than HALF THE TIME WINS DON'T COUNT TOWARDS MY DAILY and you may be able to add another day in there. I mean seriously, how effing HARD is this to fix? WHY hasn't there been a hot fix for this like 3 weeks ago? IT CAN'T BE THAT HARD BIOWARE! All I'm asking for is if I'm going to do the work, at least let the game RECOGNIZE it. Again, I say, IT CAN'T BE THAT EFFING HARD! FIX THIS NOW! I'm willing to bet if some engame pve boss wasn't working right they'd take down the freaking servers and issue a fix quick like! (Just kidding, kinda). Seriously though, this company seems very slow on the fixes. I mean, you guys had enough time to fix emotes while on a speeder but real issues get pushed to the test server? /boggle
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