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Penalty for quitting Warzones must be implemented.


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This seems like the easy option.


I'd prefer they look at a harder option, like fixing the reasons why people are quitting in the first place. They've created a system where people feel its better to leave and get nothing at all, than remain and lose, and your best solution is to punish people for making that decision?



Why not change the dailies/weeklies to not work solely off wins?


Why not adjust rewards to make finishing a losing match worthwhile?


Why not allow a team to vote surrender and finish the game rather than making them stay and get farmed?




I'm sure theres a lot of other options that would reward people for staying in a losing match, rather than implementing a punishment system.


Personally I've only ever left a wz before its started (or occassionally if I'm the poor sole dragged into a losing match), but I can understand why people choose not to stay in there, when doing so only helps the other side rather than doing anything of benefit for themselves.

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it plagues both sides. the moment the doors first doors are breached in voidstar, or the moment that second turret is capped in alderaan, there is a mass exodus from the losing team. in the first 2 minutes of the game! this then leaves that team undermanned and without any hope of offering any sort of resistance. as new players join, then realize its a losing game and quit.


a simple deterrent could be put in place that would solve this issue.


either implement a temporary lockout following an abandoned warzone.

prevent the player from queing up again for a few minutes and they will think twice before jumping ship so quickly.


or just subtract some commendations and/or valour


i agree but the penalty should be much harder than a view minutes... an hour atleast cos this mass exodus as u call it is totally off the scae right now. also give them a -80% debuff on all stats so they cant even pve.

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I don't agree with a deserter penalty. If you have people that dont know what they are doing i should be able to leave and find a better WZ. To people who leave after the first Huttball score or if it seems like the other team has the upper hand... well it's their choice, i dont to do that and they can go jump off a bridge, but it's their choice if that's what makes them happy. I dont really care if I win or lose in WZ. i look at my awesome 400-600 k healing and laugh at my team's 30-100 k dmg over the other's 150-300k dmg. I mean, in the end its about being entertained and I'm entertained when i see the guy im healing fighting 3 enemy players and wiping the floor with them in the end. I also like seeing lots of enemy player stunlock me coz that's the only way i will die. Edited by Vladone
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i agree but the penalty should be much harder than a view minutes... an hour atleast cos this mass exodus as u call it is totally off the scae right now. also give them a -80% debuff on all stats so they cant even pve.


From what im reading here, i think you should never be in charge of anything to do with entertainment.... you take things to seriously... I got a better one for u though, why doesnt bioware just suspend their accounts for a few days, that will teach them!

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From what im reading here, i think you should never be in charge of anything to do with entertainment.... you take things to seriously... I got a better one for u though, why doesnt bioware just suspend their accounts for a few days, that will teach them!


well if i would be in charge the game would be good. maybe not for the casual gamer no ur right about that but honestly the "casual gamer" is what ruined the whole mmo genre. it started with wow and got only worse since then. u wouldnt have seen this kinda ridiculous ******** ppl throw on the boards in nowadays games in UO or daoc. there was also alot of dumb talk on the boards not gonna deny that but what happened in and after wow is a completely new level of stupidity. and no 1 hour and 80% stat debuff is definitaly not too harsh. if u join a warzone there is a chance u will get completely roflstomped cos maybe there is a premade on the other side or ur team might be just completely braindead. happens every day if u cant stand losing then dont join warzones. by leaving u just make it worse for everyone else in ur team who actually wants to play. and that should be punished rly hard.

ofc theres always the chance u might just LD which ofc should not be punished but u can easily avoid that if u give ppl a short time window to rejoin afer a LD without the possibility to queue up for a new warzone. if u dont well enjoy ur 1h break.

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When I sit in queue for 10 minutes only to get put into a game that some *** quit because he was down 1-0 I don't exactly shed a tear at the idea of them getting a 15 minute or longer debuff.


Seven games in a row I joined an in-progress losing match.

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Ill admit I leave sometimes....When you go in a match and your in with complete idiots...You try to tell them they are being a waste of space they dont listen, its not a matter of having to win, its I cant handle stupid people and would rather lose with people that actually have a clue, and try instead of fighting in the middle of the road, or 5 people fighting 1 guy at right turret...I hope you got it if not then your the reason I leave a match.
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Ill admit I leave sometimes....When you go in a match and your in with complete idiots...You try to tell them they are being a waste of space they dont listen, its not a matter of having to win, its I cant handle stupid people and would rather lose with people that actually have a clue, and try instead of fighting in the middle of the road, or 5 people fighting 1 guy at right turret...I hope you got it if not then your the reason I leave a match.


here is a tip: get a m8 on skype who u can rage with, sounds stupid but seriously it helps so much :D



usually no point telling ppl in warzones anything rly, might aswell talk to a brick wall instead.

Edited by Laoi
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While I do agree with the general concept of deserter penalties, there are some other issues that should be addressed first:


1. Stop allowing the game to begin without a full compliment. I understand how the mechanics work and each team gets the option to choose to enter or leave queue, but it imbalances teams at the most crucial moment of the game.


2. Make the commendations more balanced, and make them worth having. If you set up a system to reward players based on the commendations they made per game (only after fixing the balancing issues associated with them), you would deter people from leaving based on a desire to get more commendations. With this, make the commendations void if they leave early.


3. Instead of a deserter debuff that prevents someone from requeueing, make a progressive debuff that affects their valor gain. Make this ability stack, so the more times they leave, the larger the penalty. This way if a player disconnects and comes back to rejoin, they are not penalized heavily, but a player that constantly rage quits has a significant reduction in valor and warzone commendations gained. While this doesn't address those that are just farming for tokens, it does give second thought to those who aren't valor 60 yet.


4. Create a 30 second to 1 minute delay on requeue after a match. I have been booted from a match (especially huttball) several times simply because my load screen took too long. I have also had several requeue invites that were down to 5-10 seconds before my load screen ever returned me to the republic fleet simply because of large load times. I have a feeling that this directly contributes to the imbalance in teams at the start of a match, as some are still coming out of their previous match.


5. Develop a ladder based system for ranking players, and attempt to rank them with similar experience players in the WZ. This was one of the systems I really liked with WoW, as it catered to the elitist but also to the more casual gamer, so that people aren't getting roflstomped by BZ ubers, but also so that finishing a match contributes to your ladder rank and gives a reason to see a match through. This could be coupled with a small but progressive ladder penalty for early quitting.


6. If queues are a problem, enable cross server Warzones, similar to WoW. I've seen the complaints for this system, but the honest truth is coupled with the suggestions above, this system is known to reduce queues and pair more fairly based on measured ability.


My 2 credits, take them for what you will.

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Ill admit I leave sometimes....When you go in a match and your in with complete idiots...You try to tell them they are being a waste of space they dont listen, its not a matter of having to win, its I cant handle stupid people and would rather lose with people that actually have a clue, and try instead of fighting in the middle of the road, or 5 people fighting 1 guy at right turret...I hope you got it if not then your the reason I leave a match.



this pretty much

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This seems like the easy option.


I'd prefer they look at a harder option, like fixing the reasons why people are quitting in the first place. They've created a system where people feel its better to leave and get nothing at all, than remain and lose, and your best solution is to punish people for making that decision?



Why not change the dailies/weeklies to not work solely off wins?


Why not adjust rewards to make finishing a losing match worthwhile?


Why not allow a team to vote surrender and finish the game rather than making them stay and get farmed?




I'm sure theres a lot of other options that would reward people for staying in a losing match, rather than implementing a punishment system.


Personally I've only ever left a wz before its started (or occassionally if I'm the poor sole dragged into a losing match), but I can understand why people choose not to stay in there, when doing so only helps the other side rather than doing anything of benefit for themselves.


Smartest guy in the whole thread.


For the 'iron fist' guys here: Putting people in prison doesn't stop them from committing crimes. It doesn't fix the underlying reasons why those people committed their crimes.

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Sorry if this was mentioned already but first they need to sort of the bugs before people should get punished for leaving a warzone.


For example twice today I Leaped at someone and either got stuck in a wall or somehow instantly died with a black screen. At this point /stuck doesnt work and when you release your just keep the back screen, return to the spawn point and deserter buff starts building up.


Sometimes you either have to leave your whole team fighting a player down or do the right thing and leave the game.

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Smartest guy in the whole thread.


For the 'iron fist' guys here: Putting people in prison doesn't stop them from committing crimes. It doesn't fix the underlying reasons why those people committed their crimes.


yes pls make rewards less dependent on win/lose then i can finally stop caring about the stupid objectives at all and just focus on killing ppl all game long (like pvp is supposed to be) id very much appreciate that change, would be one step closer to a proper pvp game.

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Sorry if this was mentioned already but first they need to sort of the bugs before people should get punished for leaving a warzone.


For example twice today I Leaped at someone and either got stuck in a wall or somehow instantly died with a black screen. At this point /stuck doesnt work and when you release your just keep the back screen, return to the spawn point and deserter buff starts building up.


Sometimes you either have to leave your whole team fighting a player down or do the right thing and leave the game.


my guild m8 put this nicely when we were on skype. "if u charge in huttball u never know where u might end up" it took him into space several times already ^^

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This option isn't needed. War is hectic and you have to face battle with all kinds of odds for or against you. Losing a match isn't that big of a deal.


alright then stay in the game and lose like a man instead of leaving like a coward - problem solved right here. tyvm

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