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BW How can you not be emberassed...


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I still cannot abandon grey quests despite the fact you "fixed it"

WZ wins are still not counting despite the fact you "fixed it"

Not a single player has seen any roll back or response to exploiting illum that you promised was coming...


I think you have established yourself as the worst MMO developer in history at this point...


*** are you guys doing over there aside from laughing at your customers who put any credit to anything you say.

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I still cannot abandon grey quests despite the fact you "fixed it"

WZ wins are still not counting despite the fact you "fixed it"

Not a single player has seen any roll back or response to exploiting illum that you promised was coming...


I think you have established yourself as the worst MMO developer in history at this point...


*** are you guys doing over there aside from laughing at your customers who put any credit to anything you say.


Another angry customer who is mad he has not gotten what he wants yet, so the game and the people who make it a just the worst people in the world and the game sucks because of this..




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Second post I have seen that says we can't abandon quests, I have dumped quests many many times I don't get the problem here.


There are a few that you can get rid of, I personly have only ran into one, and I dont let it bother me, its really not a big deal. If you want it gone that bad just go do the qust real quick so it will go away.. Its grey so its not going to be hard or anything.. People are just lazy and dont want to do anything about it, they want bioware to fix it.

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Second post I have seen that says we can't abandon quests, I have dumped quests many many times I don't get the problem here.


He clearly wrote "i can't remove" and not "we".


Got about 6-7 in my log right now that i can't remove.

Edited by Voffi
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Second post I have seen that says we can't abandon quests, I have dumped quests many many times I don't get the problem here.


There are several quests that are bugged, actually a good amount from alderaan that are this way that once you get them you cannot abandon them, BW claims to have fixed it, just like they claimed they fixed the WZ's counting for daily quests today.


Someone in Dev, or QA needs to be fired.

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I have NEVER had a quest I could not abandon.


I have a couple low level quests I can't abandon. I haven't tried dumping them since the last patch, so I don't know if it is fixed. But I can see being upset about this if you had 15+ and it would take a big bite out of how many current quests you could have at one time.

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Some can be, some can't.


I have:


Voss: 4 (+ 1 bonus)

Nar Shaddaa: 2

Corellia: 1

Quesh: 1

Hoth: 1( + 1 bonus)


I had to finish the whole chain on Alderaan to clear it, went to Corellia and it was the same (finish one, get another I can't abandon), so gave up.

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Another angry customer who is mad he has not gotten what he wants yet, so the game and the people who make it a just the worst people in the world and the game sucks because of this..





Seriously, maybe the OP should be ember assed with his inability to spell.


Sorry, having a frustrating day :D

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Yeah, there are some I was unable to abandon I previously could not, but some still linger... ah well, not hurting me atm.


As far as... having any weight behind your statements OP: You misspelled "embarassed" in your title, which won't lend any weight nor much credit to your argument.


Also : "Worst MMO dev in history"???!?!?! I'm not going to deny people their opinions, but you obviously haven't played very much of what is out there to make this claim.

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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There are a few that you can get rid of, I personly have only ran into one, and I dont let it bother me, its really not a big deal. If you want it gone that bad just go do the qust real quick so it will go away.. Its grey so its not going to be hard or anything.. People are just lazy and dont want to do anything about it, they want bioware to fix it.


Understatement if I ever heard one.


We can have a max of 25 quests in our logs. Right now I have 14 that I cannot abandon. They are grey, so I get nothing for them (I'm 50 anyway). No biggie right, I'll just go do what the quest says, and either finish it, or abandon it once the objective changes.


Nope, can't do that. It's a chain.. so now I have 14 quests that I have to spend a fair amount of time going from planet to planet to finish things up.


The alternative, of course, would have been to finish the quest when I got it, except then I would have hit every planet after Taris about 2 levels above the recommended range.


Has nothing to do with lazy players. Research before making generalizations, that's what people who don't want to taste their foot do.

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Games have bugs people, bugs that will take time to fix. Bugs that might not get found during the beta, the might have been found if more people would submit tickets instead of just play it to play the game early. People will always be angry about things like this.
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I have NEVER had a quest I could not abandon.


I have, but they have been rare cases of Bonus Quests that do not go away when the main quest is finished. In such cases these still cannot be abandoned. I have a character with such a quest and I am currently waiting for CS to remove it from my Mission Log for me.


Edit: For those of you that don't know, you can submit a ticket to CS and they will remove the missions for you. You don't have to wait for the problem to be fixed to get your list cleared.


Really, it's nothing that gives any credence to the OPs claims that BioWare are the worst devs in history though. Seriously, man. Calm down. Take some Xanax or something.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Understatement if I ever heard one.


We can have a max of 25 quests in our logs. Right now I have 14 that I cannot abandon. They are grey, so I get nothing for them (I'm 50 anyway). No biggie right, I'll just go do what the quest says, and either finish it, or abandon it once the objective changes.


Nope, can't do that. It's a chain.. so now I have 14 quests that I have to spend a fair amount of time going from planet to planet to finish things up.


The alternative, of course, would have been to finish the quest when I got it, except then I would have hit every planet after Taris about 2 levels above the recommended range.


Has nothing to do with lazy players. Research before making generalizations, that's what people who don't want to taste their foot do.


No its really simple, i have had the problem twice, I went back finsihed the first series of quest, got nothing for it, bit "whoa look at this it went away. And it is for lazy people because you clearly say I would have to spend a far ammount of time going from planet to planet to clear things up.... LAZYNESS I will give that it needs to be fixed Im not saying it doesnt, but instead of go and crying on the fourms just go do them, your 50 right not biggie it will be easy and you should have plenty of time to do them..


Thanks for trying




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He clearly wrote "i can't remove" and not "we".


Got about 6-7 in my log right now that i can't remove.



Same here. After the fix I was able to abandon 1 out of the 7. With the number of dailies/weeklies for endgame pve/pvp this is a bit annoying at this point. I'd tried to go and just finish these lowbie quests just to clear my log but it's not the quest itself but the whole damn questchain for each of them. I just don't have the time/patience to put a few hours of useless questing to fix a bug.

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