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No knockback? Really?


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Ok, I'm sure this has been brought up before, but what the **** is with this BS? Mara/Sent are the only classes without it? Why? Did they think it would make OP? Seriously, I'm getting my *** tossed all over the place and can't return the "favor". I'd gladly give up Obfuscate for Force Push. I don't need an AOE knockback, but SOMETHING would be nice. Ok, rant over.
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Ok, I'm sure this has been brought up before, but what the **** is with this BS? Mara/Sent are the only classes without it? Why? Did they think it would make OP? Seriously, I'm getting my *** tossed all over the place and can't return the "favor". I'd gladly give up Obfuscate for Force Push. I don't need an AOE knockback, but SOMETHING would be nice. Ok, rant over.


Obfuscate is auto win.


Obfuscate, wait until it runs out, pop cloak of pain + saberward, wait for that to run out, undying rage when low. Youre damn near unkillable 1v1.

Edited by Superdude-
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Obfuscate is auto win.


Obfuscate, wait until it runs out, pop cloak of pain + saberward, wait for that to run out, undying rage when low. Youre damn near unkillable 1v1.


What happens when you get force pushed off a cliff and manage to live though? That Knight/Jugg just ruined your strat.

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I personally think it is stupid that jugs get an ability to push someone away, It just makes no sense, Yeah i guess making it so that force charge comes off of cooldown after pushing makes sense... but in all honesty, why are they pushing someone away from them in the first place?


So same applies to marauders, I would hate to have a force push like ability, force pull on the other hand...

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I personally think it is stupid that jugs get an ability to push someone away, It just makes no sense, Yeah i guess making it so that force charge comes off of cooldown after pushing makes sense... but in all honesty, why are they pushing someone away from them in the first place?


So same applies to marauders, I would hate to have a force push like ability, force pull on the other hand...


more a tatical skills, and they can push quite far.

mara, really do not need it. it serves us no good away.

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To be fair the only use we would have would be in huttball, but if you wan't to stop peopl from scoring I would suggest using Ravage (with carnage ability they can't run away for 3 seconds) -> force choke -> cripling slash if you then can't kill them you shouldn't be doing huttball or pvp.
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The fact that anyone would actually suggest getting rid of Obfuscate in favor of a knockback just proves that some of you just aren't playing the class right. Obfuscate is not just one of our best abilities... it's one of the best abilities in the entire game. In fact, we have several of the best abilities in the entire game... that includes all classes.


Bloodthirst, Obfuscate, Predation, Deadly Throw (for the 20% healing debuff, which no one else has), Undying Rage... those are all easily some of the best abilities in the entire game for any class to have. Not to mention we get the shortest cooldown on our interrupt and we get Force Charge, which is also amazing. We are gods in 1v1.


Yes, I know the game wasn't build around 1v1 combat... but there sure is a lot of it in warzones and in open world PvP. It's a beautiful thing. And we're great to have on a team too because we offer a lot of stuff no other class has to offer.


Do we need a knockback? No. Will I be happy if we get one? Sure. Would I ever consider trading something as amazing as Obfuscate for it? Not in a million years.

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I would rather have more ways to bring people to me, or get closer to them... or be immune to knockback :p


This is something you learn fast though, do not place yourself where you can easily get pushed off to your death. Its not always that easy though i admit hehe.


Seriously, im having lots of fun with this class it just takes some getting used to is all.

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Ok, for what it's worth, I was just venting some frustration. I'm only level 20 so I don't have access to most of the skills you guys are talking about. I didn't mean to cause a big ruckus, I was just tweaked at getting knocked off of platforms every 3 seconds and not having any good way of stopping ball runners.


Feel free to bash me for not being lvl 50, or say L2P, or whatever.


Also, I really enjoy playing the marauder class, I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

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Ok, for what it's worth, I was just venting some frustration. I'm only level 20 so I don't have access to most of the skills you guys are talking about. I didn't mean to cause a big ruckus, I was just tweaked at getting knocked off of platforms every 3 seconds and not having any good way of stopping ball runners.


Feel free to bash me for not being lvl 50, or say L2P, or whatever.


Also, I really enjoy playing the marauder class, I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.


It gets better. Knock back is the least of our worries though you'll see :)


To be fair the only use we would have would be in huttball, but if you wan't to stop peopl from scoring I would suggest using Ravage (with carnage ability they can't run away for 3 seconds) -> force choke -> cripling slash if you then can't kill them you shouldn't be doing huttball or pvp.


Would love to see you try and kill my assassin with this. I'd knock you back, breaking ravage then laugh, force speed and score. Not to mention pop my def cooldowns if im getting beaten on, then score.

Our use is to overwhelm people. Do i look like a sorc? is my job to control the flow of battle and stop people moving about? No, my job is to be relentless, the flow of battle should be fast, faster the better, my skills are instant, i have no interest in standing still or making anyone else stand still. Casting ravage is a double edged sword as anyone who is good and knows what they're doing will hit you with their channeled abilities, r stun you, or knock you back, or interrupt you, or break movement cc and move away and laugh as you get caught in the animation glitch forcing you to stand still beating on thin air. Seriously, if this is how you use your marauder, you are one of those not playing it right.

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It gets better. Knock back is the least of our worries though you'll see :)


Would love to see you try and kill my assassin with this. I'd knock you back, breaking ravage then laugh, force speed and score. Not to mention pop my def cooldowns if im getting beaten on, then score.

Our use is to overwhelm people. Do i look like a sorc? is my job to control the flow of battle and stop people moving about? No, my job is to be relentless, the flow of battle should be fast, faster the better, my skills are instant, i have no interest in standing still or making anyone else stand still. Casting ravage is a double edged sword as anyone who is good and knows what they're doing will hit you with their channeled abilities, r stun you, or knock you back, or interrupt you, or break movement cc and move away and laugh as you get caught in the animation glitch forcing you to stand still beating on thin air. Seriously, if this is how you use your marauder, you are one of those not playing it right.


Um maybe you play against bad mara's but sure break my ravage all I need to do is 1) hit any ability or swing my weapon and I'm not bugged and then still force choke you have 1 breaking ability correct? Also if your talking about channeling abilities either 1) you would be doing it and then either way I am stopping you from scoring or 2) there is more then a 1 on 1 situation in where your still running from a group of people. I always love assassin in general who think they are big **** because they have force speed to score, is it great hell yes it is. The point of that post was to show a simple way for people to stop them from scoring without knocking people off the ledge also, protip if a mara is force charging to start he is doing it wrong.

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Why would I as a mara wan't a knock back when I have to be close to do my best damage? I would gladly take a move to pull my enemy to me before I am given a knock back.

So you can immediately do a Force Charge just another tool to add to a rotation.

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Obfuscate is auto win.


Obfuscate, wait until it runs out, pop cloak of pain + saberward, wait for that to run out, undying rage when low. Youre damn near unkillable 1v1.


but tell me when you will be ever be 1v1? unless your opponents team is utterly crap offcourse and scattered everywhere ^^




I dont know on which abilities it really works on to counter but what i have experienced is following


when i fight a marauder it works perfectly

but when i encounter a smuggler he just rips through me like obfuscate has no effect


i just wonder what the difference is , as i thought it was was generally taken for all attacks

Edited by Alegoss
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Obfuscate is auto win.


Obfuscate, wait until it runs out, pop cloak of pain + saberward, wait for that to run out, undying rage when low. Youre damn near unkillable 1v1.


I thought the same thing until today I was fighting a shadow in Illum.. I used all my cooldowns and he was pretty much dead, he used his combat stealth and came back at me within minutes fully healed with me having no cooldowns = dead mara... lol


Hell, if Bioware wants mara's to play like a stealth class, just give me full stealth like assassins/ops (4 second stealth in ALOT of cases is nothing but delaying death in a 1v1 open environment fight) and be done with it... If you have to use your force camo vs a stealth based class, you will die, period.


The only time mara's aren't "squishy" is when they have all their cooldowns up. I've kept ranting on before on how force choke needs to either deal double damage than what it currently does now or be an instant stun ability.. Forget force push as a mara, but throw me a f;'n bone already...........

Edited by Ekryth
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