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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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Anyone have a screenshot of the Imperial spawn area?




You miiiiiiiiight want to read the topic instead of just the first post. You might look stupid otherwise.

Just roll an emp char to 10 and que for warzones might take about 2-3 hours of pvp to get an alderaan but its true. My repub guild made some empire alts to mess around and were doing pvp here and there. We noticed it pretty quick, its not some slight difference. If one takes a second to look at it especially some one used to the republics ship, the difference will jump out at you.

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I have stated repeatedly that it is possible for a sorc to get to that aoe window in the 2 seconds. Do you really think it's harder to stop a sorc or two from having to play perfectly to get there? You may outplay the other team occasionally and make it, but I bet you'd be just as confident in your ability to stop the sorcs if you were on the defending side of the ball.


Furthermore, do you really consider it fair that the defending team has to be perfect to even have a chance to stop the cap? If you send help with the sorcs the interference can just be run at a point further up. We tested a large number of combinations of running defenders, and the simple fact is, while it is possible to hit that window, ANYTHING slowing them down, ends that possibility. You have to get a sorc to the turret stairs untouched the entire way.


This is not an advantage for the capping team? Really?

Sure the team going left has an advantage over the team going right...but that advantage is easily overcome with good strategy and numbers. In 30ish attempts of going after that side first, our group has been stopped a total of 1 time: we only had one person with force sprint.


Slowing down multiple people when you have no abilities that out range their abilities becomes difficult; especially if you assign a person to lock down anyone sent to slow the rest of the group. We feel our assassin tank is great for this job with both his force sprint and invis combined with great lock down tools, but I have also done it on my sorcerer.




Both ends can be taken by both teams at the start of the fight as can the middle. The fact that one side ticks sooner then the other really is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. I wish it would alternate or tick on the Repub side first so I could mock them harder when we beat them.


You see so many threads about how the Imps have advantages like how a Sorcerer's shock goes off faster then Sage's project....which is really meaningless since it is a useless spell at 50 in pvp given that harsh words hit harder. Yet Repub Sages get their AoE doing double the healing of their Sorc counter parts and their knock back goes off faster due to the animation...you know spells that are actually useful and meaningful...yet all we hear is whining by the Repubs about meaningless ability differences or ticks of these cannons.


I swear the light side must be powered on whines.

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played last night. I took right on purpose. Gues who got the 10 points after one tick... us.


and i play republic.


i should have recorded but i didnt. all i can say is that it is not imblananced


Even if you can take right, the imps have an advantage, however slight, in taking it. You can prevent a cap against imperfect play, you can overcome the advantage with skill, but it is still an advantage-- Imps have easier access to a "better" turret.


They also apparently have a smaller spawn? Could anybody post a comparative screenshot of that? How could Bioware have possibly not considered the advantage inherent there?

Edited by Empire_of_Dirt
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Even if you can take right, the imps have an advantage, however slight, in taking it. You can prevent a cap against imperfect play, you can overcome the advantage with skill, but it is still an advantage-- Imps have easier access to a "better" turret.


They also apparently have a smaller spawn? Could anybody post a comparative screenshot of that? How could Bioware have possibly not considered the advantage inherent there?


I can confirm that the imp spawn is smaller (main is imp). Not by a completely game breaking margin but definitely noticeable the first time I went into Alderaan as a pub. It's about one gcd difference from what I remember (casting sprint). In class, if I remember when I get back I'll try to post one.

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It's worth noting that sith are carebears. Your getting an advantage and everytime a republic player kills you its with a disadvantage.


You are getting beat by better players everytime. Enjoy that fact when you pvp.


Yes Alderaan ticks different. Everytime it favors the imps. Been in it enough. Cannot cap right before the Imps. We have to take it or middle.


That is just the truth.


I don't understand why bioware cannot have the starting side alternate. That solution would be fair.


They can manage to have defender/attacker alternate on void. We not on Alderaan?


This games getting more laggy. Space in particular keeps getting worse from beta.


I do not understand. We have to many servers.

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The alliance one was a clear exploit and the turret issue in Civil War was fixed back in December. If you are seeing the Empire ahead now it is because they capped one side first.


No, it was not fixed, it was officially acknowledged but that is it.

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Honestly the first tick hit isn't a huge deal, its unbalanced but its not massive. What IS massive, that almost no one realizes is how much smaller the hangar spawn is for imperials than republic. This is actually a MAJOR balance issue especially concerning defending side turrets. They can get to the far speeder within 1-2 seconds easily because of how small their spawn is. The republic players are looking at a 3 second run on average, and 5 seconds if you spawn as far away as you can. When getting to the point and stopping cappers is something a second can change, this is a pretty large bias. However I don't know how many people have played alderaan on emp and republic, and how many of those even paid attention to the differences. Honestly this is a massive difference though.


wow seriously? that's just bad design... why are they overlooking this crap

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If they just made all 3 tick the same amount at the same time it would eliminate the need for any of this discussion. The rest of the arguments wouldn't matter of what is closer, what ticks quicker, who is favored, etc.




Yes, true but then that is just one more advantage the imps have that would be taken away from them and we can't have that can we?....


Right (east) initially ticks faster and gets an extra 5 at the start, imps have an easier time capping it, EI..as usual, imps have game layout/mechanic advantage. At least Sages get an extra hot from their AoE heal, that was one advantage we had over imps.....oh wait, fixed....

Edited by ImURmaster
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It's worth noting that sith are carebears. Your getting an advantage and everytime a republic player kills you its with a disadvantage.


You are getting beat by better players everytime. Enjoy that fact when you pvp.


Yes Alderaan ticks different. Everytime it favors the imps. Been in it enough. Cannot cap right before the Imps. We have to take it or middle.


That is just the truth.



If you feel you can not take the right it is not the Imps that are carebears.

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If they just made all 3 tick the same amount at the same time it would eliminate the need for any of this discussion. The rest of the arguments wouldn't matter of what is closer, what ticks quicker, who is favored, etc.

They tick at different times to prevent the possibility of a tie forming.


I think the time each turret ticks should be random so it is not always the same one that ticks first though. But the advantage is so tiny it is not even really relevant. I realize all the alliance claims most of the games are down to the 5-0 or 10-0 range if you read their posts in this thread but I have never seen a single game that close and although I admit it is possible, it is going to be very rare.

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Indeed, it's impossible not to notice this when you're a regular Republic warzone player.


If both teams go off to the left and right, and cap at nearly the exact same moment (which happens in a lot of cases), the Republic ship will soon be at 585 while the Empire ship is at 595 if mid stays contested.


We usually counter this by having someone go right to disrupt their cap for a time, but it still is a major disadvantage.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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ok, i can see the rage about this


and being an imp player, i can actually side with the reps on this one


i understand one of the turrets has an instant fire mechanic if you take it first blah blah blah (supposedly, from what I'm reading in the thread, and I am too lazy to honestly look it up to see if the devs really did do that, but if they did...)


but is it truly fair that the turret that accomplishes such action is in the imps natural side turret?


i think not. it should be the center turret, hence the reason why both sides can get to it equally fast making it something to be earned, not some lopsided crap


BW, please, fix this. I want a fair and clean fight with the reps, not something like this.


i completely understand where this is coming from reps and i, like you, would like to see this fixed so matches can be equally competitive (at least in initial attacks and such)

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ok, i can see the rage about this


and being an imp player, i can actually side with the reps on this one


i understand one of the turrets has an instant fire mechanic if you take it first blah blah blah (supposedly, from what I'm reading in the thread, and I am too lazy to honestly look it up to see if the devs really did do that, but if they did...)


but is it truly fair that the turret that accomplishes such action is in the imps natural side turret?


i think not. it should be the center turret, hence the reason why both sides can get to it equally fast making it something to be earned, not some lopsided crap


BW, please, fix this. I want a fair and clean fight with the reps, not something like this.


i completely understand where this is coming from reps and i, like you, would like to see this fixed so matches can be equally competitive (at least in initial attacks and such)


It's always nice to see the rare Imperial player who thinks things like this should be fixed. It seems like most imps seem to deny that it happens, or they say that the slight differences like this (or Rep mirror classes having longer animations before doing damage) add to the "diversity" of the game.

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While I agree with this issue (even though I cannot confirm 100%), as a side note, you have not seen real faction favoritism.


In one game I used to play, one faction used to have access to a hell of a lot more relic weapons than the other faction, had more bosses to kill, and even had much better looking weapons and cloth designs. The other faction seemed to be an after-thought for the most part.

Edited by Treplos
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