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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are people just tolerating TOR at the moment?


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That's a mentality I just can't understand. I understand that it's paid for so the account will remain active. But, if you're logging in and not enjoying yourself, are you doing it out of some masochistic sense to keep reminding yourself you're not enjoying it?



At release, I enjoyed WoW during leveling, but found it grew boring at max level while plodding through MC. Month 4-6 of playing was not very fun to me personally.


Flash forward a few months, with BWL added and PvP made better, etc, etc, and all of a sudden, I enjoyed the game enough to stay another 5 years.


So, sometimes, sticking with something, especially a constantly adapting something, can net positive results.


Not a push to get people to stay. Do what you will. But an answer as to why some who are fence sitting aren't ready to write it off just yet.

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Probably shouldn't downplay the significance of the people on these forums. They are after all the ones who buy the products that generate that revenue for EA. If they don't like what EA is doing or if EA loses touch with their wants that revenue number goes south.


P.S. Considering that EA hasn't turned an annual profit in four years I don't place a ton of faith in their abilities right now.


Not downplaying anyone's significance but rather their apparent motivation and expected results. A lot of it seems inconsequential to me and I'd much prefer to hear creative ideas and new ways to accomplish game goals rather than whining and complaining. Also... I quoted sales not profits and I'm sure we all know how our tax code rewards low profits and penalizes high ones... which is why, of course, businesses do their best in keeping profits reasonable. I think they're able to put dinner on the table at EA.

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Nope, i'm enjoying it. If i wasn't i'd play something else with the main part of my gaming time.


Yeah it has bugs but i've played MMOG's with worse bugs (and dev teams/publishers) so all that is really minor to me so far. It even has some things i don't necessarily like too, but i've yet to play a game that didn't.

Edited by Cormey
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Why should someone "tolerate" a game? If you don't like it, you shoudln't push yourself to playing it, that only leads to anger and once you start the dark path... well, we all know what happens then since 1980.


I never understood this about MMOs and their "community". People seem so much more demanding and vocal when it comes to online-gaming and I wonder why that is. I suppose this is because the devolopers earn continous money with the game and thats why people tend to think that they can blackmail the devs by threatening to quit.


That being said: I've never played a game I didn't like for long. And when it comes to MMOs I always quit, when they got boring or I decided, they weren't for me. So no: I'm not just tolerating the game. I like it.

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No I enjoy this game thoroughly. I find it challenging enough to be entertaining but not so challenging that it is frustrating. The ONLY complaint that I have of this game is that flashpoints are too hard to get into groups for. Other than that I LOVE this game.


Same for me.


As for Flashpoints, I just bypass them. They are more trouble then they are worth in terms of time and focus.

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I am still confused at the concept of the game being broken? I have had no problems loading and no real crash issues. Are the people complaining working on a computer with 2 Gigs of Ram and a full HD? Because I just don't see what all the rage is about.


You want to experience a sucky MMo go play FXIV for 10 minutes then you will come back here with no complaints. :p

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I just cancelled my subscription. Although I loved the story mode addition, it just feels like too much of a single player experience for me. No real community and though I have a few chars and got up to lvl 37, I met just one member of the opposing faction (on a pvp server).


Maybe I'll come back later in the year. Maybe.

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Who "tolerates" a game?




That might be the most pertinent thing I've ever seen on these forums.


I KNOW! My life is tough. I get home in the evening, walk/feed my dog then cook dinner for my gf and I then I'm all like do I play BF3? Uncharted 3? DA:O? SWTOR? Read George RR Martin? Maybe start another nation in Europa Universalis 3?


These are hard choices I need to make. And sometimes the gf wants to play my copy of SWTOR or watch Pretty Little Liars on my HDTV. My life is so hard I'm going to complain about tolerating a game.



Edited by talligan
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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


That's kind of how my friends and I felt. 4 of us irl friends started and it got to the point where indeed we were just "tolerating" it rather than have loads of fun. We slowly dropped off and now we are all cancelled. But guess what? We played some other multiplayer PC games and had lots of fun! It was like a breath of fresh air to remind us that there are lots of fun PC games and we don't have to feel obligated to pay just because we started a subscription. So there's really no need to tolerate a game just because you played for it. If you're not enjoying it, suck up the loss, go play something that is fun, and come back in a few months if things have changed.

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I just cancelled my subscription. Although I loved the story mode addition, it just feels like too much of a single player experience for me. No real community and though I have a few chars and got up to lvl 37, I met just one member of the opposing faction (on a pvp server).


Maybe I'll come back later in the year. Maybe.


It will be even deader by then lol.


Bioware so far is not showing they care to much about the community.... yes i know about their 1.1 promo video but they are not living up to that.

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Same for me.


As for Flashpoints, I just bypass them. They are more trouble then they are worth in terms of time and focus.


I said this before but I honestly expect soon there will be a flash point that you can Duo with your companions (two players + Two companions) frankly the should have had that option at launch.

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It will be even deader by then lol.


Bioware so far is not showing they care to much about the community.... yes i know about their 1.1 promo video but they are not living up to that.


How are they not living up to it exactly and please provide specifics?

I see the CSR and the devs talk constantly to players via Twitter and Google Plus the dev tracker has six to ten responses per day.


So once again you are making false claims with nothing substantial to back it up.



Edited by Jett-Rinn
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No, I am not tolerting the game...


The only thing I am tolerating (and my tolerence is growing thin) is people constantly whining and complaining on the forum!


Yeah, you're so not tolerating the game you're spending your time responding to posts instead of actually playing it.


This is clearly what people do when they're satisfied with a game, they don't play it and instead go complain on forums about people complaining on forums.

Edited by Demorase
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Having a blast so far.


Everyone i see in game says he/she loves it. Of course the game has issues and there are things that need fixing and improving. I have to say that the game is amazingly polished. There were few releases in the last year as polished as this even for single player games.


If they keep working on it with the same determination as they have so far they will succeed.

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Yeah, you're so not tolerating the game you're spending your time responding to posts instead of actually playing it.


This is clearly what people do when they're satisfied with a game, they don't play it and instead go complain on forums about people complaining on forums.


this is what ppl do when they are stuck behind a computer all day, but unable to play a game, talking in a forum at work is one thing, playing a game is completely another

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