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So when we get to kill Satele Shan?


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Malgus was the Vader of Tor. Guess who killed him... The Imperials...


Just like who killed Palpatine and Vader.. We Sith are so awesome we can't be killed by anyone but our own hand.


While as a Sith Id love to see Master Shan die an agonizing death, or prolonged one like certain other people, storywise I don't actually need it to happen. It's fine that republic have a pillar they can rely on at all times.

Edited by Karkais
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No offense but that is foolishness. Satele don't even have to think to put those people down. If Malgus couldn't beat her, then what makes you think any of those people you listed would stand a chance. Those people you listed would be obliterated by malgus alone...


Except, guess what? They beat Malgus!!!

Edited by Sacrmeno
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Malgus was the Vader of Tor. Guess who killed him... The Imperials...


Just like who killed Palpatine and Vader.. We Sith are so awesome we can't be killed by anyone but our own hand.


I'd like to inform you that the Republic killed Malgus.

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I think that the Empire could kill Shan. Notice I said COULD. That's up to Bioware. Her death would most likely lead to the JC or maybe Syo Bakarn becoming Grand Master. But this depends on if Bioware lets you kill her as Empire players. Now they could make a flashpoint where Empire players fight Satele, but she escapes. This would allow Bioware to keep Satele around, but allow Empire players to fight her.
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Yeah but she still fought him :p


She defeated malgus easily on alderan. If you look it up malgus would have died in the wreckage if his twi'lek girlfriend hadnt saved him, a girlfriend he later murders in cold blood to further his power

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Really? Hmm... that would negate one of my three points (and admittedly one of the stronger ones). Got a link I can check this out with?


The ability is shatterpoint i believe. Shatterpoint is an ability where jedi can sense fault lines, and find the weakness in them to destroy very powerful objects.EG: If you look carefully, when she blocks malgus' saber she actually destroys the blade itself, seemingly cracking it, like shattepoint would. She is also know to be able to use this power.


However this is just my belief, and i may be wrong.

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Wow...whats with everyone knowing Shatterpoint now? I thought it was suppose to be a rare force ability? << Or at least it used to be.


Mace still does it better, imo. He would shatterpoint in the morning. He would shatterpoint in the evening. He would shatterpoint all over the galaxy.

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The ability is shatterpoint i believe. Shatterpoint is an ability where jedi can sense fault lines, and find the weakness in them to destroy very powerful objects.EG: If you look carefully, when she blocks malgus' saber she actually destroys the blade itself, seemingly cracking it, like shattepoint would. She is also know to be able to use this power.


However this is just my belief, and i may be wrong.


She's using "absorb/dissipate" not shatterpoint.

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Ever since I saw that cinematic "Hope" with her blocking a lightsaber with her hand I've wanted my character (sith warrior) to put her head on spit.



And since we empire players are forced to kill Malgus in False Emperor. If given the option any half sane empire player would choose to help Malgus not kill him.



It's only fair we get kill Satele Shan too. How can you take the imperial iconic paragon character and leave the republic character completely intact. How is that fair? And it completely violates the theme of balance in the Star Wars.


So where's the flashpoint with players finally get to confront Satele Shan? I expect the flashpoint would have to play like a Malestorm prison to The foundry type of angle where repubes help her and imps kill her.


False. Just. False. because...



Malgus is a heretic and decieved the empire, ergo, he deserves to die.


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It wouldn't make much sense since the way the story is going is that the empire has been pushed back for a time by the republic. Mind that this doesn't mean the end is nigh, no no no. What I expect is that future content will have numerous victories for the imperials, a type of back and forth war, or the Sith doing some very sith-like and crazy, probably unleashing some ancient destructive force.


Its also more plausible for sith higher ups to die, as they constantly contest with each other and engage in infighting. The republic doesn't do this, not yet anyway. There are a number of clues during both storylines that suggest not everyone in the republic is happy with what the republic is doing. I expect we'll see some more separatist movements, as well as a few divisions from the alliance.

Edited by Selvec
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  • 2 months later...
She falls into the god-mode style Mary Sue classification for the following reasons: DBZ style blasts of force energy, danced through a dozen sith like they were red-shirts, and (let's not forget) she blocked a lightsaber with her hand. Who does that? In my experience watching the movies... when hand meets lightsaber hand loses. The hand loses badly. This reeks of god-mode Mary Sue. I'm willing to listen to any points you might have to make, though.


I should also note that this is just my personal opinion. Don't think I'm trying to force it down your neck. I sometimes feel like I gotta point this out so nobody gets their frilly little pink panties in a knot reading my posts.


Haven't read the entire thread, but the force you refer to is called tutaminis, a very basic technique, but can be built upon a lot.


Also: I wanna kill her too.

Edited by Danicony
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Do remember that Malgus more than likely lives. One rule of... pretty much everything. If the corpse isn't seen (outside of complete and utter vaporization), the person is more than likely alive. We didn't see Malgus die, we saw him fall off an edge... and then nothing.


But I agree, the iconic Imperial characters have either not appeared (Shae) or have been killed off/supposedly killed off (Kilran/Malgus). As it stands, we really only have General Hesker left to us as far as a truly iconic, generally awesome Imperial character goes. Personally would have enjoyed seeing him and Kilran working in tandem.


No, he's dead. The novel Annihilation, which focuses on Theron Shan, Satele and Colonel Jace Malcolm's SIS son, confirms by all the Imperial characters that Malgus is flat out dead. The focus was placed on his apprentice, Darth Karrid.

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One that acts so cocky and annoying as her should be allowed to be killed. Like, really.


Except in the REAL timeline of swtor, the Empire is in complete disarray with the Emperor currently MIA (for those here who are SWs, you know better, shut up), and with the collapse of Imperial Intelligence (Agents, shut up), ****tons of infighting for Sith vying for power (implied players and Dark Councillors alike) after the death of Darth Thanaton (Inquisitors I'm looking at you...), the Empire is in COMPLETE chaos. But that's actually how it's SUPPOSED to unfold, because this follows the EU to a tee and sure the Empire will, dare I say it, Strike Back, but ultimately it HAS to fall to make way for the Brotherhood of Darkness down the road then eventually the Rule of Two. Plus Satele is sort of the "female Luke Skywalker" at this point, which is how she was created, so I sincerely doubt they'll make killing her a possible outcome. Revan fine, because it wrapped up his storyline to make way for the current generation, but that's it really.

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Except in the REAL timeline of swtor, the Empire is in complete disarray with the Emperor currently MIA (for those here who are SWs, you know better, shut up), and with the collapse of Imperial Intelligence (Agents, shut up), ****tons of infighting for Sith vying for power (implied players and Dark Councillors alike) after the death of Darth Thanaton (Inquisitors I'm looking at you...), the Empire is in COMPLETE chaos. But that's actually how it's SUPPOSED to unfold, because this follows the EU to a tee and sure the Empire will, dare I say it, Strike Back, but ultimately it HAS to fall to make way for the Brotherhood of Darkness down the road then eventually the Rule of Two. Plus Satele is sort of the "female Luke Skywalker" at this point, which is how she was created, so I sincerely doubt they'll make killing her a possible outcome. Revan fine, because it wrapped up his storyline to make way for the current generation, but that's it really.


I'm afraid you are correct man. Still, lame of them to make a character piss you off, and then not being able to take revenge other than repeat black talon to take the most snarky comebacks.

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So, the general opinion of Satele stopping a lightsaber with her hand makes her a Mary Sue? I guess that means that the Jedi that can sense a being's true nature in the Sith storyline is Mary Sue too, huh?


To date, I've never seen anyone stop a lightsaber with their hand except Satele. And as long as it's a very rare feat, I'm ok with that. Did it make me think it was wrong when I first saw it? Yes. But Satele is a Jedi Master. Yoda could absorb Force Lightning with his hands and even shoot it back. Yoda also did this against Palpatine. But Yoda was also a Jedi Master. And a powerful one at that. I doubt many other Jedi could absorb Force lightning (even Dooku could only reflect it.) And I doubt many other Jedi could stop a lightsaber with the Force through their hand.


Having a unique or rare ability does not make you a Mary Sue.

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