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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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I made 50 in seven days yet there are things to do in game. No not just alt leveling.


BS. Unless you honestly dont understand how to play end game content. Our guild hit 50's and cleared the PvE content in the same week. We are not elitist or 'good', the content was that easy and dull.


There is no end game crafting to speak of.


There is no end game PvP to speak of, but if you choose to grind for Battle Master, even that isnt that difficult, its just time consuming.


But even if you do all that, then what? Guild mates have been battle masters for a week and a half and we dont even do operations anymore cause all the gear we need we have, and the experience is dull tank/spank then we sleep through.


So then what, log in and stare at eachother?


No thanks! Like many before me I'll take my subscription dollars else where.

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Which changes what? So they were in the minority? Or is this a thinly veiled accusation?


My point is world first leveling speed is not indicative of actual leveling time for the average player. To say that WOW was as easy to level to max as TOR is not accurate in my experience having played both games. Keep in mind that WOW today is a totally different animal when it comes to leveling and is more comparable to TOR.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


You did not clear nightmare modes. And chances are, if you are stating you are done after clearing hard modes, you didn't do that either.


You must have rolled a troll in World of Warcraft.

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I'm with the OP


I really want to like this game, and I'll hold out a bit longer at least... but lack of content (that is challenging... the amount was there... but you can faceroll it)...and bugs (ability delay, Ops bugs..etc) are too much for me I think


I hope it gets better. I fear it will take too long... And my friends will leave... then I'll be alone... It's not looking good .

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Dev Finder is your friend. There is a huge content patch less than two months away including an entire planet.


1.1 was supposed to be a 'huge content' patch to get excited over. It was a dude. All they did was add tank/spank bosses to an incomplete instance and a bunch of bug fixes.


So far all I can find on 1.2 is guild banks and this planet. I somehow doubt this planet is going to fix all the issues in SWTOR. We can presume itll be a planet for level 50's with dailies and some instances.


Too little to late.


Secondly its two months away, 60 days. What are people supposed to do till then? Just ignore the fact this is a terribly flawed empty game? Why would they remain subscribers for that period of time?


Rather ridiculous.

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I do agree with the original post. In most mmo's someone will reach the level cap, do top level dungeons to gear up, graduate to hard modes to gear up more, then hop into ops. What I have noticed in ToR is that players can almost completely skip (and are encouraged to skip) over level 50 content and hard modes to pvp and jump cold into ops.


Ops and pvp are a far more profitable way to obtain high level gear which completely overshadows the horrendously disproportionate hard mode grind for sub-par badge gear. In short, Bioware made it too easy to jump ahead to high tiers of gear which caused a huge portion of repeatable end-game content to be obsolete the moment a player reaches 50.

Edited by HeartsValor
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?



A person that claims there is NOTHING to do after hitting 50 must be completely braindead, i don't know what you are expecting but every MMO game out there is worse than this once you hit max level, if you were expecting this game to be different i hate to break it to you but it won't be different than other MMO's tell your friends so they know what's going on.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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WoW at launch was a larger open world and took well over a month of dedicated play to hit level 60. Once you hit 60 there were very complicated raids with very unique gear that set you and your charactor apart. Something worth achieving AND the PvP back in those days was amazing. Not other well thouh out but you could gain titles from your pvp rank and status.


This game, so many years later offers nothing compared to that launch content expect voice over.


HAHAHAHA. MC was NOT complicated. The only thing "complicated" about it was getting 40 teenaged monkeys to act in unison correctly. That's not the content itself creating complication tho. More like just an element of frustration for anyone who has ever tried to lead one of those oversized clusterfraks. As for gear, I loved my hat-rack/laundry-line shoulder pads as a shaman (or the T1 lava set) because of what they represented, but c'mon...if you think it looked cool, you're nuts. By the time we reached BC, the arena gear was so ridiculous and overblown that I couldn't even stand to look at it. And battlegrounds? Capture the flag and king of the hill(s) point-capture? Super inventive (love it or hate it, Huttball at least takes the creativity award on that score). But I will admit, running around facerolling my keyboard to completely pwn anything as a shaman in the very early days before we got nerfed for balance, that truly was "fun."


If you ask me, what it comes down to is simple: BW's biggest mistake is letting people earn XP from PVP. Period.

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Vanilla WOW @ release took between 25 and 40 DAYS played time to reach 60. that is a running clock for time u were actually logged into the game. playing for a week did not give you 7 days played time. For someone to have hit 60 within 3 weeks of launch they would have had to have previously leveled to 60 in beta which gave them an idea of the best places to go to level, and then also where the specific quests were completed and how.


Back in vanilla it was really easy to find out how long it took people to hit 60, as 60 was the max level, /played showed total time played and time played at this level, so anyone who can subtract could quickly figure out exactly how much played time each person took to hit 60. This was something i actually checked on in detail with many many players and based on a range of 25 to 40 days played time to hit 60, then it would be impossible to have hit 60 in 3 weeks, as even if u went every day without sleep that is a total of 21 days. However if he did have experience in leveling a character or two to 60 on beta, it is possible that he did do it in 3 weeks, but i seriously doubt it.


That is not entirely true.


I have been playing MMORPG's since I was 13 years old. Killing mobs and doing quests is not a hard affair. If you follow the quests in wow they send you to the zones needed after you clear each one. It was an open world but still had a path to level on. What took alot of the time away from doing thta was the dungon grouping. It was easy to find people with my warrior and her mage. We ran dungons over and over again at a fast pace (ZF for example) and did it again and again. We would also do quest .


Leveling in a video game isnt hard. The quest layout was provided to us through friends of a 150 person guild we were apart of who DID play the beta. We also had a healer that would run with us all the time. (We knew this healer friend of ours IRL so it was easy to get a group going with a healer, tank, and one dps combo already formed.

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1.1 was supposed to be a 'huge content' patch to get excited over. It was a dude. All they did was add tank/spank bosses to an incomplete instance and a bunch of bug fixes.


So far all I can find on 1.2 is guild banks and this planet. I somehow doubt this planet is going to fix all the issues in SWTOR. We can presume itll be a planet for level 50's with dailies and some instances.


Too little to late.


Secondly its two months away, 60 days. What are people supposed to do till then? Just ignore the fact this is a terribly flawed empty game? Why would they remain subscribers for that period of time?


Rather ridiculous.


EV and KP seems to be designed more towards people who are new to the MMO genre.

For veteran raiders coming from WoW, EV and KP are infact easier than Naxx-25 was in WoTLK.

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I guess I'm the only one who did this but...


.....back in WoW I would unsub, go do something else, and come back months later and resub. I'd chew through the content in a month or less, unsub, and then come back again months later when they had more content.


I did that for YEARS with WoW.


Again, maybe I'm the only one.

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Something tells me Op has never played a mmo before this.


Rift had a ton to do at 50 out of the get go, with dailies, faction grinds, end game crafting, a pvp system that worked (wasnt perfect, but it worked being the point), outdoor raids(rifts) and more. And while some PvE content was cleared quickly, most was not, and there was generally always something to do, grind, or work on.


Secondly, you could not reach max level as fast in most other MMO's as I feel you can in swtor. I play games for a set period of time each night (as my fiance allows), in the month + it took me to level my rift character to 50, i have been able to level 2 toons to 50 in swtor and a sniper to 42. I'm not 'skipping content', but the fact is its very easy to level in this game just going through the straight quests and doing a daily pvp and daily space missions.

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EV and KP seems to be designed more towards people who are new to the MMO genre.

For veteran raiders coming from WoW, EV and KP are infact easier than Naxx-25 was in WoTLK.


Tough to accept for some, but the entire game is like that. I wish I could find the quote from Walton a few years back where he said that they were not going to tune for the very hardcore, that you basically had to ignore them if you wanted to make an even more accessible game. I guess people thought he was kidding.

Edited by Scar
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Rift had a ton to do at 50 out of the get go, with dailies, faction grinds, end game crafting, a pvp system that worked (wasnt perfect, but it worked being the point), outdoor raids(rifts) and more. And while some PvE content was cleared quickly, most was not, and there was generally always something to do, grind, or work on.


Secondly, you could not reach max level as fast in most other MMO's as I feel you can in swtor. I play games for a set period of time each night (as my fiance allows), in the month + it took me to level my rift character to 50, i have been able to level 2 toons to 50 in swtor and a sniper to 42. I'm not 'skipping content', but the fact is its very easy to level in this game just going through the straight quests and doing a daily pvp and daily space missions.


So why did you not stay with Rift?


You mentioned dailies,Swtor has lots, end game crafting,Swtor has, a pvp system that worked(I don't really know what that means) but I've been playing Swtor pvp for a while and it seems to work perfectly. Outdoor bosses are also in Swtor, and there are already a few raids that have only been cleared by a small number of groups, in comparison to the general population.


Some people get there fast and some get there slow, I'm still only level 42 on my main character and I've had it since Christmas. It's not the games fault you leveled fast, you just wanted to so you did.

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I guess I'm the only one who did this but...


.....back in WoW I would unsub, go do something else, and come back months later and resub. I'd chew through the content in a month or less, unsub, and then come back again months later when they had more content.


I did that for YEARS with WoW.


Again, maybe I'm the only one.


I did as well, for certain, but WoW was the only kid on the block, and game developers have been getting better with new games. Ever since warhammer lost its customers due to no end game, more companies have been putting out games with more and more end game content at launch. Trion did a good job, and I hear suprisingly that Tera has a good deal of end game. According to Arena Net, they have an entire team thats just been working on end game since the start of development to ensure there was a very healthy amount of stuff to do.


All of these game companies do not have the 200M budget that SWTOR did.





Consider this, back in 2010, WoW's total cost to create, and maintain (paying all your employees, cs teams, call centers, infastructure, advertisment, etc) was 200M. Think of the game in 2010 in WoW (Frozen throne I think) and its complete feature set and consider that is their COMPLETE cost to that point (it may be less than accurate, no doubt) compares to just the development cost of SWTOR, and then compare the products on their feature set.


I for the life of me cant see where SWTOR spent all its money. The game is so much a shell of WoW (and I use WoW here not cause I like WoW, I think WoW sucks, but because SWTOR is basically a direct rip off of it, regardless of what fan boys are saying).

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