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What is your favorite SWtOR quote so far?


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The best I have seen is from Khem Val after walking into a cantina on tatt he says to me:


"I have an excellent sabacc face. That was a joke. I hate sabacc."


I rofled for ages because usually hes "Yn and Chabosh this", "Yn and Chabosh that" lol :D


dont know much about sabacc myself but for some reason i laughed because he was laughing.

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Paraphrasing, but Lord Paladius when offering a meeting; you select option 3 (something about if this is a trick, he'll pay), and his response is something like this: "Oh, no tricks. If I have bad intentions, may I die broke on Tattooine, cleaning some Jedi's back." :ph_lol:
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Could be spoiler for some

Not exactly sure what the exact quote was, but it was somehting along the lines of

Sin: "Worship me or my next display of power will be your last"

servants: "Is there anything we can get you ,my lord?"

Sin :"I want to wear Robes Made of solid gold!!!!"

Servants "We don't have that many credits , my lord, but I am sure we can recruit some more wealthy followers"


I just remember lmao after this and it was on narshadaa before killing Lord Palidius so I could get a holocron for that one lord zash, and I impressed his cult followers by making the earth shake



If anyone remembers the line it is assassin story.

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On Tatooine.... near the Anchorhead taxi


(you have to approach on foot to hear the audio of the NPC conversation)


Human male, "Hey, I want my money back! You sold me a protocol droid with a broken vocabulator!"

Jawa, "Vocabulator not broken, Is feature."

Human Male, "What good is a protocol droid if it can't even talk"


The Jawa speak even sounds hilarious!

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SW after removing Vette's shock collar from her early on in the game and then romancing her. Her last conversation with with on the ship goes something like this:


Vette: I have sent everybody away for a while.

SW: What do you have in mind.

Vette: I found my old shock collar the other day and I can think of some uses for it.:eek:

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In the "Republic Embassy" in Anchorhead, Tattooine, after you kill the Czerka toughs threatening Camus, and Fauler walks in and sees the dead guys:


"Come on, you know how I feel about corpses in my work space."

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Sith warrior: "Nice lungs you got there."

Baras: "Mind your tongue, apprentice, or I'll rip it out."

and Keeper's "Would you even try to sound professional?" is epic. xD I love teasing the original Keeper. ^^


Edit: Oh, and there's this security agent. You can tell him that this one guy, I think his name was Tyrovall or something close to that, is commiting crimes. He asks for proof, and if you pick the option "[lie] Jedi powers" you get a quote that was something like "The Force told me that Tyrovall is evil. Seriously." At that point I really started to like my smuggler xD

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Impersonating the warden's enforcer on Belsavis: "This is Ellis Ruger, I'm busy dying for a worthless cause."


Yeah, just saw this one 10 min ago, nice:)





You stab me in the back, I'll shoot you in the face


Your ego is overinflated
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My favs...


On Balmorra...When Jedi Knight Mashallon acts so uppity and holier than thou to SW, and Malavai says:

"I hate to burst your bubble Jedi...no, that's a lie, I'm revelling in it."



And on Balmorra, you hear the background conversations...


Imperial: Next! Name, please.

Prisoner: Kateo.

Imperial: Let's see... Ah, there you are. "Killer" Kateo, butchered and entire squad of Republic soldiers with... a shiv?

Prisoner: That's me.

Imperial: Someone get this man a blaster! Welcome to the Imperial Army, Kateo. If there's something else we can get you, maybe something dull and rusty? Just ask!

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