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What is your favorite SWtOR quote so far?


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I have a couple


This one has probably been said before. " I am a lord of the Sith and I will have both of you and you will

accept it" Sith Warrior


"Murder and mayhem await" Sith Inquisator


"Time to settle up" Bounty Hunter (Note I think this one is wrong though)

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Been leveling a BH and just hit Alderaan late last night. One of the first quests has you going to some high-and-mighty Noble to get some code or some such.


Well, you get there and he's a complete pompous ***. Demands that you take these notes and run around Alderaan, delivering them for you before he'll give you what you want.


Typical MMO fare. Do this and then you'll get what you want. Not this time.


One of the options was 'hit him', so I did. And he aggroed and I killed his guards and talked to him again. He raged and one of the options was 'hit him again!', so I did. He coughed up the code without an issue.


Later, the guy who sent me to get the code said that he'd received a complaint from the Noble about it and my BH says "Well, I might have negotiated with his face a 'little'."

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“Our game is awesome. People love it and want to play it.”

“The subscription requirement was driving away huge numbers of people who do not want to commit to paying monthly.”


These are my favorite quotes from TOR :eek:


They are both from Jeff Hickman (in the same state of the game post after he took over once the Docs were pushed out/ran away in shame) and ftp was revealed.


He never seemed to understand that the most likely (by far) reason that people were being "driven away" was because they did NOT think"our game is awesome" and did NOT "love it and want to play it".


Now, mind you, I LOVED this game at that time and in some small ways still do, but the sheer arrogance that making those two statements in close proximity to each other requires is symptomatic of the way EAWare seem to handle everything.


Those are my two favorite quotes form TOR :rak_09:

Edited by LrdRahvin
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Another one that gets a good laugh out of me every time I run it. Early on into the Inquisitor story on Korriban you go in to interrogate someone and as you start getting warmed up if you click the right option you get:


Sing for me. Make it something cheery.

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Let's see...


Guy on Nar Shadaa, think he's Evocii. When you accept his quest to find out what happened to some visiting fleet officers,and you are playing a Jedi: "May the Force be With You. Heh, I always wanted to say that."


SI: "What is it you do again, Khem?"

Khem: "I eat force users and spit out the bones."


After breaking into a data center on Nar Shadaa with your BH. Chief security officer for the company has told you want to know, and asks if you are going to kill him. After whacking at least fifteen dudes to get to him (both times I played the quest, I had to finish the bonus before the goal would show up):


BH: "No, who do you think I am, some manaic?"

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Voss Mission-giver on Voss, Sith Warrior storyline mission, telling me how I need to seek out a Shaman in a cave, who has a bone amulet I need. He explains where to go, tells me a bit about the Shaman, and his last sentence is, word-for-word..............


"You need him to give you the bone."


Suddenly, I wasn't sure I wanted to see this Shaman, nor receive what he had to "give me".


Them lonely hermits, ya never knowz!

Edited by CaptRavenous
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SI after being asked if she knew who killed a Sith Lord.


PC: Me.

NPCs: Yeah right *laughs* Who ever it was must be good.

PC: It was me! ME ME ME!


(bit of paraphrasing there)


SI when confronted by 3 NPCs saying bombs will explode if you dont give them what they want or kill them.


SI: You have untill the count of three.

NPC: You wouldn't. You'd die too!

SI: One. *ZAP! Kills one*

NPC: Wait we can make a deal!

SI: Two. *ZAP! Kills another*

NPC: You're crazy! Just take it!

SI: Three. To late. *ZAP! Kills the last*


(again a bit of paraphrasing)

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"Like the Maker said, 'It's better to burn out than to rust away'. "


-Droids response to it's Master's comment about how all of the droid's leaking hydraulic fluid is going to catch on fire and burn their warehouse down.

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Paraphrasing here but I liked using logic on the droid in Belsavis on my Consular


'If I think I am a Jedi and I act like a Jedi is that not the same thing thus making me a Jedi?'


to which the droid says his memory buffers have overloaded and he begins a reboot or something to that extent :p

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I don't remember the exact quote, but it went something like this:


"The Jedi Order has been the guardian of peace in the galaxy for thousands of years, but there can't be any peace without justice. Your Empire conquers and enslaves everyone in their path and we wont allow that to continue! ." - The Jedi Consular in Taral V.

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