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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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No Macros. I don't wanna get creamed by lazy people just pushing 1 button. Try actually rotating. UI modification however, is ok.


the only macro i want is a loot one

the UI is just magnificent, it will be perfect with 2 more columns

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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.

Saying that every MMO has Macros is actually false all the Free-to-play MMO's I have played dont use them in any way shape or form and I have played TOR very well without needing them and when it comes down to it as long as the target goes down why should us being able to see the damage of every blow matter in the end. Besides speaking from experience marcos take the strategic thinking out of the games and with TOR that would be a very bad idea in my opinion. Also this post seems more of a rant than a genuine complaint to me.

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Saying that every MMO has Macros is actually false all the Free-to-play MMO's I have played dont use them in any way shape or form and I have played TOR very well without needing them and when it comes down to it as long as the target goes down why should us being able to see the damage of every blow matter in the end. Besides speaking from experience marcos take the strategic thinking out of the games and with TOR that would be a very bad idea in my opinion. Also this post seems more of a rant than a genuine complaint to me.
I agree. The only situations where I ever think about how useful a macro could be is during combat when voice chat isn't being used. As a tank communication is important. So it would be nice to call for ready checks, or quickly communicate when to CC, what I'm doing or when I'm changing targets without having to manually type everything out. Otherwise I can't see macros or addons being a genuine need. Edited by GalacticKegger
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I belonged to the camp whereby I don't want any add-on or macro as well, until I met players who are hearing-impaired and unable to use vent.


It is so difficult to type out instructions, especially in fights like EC, while trying to tank/heal/kill stuff. We are all cool with typing before the pull but it is hard to do so in an intensive fight.


I did not play WoW before, but in FFXI they had auto-translate with sophisticated macros, which allows English and Japanese-speaking players to play together without the need for voice comm. These macros do not bind complex rotation into one key, but rather they announce which mob to pull which mob to kill etc, and it is easy to coordinate chain-casting.


I would also like to have some limited add-on, such as speech-to-text add-on to allow us to raid with hearing-impaired players. No thanks to DPS meter/attack through target/ bind rotations into one key though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find the "I had a bad experience with add-ons in ( insert game here ) so add-ons are bad" argument closed minded. The thing with macros and add-ons is how important of a role they play in a game is totally under the control of the game developer. They can allow minimal access to only some functionality of the API.


Not all macros are 1 button win machines.

Not all add-ons are Deadly Boss Mods that become a raiding requirement.


On the note of requiring add-ons, the guild I am in which is farming current HM content requires the use of a damage parser. There is nothing wrong with wanting to play with like minded / skilled players. Don't blame the tool for how the players use it. If your family is killed by a guy with a hammer, that doesn't mean hammers should be outlawed. It means avoid people who misuse hammers.

Edited by Pootilicious
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It's different things for different people. For a healer, macros are important for saving your hands from carpal tunnel syndrome. For a tank, macros can help you focus on the boss mechanics without having to search all over the keyboard for the right key to click.


For dps, macros can help "dumb down" the rotation, and many people will attempt to use them for that. But in the end, it usually turns out that those players end up doing less dps than the ones who use all of their abilities correctly (in other words, no need for chaining abilities to macros).


For PVP, I can see where the arguments against them are coming from. Those with less macro skills will get creamed by those with more macro skills. Just the way it is. But the thing is with PVP it's always about those with more skill creaming those with less skill - whether it's macro skill, jumping around like an idiot skill, or researching your enemies' deficiencies skill - the PVP'er who really really wants to cream everyone else and is willing to put in the time and energy to figure out how to do that, will win.


I don't care about PVP myself, and don't care if that guy with more skill creams me every time. But for PVE, macros just make the game more enjoyable (for the two roles mentioned above). No one wants to come away from a 3-hour raid with their hands hurting because they have to heal without macros, and tanking (let's face it) is just more fun when you can focus on the fight itself and not focus on all the buttons.


I'll come back to the game when macros are added.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I believe that allowing outside developers to access the SDK for the client if you have one, so that they could develop addons and modifications to the client actions, would be an excellent idea. If it were not for this ability in the MMO with the most world wide subscriptions, then no one would be playing it. Have you ever tried to play that game without a single addon? It is completely horrible. You have to have an addon to move anything around or to even configure your interface and action bars. I believe that opening the client SDK to more developers, who actually play the game and want to make things easier or better, would be a huge benefit. You are always going to have those that try to create ways to cheat the system. Hell, we have that now without any addons. Please consider allowing players that have had great success creating addons for other games the chance to do so for this game. I think you will be very pleased with the results and it will make the game we love more enjoyable. That is my 2 Cents worth. Edited by eschuler
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Without the ultimate flexibility of player created mods, and the community that springs up around them, the game will not survive. Games like WoW, Sims 3, Skyrim, Fallout, all have powerhouse modding communities backing the game which is why they endure for so long and are still selling new software years and years after they first came out. This is the only MMO to make it over 1 million subs with no addons or macros, and clearly that's not working because F2P is on the horizon and subs have plummeted after the initial exposure.


It's not about who likes what. Our opinions will mean nothing without a healthy community to share them with. If you want people to keep playing, the game has to implement what a large portion of players want. That's how you make money and move product. Please your customers. They have not been doing that, and it shows. If you keep trashtalking addons and macros, and BioWare actually listens ... well, enjoy your dead MMO. Remember this post. I'm calling it .

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  • 3 weeks later...

If BW wants to make things really easy, they can have 8 different server types. PVE, PVP, RPPVE, RPPVP (with addons and macros) and PVE, PVP, RPPVP, RPPVE (without addons and macros) so that the people who abhor addons and macros can sit in the trunk of the car and try to steer while those who enjoy being able to maximize dps and truely theorycraft to be the best they can be and (horror of horrors) help other people become better. Find my guild on WoW or anyone who knows my characters on WoW and ask those people if I go out of my way to help people improve without being an elitist. I'm the raid master for my guild, and I've only been called an elitist ONCE, and that was by someone who was decked out in PVP gear trying to raid and failing miserably. If my desire to be the best player I can be and to help other people be the best they can be makes me an elitist, so be it. I won't shy away from the title because I know better. I can't help someone improve their game if I have no clue where I stand. I can't figure out how I'm doing as a tank on here because guess what? I have no threat meter. I can't see how my Marauder's rotation stacks up against other ones because why? I have no damage meter. I'm left to sites like Noxxic and what they claim is the best rotation. But how do I know when Noxxic says one thing and another site says another?


The only macros I use in WoW would be for my DK, and that currently sits as Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, Vampiric Blood, and Rune Tap (if I'm tanking). Beyond that, I have macros to target specific mobs. /target Elementium Bolt. /target Twilight Sapper. Nowhere in there is my rotation used up. Could I macro Rune Strike to Death Strike and Heart Strike? Yes. But I think it detracts from the game and I'm a solid tank without doing it. But I digress. Limiting certain aspects of macros is a great idea. Don't make it so you can macro damage abilities. But buff abilities? That would be nice. Target abilities would be cool too. But when you make damage abilities macroable, you get Rogues in WoW. "I don't have to know how to pvp, I can just smash my face into the keyboard and everything dies!".


BW doesn't need to make Addon support, they just need to add a damage meter, a threat meter, and more features to customize UI.

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Considering how many little UI tweaks people have been asking for since day one, wouldn't it take the pressure off the devs to let the community create some? We don't need to get crazy with a mod for every nook and cranny, but it would definitely be good for the community and player satisfaction. Also...Mouse over healing please. :(
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Addons: Not really needed. We're getting a combat log and the ability to change up our UI, that's all we really need honestly.


Macros: On the fence. We would need to severely limit what they can do. A savvy macro user can do many things with just a few lines of code. While I know many players can't or won't do such things, it still doesn't detract what a knowledgeable person is capable of. Some people claim macros don't play the game for you, but I'd wager they haven't seen what macros enable those who know what they're doing.

(I hate using it as a reference, but many/most of us know how the system works there) WoW has a very sloppy macro system that does indeed allow people, who know how to write macros at a much higher level than most players, almost bot the game for them. The only thing these players are actually doing, is making sure they target the right mobs and right players, almost everything else is done by using a macro.


yeah macros are nice i have one on WOW that i can spam and it goes through my rotation smoothly so my other key slots are freed up for other things like taunt disspell to name a few. but having a addons like skada or recount is greatly need in this game. Oh and before you go off and start saying the we have combat logs for that try looking at your combat log throughout the fight to keep track of your threat as a tank ( it is flat out impossible) i am not a player that likes grabbing huge mobs in the first place but if you dont know how high your threat is on all the npc's in the mob you are trying to tank and a npc runs off and PWNS the healer the tank gets yelled at for it. and yes addons do slow down the gaming but skada uses the lowest resources out of them all and it incorperates healing, threat, and dps meters all in one. recount is the heaviest on the processor out of the 2 more well known meters. i could careless for most addons but skada and a healing addon are the only addons i think the game needs.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Its sad to watch all of you complain about why or why not we need macros. If you dont want them then dont use them but there are other ppl who like to so you shouldnt be sitting here making ppl play the way you play because u cant make a macro or couldnt make one in wow boo hoo for you. Macros and Addons may be boring for some but not for others not everyone thinks the way most of the ones who bag on Macros/Addons. If you dont like them here is the simply anwser. DONT USE THEM.:o:o
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There are many addons that are not raid related. Many had pure utilitary function and not gave "unfair advantage in game": Bartender, Genie, SellGrey, Altoholic, Auctioneer suite, Market Watcher, unit frame addons.


While saying "we do not want another WoW replica here" do you remember that AddOns were not written by Blizzard? Default Unit Frames in WoW were horror compared to what users provided. Is this unacceptable?


In terms of macros, it is crazy that mouseover feature is missing in game. How can healers raid without contusions or breaking mice? I made the workaround to have controller click LMB before pressing the assigned key, it is insane clicking festival, how anything helping to get rid of that is "unfair advantage"?


Finally, there is no company that can compete with knowledge and ingenuity of the fan players. Companies may have good ideas and good coders but they would need to hire the economist / accountants / statisticians / mathematicians to teach the coders all this stuff to have coded addon like Auctioneer while there are fans with this knowledge playing game who have fun pouring some RL knowledge into the game via addons.

Edited by BogyOne
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i agree that swtor would bennefit alot from some utility mods. Even if EA/BW had to certificate each mod before release it would be a plus.


some mods i miss. a mod that shows when things proc like f.x. poweraura

a mod to do a fast gear change from tank to dps or from pve to pvp

a mod to show dps/heal/threat/interupts like recount f.x.

(a bit mixed about that, i miss it but i hate the way it gets abused sometimes)

a atlasloot that show all vendoritems in game.

some bag mod that can help sort out mats on multiple chars.

a crafting mod that will show what i can make on all chars would be nice.


out of those only poweraura will affect play. And it will help the lesser skilled players more than the better skilled. Some of the best players wont even benefit at all i guess. Any mod that affects gameplay would probably find it hard to get aproved by EA/BW. If that were to happen it should be part of the game, not a mod.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The only type of mods I would like are not really even mods at all. They are /alias that I can put into a box and click. Yes, they have a key combo for setting your focus and assisting your focus. Yes, I can change these to anything I want to change them to. I am a clicker. I use the quickbar. I don't use key-binds generally unless they are on the number row. I rarely if ever use even shift-1, ctrl-1, or alt-1. I use 1. I click anything on other rows. But what I can't do is put "target of target" on my quickbar. If I can and don't know how, I would love to learn how. What I can't do is right click the person acting as tank and select "set focus." So we have set focus, target of target, and assist focus but no way whatsoever to put it on the quickbar.


Which brings me to my next point. Even if I could put those things onto my quickbar, I can't save my UI I would use for a group/raid so I can load the one I would use for solo when not grouped. After all, I always focus, target of target, and assist myself. So why would I want a button for it?


I am also not saying macros. One alias = one command. Not a macro that says "focus the tank, target his target, then attack that target" in one push. Simply click on box 1 and you target his target. Or click on box 2 and assist him with his target. Sometimes I am not killing their target. I am killing adds. So I won't always want to be on his target. In fact, as I am writing this I am also thinking. Take away /assist. That is nothing more than target of target then start attack. It's an extra button that's not needed. I have plenty of buttons to start attacking. I simply want a way to put already existing key-binds into the quick bar so I can click an icon with my mouse instead of trying to remember 100 commands that might need my right hand that is on my mouse to use. Ctrl-F11 is rather hard to reach with my left hand. For me anyway.


Again, I am a clicker. I'm not a key presser. The key-bindings are all fine and dandy for those who are. But those who are not, to use the vein of previous posts, are forced to be because /alias to bind a key-bind to an icon that goes in your quickbar is an "addon" or a "mod" to many who oppose them. But what I am asking for requires nothing to be loaded in the background. No modded code. No plugins. All it needs is BioWare to add a /alias command to link a non-iconized command to my quickbar and give me some kind of icon I can place in the box I link to the key. I don't even need an icon. I can remember that the 1st box on quickbar2 is "target of target" without a little picture there to remind me. Any way it goes, I get a box to click on and not have to remember whatever key it is to target.


And, to be one step ahead, I only have so many mouse buttons. So yes, I do know you can set a mouse button as a key and my buttons there are full too.

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Macros are needed IMO. Not the rift style 1 button wonder macros, more like the WoW style with sensible restrictions and conditional statements to test for reasonable states.


As for addons, I'm mostly against that. You get the situation with 3rd party addons that give rise to situations like the infamous gearscore of WoW, or you come to rely on an addon and when the author decides to discontinue support for it, it eventually breaks as the game progresses and the player is left to either revert to the default or have to adjust to a different mod. Along with version hell, addons can often be more of a headache than they are a benefit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that Addons are a very important part of the MMO, mainly as they can add all sorts of wonderful new functionality to an already great game. As an avid addon user during my WoW days I would use them for all sorts of things, be they roleplay related, raiding, pvp or otherwise.


As for peoples concerns regarding horrific patch days when it comes to addons, or addons going out of date, well that's part of the risk you take on by using an addon, they are always optional nobody forces you to get an addon, so I don't see why people who don't want to use them are saying that they shouldn't be implemented.

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Were getting by just nicely and the last thing we all need is the work being done for us. Star Wars is more special than all those other mmos.


That's a ridiculous argument, you DON'T HAVE TO USE ADDONS if you don't want to. So saying point blanc that they shouldn't be in the game is just a selfish argument.

Edited by Galohan_varr
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That's a ridiculous argument, you DON'T HAVE TO USE ADDONS if you don't want to. So saying point blanc that they shouldn't be in the game is just a selfish argument.


Look in many games they made addons like the Gearscore addon for World of Warcraft. It caused so many people in the game to have to out of their way just to get into raids. It changes priorities. The only addons I would like to see are things like AtlasLoot or a different skin for my UI. If we're going to have addons make sure it's hard to code.

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