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Another 8hr are you serious? They have MASSIVE memory leaks in the server code.


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As an EU based person the only downtime that wasn't during my normal working day was the one on Saturday, for all the others I've been at work when they're happening. I'm beginning to think I'm somehow unique in this going to work during the day thing.


Shift work. It's not always from 0800 to 1600.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Bodies

The maintance is during the middle of the night -> early morning for most players. Don't really see how this is a gigantic problem. Its a brand new MMO. Calm down.



EU players.


Here is +2GMT and 8hrs maintance game is playable at 4-5AM! So it is outrageous for eu players... I have time to play only at days when my kids are in school. Call me racist but US players don't wan't to understand EU players at all. This game NEEDS to have different schedule for maintance for EU players. This one is dumb. Cheerios.



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I'm pretty sure they're more referencing when they took down the game on a *********** Saturday night/Sunday morning with no immediate/emergency reasoning.


If it were just once a week, that'd be fine. That'd be expected. But it has been constantly twice or more per week since launch. Trust me, people who work till midnight and would like to play during the night have seen it.

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As an EU based person the only downtime that wasn't during my normal working day was the one on Saturday, for all the others I've been at work when they're happening. I'm beginning to think I'm somehow unique in this going to work during the day thing.


I get that feeling too.


It's like primetime in US is 7PM-12PM, but primetime in EU is 8AM-6PM.

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I am german and I am pretty fine with the downtimes. Sure it is down from 9am to 5pm but guess what, I have a job so it is not that relevant. And if I have vacation? I clean my flat, read a book, do something creative.

Seriously people, don't be so dependant on a video game!


Ah - forum - forgot the ranting:

@OP: server code? when where you last decompiling a game server system from witch you only have the client? Are...are you a wizard?

@all downtime complaintants: you habe seriously no idea about server setup and maintenance for a constantly running structure with thousands of client accounts. I do. It is fine as it is.

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I am german and I am pretty fine with the downtimes. Sure it is down from 9am to 5pm but guess what, I have a job so it is not that relevant. And if I have vacation? I clean my flat, read a book, do something creative.

Seriously people, don't be so dependant on a video game!


Ah - forum - forgot the ranting:

@OP: server code? when where you last decompiling a game server system from witch you only have the client? Are...are you a wizard?

@all downtime complaintants: you habe seriously no idea about server setup and maintenance for a constantly running structure with thousands of client accounts. I do. It is fine as it is.


... other games can manage a 2hr window. What's Biowar's excuse? :rolleyes:

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I am german and I am pretty fine with the downtimes. Sure it is down from 9am to 5pm but guess what, I have a job so it is not that relevant. And if I have vacation? I clean my flat, read a book, do something creative.

Seriously people, don't be so dependant on a video game!


Ah - forum - forgot the ranting:

@OP: server code? when where you last decompiling a game server system from witch you only have the client? Are...are you a wizard?

@all downtime complaintants: you habe seriously no idea about server setup and maintenance for a constantly running structure with thousands of client accounts. I do. It is fine as it is.


Not everyone has the same job as you or lifestyle or even family for that matter.

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I am german and I am pretty fine with the downtimes. Sure it is down from 9am to 5pm but guess what, I have a job so it is not that relevant. And if I have vacation? I clean my flat, read a book, do something creative.

Seriously people, don't be so dependant on a video game!


- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shift_work

- Some people have families so they have plans for evening and can't play on that day.

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Why do they constantly need to be shutting these servers down?

My guild is loosing players like flies. They are all going back to their old MMOs


You had better get a handle on this fast.


This is completely unacceptable.


So they are going back to their other MMOs that have weekly downtimes of about 8 or so hours?.......hrmm

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It would be great if they could fix problems as soon as they find them.


They find a problem -> servers down -> fix problem -> servers up.


That's what I call a good service. Dedication.


Rift did that early...they would go down for 15mins then back up.


Planed maintenance is an industry norm and accepted. Every 2 days is just stupid

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So they are going back to their other MMOs that have weekly downtimes of about 8 or so hours?.......hrmm



No they are leaving the game. They are not renewing their subs.

Have you looked at the ques lately? Very few are high..most are all standard or light now.


They are failing...

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Rift did that early...they would go down for 15mins then back up.


Planed maintenance is an industry norm and accepted. Every 2 days is just stupid


Except it's NOT every two days. It's usually twice a week, one 8hr maintenance and one 4hr "emergency".

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Why do they constantly need to be shutting these servers down?

My guild is loosing players like flies. They are all going back to their old MMOs


You had better get a handle on this fast.


This is completely unacceptable.


So, wait, you're simultaneously complaining that they have bugs, *and* that they take a regularly scheduled maintenance to fix them?


Make up your mind.


Incidentally, if they had memory leaks in the server code, you'd probably never know about it.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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I still want to know how the morning is peak time for EU players....I'd rather have the mait from 8:00am to whenever. I usually play till 4 or 5 am. Point is just because the time sucks for you doesn't mean it sucks for everyone. Most people are at work at that time-not everyone. But the time will always be bad for someone. It sucks for you, ok then go play something else or go outside, or make friends w/e.


8hr down times are not bad they keep people from dying from playing to much.

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I think these updates/maintenance times are GREAT!


It really demonstrates Bioware's commitment to improving the game and supporting the community.


I think I would be more worried if no maintenance was scheduled...


Plus it give me at least one day a week when I can sleep.





1. Timing sucks for EU, especially for GMT+2

2. They need TOO MUCH time to fix SO LITTLE, that's inefficiency

3. Well known bugs that SHOULD had been easy to fix, haven't be fixed yet



Fix stuff, people aren't happy.

Don't fix stuff, people aren't happy.


Oh, the launching of a new MMO. Hang in there, BW.

You guys aren;t good at propaganda, so stop with it.

Fix stuff efficiently is what you are looking for.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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Planed maintenance is an industry norm and accepted.


Yes it is.


EVE has 30 minutes / day. But they can take cluster down if there is a problem like people get blown up by their own POS guns. And none of the players complain. It's only patch days CCP needs to be careful with things like how long it takes and how they handle possible issues after patch.

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So, wait, you're simultaneously complaining that they have bugs, *and* that they take a regularly scheduled maintenance to fix them?


Make up your mind.


That's a fairly usual customer response. We have the same problem at work - they either complain about us pushing out updates with fixes for bugs they've reported or they complain that we haven't fixed the bugs they've reported.

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