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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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Bioware is currently projected to have 13.7 million subscribers by June 2012.


Ni hao ! Mi and mai frents want to sell Credid to u. We have account on meni server and can can sel on all server for u!


Thats why! Now go play the great game and stop reading these forums. We read them cause we cancelled already and dont care for leveling a 3rd toon to 50 :p

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Ni hao ! Mi and mai frents want to sell Credid to u. We have account on meni server and can can sel on all server for u!


Thats why! Now go play the great game and stop reading these forums. We read them cause we cancelled already and dont care for leveling a 3rd toon to 50 :p


Hang on, you have 2 characters at 50 already? your poor space bar!


You skipped most of the content, and are now complaining about a lack of content.....


Then, on top of that, having cancelled your account you then hang about on the forums of a game that you don't like to tell people why they shouldn't like it??





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Ni hao ! Mi and mai frents want to sell Credid to u. We have account on meni server and can can sel on all server for u!


Thats why! Now go play the great game and stop reading these forums. We read them cause we cancelled already and dont care for leveling a 3rd toon to 50 :p



So let me get this straight, you're sticking around to change other people's opinion about the game?



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I have not seen a light server in Europe in prime times. And i check daily.


Standard can be a HUGE range, on a very made up scale.

I can make mine like this:


0-50 light

51-3000 standard

3001- 4000 Heavy

4001- 5000 Very Heavy

5001 - 5999 Full


Would that mean that Standard is good?

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Hang on, you have 2 characters at 50 already? your poor space bar!


You skipped most of the content, and are now complaining about a lack of content.....

Game has been out for more than a month. Even if you don't press space bar you should easily be able to get 3 or 4 level 50s if you play 3 hours a day since launch.

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So let me get this straight, you're sticking around to change other people's opinion about the game?




having fun with your views on whats a cool game that instead of you playing you are typing and reading the forums? Ofc i do :) HAHAHAHA


better than standing in fleet or reading facebook posts and i am waiting for my gir to get home in a bit to watch a nice movie so for now i do yes!

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If the numbers were very good they would brag about those numbers to every magazine that would listen. The simple fact that they haven't is a sign in itself.


This tells me the numbers are average or worse. I enjoy the game, will stay with the game, but even I can see the reason for their silence.


They bragged about beta numbers, they bragged about box sales, and now they went silent about subscription numbers? Come on, no one can argue or defend them and say they have millions of players but now decided to be humble about their huge success? lol.


Its clearly obvious to any intelligent soul that their subscription numbers are lower than their box sales and that is why they won't disclose numbers anymore for the PR backlash and stock issues. They will with hold those numbers until quarterly earnings reports force them to.

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Hang on, you have 2 characters at 50 already? your poor space bar!


You skipped most of the content, and are now complaining about a lack of content.....


Then, on top of that, having cancelled your account you then hang about on the forums of a game that you don't like to tell people why they shouldn't like it??






I didnt skip ANY story at ANY point. So that you know, i actually read all of them several times since for getting favor with khem Val for example for my sith sorcerer i cancelled EVERY conversation and made sure i was choosing the choice that would make him the happiest, SO you could say i saw the whole story over 3 times for that one alone reason.


Also If i dont spend my time sitting in fleet at 50 cause the game sucks at endgame and i chose to level another toon doesnt mean i didnt enjoy this great SINGLE PLAYER MMO !!! lol yes thats is an oxymoron !


The stories of this game (empire side at least) are very nice.. Thats why i managed to do it 2 times already for two of them, but i cant pay for a single player game to see stories. I rather watch movies for that ;)


Now as i said above, go play the game, and stop trying to convience us this is a great game while you typoe here instead of playing it ;)

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Not really... literally every MMO in history has had this when the free month expires. It's not really an indicator one way or another until month 2 or 3.


Wrong and wrong. Specifically in TOR all but a few servers are just short of being barren wastelands. In a MMO where one spends the vast majority of time playing as a single player game it absolutely kills a subscribers desire to continue to play when actually seeing another player is a treat. Well populated servers are the exception in TOR not the rule.

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Wrong and wrong. Specifically in TOR all but a few servers are just short of being barren wastelands. In a MMO where one spends the vast majority of time playing as a single player game it absolutely kills a subscribers desire to continue to play when actually seeing another player is a treat. Well populated servers are the exception in TOR not the rule.


I don't think that is fair. There are definitely some dead servers out there. But there are also some servers that are doing just fine. It really is a mixed bag.

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Game has been out for more than a month. Even if you don't press space bar you should easily be able to get 3 or 4 level 50s if you play 3 hours a day since launch.


lol this is ridiculous.


I play MORE than 3 hours every day and don't space anything, and have 1 "50' and one "41"


3 or 4 50's...you are on crack if you believe that.

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lol this is ridiculous.


I play MORE than 3 hours every day and don't space anything, and have 1 "50' and one "41"


3 or 4 50's...you are on crack if you believe that.


I gotta agree here - I mean when we grind it out in guild, no talking, spamming space, getting things done efficient and fast, traveling as efficient as possible I still only have a 50 and another almost 50.

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I don't think that is fair. There are definitely some dead servers out there. But there are also some servers that are doing just fine. It really is a mixed bag.


No, unequivocally, no. I am being completely fair, there are few servers out of the masses of useless ones that have any real population, the rest are wastelands.

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I've had better behaved software. This game was wiping out sections of my desktop at first.. looks like they might have fixed that.

No, my windows is not corrupted. In fact it's a new, clean W7/64 install.

Make no mistake..they DO have code problems.


I am sick of seeing this kind of stuff. this game will not eat your windows.

Stop with looking for (P O R N) in all the wrong places and your computer will be fine :)

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Really? Because fleet in my server is constantly 100.


Keller's Void.


During Peak its listed as full.


During Peak it will have 130ish in fleet.



Usually no less than 90 people in fleet at 2am CST.


in EGA.. it was those numbers.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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Game has been out for more than a month. Even if you don't press space bar you should easily be able to get 3 or 4 level 50s if you play 3 hours a day since launch.


Several sources have reported that going through all game content can add up to 80hrs to 120hrs worth of game time, depending on the char you play. You can google these sources. To humor you, lets knock that down to 65 hours just for kicks. At 3 hrs a day, that's still at least 21 days to get through storyline content.


Even assuming you mixed that in with pvp and ignore crafting/gathering, to half your time, you're still looking at most having 2 lvl 50s within a month.


3-4 50s at that rate is a bit of a stretch.

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I read thru this link.


Every single server currently running on SWTOR on the US region has a steady decending in population. Yes most of them has monthly population going like \



Edited by warultima
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Every freaking time I start this application it fails. Within an hour of game play, maybe two the game has to be exited because it becomes unstable and slow. Wonder why I as a paying customer have nerdrage? Well, of the more than 100 applications installed on my computer outside of Windows 7 Ultimate, this is the only damn one that crashes like this.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: launcher.exe_SWTOR Launcher

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4eebd6bc

Fault Module Name: SWTORLaunch.dll_unloaded

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4f0f81ad

Exception Offset: 100b742c

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Read our privacy statement online:



If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:



NEVER happened to me since the month of me playing, your PC is FAIL sorry.

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Every freaking time I start this application it fails. Within an hour of game play, maybe two the game has to be exited because it becomes unstable and slow. Wonder why I as a paying customer have nerdrage? Well, of the more than 100 applications installed on my computer outside of Windows 7 Ultimate, this is the only damn one that crashes like this.


Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: BEX

Application Name: launcher.exe_SWTOR Launcher

Application Version:

Application Timestamp: 4eebd6bc

Fault Module Name: SWTORLaunch.dll_unloaded

Fault Module Version:

Fault Module Timestamp: 4f0f81ad

Exception Offset: 100b742c

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Data: 00000008

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

Additional Information 1: 0a9e

Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Additional Information 3: 0a9e

Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Read our privacy statement online:



If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:




You realize that is a generic error message and pretty much tells us nothing, my suggestion would be trying to run swtor as an administrator (there are many threads on how to set the icon to call the app as Admin) and please, before you respond with "But I am logged in as an administrator, what I am referring to is not the same thing ...


Also, this error has nothing to do with SWTOR, it is your system ...

Edited by Balrizangor
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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


A couple of reasons why you are incorrect. I will try to neatly list them so you completely read this.


  • People who post in forums are posting to complain.
  • Look at WoW's forums. Nothing but complaints.
  • You can only post if you have an active subscription. Creating a thread gets quickly buried on the second to third page SECONDS after posting it.
  • Players online and the population has decreased even before the free 30 days was up because the holidays, more people have off at the same times.
  • It has been announced that the SWTOR subscriptions are actually rising.

Edited by Starglide
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Let's say 0.1% of the of the game's population posts on these forums.


50% are hate posts, 25% good posts, 25% non game breaking problems... I would say 5% of the in game people not posting are unhappy, and 95% of the in game people not posting are happy.


If you can pluck numbers out of the air - so can I!


"88.2% of statistics are made up" - Vic Reeves


Except for the fact that the proportion of people posting, to the people that are not posting has a direct relationship to the people that are happy and unhappy.


In my guild - There are X people, most of which are unhappy with the game. Of all of them I am the only one I know of that posts on these forums.


My one voice, speaks for most of the people in my guild because they agree with me but never spend time on forums.


By your logic my whole guild should say "Yes I am happy with the game" This is not the case.


Anyone else want to chime in here? Are you in a guild? Are the memebers overall happy with this game or unhappy with it. Any of the hundreds of WoW guilds that moved over seeing what I have described? or are all of you jumping up and down for joy?


My money is on my stats in my OP because they make sense. Your logic is way off - it's funny though, a lot of people on this forum seem to think that only the nay sayers are here and all the SWTOR fan boys are not posting because they are happy playing.


That is DEAD wrong. Plenty of people are just not forum junkies, whether they like the game or not...




I maintain that if 75% of the people on these forums dislike this game then and equal percentage in game feel the same and just are not posting.


If 25% of the people on this forum like the game I would say an equal percentage in game feel the same and are just not posting.

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A couple of reasons why you are incorrect. I will try to make everything a double space and


neatly list them so you completely read this.


  • People who post in forums are posting to complain.
  • Look at WoW's forums. Nothing but complaints.
  • You can only post if you have an active subscription. Creating a thread gets quickly buried on the second to third page SECONDS after posting it.
  • Players online and the population has decreased even before the free 30 days was up because the holidays, more people have off at the same times.
  • It has been announced that the SWTOR subscriptions are actually rising.



How dare you post something positive !!!!1111oneoneone




Back, back into the pits of hell with you ....

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Evidence? Its everywhere? Play the game. Half the time I see people **** talkin the game in general chat. And a lot of servers already feel dead. Half the threads on this site are compliants. Can't tell you how many times I've read that people are unsubscribing. Feedback is all the proof needed, and there's wayyy more negative then postive hands down. Agree?


Forums are not a realistic indication, never have been, never will be. Generally active forum members consistute a relatively small portion of the entire playerbase. People are always far more likely to be vocal when they have an issue with something than when they dont, look at the support forums for absolutely anything online, they will almost always be full of negative posts, it doesn't mean anything.


I rarely, if ever see negative chat in General, my server always has plenty of people running FP, Heroics, WZ etc, never have to wait for anthing more than a few minutes unless its a particularly unusual time.

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