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The end of an era. Farewell hidden strike


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I've said it before; it's not just that they're nerfing a class purely for PvP reasons, despite the effect it'll have on PvP. It's not that these changes were put on the PTS barely a day after 1.1 went live, meaning they couldn't possibly have had any good metrics claiming that Operatives were still overpowered in PvP.


It's that concealment operatives had a single, well-defined niche, and this change is effectively a referendum on that entire playstyle.


Operatives were the Scissors to the casters' Paper. If we're not supposed to be able to kill a lightly-armored player 1-on-1 more often than not, then what niche are we supposed to fill?

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Operatives were the Scissors to the casters' Paper. If we're not supposed to be able to kill a lightly-armored player 1-on-1 more often than not, then what niche are we supposed to fill?




thats easy, we're supposed to poke at people, never accomplish anything, then die.


all so they feel better about their self

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thats easy, we're supposed to poke at people, never accomplish anything, then die.


all so they feel better about their self


Yeah, I get that. The part that gets me is that if the devs really wanted us to still be the designated anti-mage class, and wanted our damage to still be burst-y but not quite SO burst-y, then there are plenty of ways they could have changed us to make us good at that role, without harming our PvE effectiveness. We've all posted ideas in various threads, but obviously the devs haven't read any of those.

Instead, they took the two trademark Concealment powers and ripped them apart in the name of PvP balance. If we're not supposed to be able to do what we did before, then what ARE we supposed to be able to do?

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Anyone who didn't admit that Concealment needed to be toned down is being dishonest with themselves or is just plain bad. Being able to take off 50% of someone's health in 3 seconds was overpowered.


That said, I think they did go a bit overboard with the nerfs (especially without addressing some other Operative issues, like gap closers). I'd personally like to see them increase Operative ranged attack range from 10m to 15m (including Sever Tendon), which should help avoid some of the issues we have.

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and games constantly rebalance classes. Agents were the flavor of the week at release, and have gotten nerfed (now it's assassins on top). Agents will rise again.


erh... no? It is more like they are still least played class (agent) fotm is by far BH/Trooper. ANd ofc Sorc since beta. Every mofo is running around with a Sorc or a BH/Trooper. Spamming 1 button appeals the most mentally handicapped it seems.

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Guys, apparently the Jarring Strike knockdown doesn't fill ANY RESOLVE. Which means, we can open with HS, then BS, then DEBILITATE, then continue with our combo for another 4.5 seconds. Sorcs are going to be crying harder now that we have a real stunlock. :D :D :D
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I've said it before; it's not just that they're nerfing a class purely for PvP reasons, despite the effect it'll have on PvP. It's not that these changes were put on the PTS barely a day after 1.1 went live, meaning they couldn't possibly have had any good metrics claiming that Operatives were still overpowered in PvP.


It's that concealment operatives had a single, well-defined niche, and this change is effectively a referendum on that entire playstyle.


Operatives were the Scissors to the casters' Paper. If we're not supposed to be able to kill a lightly-armored player 1-on-1 more often than not, then what niche are we supposed to fill?


I'm genuinely curious; where did Bioware state that classes had 'niches' to fill in PvP? This sounds like something in players minds as opposed to a design philosophy on Bioware's part.

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It's a good thing that Operatives excel in everything they can do.


... Oh wait. I keep thinking I made a Sorcerer.


Then make one. Jealously of another class is never becoming. You should realize that now with all the players who cried long and loud for this nerf.

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I'm personally ecstatic that we'll see a drop off in operatives. The bad ones will switch to the new flavor of the week, hopefully leaving us with a decent community.


lol I keep seeing people say this, when has op/scoundrel been the high pop flavor of anything? On my server there are like 4 Scoundrel's and 2 of them heal. While I see 2-4 Sages every Warzone and 1-3 Commandos.

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lol I keep seeing people say this, when has op/scoundrel been the high pop flavor of anything?


Yeah, this. DPS Ops were practically unheard of on my server, even before the patch. Anyone who wanted to be DPS would go Sniper, Mercenary, Sorcerer, Marauder, etc. instead of Operative. I had a HM group two nights ago tell me that none of them had ever grouped with any DPS Ops in their entire careers (and one of them was a Medicine Op); I tried not to sully our good name.


Thing is, I've been through all of this before in other MMOs; you pick a class combo that fits your playstyle (say, Dark Armor Scrapper in City of Heroes). It turns out to be the weakest combo at first, but it's still fun to play. Then it gets a boost and suddenly you're the FotM... right up until the devs overreact and hit you with a massive nerf again. With Operatives, we're just going through this process a bit faster than normal.

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Not Sith? We sir are indeed Sith. Ask HK-47. His droids are set to scan and destroy all traces of Sith genetic DNA, which includes 99.87%ish of the Sith empire.


Except one of our responses in that FP is to say "I'm glad I don't have any Sith ancestry", at which point he says that you've been flagged to die regardless.


We might be part of the Sith Empire, but we're the "Empire" part of the name.

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