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Why the heat?!


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So maybe someone can answer this question as to why my box is getting warm when I play this game. Has anyone else noticed this as well? I can play the same amount of time on WoW or Rift with basically the same settings (SWTOR lacks any good rendering capabilities as low and medium are our only choices. Mine are set the the max on the other games.) and the box always remains cool.


These are my computer specs:


Liquid cooled Intel Core i7-960 CPU (Quad-core (4 Core), Processor Speed: 3.20 GHz) and NVIDIA GTX 570 (Graphics Memory Capacity: 1.25 GB ) with Direct X 11 and 3D Vision technology. 12 GB of system memory, a 2 TB hard drive, and a Blu Ray Player.


• QuickPath Interconnect: 4.80 GT/s

• 64-bit Processing: Yes

• Hyper-Threading: Yes

• Chipset Model: X58 Express

• Maximum Memory: 24 GB

• Memory Technology: DDR3 SDRAM


Any ideas and anyone else having this issue??


Thanks :)

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my rig runs at 50 c and thats my video card my cpu around 41 c

everything else is around 25 c


i have normal pc fans cooling my pc

so why people have heat problems i dont understand


maybe its time to crack it open to clear all the dust that is stuck inside

Edited by Erosith
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What kind of heat are you seeing? I mean, the system specs are all very interesting and all, but what's heating up? CPU? GPU? How much are they heating up?


I find it interesting you say normally "the box remains cool." The box temperature (if you are indeed measuring that) doesn't matter in the slightest.


So, anyway, if you really want to know if someone else is having your issue, it might help to say what the issue is.


From your signature, I tend to doubt you're having a real issue at all, and are just looking to stir people up.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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my rig runs at 50 c and thats my video card my cpu around 41 c

everything else is around 25 c


i have normal pc fans cooling my pc

so why people have heat problems i dont understand


maybe its time to crack it open to clear all the dust that is stuck inside


I would say maybe that's an answer but just got the machine a short while ago, I'm in IT, not enough time for dust to build up plus the rig has massive fans all around it constantly pushing out air.

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I'd say that as long as your system is running well within safe temps, it is somewhat of an irrelevant issue. Now, if you where having crashes due to temps, that is bad, but they would have to ONLY happen exclusively with TOR to even begin to consider the game had something to do with it.....which is highly unlikely.
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I would say maybe that's an answer but just got the machine a short while ago, I'm in IT, not enough time for dust to build up plus the rig has massive fans all around it constantly pushing out air.


did you install heat monitors on the front panel of the pc ?

and what is heating up ?

and to what temp

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What kind of heat are you seeing? I mean, the system specs are all very interesting and all, but what's heating up? CPU? GPU? How much are they heating up?


I find it interesting you say normally "the box remains cool." The box temperature (if you are indeed measuring that) doesn't matter in the slightest.


So, anyway, if you really want to know if someone else is having your issue, it might help to say what the issue is.


I notice that if i put my hand on the box, it gets warm. With Anything else, the box is always cool. I have 2 liquid cooling systems installed. This leads me to believe that this game maybe very cpu/gpu intensive - the question would be why?? What other resources is it pulling from to cause this heat rise?

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did you install heat monitors on the front panel of the pc ?

and what is heating up ?

and to what temp



The rig came with that as well as the ability to granularly change the fan speeds on every aspect of the chassis. I have to put the fans in "turbo" mode ONLY when I play this game. Plus I do monitor both processing units and there are definately temp spikes.

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I notice that if i put my hand on the box, it gets warm. With Anything else, the box is always cool. I have 2 liquid cooling systems installed. This leads me to believe that this game maybe very cpu/gpu intensive - the question would be why?? What other resources is it pulling from to cause this heat rise?


Oh my God, you're kidding. You're actually wondering why your *case* is warm?


Cooling systems dissipate heat. They take heat away from the components and blow them out. Part of that process involves the case getting warm because the warm air blowing out blows through (you guessed it) the case.


Do you really know anything about computers? This is a total non-issue.

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if you are an IT like you say you are you would have given us a straight answer other then i put my hand on my case and it gets warm

well duh if i leave my hand on my case that part will get warm also



take to some temp readings and get back to us mister IT

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Plunge your computer into a tub of ice cold water, problem solved.


If you ever need anymore Computer Support feel free to contact Hatter's Technical Support Hotline for easy to solve solutions to your most complex problems.

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if you are an IT like you say you are you would have given us a straight answer other then i put my hand on my case and it gets warm

well duh if i leave my hand on my case that part will get warm also



take to some temp readings and get back to us mister IT


No, you've OBVIOUSLY COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT. Sigh... The point is the case NEVER gets warm AT ALL. ONLY when I play this game. Anything else, and I can be on the computer for 2 days straight playing games, doing research, whatever, and the chassis NEVER gets warm it's always cool to the touch until I play this game - THAT was my point.

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So maybe someone can answer this question as to why my box is getting warm when I play this game. Has anyone else noticed this as well? I can play the same amount of time on WoW or Rift with basically the same settings (SWTOR lacks any good rendering capabilities as low and medium are our only choices. Mine are set the the max on the other games.) and the box always remains cool.


These are my computer specs:


Liquid cooled Intel Core i7-960 CPU (Quad-core (4 Core), Processor Speed: 3.20 GHz) and NVIDIA GTX 570 (Graphics Memory Capacity: 1.25 GB ) with Direct X 11 and 3D Vision technology. 12 GB of system memory, a 2 TB hard drive, and a Blu Ray Player.


• QuickPath Interconnect: 4.80 GT/s

• 64-bit Processing: Yes

• Hyper-Threading: Yes

• Chipset Model: X58 Express

• Maximum Memory: 24 GB

• Memory Technology: DDR3 SDRAM


Any ideas and anyone else having this issue??


Thanks :)


I'm not home to give the exact amounts of heat, but I was watching catalyst control center in SWTOR in pvp with 15 folks, with all settings on high and noticed a huge increase in heat on my GPU (not the cpu which i monitored through an assus tool).


I log in rift for a port scion 20v20 battle. On the bridge in a giant cluster with all settings on max, antialiasing and more, my gpu crept up a tiny bit. Rift is using dx11 with lots of visual tricks like advanced shaders and the such (which Swtor doesnt even support, just whatever archaic shaders were part of dx9). I think its a fault of the game Engine personally, but time will tell.

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I'm not home to give the exact amounts of heat, but I was watching catalyst control center in SWTOR in pvp with 15 folks, with all settings on high and noticed a huge increase in heat on my GPU (not the cpu which i monitored through an assus tool).


I log in rift for a port scion 20v20 battle. On the bridge in a giant cluster with all settings on max, antialiasing and more, my gpu crept up a tiny bit. Rift is using dx11 with lots of visual tricks like advanced shaders and the such (which Swtor doesnt even support, just whatever archaic shaders were part of dx9). I think its a fault of the game Engine personally, but time will tell.



The first intelligent answer so far today - thank you :)


And yes, this is/was one of my suspicians as well.

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No, you've OBVIOUSLY COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT. Sigh...The point is the case NEVER gets warm AT ALL. ONLY when I play this game. Anything else, and I can be on the computer for 2 days straight playing games, doing research, whatever, and the chassis NEVER gets warm it's always cool to the touch until I play this game - THAT was my point.


Well, he has a point. Anyone who knows the slightest thing about computers would know that your case temperature is meaningless (unless it's on fire or something). The only thing worth worrying about is the component temperature.

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I see this all the time and no one knows.. I don't know why. The answer is you are getting too many fps. You are capping out at 111 frames everywhere except the fleet/wzs/operations. The SC2 battle.net menu was the same, people would get 100+ frames and it was burning up peoples cards.


Those that aren't getting heat issues are ones that don't have high end cards typically and aren't even breaking 60fps consistently.


Anyways, the third party solution is to get Nvidia Inspector which allows you to cap your frame rate. I capped mine at 59 and my temps went from 66c on average to 58c. I'm not aware of anything similar for AMD/ATI cards, but there might be something like that out there.

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Now that you mention it. I do notice a direct correlation between using the computer and temps rising. Seems the more stress that I put on the cpu and gpu, the hotter they become.


This post was beautifully sarcastic, and I just think everyone should get a second chance to admire it.


On topic, my laptop gets a little hotter than it does while playing Starcraft II, but it's not terrible. Get a cooling pad. :p

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Well, he has a point. Anyone who knows the slightest thing about computers would know that your case temperature is meaningless (unless it's on fire or something). The only thing worth worrying about is the component temperature.


And the case temp reflects the component temp. It's called heat radiation - that means the heat that is radiated outward from the inner components. Plus I closely monitor all the stuff inside. I only see gpu spikes on SWTOR and not anything else. The question was simple enough if anyone else noticed this not to get snarky answers.

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That doesn't make any sense unless something is grounded up against the case itself, a fan is poorly aligned, or your case has horrid cooling.


Is your watercooling working? What kind of temps are you seeing in your temp monitor for your GPU and CPU?


Watercooling is fine. Otherwise all the alarms would go off telling me otherwise lol! Everything is finely and granularly monitored on my box - nothing occurs without me knowing about it. Ergo, asking you "clever" ppl if you noticed anything similar.

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And the case temp reflects the component temp. It's called heat radiation -that means the heat that is radiated outward from the inner components. Plus I closely monitor all the stuff inside. I only see gpu spikes on SWTOR and not anything else. The question was simple enough if anyone else noticed this not to get snarky answers.


The case temperature does not reflect the component temperatures at all. You're really blowing your "IT Guy" credentials here. Your case temperature can vary greatly depending on how air is routed in your specific case, among other things.


A warm case doesn't mean squat. I've got a machine here that, in certain games, gets so hot it's uncomfortable to touch, but the components run very cool. Why? Because it's a very compact case that also has very good heat dissipation, but a lot of that air blows close the the case's internal surfaces, warming the case up. On the other hand, I have the case I'm on now, that never, ever warms up, since it's more roomy and has been built in a way that the warm air doesn't come into contact with much of the case.


In any event, the temperature of your case, in a properly-cooled system, is no indication of the component temperatures whatsoever. That's not a snarky answer; it's the absolute truth. That you thought I was being snarky is a major indication that you really have no idea what you're talking about here.


The temperature of your case is a non-issue. It's that simple.

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