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Poll: Using the spacebar


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Just play on RP servers, Fel. I've yet to see anyone act remotely like this. Hell, a lot of the times people in group are chatting during the cutscenes, making snide/amusing comments based on the dialogue.


My "standard" comment on Black Talon when Satele says "You'll be facing a Jedi. I hope you know what that means" is to say in group chat "It means we get a free lightsaber?" Usually good for a few "lol"s. :)


If I wasn't so settled as the guild master and main tank for my guild I would probably have done that. Sounds like rp is almost a better fit for this game. I didn't like the rp servers on wow, not because people were bad, they were quite nice, but because of the nelf sex...

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No, I do not mash the spacebar.



I have my G700 macroed to hit spacebar+1 repeatedly. The screen just flickers and I am back to the game.


You did it! You found a way to make TOR into WoW! You must sell this knowledge and reap the fabulous benefits of millions of players migrating to TOR!! Go forth my friend!

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I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


This is the reason why i usually form the group so i can kick you guys out instead. Unless you state when forming the group what intentions you have, then you don't really have a leg to stand on at a later time.

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So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


Anyone else do this?


I am leveling my alt right now, and do this for the boring quests(like kill 10 slugs or whatever), but for the class quests, i'll read it, just because the storyline is so good.

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You did it! You found a way to make TOR into WoW! You must sell this knowledge and reap the fabulous benefits of millions of players migrating to TOR!! Go forth my friend!



I did? I don't remember finding combat logs, custom UI's, macros, LFG tool, proper GTN, unique items, stylized gear, memorable locations/characters, guild banks and responsive combat.


I must have been drunk off how awesome I am.

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2 level 50s, 1 level 33, several toons between 12-20. I have ZERO freaking desire to hear the same VO on planet quests 8 times. There's nothing new, nothing fresh, it's all the same crap you've done already.


The story lines are totally different.


This is the same thing with FP's. Once you've done BT 20+ times, I have no freaking desire to hear the same dialog again. The story hasn't changed, there's nothing fresh or new or interesting.

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I never spacebar through flashpoints, and I never will. I form my own groups and when someone starts gettin all pushy, I don't even have to kick them. They usually leave, which is hilarious.


Most of them don't get upset or bored of the conversation waiting until near the midway point. The fact that they leave right after is all the more comical, it's like 'why waste all that time if you are just gonna leave'.

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I started spcaebarring them at about level 20 something when I realized they weren't even that good and my character was recycling the same lines over and over.


Chrono doesn't even talk, and yet I never skipped the dialogue in that game ;)

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I never spacebar through flashpoints, and I never will. I form my own groups and when someone starts gettin all pushy, I don't even have to kick them. They usually leave, which is hilarious.


Most of them don't get upset or bored of the conversation waiting until near the midway point. The fact that they leave right after is all the more comical, it's like 'why waste all that time if you are just gonna leave'.



Because BT takes 30 minutes with convos and 10 minutes without.

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I did? I don't remember finding combat logs, custom UI's, macros, LFG tool, proper GTN, unique items, stylized gear, memorable locations/characters, guild banks and responsive combat.


I must have been drunk off how awesome I am.


Satire is an art oft lost and rarely found.

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I use spacebar when some alien speaks on some wierd language making my ears bleed.




No, thanks. Yes, I'll do that. Just shut up!


I listen to all the Huttese dialogue just to see how many times I hear "a walla wonky".

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  • 3 weeks later...
I actually thought I would be spacebarring through most the content on my alt, but that hasn't happened. In fact, the content this time around is much more interesting as a Smuggler. I had no idea how dull and boring the Consular story and responses were until I played this new toon. Pretty much listen to every cinematic as his responses are completely different than my JC and much more fun.
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So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


Anyone else do this?


The only time I use spacebar is when I make a mistake in a dialog choice (choice implies something other than what is actually said), and restart the convo.


I have 3 alts, and two of them are both Sith Inquisitors (Assassin and Sorcerer), and I STILL listen to all dialog. It helps me get into the characters. The sorcerer is an uncaring, heartless, woman with a morose sense of humor. And the assassin is stoic, respectful, if brutal Sith.

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Lately I've been space-barring through the Belsavis dailies (especially when they're not spoken in Basic) and I'm feeling okay with that.

I'm not doing that for the other quests, though, even if they're on Taris (well not quite yet but, I mean, it's Taris and I can only take so much...)


[Edit]: Oh, yes, when re-doing convos after escaping out due to sudden affection loss (or trying out different paths to see where they lead). Yeah, that happens a bit.

Edited by Dafpants
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I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


Why would you not give them the benefit of the doubt that they haven't done the quest before and want to hear it once. Not everyone has done every quest/flashpoint that you have. Patience young padawan.

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