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The question isn't "if", it is "when"


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Dude if I say sorcs are OP, then I mean that the mirror is OP aswell OF COURSE AS IT IS THE SAME CLASS.


Nothing to do with factions.


Since they are complaining about Sorcs specifically, yeah it kind of does. If Sages and Sorcs were truly mirrors, then we turned all the Sorc players into Sages, everyone would complain about Sages instead.


Someone plays a Warzone. 5 of them are Sorcs. You get killed 5 times by the other classes, 10 times by Sorcs. Guess who's OP? No one, there are just more Sorcs gunning for a kill.

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Yeah this argument is as valid as the "run outta line of sight, dude" one. It is so dumb there are even no words to describe it.


The games are full of sorcs cause they are so ridiculous OP its not even funny anymore. Utility to the max with damage and no cost + survivability that almost never fails.


Try to LoS 4 sorcs channeling their slow + 1200 damage ticks + force regen + self buff on your forever and ever and ever...


You sir are a baddie...

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I could understand that argument if they were the FOTM reroll class but they're not, Op's are. Sorc's were chosen at launch, for the most part, without any prior knowledge of beta or any evidence of anything being OP or not. They were chosen because people liked the idea and mechanics of the class, nothing more.


If 50% of WZ's were filled with merc's, people would be crying about merc's. You have to understand the mentality of MMO pvp'ers, they get owned, they get butthurt and they run to the forums to cry about it. This is how it works. Now add in the pervasiveness of a particular class and you exponentially increase the QQ. It's a matter of porportion.


I did not roll a sorc because they were OP. I hadn't read a blog or article or forum post about any class before I started. It appealed to my play style best which is does to most people in my opinion. It has a vast appeal and thus it has a vast membership.


I understand where you are coming from, but no class has that much subjective appeal. We are reaching numbers of sorcs that push beyond the circumstance of "that many people just like them".

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Since they are complaining about Sorcs specifically, yeah it kind of does. If Sages and Sorcs were truly mirrors, then we turned all the Sorc players into Sages, everyone would complain about Sages instead.


Someone plays a Warzone. 5 of them are Sorcs. You get killed 5 times by the other classes, 10 times by Sorcs. Guess who's OP? No one, there are just more Sorcs gunning for a kill.


You dont get it, really, stop posting as you dont even understand the point.

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You dont get it, really, stop posting as you dont even understand the point.


You're upset that you get killed all the time by Sorcs. What do you expect when 75% of a Warzone is made of Sorcs?

Edited by Chaostie
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Your logic explains why people who roll a sorc, but not why they would stick to one all the way to 50.


If they find the class fun, why should they reroll? You're assuming that everyone rerolls to whatever the lemmings deem to be OP when that's simply not the case.

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Yeah this argument is as valid as the "run outta line of sight, dude" one. It is so dumb there are even no words to describe it.


The games are full of sorcs cause they are so ridiculous OP its not even funny anymore. Utility to the max with damage and no cost + survivability that almost never fails.


Try to LoS 4 sorcs channeling their slow + 1200 damage ticks + force regen + self buff on your forever and ever and ever...


So your argument that sorcs are OP is that 4 of them can kill you?


Do you compile these insights in a monthly newsletter? I'd like to subscribe.

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So during the full BETA I was in on the Revan server, for a long time there were a lot of complaints that it seemed that Sorcerers/Sages were doing far more damage and healing far more then all the other classes. There was simply no point in playing anything else.


The Sorcerer crowd of course came out of the woodwork to troll, insult, etc anyone who saw there was a problem and claimed everyone who did not like them doing so much more damage then everyone else should just learn to play their class, blah blah blah.


Eventually, a developer came forward and pointed out that there was a bug in Warzones that was causing all classes that depended on their weapons for damage were not being bolstered correctly. Basically, if you were a weapon damage class (Meaning everyone but Sorcerer and Sage) your damage was stuck at whatever level you were. So because of this, Sorcerers were doing FAR more damage then all the other classes because they were being bolstered correctly.


Yet the Sorcerer community believed this was just fine, saw no anomaly and insulted anyone who dare speak the sacrilege that their mighty PVP skills were not what was helping them win was viciously attacked.


While that bug was eventually fixed, it is clear there is still a problem here. Bioware told us BETA testers that these two classes were the most developed, and that they were hoping to boost all the other classes to compensate rather then nerfing Sorcerers.


We are waiting...

Edited by Torleen
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LOl no what it is,is this,you and your little buddys are grouped up with the other likeminded and you know that with so many of you drown the other into stunfests and get off those aoe heals etc

Then ofcourse there is your bubbles and really there is no point in debating with you,most of you have moved on to BM gear it was a laugth stunfest all the way there,never seen a larger group of joke's class wise in any game in all my years and justify it by saying "We like casting lightniing" get real man.


You're obviously very biased and out of touch with reality. I'm not even level 50 yet and am not a sorc. But if you understand pvp mentality and how relativity plays a role in these misconceptions you'd realize how misguided you are.


But you're getting owned and feel like venting cuz you're bad, so go right ahead. Just don't pretend that you're not obvious and disregarded by logical people.

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So 90% of the games have 5+ Sorcs in them, when are you going to nerf the **** out of this class already?


As soon as you provide scientific evidence that population in Warzones has a causative relationship with imbalance instead of a perceived correlative relationship based on anecdotes provided by players with confirmation bias.

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So your argument that sorcs are OP is that 4 of them can kill you?


Do you compile these insights in a monthly newsletter? I'd like to subscribe.


The point is they got free slow damage self buff ability for few points, shield, run, escape, insta stun, heal, should I go on?


THATS why every one and his mum is playing sorc, even sorcs are posting on the forums and say that it is plain rediculous.

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Because you'd have much more of a chance to survive when getting lit up by six of any combination of classes...


Exactly. A lot of you seem to be saying "how can I survive 4 /6 /8 Sorcs doing such and such to me?" You don't, you die. I'm sorry if you feel like you should be able to solo an entire team on your own, but you shouldn't.

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Sentinels are fun too!


Sorcs don't need a nerf, I kill them easy often, occasionally good sorcs (any healer types) give you a run for your money.


What is lethal, is when u are versus 3 or 4 sorcs, you drop in a second, but then 3 or 4 of any class would drop you in a second and a half!

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And you are REALLY afraid of your sorc being nerfed. QQ I will enjoy tons of sorc tears in the near future :)


I'm not a sorc and I don't care if they get nerfed. I just have a problem with butthurt baddies making logic arguments where they don't exist. I do just fine against sorcs actually. Are they a pain? Sure. Are there a ton of them? Absolutely. But I also understand the role of proportion plays factor here and that affects the perception.


I don't see how you would even nerf sorc's. Bubble less effective? CD on lightning?


I don't see any one area a cause of concern really. Glass cannon is glass.

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Having played a sniper, as sorc, and a merc, I don't think sorcs are OP. They have a wide array of tricks available to them, but unless they are 31/31/31 spec'ed, they only do one of them really well at a given time. I actually like my merc or my sniper more I have found,. I think the thing about sorcs is that is what alot of people went with first, although I am lately seeing BH mercs everywhere too.
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Exactly. A lot of you seem to be saying "how can I survive 4 /6 /8 Sorcs doing such and such to me?" You don't, you die. I'm sorry if you feel like you should be able to solo an entire team on your own, but you shouldn't.


QFT, no one seems to want to set realistic loss conditions. They want to be invincible with easy wins all the time.

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Im shocked it was Op's that they went after first,really i was,im still in disbelief that the inquis/sorcs havent even been hinted at being touched.


Im not even going to list all the reasons why,but like i said in another thread if there is too much of something most often then not it's too good,or in gaming terms OP.

Or they are the best at huttball, and that is pretty much all we imps get.

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I could understand that argument if they were the FOTM reroll class but they're not, Op's are. Sorc's were chosen at launch, for the most part, without any prior knowledge of beta or any evidence of anything being OP or not. They were chosen because people liked the idea and mechanics of the class, nothing more.


If 50% of WZ's were filled with merc's, people would be crying about merc's. You have to understand the mentality of MMO pvp'ers, they get owned, they get butthurt and they run to the forums to cry about it. This is how it works. Now add in the pervasiveness of a particular class and you exponentially increase the QQ. It's a matter of porportion.


I did not roll a sorc because they were OP. I hadn't read a blog or article or forum post about any class before I started. It appealed to my play style best which is does to most people in my opinion. It has a vast appeal and thus it has a vast membership.



Fought 5 mercs , much easier than 5 sorcs/sages. Again , Mercs don't have absorb shields or basically invincibility. Merc shields only mitigate 25% of damage and heavy armor doesn't mitigate all damage plus they can only apply the shield to themselves and not allies.


Sorcs and sages are fine but very almost unbeatable in numbers and that's because of that shield.

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and I guess your generation is a bunch of care bares who can't figure out how to kill a glass cannon with a hammer so goes and cries to mommy and daddy to make the game easier.


l2p baddies


If you think that Sorcs are glass cannons, you are by far the biggest noob that I have seen on these forums.

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The point is they got free slow damage self buff ability for few points, shield, run, escape, insta stun, heal, should I go on?


THATS why every one and his mum is playing sorc, even sorcs are posting on the forums and say that it is plain rediculous.


We take these CC/utility talents or dps talents, it's a choice. We don't get both.


Your examples are flawed.


What is a free slow damage self buff?


Shield is based on us being a light armor glass cannon class, nothing new to MMO's.


We have force speed along the same lines, along with other classes I might add.


Everyone has an escape.


Everyone has an instant stun.


Our healing as a dps spec is not even worth using. 3 sec cast for 1500 heal, no thanks.



Nothing is OP here. This is the typical glass cannon class you see in every MMO, leave us alone and we'll do a lot of dmg. Focus us and we go down quickly. We work like a shadow priest in WOW. Try interrupting force lightning once in a while. Use your CC breaker on the right spell instead of our knockback, etc.


There's plenty of people that **** all over sorcs in WZ's. We have counters like everyone else.

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