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The 1 thing you hate and the 1 thing you want to see the most in SWTOR


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  • I hate the Chiss being here. How is the Empire going to forget of their existence (let alone have no archived record of them) then meet them again in the next few thousand years?
  • I want Guild Ships the most.

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I hate reputation grinds. The thing I'd like to see most is to have tradeskill material turn-ins in exchange for the rep usually associated with daily quests. Like - turn in 100 340 level mats or something for the same amount of rep you'd get for a full day's quests. Mutually exclusive with the dailies, of course.


I hate being packed like sardines along with the rest of the server into a small area trying to tag mobs. It's 2013 - how outdated it that crappy way of questing?

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I hate not being able to give companions gifts on my ship. When I get an alt to 50, all I really want to do with that character is finish all my companion conversations - which I have to be on my ship for a fair amount of. So I hate having to sit through loading screens to leave my ship, give them gifts, and then go back on my ship to talk to them.


I want cross-server rated warzones. There aren't enough teams queing on our server for a new team (like the one I'm on) to get matched with anyone else their level, which is very discouraging.

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I hate how my computer lags to death on the lowest settings when recording. And I'd love to see a dye system in the game. If they can unify colors why can't they do this? I want my black and purple voss mystic robes. :(
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Hate: Lack of sandbox elements. I have 8 50s. I have literally run this theme park into the ground. It's painful not having non-linear sandbox toys to play with outside of dailies.


Want to see: More effort on the part of the developers to balance classes better for endgame PvE. Everyone plays the same 3 classes anymore and it's lame. I want to see operative dps running around again. Failing all that-- jump to lightspeed 2.0

Edited by Marak
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hate - long robes and skirts for jedi and sith


want - pants and short jackets for all classes.




Why pants for my wise ethereal female sages and shadows? Because jedi wore pants under their robes and dropped their robes when they fought, that's why. Because robes are dangerous to fight in. There should be a conditional attack for PVP where you just step on a sage's robe and give them a noogie because that's what would happen IRL. Every consular/inquisitor I make, the first thing I do is fly space missions until I can afford the moddable pilot pants and I never ever wear dropped bottoms for them because...robes.


Short coats because again, jedi didn't fight in long flowing robes and I find it annoying that every single jedi outfit I find is a variant of the long robe model. They wore them, true, but to fight they always shed them in favor of a gi top and pants which allowed maximum movement. Even Darth Maul had a robe he dropped when he fought. Robes should be completely optional. Instead we're saturated in them.


And I get that these were design decisions to make jedi and sith recognizable and give them their own unique silhouette but I think it was a poorly thought out one that ignored established lore and practicality. Whenever I see Satele's outfit I think, that you can fight in.


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Hate: Chiss being there, because while the Empire might destroy all records of the meetings when they inevitably fall, there is the small problem of any Chiss BH PC eventually becomes one of the Republic's Most Wanted, which means there would be a record. More to the point, when someone unlocks the race, you get a bunch of them running around in Republic colors... What happened? Did the Chiss decide to wipe all computers/kill everyone that had contact with them?


Want: Ability to wear certain clothes across both factions. Or ones that look like them for each of the three types (heavy, medium, light). For instance, my Inquisitor would love to wear that Inspiration chest piece. As would my consular (frankly I'm not that sure about hoods).

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Hate: The pain to play together with friends. If they are no subscribers they level differently, the level penenlty if one is too far apart, no mentoring system, that I cannot trade with them if they are F2P members and pick up the wrong item, and so on. It could be so much fun, I love to roll for dialogue options, but the game just make it too painful to enjoy that.


Want: Even though they are many things I would like to see eventually in the game, I think the one I would currently love the most would be a pet battle system, so taht I have a use for all my collected pets.

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What I want: More interaction on ships, I want to use computers, use the intercom (still don't know what is for, Troopers have no use for them.) I want to see Comps move around on my ship, do things not standing like statues. I am a sucker for fluff, so I want it :D




What I hate: Drop rate for legacy sets : birthright/inheritance gear. Nearly impossible to find/obtain full sets and also that they DO NOT level with you, dropping several million for exalted sets are also stupid. I HATE IT!.


What I want: More fluff, want mobs/npcs to move around instead if just staying all static and boring. The worlds need to feel alive! Phasing would be GREAT!

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Pointless armor class restrictions that prevent companions from wearing so many pieces or armor. (You know the ones - Req Jedi Knight or Smuggler, for example.)


Case in point: 2 pairs of simple plain brown boots, 1 buff finish, 1 shiny, neither of which Doc can use because of the above restrictions even though, technically, he *is* a smuggler. Same with Tharan.


Makes it very hard to dress you and your comp in matching outfits. Grrrrrrrr. :mad:


There are, of course, pieces without the restrictions but they're usually ugly crap that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing myself, much less foist on my faithful comp.

Edited by tausser
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