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The 1 thing you hate and the 1 thing you want to see the most in SWTOR


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Please make it short. No ranting, say what you hate, argument it in 1 phrase, and dont post again in this thread.


This is pureli to collect info, not to wine.



Its hard for crafters to compeed if you have to put up 1000 filters to see the price at wich others sell there stuff. Make it like the Auctionator addon from wow.


I want to see competitive and world PVP

No argument needed

Edited by M_Darius
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The thing I hate the most is the draconian forum moderation, don't want people complaining, lock the thread. Don't want a bunch of people complaining, lock the forum. Complaining is our right as subscription payers. This is the sort of thing that makes me really edgy about continuing to invest my money and time here.


The thing I want most - a simple, easy to use and server only LFG tool. NOT a "warp in, don't talk, don't care" model from other games, but like WoW prewotlk, with a way to list your name, the flashpoint you want, and a comment.

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Horrible game design in term of world PVP...


You can say all you want about WOW's "LOL WoW had world pvp rofl.." but when I lvled my char there i started seein enemy players by level 19 as soon as i stepped into contested territory. We would frequently fight for quest areas, mining nodes, and even quest mob spawns.... This is kind of the reason I rolled on a PVP server is to have this experience again. Yet here I am on a Standard-Heavy server (dependant on time) and I'm lvl 35 and I do literraly EVERY quest in zone before leaving and the only PVP I had was killing a player during the balloon ride on Tattoine for the datacrons.. Im practically done with Alderaan and Ive yet to actually see any enemies running around questing with me and thats just sad. From what I understand, this is because the devs made the questing zones for rep/empire in different areas of the map so that we never really see each other unless somebody wonders off....


What exactly is the point of this?? If you dont want world pvp, then roll a PVE server. Why design the zones to discourage world pvp for all players, even those that want it???

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I hate heroic quests. Questing is primarily a solo experience, and then BAM! Forced to group for ONE quest. A better method would be to allow the quest to be soloable, however offer more social points for grouping, maybe better rewards and more experience/credits. That way, you're encouraged to group but you don't have to if you don't want to.


What would I like to see? Honestly, the game is near perfect for me. I suppose maybe some multiplayer space battles or something?

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The 1 thing I hate:

The VO for my female Smuggler annoys me. It's a shame we can't make a selection of the voice we'd like to have, but I understand why we can't.


The 1 thing I want to see the most:

Having to choose from quite a list, but the first at the top would be chat bubbles.

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inter-planetary travel! This is the most annoying thing about the game. If I am in Ilum, and a friend asks me to help them on say voss. Why developers why, did you think I would want to 15 minutes to get there. I have to speeder to a flight path, take the flight path to the space port, run from the fp to the shuttle, zone into the space station, run across the space station, zone into my hanger, run across my hanger, zone into my ship, run to the map, travel, run to the ship door, zone into my hanger, run to the elevator, zone into the space station, run across the space station, zone onto the planet, run to the flight path, and then finally i can go meet up with my friend where ever he is.


Dear developers, can you please give us a quick travel point to inside out ship!!!

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I'm fed up with the un-optimized gfx engine.


I want something to be done with the endgame set items, loot tables, and general drop mechanic of the game. I die a little inside everytime I run past the armada of sith sorc (with taurens on their shoulders) at the GTN (HOW did that armor even pass the gfx design QA team?? did they smoke crack?)

But it's not just them, it's the whole non-existant level 50 gear situation.

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I hate how crew skill missions wipe out your UI windows or pop up in combat when they finish. This could be fixed in moments (make either go to pending in the upper right instead) and the amount of hate I've channeled in BW's direction over this is crazy.


I'd like to see some shorter hard mode flash points. The flash points are very well done but wading thru an endless sea of trash for hours and hours (even in a regular group of friends in vent) just gets old fast. I can't imagine pugging some of these epic length instances...there's just no way. Balancing time spent and loot rewards vs effort involved would be icing on the cake. Seeing people in PvP epics from head to toe already when all they have to do is show up in warfronts makes me want to vomit compared to what people are going thru in PvE.



Its hard for crafters to compeed if you have to put up 1000 filters to see the price at wich others sell there stuff. Make it like the Auctionator addon from wow.


I want to see competitive and world PVP

No argument needed


Good ones. I hate the GTN interface too but doubt they'll get as sophisticated as auctionator (my fav) since it'd blow the minds of joe average drooling mommie had to log them in so they could chat incessantly in a game player.


Good luck on the seconed one, only 1 or 2 PvE-oriented MMORPGs (which is what TOR is) have come close. It doesn't happen unless it's a core design feature...which it isn't in TOR. I'd rather see PvP removed entirely since instanced PvP (warfronts) are fun but not real PvP and there's little hope of there being real (MMORPG) PvP.

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What I hate: When I want to give a companion a gift, I have to go outside my ship! WHY? Im there, he's there! Is it a gift free zone?


What I want: More interaction on ships, I want to use computers, use the intercom (still don't know what is for, Troopers have no use for them.) I want to see Comps move around on my ship, do things not standing like statues. I am a sucker for fluff, so I want it :D

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hate being screwed over as a european when it comes to patches and maintenance.


like the game is great I like it...just sick of the nonsensical maintence timing for europe



if I could have just one thing added then it would be player housing ..like in SWG , that was awesome...oh and if I might be allowed just one other it would be speech bubbles.They are so great for RP.

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There are alot of things I don't like (none of the seriously to the point of "nail in the coffin"), but the 2 things I abo****ely HATE most of all:

1) Dromund Kas being the motherlode of bugged resource nodes :mad:

2) Useless level 7 white gear in almsot every security chest :mad:


Apologize for there being 2, but they are in a dead heat for 1st place.


Thing I would want to see the most is same-sex relations :D

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Don't like: being interupted when at the GTN or vendor by a companion.... They don't interupt a voice scene, so hopefully it can be an easy fix soon


: unable to sort when at a vendor, let me remove heavy and ligh armor, and then by helm,chest,legs etc. and same for the GTN



would like: Dark side light sight really mean something, such as abilities, light side, quick powerful strike, dark side a slow painful DOT or something along those lines

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the GLN.

maybe theyve made it deliberately horrible to use to prevent addons (addons killed wow, lets hope that star wars doesnt implement or allow them) and auto-AH stuff, i dont know.


those cat-like creatures at the end of the inquisitor class storyline. awesome if we could play them. ewoks (or wookie-poop as i like to call em) too.

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What I hate:

Easy-mode crafting that is a waste of time unless you are Biochem. It is pretty obvious that Bioware put a lot of time and thought into crafting in SWTOR to make it accessible to the casual player, but because the crafted items are inferior to the Commendation vendor items and no better than loot drops, that effort is not seeing any reward at the moment.


What I want to see (aside from bug fixes, graphics/FPS optimisations and a balanced scale of lootable equipment quality versus craftable item quality):

More content, both in terms of places to visit and playable races.

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