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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The point people are missing about so-called 'Early Access'


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The term 'early access' only has relevence to an MMOer when it relates to other people on the server. When the player actually starts playing the game is irrelevent. Many MMOers would pay to get a head start on their fellow MMOers, but very few would pay to move a global start date a few days. We can adjust around a start date, whenever it is, and focus on that date. Most of us are experienced enough at MMO launches to know 'EGA' or 'Headstarts' will be full these days. They're not so much a head start now, more a 'don't get left behind'


My 'early access' is now 'several days LATER' than the rest of a 'full' server. My 'early access' is now serveral days later than friends and guildies. Many of those people playing today would've been equally annoyed if others had been playing for a week already, even if they are playing now. Whether they want to admit it or not, playing from the very START of a MMO is exciting - forging new ground, treading virgin snow, seeing and doing things noone has seen or done before in a world that will be around for years to come.


Now the choice will be whether to join a full server with people L20, L30+ already, or pick a brand new clean server. Friends, and several guilds I had invites to, are spread across various servers but all thoughts of moving as a unit through content is out of the window now. I prefer to lead from the front, so joining at L1 when those I run with are L20+ really doesn't appeal to me.


I'm not QQing. I'll either join an 'old' server, or pick a brand new one. My choice, and I'll make it based on the pros and cons. Mostly depends on the queues when I get in. I just wanted to explain to the fanbios why 'it says 'up to'!' or 'seven days is more than five!' doesn't make much difference to us, no matter how many times you yell it in our faces

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The term 'early access' only has relevence to an MMOer when it relates to other people on the server. When the player actually starts playing the game is irrelevent. Many MMOers would pay to get a head start on their fellow MMOers, but very few would pay to move a global start date a few days. We can adjust around a start date, whenever it is, and focus on that date. Most of us are experienced enough at MMO launches to know 'EGA' or 'Headstarts' will be full these days. They're not so much a head start now, more a 'don't get left behind'


My 'early access' is now 'several days LATER' than the rest of a 'full' server. My 'early access' is now serveral days later than friends and guildies. Many of those people playing today would've been equally annoyed if others had been playing for a week already, even if they are playing now. Whether they want to admit it or not, playing from the very START of a MMO is exciting - forging new ground, treading virgin snow, seeing and doing things noone has seen or done before in a world that will be around for years to come.


Now the choice will be whether to join a full server with people L20, L30+ already, or pick a brand new clean server. Friends, and several guilds I had invites to, are spread across various servers but all thoughts of moving as a unit through content is out of the window now. I prefer to lead from the front, so joining at L1 when those I run with are L20+ really doesn't appeal to me.


I'm not QQing. I'll either join an 'old' server, or pick a brand new one. My choice, and I'll make it based on the pros and cons. Mostly depends on the queues when I get in. I just wanted to explain to the fanbios why 'it says 'up to'!' or 'seven days is more than five!' doesn't make much difference to us, no matter how many times you yell it in our faces


Being a single person gaming company i don't think bioware understood this.

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I have to admit that I've been considering joining a new server if one opens on the day that I get in. I really like the new server feel, but my guildies are already playing and there is zero chance to level up with them.


I think the staggered access was originally a good idea, but they didn't really think through what it would do to the player base and to groups of people who are now too spread apart to play together until the endgame.

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I have to admit that I've been considering joining a new server if one opens on the day that I get in. I really like the new server feel, but my guildies are already playing and there is zero chance to level up with them.


I think the staggered access was originally a good idea, but they didn't really think through what it would do to the player base and to groups of people who are now too spread apart to play together until the endgame.




I miss this as well.. and frankly, it is a huge part of the intangible appeal of this MMO to me. I love the sci-fi, the sabers, and so on. But it is an MMO, let's face it. It isn't ground breaking. They did a great job with it.. but I really, really like the idea of all of this because :


No one is UBER!


You aren't a noob that has to grind for months and months just to half way catch up to the 'average' population.


As you said, there is that 'new' wonder and discovery of the world everyone around you feels, and is experiencing in real time.


We don't know what is around the corner -- (even with the large beta -- ) The majority doesn't considering the millions of players.


It's fresh. New, and that makes it appealing.


You have the sense that you aren't behind, and don't have to struggle to get ahead. Frankly, I haven't played an MMO for several years because I just didn't feel like all that 'work' for a game. It FELT like work sometimes.


This is fun again.


I think many people will agree.


While I think its fine for the people who are streaming broadcasts (or not) that are rushing to 50, not sleeping for days.. I want to take my time.. converse with other people, and explore and just have fun in this sci-fi, Star Wars world.


The anticipation has built it up, the beta solidified the 'quality' of the product.. now it is just a short matter of 1-2 days.


Good stuff..

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I have to admit that I've been considering joining a new server if one opens on the day that I get in. I really like the new server feel, but my guildies are already playing and there is zero chance to level up with them.


I also wish I knew if/when server transfers would be available too. I'm sure they will be eventually, but it'll have a bearing on whether I 'go it alone' or not for the levelling up process.

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I agree with most of what has been said here, though for myself, there isn't anybody looking forward to my playing the game or waiting for me etc.. so that aspect doesn't cause me any problems.


I'm not likely to get in till Friday or Saturday and that doesn't bother me either, it's all minor in the grand scheme of the life of the game.

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It's just marketing, kids. Early Access was a pull for people to pre-order and guarantee opening day sales. That said, there's not much harm in doing it if I get to start the game a few days earlier that I would otherwise. Although I really thought the "color-changing lightsaber crystal!!!111ZOMG!" was going to let me choose my color at will. Now I'm QQing. :(
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Being a single person gaming company i don't think bioware understood this.


No. Of course not. It's not like they had consultants, or consulted with other MMO devs or anything. They walked into this blind, and stayed that way through development. And it's clearly their fault peoples' friends, guildies, etc., won't wait for them to lvl. Ad if there'd been NO early access? There will always be people who lvl faster. Recently, with Rift and DCUO, there were players at lvl cap within 24hrs of launch.


There will always be a disparity, regardless of EGA or not. Most of my friends and guildies from other games and such, have agreed to reserve names, but otherwise play alts until we can all lvl together. This is a choice we made. And TBH, I'm kinda glad it will be staggered. Cause if it wasn't, everyone whining about EGA now, would be whining about how every zone is cramped, and they have to camp mobs and such.


Some people are just born whiners.:)

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No. Of course not. It's not like they had consultants, or consulted with other MMO devs or anything. They walked into this blind, and stayed that way through development. And it's clearly their fault peoples' friends, guildies, etc., won't wait for them to lvl. Ad if there'd been NO early access? There will always be people who lvl faster. Recently, with Rift and DCUO, there were players at lvl cap within 24hrs of launch.


There will always be a disparity, regardless of EGA or not. Most of my friends and guildies from other games and such, have agreed to reserve names, but otherwise play alts until we can all lvl together. This is a choice we made. And TBH, I'm kinda glad it will be staggered. Cause if it wasn't, everyone whining about EGA now, would be whining about how every zone is cramped, and they have to camp mobs and such.


Some people are just born whiners.:)


Yeah I mean if the had talked with other mmo's you would have though they had target of target and guild banks? Probably would have rolled out with a lot more things that are really needed in a mmo. Instead of we are adding that after launch questions. They would have foreseen the PVP bug power leveling people right?

Edited by salemz
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Well I've given up about me early access.. all my friends and guildies are in their 20's 30's already... So much for me even playing with them and leveling with them. so those plans are all shot to hell.


Even Rift did it right, Open tons of servers then just give free transfers.


By the time a lot of us actually get in it wont be a early access anymore cause by rights even if we only get in 1 hour before official release, the company will feel justified and say yes you got in early even if its only for an hour..


tbh I don't think this staggering invites are for server loads probably find its a server fault or something and they cant actually invite everyone at once.


if your thinking on canceling your pre-order. I'd say if you don't get in by today its worth concidaring because saying you have a head start at this point is just a joke.

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Yes, you're not in a game that others are. Most of my friends are now level 6-14 or so, having been in since the first day. They are clearly keen on the game, having ordered in the first few days. However, it wouldn't take long to catch them up I set my mind to it. However, they also plan to have different alts, as it's a great game to play with others.


If everyone had gone in together, we'd instead been complaining about how it's not fair that our friends got in straight away, whereas we had queued for ages, and now they were levels ahead of us. And of course, some friends play faster than others, or have more time than others, etc.


Just play and enjoy, you'll either catch them on the way to 50, or you won't and never would have. If playing together all the time is that important to you all, you'll roll alts to be together anyway.

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if your thinking on canceling your pre-order. I'd say if you don't get in by today its worth concidaring because saying you have a head start at this point is just a joke.


Is that a way of playing the game where rushing to engame, having no alts to play with your friends, then trying to finish the endgame within two days and quitting, is the way to play ?


Sure it's an MMO you're looking for?

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dont really care any more in tommor 90 % will be in and on the 15 eveyrone will be in and all this QQ will be over BUt they will QQ about something else then finally to 20th hits and if you dont like it dont subscribe thats where we dont have to look at the QQ post
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And TBH, I'm kinda glad it will be staggered. Cause if it wasn't, everyone whining about EGA now, would be whining about how every zone is cramped, and they have to camp mobs and such.


Some people are just born whiners.:)


Exactly. Everytime I see a QQer whine about someone playing before them I'm reminded of my 4-year old nephew who throws a temper tantrum when his sister gets her bagel 10 seconds before he does.

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Well I've given up about me early access.. all my friends and guildies are in their 20's 30's already... So much for me even playing with them and leveling with them. so those plans are all shot to hell.


Then you should have pre-ordered with them. EGA has ALWAYS been first-come, first serve.


Blame yourself or just suck it up.

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dont really care any more in tommor 90 % will be in and on the 15 eveyrone will be in and all this QQ will be over BUt they will QQ about something else then finally to 20th hits and if you dont like it dont subscribe thats where we dont have to look at the QQ post


All true.

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^ it's posts like these that make me /facepalm


I don't really think at this point anyone will get in only 1 hour before official release day, just relax...


your an idiot.. and stop hitting yourself in the head. and yes 1 hour still counts as a head start even 2 minutes.


I'f your going to post to people not raging at least try do it like the post below yours, he took the time to type out a nice message.


Yes in 2 weeks we will all have forgotten about this but atm coming up to four days, it does leave a bad taste in your mouth. Yes I'll be happy when im in but people remember these kinds of things especially bad releases, and I agree with the first post somewhat, they don't really understand the MMO community.


Also a while back an ex dev stated they switch off to and don't really read stuff on forums etc so non of these troll forums about not getting in will ever get read by the devs anyways.

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your an idiot.. and stop hitting yourself in the head. and yes 1 hour still counts as a head start even 2 minutes.


I'f your going to post to people not raging at least try do it like the post below yours, he took the time to type out a nice message.


Yes in 2 weeks we will all have forgotten about this but atm coming up to four days, it does leave a bad taste in your mouth. Yes I'll be happy when im in but people remember these kinds of things especially bad releases, and I agree with the first post somewhat, they don't really understand the MMO community.


Also a while back an ex dev stated they switch off to and don't really read stuff on forums etc so non of these troll forums about not getting in will ever get read by the devs anyways.


We are actually coming up on day 3 of waves.... not 4. Thanks bi

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No. Of course not. It's not like they had consultants, or consulted with other MMO devs or anything. They walked into this blind, and stayed that way through development. And it's clearly their fault peoples' friends, guildies, etc., won't wait for them to lvl. Ad if there'd been NO early access? There will always be people who lvl faster. Recently, with Rift and DCUO, there were players at lvl cap within 24hrs of launch.


There will always be a disparity, regardless of EGA or not. Most of my friends and guildies from other games and such, have agreed to reserve names, but otherwise play alts until we can all lvl together. This is a choice we made. And TBH, I'm kinda glad it will be staggered. Cause if it wasn't, everyone whining about EGA now, would be whining about how every zone is cramped, and they have to camp mobs and such.


Some people are just born whiners.:)


The zones are set up so that after a certain number of people are there, it creates a new instance. Even with say 2000 people in the same area. You will never encount more then say 50 because of this. They had things in place to counter act having lots of people in 1 area at once and still decided to trickle people into the game. Its sad that people have to wait for a game that is basically being dangled infront of their nose.

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