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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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still waiting for you to tell me what page this is on


Sadly, DarthMoord has an unsolvable conundrum here: he never admits when he's wrong, but he also never backs down from an argument...and yet I've verified that his claim is completely wrong. Apparently he's at an impasse. I hope he doesn't have an aneurism or something.

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Has anyone brought up that Klingons have an apparent genetic predisposition to being amazing tacticians?


Throughout the canon there are lots of examples of single Klingon ships taking on multiple more powerful ships and either winning or at least doing far more damage than they should have.


They're not as naturally wily as a Cardassian or anything, but even those who don't display particularly high intellect seem to be naturally adept and battlefield tactics.


This is something that the Mandalorians would probably equal them in, but a regular Imperial soldier would not.

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Has anyone brought up that Klingons have an apparent genetic predisposition to being amazing tacticians?


Throughout the canon there are lots of examples of single Klingon ships taking on multiple more powerful ships and either winning or at least doing far more damage than they should have.


They're not as naturally wily as a Cardassian or anything, but even those who don't display particularly high intellect seem to be naturally adept and battlefield tactics.


This is something that the Mandalorians would probably equal them in, but a regular Imperial soldier would not.


It's a good thing that the Empire believes that killing one of your guys is worth twenty of theirs.

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It's a good thing that the Empire believes that killing one of your guys is worth twenty of theirs.


Probably a good thing since their are canonical instances of small bands of Klingons killing hundreds in ground combat.


Kor, Kang and Koloth killed an army of 40 legions by themselves.


A legion, going by Roman military standards, is up to 5000 troops.


Meaning that 3 men potentially killed 20000 troops.


Klingons are a lot more bad *** than the pro-Star Wars people understand.

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death star 2 then


Lando didn't do it alone though, he had help with two other guys(luring some TIEs away) and Wedge helped him destroy the power generator. As for the SSD, the shields were down and if it wasn't for Arvel Crynd control crashing his ship into the bridge it wouldn't have gone down so quickly.

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Lando didn't do it alone though, he had help with two other guys(luring some TIEs away) and Wedge helped him destroy the power generator. As for the SSD, the shields were down and if it wasn't for Arvel Crynd control crashing his ship into the bridge it wouldn't have gone down so quickly.


point being you could one shot the death star. Having Giant holes that lead directly to your core reactor isn't exactly a smart move.

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Has anyone brought up that Klingons have an apparent genetic predisposition to being amazing tacticians?


Throughout the canon there are lots of examples of single Klingon ships taking on multiple more powerful ships and either winning or at least doing far more damage than they should have.


They're not as naturally wily as a Cardassian or anything, but even those who don't display particularly high intellect seem to be naturally adept and battlefield tactics.


This is something that the Mandalorians would probably equal them in, but a regular Imperial soldier would not.


Klingons might be great tacticians, Thrawn is THE tactician where Sci-Fi is concerned.


Give Thrawn the entire Imperial navy, well..... sorry Klingons.

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Klingons might be great tacticians, Thrawn is THE tactician where Sci-Fi is concerned.


Give Thrawn the entire Imperial navy, well..... sorry Klingons.


Once again, I bring up Kor, Kang and Koloth.


3 Klingon warriors vs 50 legions (~200000 troops)


3 Klingons won.


Of course the fought the battle in a narrow pass with 3 suns behind them (meaning the enemy had to fight with 3 suns in their eyes)

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Once again, I bring up Kor, Kang and Koloth.


3 Klingon warriors vs 50 legions (~200000 troops)


3 Klingons won.


Of course the fought the battle in a narrow pass with 3 suns behind them (meaning the enemy had to fight with 3 suns in their eyes)


Kor, Kang and Koloth, like all Klingons, were prone to exaggeration. I think it's explicitly stated at one point that it's practically expected of them.

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Kor, Kang and Koloth, like all Klingons, were prone to exaggeration. I think it's explicitly stated at one point that it's practically expected of them.


True, but if 200000 was the exageration, the actual battle must have been pretty f-ing epic.


At least a couple hundred, if not thousand.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Once again, I bring up Kor, Kang and Koloth.


3 Klingon warriors vs 50 legions (~200000 troops)


3 Klingons won.


Of course the fought the battle in a narrow pass with 3 suns behind them (meaning the enemy had to fight with 3 suns in their eyes)


Impressive, very impressive, but Thrawn was most probably the greatest military commander in the whole of the Star Wars EU, his genius, was absolutely unmatched, if you have read the Thrawn Trilogy you wouldn't doubt just how amazing Thrawn would be with the entire Imperial Navy at his command, considering his astonishing victories with just a small force of six Imperial IIs.

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ooh ooh! I wanna play!


* put on nerdgirl hat*



trek= future

wars= distant past ( and for the added record sw has cloaking too but it's considered fairly useless)



E.T was left on earth in the early 1980's


His species got funding for their extra galactic trip from the galactic senate and techno-union during the height of the Clone Wars.

time taken to leave their galaxy ( lets assume it's Andromeda ) cross space at X hyperspace multipliers then factor in the time it takes for the trek universe to come to what it is in our own galaxy ...


...carry the five......


Ewoks have evolved into Reapers


This post WINS.


And it also supports the Shepard > Jedi argument...


Reapers = Ewoks + Evolution. If Ewoks > "...legion of my best stormtroopers", then Ewoks > Empire. If Empire > Old Jedi Order, Ewoks > Empire, and Shepard > Reapers, then Shepard > Ewoks, therefore Shepard > Jedi

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Do not forget that the Klingons indeed have the tech to fire weapons while cloaked and only the United Federation of Planets agreement similar to our Geneva Convention prevented them from using it. But against the Imperial Fleet I am sure the Klingons would use it. So advantage Klingons in space combat.


The main problem is that the Klingons do not have a large population and limited fleet so Empire would win the war with sheer numbers.


Hand to hand combat also favors Empire. Klingons would get owned by light saber wielding Sith and numerous cloned Troopers. Again this is a numbers game which favors Empire.


Lastly Star Wars as we know it was long long ago and the Tech of the Empire's Imperial Fleet by the time they bumped heads with the Klingons should be light years ahead thus again favoring the Empire.


So makes you wonder, could the Borg actually be descendants of Star Wars?!? :eek:

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