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The Klingon Defence Forces Vs The Imperial Fleet


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the numbers for the Star Wars weapons are not canon.


actually yes they are...


but then again what does it matter... the KDF is so pitifully small compared to the empire.. the Empire could suicide crash a dozen capitol ships into every single KDF ship down to shuttles and still right it off as a win and not even notice the losses

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actually yes they are...


nope because they are in direct contradiction of Star Wars G-canon.


from my earlier post

Saxtons numbers are wrong. They are based around the scene from Empire where the SDs are blasting the asteroids.


He comes to the conclusion that a weapon would need to have X amount of firepower to cause the asteroids to completely vaporize. he then ASSUMES the asteroids are made of I believe iron or something there about.


However his assumptions are wrong because I can prove that it is not made of any known material. The explosion that occurs when the SD's turbo lasers hit the asteroid is THE SAME explosion that occurs when the asteroid hits the BRIDGE of the Star Destroyer AND COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE BRIDGE.


Therefore the explosion that we see is not caused directly by the Turbo laser but instead by the asteroid itself.


Think of it like this. If I shoot a gun into a barrel of TNT and it explodes you might assume that the bullet is the source of the explosion and every bullet i fire no matter what it hits would cause the same explosion.


Ignoring the fact that it was the barrel of TNT was the source of the explosion.



We have had long discussions about this in my Physics class. I'm a working on my Masters in Physics btw.


Add in the fact that IF the weapons of the Slave 1 where that powerful Slave 1 could destroy and entire planet itself.

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Not really, Empire still wins because Star Trek is either incapable or spinless to use such weapons.


So you're going to step away from the technology argument and now you're going to wax philosopical about "willingness" to use such weapons? Remember for a moment that this is a Klingon vs Imperial fight, not Starfleet vs Imperial.


None of these technologies were seen again after the one-shot point they were introduced. Even when they had their backs against a wall. Either these technologies cannot be replicated or they are insanely squeemish.


You mean like the Death Star that was used once and blown up? Or the Sun Crusher that was used once then sucked into a black hole? :rolleyes:

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The word of Han Solo isn't the word of god, if we took that as word of god canon, how many other things should we take as G canon? point is, we don't, Kreia claims many things in KotOR II, does that mean it is canonical fact?


But we have seen in god knows how many other canon sources that wars were being waged all over, hell Thrawn and others were heading into the unknown regions with entire fleets to quell wars we have no actual information about, it's safe to say that with 30 years of galactic uprisings and ever growing threats to the Empire, they would have continued to churn out warships at an ever growing pace.


And, this is not necessarily so, the Battle of Endor was being fought at the sametime as other battles all over, with fourteen fleets being taken out before, during and after Endor.

Point being, in a galaxy spanning war, there are going to be more ships than what we see at Endor, much more, I imagine the Rebels threw everything they could spare from other systems into the combined fleet at Endor, also we have seen how lax the Empire treats the Rebellion, especially the Emperor, who never even imagined the Deflector Shield going down and the Rebel fleet actually putting on a good show to the point of victory, taking out not only the Death Star but SSD Executor as well.


Also, With the sheer volume of GCW canon i've read/played/watched over the years, I can't give you a direct source, just my long memory.


Also, as we have seen with the Empire on occasion, they tend to under/over-exaggerate numbers when it comes to basically anything, Grand Moff Tarkin tried to claim that the size of the Rebels on Yavin IV were pitiful and nothing more than a demonstration and were no real threat, not even deploying a serious amount of fighters to combat back with when under attack, and he was one of the smartest Grand Moffs in the Empire.


Again I refer to my spread thin comment, they only sent the Executor and it's escort fleet to attack Hoth, probably because Vader was in a rush to find the pilot that destroyed the Death Star.


In all seriousness, I don't think, unless you put Thrawn at the head of the Imperial Navy, that the Empire would actually take the Klingons seriously, their biggest weakness was arrogance and a slow reaction to events, the Klingons could use this along with their Ambush tactics to cause fairly decent casualties to the Imperial Navy, but once the Navy actually realises the threat, then the Klingons will start to crack under the weight of numbers.


EDIT: It's 01.20AM in England right now and I need to rest before work, We can continue this later on in the day.


Also, I believe the conversations I am talking about are in the Shadows of the Empire novel, I may be wrong, I am quite tired now so I'll have to sort this later on in the day.


ok gonna start of with this.


This is the Star Wars canon system.



The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


T-canon[2] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[3]


C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.



So if it doesn't agree with G-canon then it doesn't exist as far as canon goes. IT can be in the continuity but it's not canon.


The Trawn Triology as great as it is, is actually not canon.


Primarly because of this quote



LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."


that is George Lucas saying that everything that happens after ROTJ doesn't really happen. He willfully licenses it and takes money for it but it's not canon.



So as far as what solo says in the movies.


IT is the word of God as its the word of George Lucas.


video games and the such fall under C-canon and thats where it gets a lot trickier. You get into a lot of problems when two C-canon items contradict each other.

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the only Sci Fi universe that is comparable to Imperial/Republic Fleet are Babylon 5 (more powerful) and Warhammer 40k (more powerful) and BattleStar Galactica (equal).


2 have large capital ships capable of immense destructive power, heavy armoring and shielding and Galactica, while not really having as potent an arsenal, has some spectacular ship armor/defence technology.


Star Trek, while futuristic, simply doesn't have the sheer amount of firepower or defensive tech/armoring to compete. Maybe the borg would be able to challenge several Imperial Star Destroyer... maybe. But then again, these other universe ships don't have obvious weak points like Star Wars capital ships tend to have. In the 40k and Babaylon and Galactica universe, you typically have to outright destroy the capital ships through sheer brute force.


And while the Empire may be evil, the Imperium of Man (40k) are clearly fervently mad beyond reasoning. You don't mess with crazy people who love a 1/2 dead corpse and are freely willing to do all to cleanse the universe.

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nope because they are in direct contradiction of Star Wars G-canon.


from my earlier post

Saxtons numbers are wrong. They are based around the scene from Empire where the SDs are blasting the asteroids.


He comes to the conclusion that a weapon would need to have X amount of firepower to cause the asteroids to completely vaporize. he then ASSUMES the asteroids are made of I believe iron or something there about.


However his assumptions are wrong because I can prove that it is not made of any known material. The explosion that occurs when the SD's turbo lasers hit the asteroid is THE SAME explosion that occurs when the asteroid hits the BRIDGE of the Star Destroyer AND COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE BRIDGE.


Therefore the explosion that we see is not caused directly by the Turbo laser but instead by the asteroid itself.


Think of it like this. If I shoot a gun into a barrel of TNT and it explodes you might assume that the bullet is the source of the explosion and every bullet i fire no matter what it hits would cause the same explosion.


Ignoring the fact that it was the barrel of TNT was the source of the explosion.



We have had long discussions about this in my Physics class. I'm a working on my Masters in Physics btw.


Add in the fact that IF the weapons of the Slave 1 where that powerful Slave 1 could destroy and entire planet itself.


actually the power output number I quoted is from Star Wars Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections book

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ok gonna start of with this.


This is the Star Wars canon system.



The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


T-canon[2] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[3]


C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.



So if it doesn't agree with G-canon then it doesn't exist as far as canon goes. IT can be in the continuity but it's not canon.


The Trawn Triology as great as it is, is actually not canon.


Primarly because of this quote



LUCAS: "I've left pretty explicit instructions for there not to be any more features. There will definitely be no Episodes VII-IX. That's because there isn't any story. I mean, I never thought of anything. And now there have been novels about the events after Episode VI, which isn't at all what I would have done with it. The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned and Luke doesn't get married..."


that is George Lucas saying that everything that happens after ROTJ doesn't really happen. He willfully licenses it and takes money for it but it's not canon.



So as far as what solo says in the movies.


IT is the word of God as its the word of George Lucas.


video games and the such fall under C-canon and thats where it gets a lot trickier. You get into a lot of problems when two C-canon items contradict each other.


Okay, I'll make this final post for the night, I know full well what the canonical levels are, I also know that Goerge's statement means there are two universes, on that is his universe, just the movies and TCW and another universe, the movies, TCW and all the rest of the Canon EU.


Last but not least, you aren't reading my statement properly, Han Solo states something, now do we take this as fact or as him merely making an out of the blue statement without any real information to go off of? the EU which states there were 25,000 Star Destroyers has assumed that he was indeed making an out of the blue statement, with no real factual information to go off of, as he tends to do, because this C-canon product has assumed such, that is now the official stance, isn't it nice how our canonical system works? :)


Unless a G-canon source completely states and confirms Han Solo's statement as proper fact to go off of, the C canon product will have to do.

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that is George Lucas saying that everything that happens after ROTJ doesn't really happen. He willfully licenses it and takes money for it but it's not canon.




actually no... that is him stating HE has no plans to make further movies that take place after ROtJ because the story line HE was telling is over... he has publicly many times stated that everything approved by LA is canon up and till the point HE creates something to override it (see "Splinter of the Mind's Eye")... and since he has no intention of ever doing that it still IS canon at this point... all he is stating is that the EU isn't what he would have done because he told the story he wanted to already not that none of it is canon... they actually have a whole department at LA devoted to combing new EU and making sure it fits continuity and they go as far as to release new retcons when they feel the need to (such as saying which story choices are canon in games like KoToR)


you can try and warp old statements and fool yourself into thinking whatever is or isn't canon you want but your opinion has no actual bearing on reality at all


yeah that was written by Dr Curis Saxton. His numbers are wrong and thats not canon.


some of them on that site are his calculation and may or may not be correct ... however the one I posted is IN PRINT IN SW REFERENCE MATERIAL so it IS CANON... he had no part in writing the book it's in... just because he quotes the same book in one of his arguments does not make the source any different... if I was using one of the figures HE calculated it wouldn't be canon but I'm not... unless you are trying to say the source book copied that information from his site in which case it would still make it canon as it was approved and printed so your argument on this figure being invalid would still be incorrect

Edited by Liquidacid
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Okay, I'll make this final post for the night, I know full well what the canonical levels are, I also know that Goerge's statement means there are two universes, on that is his universe, just the movies and TCW and another universe, the movies, TCW and all the rest of the Canon EU.


Last but not least, you aren't reading my statement properly, Han Solo states something, now do we take this as fact or as him merely making an out of the blue statement without any real information to go off of? the EU which states there were 25,000 Star Destroyers has assumed that he was indeed making an out of the blue statement, with no real factual information to go off of, as he tends to do, because this C-canon product has assumed such, that is now the official stance, isn't it nice how our canonical system works? :)


Unless a G-canon source completely states and confirms Han Solo's statement as proper fact to go off of, the C canon product will have to do.


stop posting go to bed interenet arguements can wait for another day.


Yes there are two universes but even then the Films + EU MUST conform to the FILMS first. otherwise it's not canon


Yes we do take anything he says IN THE MOVIES as FACT.


So yes if it doesn't contradict what we see and know from the films, scripts, novelizations, and what GL says then yes it is canon.


HOWEVER when it comes to the fleet and the power of the ships weapons WE have canon sources of these things from the movies.

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nope because they are in direct contradiction of Star Wars G-canon.


from my earlier post

Saxtons numbers are wrong. They are based around the scene from Empire where the SDs are blasting the asteroids.


He comes to the conclusion that a weapon would need to have X amount of firepower to cause the asteroids to completely vaporize. he then ASSUMES the asteroids are made of I believe iron or something there about.


However his assumptions are wrong because I can prove that it is not made of any known material. The explosion that occurs when the SD's turbo lasers hit the asteroid is THE SAME explosion that occurs when the asteroid hits the BRIDGE of the Star Destroyer AND COMPLETELY DESTROYS THE BRIDGE.


Therefore the explosion that we see is not caused directly by the Turbo laser but instead by the asteroid itself.


Think of it like this. If I shoot a gun into a barrel of TNT and it explodes you might assume that the bullet is the source of the explosion and every bullet i fire no matter what it hits would cause the same explosion.


Ignoring the fact that it was the barrel of TNT was the source of the explosion.



We have had long discussions about this in my Physics class. I'm a working on my Masters in Physics btw.


Add in the fact that IF the weapons of the Slave 1 where that powerful Slave 1 could destroy and entire planet itself.


You do realize the explosions being identical was solely because of their special effect budget and not them trying to Imply the Asteroids were full of explosive materials right?


You've proven nothing as far as what the Asteroids are made up of. Other than it is extremely illogical to assume all those Asteroids are made of a material that explodes on contact.

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actually no... that is him stating HE has no plans to make further movies that take place after ROtJ because the story line HE was telling is over... he has publicly many times stated that everything approved by LA is canon up and till the point HE creates something to override it (see "Splinter of the Mind's Eye")... and since he has no intention of ever doing that it still IS canon at this point... all he is stating is that the EU isn't what he would have done because he told the story he wanted to already not that none of it is canon... they actually have a whole department at LA devoted to combing new EU and making sure it fits continuity and they go as far as to release new retcons when they feel the need to (such as saying which story choices are canon in games like KoToR)


you can try and warp old statements and fool yourself into thinking whatever is or isn't canon you want but your opinion has no actual bearing on reality at all




some of them on that site are his calculation and may or may not be correct ... however the one I posted is IN PRINT IN SW REFERENCE MATERIAL so it IS CANON... he had no part in writing the book it's in... just because he quotes the same book in one of his arguments does not make the source any different... if I was using one of the figures HE calculated it wouldn't be canon but I'm not... unless you are trying to say the source book copied that information from his site in which case it would still make it canon as it was approved and printed so your argument on this figure being invalid would still be incorrect



This is a common mistake.


It doesnt' work that way


Here is a quote from Leeland Chee (the guy who is in charge of all Canon) about star wars canon





he posts under the name tastytaste.



In a nutshell, anything created by the author would be C-level. Anything in the the novels created by George Lucas (whether it comes from unpublished early script versions, unpublished author interviews with George, or George's revisions to the novelization manuscript) would be G-level unless contradicted by the films.


It gets a little more complicated when something is seen on-screen but not named. So the "shuura fruit" mentioned in the AOTC novel would be G because you see it in the film, although the author came up with the name.


Is there anything post-Return of the Jedi that is G level?


Not in the database, no. If there is anything anywhere, only George knows




couple big things to take away


1. Items seen in the movie are canon but if the info is not given in the movies and is given in say a book then it is C-canon.


So the ships in the movies and in the ICS books are all canon. But their names and stats are not canon.


2. Nothing after RotJ is canon that is the keeper of the Holicron leeland Chee saying that and george lucas.


I am not twisting any words. I am using direct quotes.

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couple big things to take away


1. Items seen in the movie are canon but if the info is not given in the movies and is given in say a book then it is C-canon.


So the ships in the movies and in the ICS books are all canon. But their names and stats are not canon.


2. Nothing after RotJ is canon that is the keeper of the Holicron leeland Chee saying that and george lucas.


I am not twisting any words. I am using direct quotes.


In 2000, Lucas Licensing appointed Leland Chee to create a continuity tracking database referred to as the "Holocron". As with every other aspect having to do with the overall story of Star Wars, the Holocron follows the canon policy that has been in effect for years.


The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.





Leland Chee Created the Tiers of Canon, Thus EVERYTHING in the Books is CANON, unless it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS, the Movies. I'm sorry but the whole "Not in the movies, not canon.' Does not work with Star Wars in the slightest and this has been established for quite some time by now.


It may not be Gospel Word of God Canon, but it is as Canon as anything else in the universe UNLESS, Word of God or the Films directly contradict it, then the Films Canon trumps the other canon. But it is all still canon.

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You do realize the explosions being identical was solely because of their special effect budget and not them trying to Imply the Asteroids were full of explosive materials right?


See i agree with you completely. This is my whole problem with the Star Wars fandom. They are unable to enjoy them just as a film. The hard core star wars fans have to analize every frame.


However because a hard core group of fans have idolized Star Wars so much and the canon system had to be made. They came up with the idea that


"If it is in the movies then that is exactly how it happened"


So when you get into any debate about star wars and star wars canon you have to follow the rules exactly.


REMEMBER people are looking at those special effect to begin with and trying to calculate how much power the ships weapons have. They can't acknowledge that it's just a special effect and was made just for entertainment.


So I have to use the same rules they set fourth for debating about Star Wars which is what you see in the movies is 100% official.



It's weird because it's only really Star Wars that this level of fandom takes place.


Could you imagine doing the same thing to a movie like Bad Boys or Transformers? People would laugh and call you stupid but for Star Wars its ok.

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In 2000, Lucas Licensing appointed Leland Chee to create a continuity tracking database referred to as the "Holocron". As with every other aspect having to do with the overall story of Star Wars, the Holocron follows the canon policy that has been in effect for years.


The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.





Leland Chee Created the Tiers of Canon, Thus EVERYTHING in the Books is CANON, unless it DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS, the Movies. I'm sorry but the whole "Not in the movies, not canon.' Does not work with Star Wars in the slightest and this has been established for quite some time by now.


It may not be Gospel Word of God Canon, but it is as Canon as anything else in the universe UNLESS, Word of God or the Films directly contradict it, then the Films Canon trumps the other canon. But it is all still canon.



well thats just it. If it's not G-canon then it really doesn't matter.


C-canon stands for Continuity canon which means it fits into the continuity of the Star Wars universe. Continuity does not equal Canon.


Honestly what they need to do is just Relaunch the ENTIRE EU universe. There are two many books games and comics to try and muddle through everything.


I'm surprised they haven't comics do it all the time. This would allow them to restart the EU and make it into 1 congruent story line.



edit: Also that IS Leeland Chee speaking so what isn't in the movies isn't really canon or at least G-canon


and as I showed before a lot of the things people think are canon actually contradict what we know from the movies.

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It's weird because it's only really Star Wars that this level of fandom takes place.


Could you imagine doing the same thing to a movie like Bad Boys or Transformers? People would laugh and call you stupid but for Star Wars its ok.


Happens with Sci Fi series alot, people have done the same exact thing with Babylon 5, and I believe Starfate SG-1 with different Goa'uld weapons.

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I really think the Klingons would just pound with disruptors until the shields collapsed and then beam troops aboard and capture and/or plant explosives on the critical components of any enemy vessels. They'd be unstoppable. If they were especially evil, they'd beam Tribbles.


Cloaking wouldn't be too much of an advantage I don't think, especially if there are any Force users amongst the Imperials who could 'sense' them approaching and target them... but I don't think they would need to use it. More glory if your enemy sees you coming and dies.


I think the Imperials have the edge in sheer firepowers and numbers, though... the Klingons probably would have to eventually engage in a hit-and-run guerilla war and just wear down the Empire like the Rebels did.

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well thats just it. If it's not G-canon then it really doesn't matter.


C-canon stands for Continuity canon which means it fits into the continuity of the Star Wars universe. Continuity does not equal Canon.


Honestly what they need to do is just Relaunch the ENTIRE EU universe. There are two many books games and comics to try and muddle through everything.


I'm surprised they haven't comics do it all the time. This would allow them to restart the EU and make it into 1 congruent story line.


No C-Canon matters just as much as G canon until it contradicts G canon. Until it does it is just as powerful on the Canon meter.


A rather poor and quick Analogy can be made to Speed Limits. Speed Limit sign reads 65 MPH, the speed limit is thus 65 MPH. This would be normal C-canon, but if you run across a temporary Speed Limit sign set up by construction workers that says the speed limit is now 45 MPH, then that would be G canon and trumps the previous established limit.



Very very horribly analogy but eh I'm not devoting much thought to it at all.

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I really think the Klingons would just pound with disruptors until the shields collapsed and then beam troops aboard and capture and/or plant explosives on the critical components of any enemy vessels. They'd be unstoppable. If they were especially evil, they'd beam Tribbles.


Cloaking wouldn't be too much of an advantage I don't think, especially if there are any Force users amongst the Imperials who could 'sense' them approaching and target them... but I don't think they would need to use it. More glory if your enemy sees you coming and dies.


I think the Imperials have the edge in sheer firepowers and numbers, though... the Klingons probably would have to eventually engage in a hit-and-run guerilla war and just wear down the Empire like the Rebels did.


Beaming bombs onto ships isn't a normal tactic, plus I'd go the route of SW shields blocking transporter beams.


Also take into account that if you destroyed the Star Destroyers main reactor....well it'd actually keep firing at you since all the guns have separate power supplies they can fall back on. Star Destroyers are designed to keep fighting even after suffering remarkable damage.

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This is a common mistake.


It doesnt' work that way


Here is a quote from Leeland Chee (the guy who is in charge of all Canon) about star wars canon





he posts under the name tastytaste.






couple big things to take away


1. Items seen in the movie are canon but if the info is not given in the movies and is given in say a book then it is C-canon.


So the ships in the movies and in the ICS books are all canon. But their names and stats are not canon.


2. Nothing after RotJ is canon that is the keeper of the Holicron leeland Chee saying that and george lucas.


I am not twisting any words. I am using direct quotes.


funny because this is a quote by the same guy in response to another person making the same claim as you are about the whole "2 universes" statement


Lucas' statements in Starlog were commented on in a December 7, 2005 post on the starwars.com forums by Leland Chee, who maintains Lucas Licensing's continuity database:



CHEE: "GL is certainly not bound by the EU, though he's certainly open to using things created in it (Aayla Secura and the Coruscant name, for example). On the other hand, the quote you provide makes it sound like the EU is separate from George's vision of the Star Wars universe. It is not. The EU must follow certain tenets set by George through the films and other guidelines that he provides outside of the films."
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funny because this is a quote by the same guy in response to another person making the same claim as you are about the whole "2 universes" statement


Lucas' statements in Starlog were commented on in a December 7, 2005 post on the starwars.com forums by Leland Chee, who maintains Lucas Licensing's continuity database:


you just proved my point.

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