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HM gear loot issues

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Have had a problem for over a week or more now. Every single HM we run Drops BH or OP gear only. Ive tanked over 22 Hm this last week . we have seen 1 light saber from HK and som BS columi bracer. Every single chest pop from malgus has been BH . Is there som sort of bug?
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Nope, it's just random dude. Took me three weeks of doing FE before it dropped the Sith Warrior Chest piece from Malgus. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. And when luck isn't on your side, it kind of blows.



The only bug I've seen thus far is Kaon. Where both bonus and end boss drop Columi Headpiece.

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Nope, it's just random dude. Took me three weeks of doing FE before it dropped the Sith Warrior Chest piece from Malgus. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. And when luck isn't on your side, it kind of blows.



The only bug I've seen thus far is Kaon. Where both bonus and end boss drop Columi Headpiece.


15 runs in FE and 12 times the BH dropping and 3 OP dropping is not random. its broken there have been threads for three weeks on this issue im not the only one seeing it. if you have to do FE 24 times to get a force user BP to drop . well not many of the community willplay that game. and the Kaon head piece is supposed to drop 2 pieces of columi because the bonus boss is harder then main boss.

Edited by wifeaggro
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I've seen trends like this with a lot of HMs. We ran Kaon 5 days in a row and got the same 2 head pieces from the bonus boss and the last boss. Force Master Columi gear every time. That's 10 for 10. The likeliness of it being random seems to be slipping. Sure, there may be a CHANCE for every different piece to drop, but it seems like the chances aren't equal. I'm not sure what the cause is, but it's definitely worth looking in to.
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Yea, I've run Kaon at least 5 times and whenever there are three consulars in the group, smuggler tokens drop. Same thing tends to happen for most flashpoints when you have a lot of one particular class. Of course, it could be a coincidence, but given others saying the same thing, the RNG does seem to have something to do with group makeup.
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This is definitely an issue. My cunning and aim companions have 3 and 4 pieces of tier gear and my Juggernaut only has the bracers. I'm not losing rolls on stuff either, it's just not dropping. It would be less of an issue if the token I got from running the dungeon would actually get me gear more then once every 2 months. Getting ONE token from a dungeon is not enough when the prices for the gear pieces are in the 40's or higher. I have to run 40 heroic mode dungeons for a single piece of gear? Did anyone at bioware do the math on how much of a time sink that is for a single piece of gear? It's ridiculous, at this point playing at max level has become more frustrating then it is fun.
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While the drops may be random considered as a whole (25% across the board), looking at the rates of dropped pieces actually being useable by a group is far less likely. I believe this may be bioware pressuring for groups to have 1 of each base class, rather than stacking sorcs/sins, etc. I'm not saying only BH and ops drops for groups, i think it favors a non-present class or in my case a minority class (I'm the only BH on a group of 2 inq base and 1 jug tank, and BH drops are far more common)
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Agreed, at least the tokens need to be intuitive to what classes are in each FP. We cleared 3 diff. FPs yesterday, and only 1 piece of gear was usable from ANY of the bosses in our 4 SI group. (2 SAs 2 SSs) After that we all decided to quit for the day as no loot was dropping for us. In BT HM it seems that the bracers always drop for a class in the FP. In 4 runs everyone had the bracers.


The last piece of gear not being intuitive of class, IMO, punishes the more popular classes. I honestly want to re-roll just so I can get some loot from HM bosses from time to time.


Oh, and BTW, Rift has this problem currently with Cleric and Rogue gear. It drops like rain, causing allot of players to just re-roll to those classes, and killing any/all class diversity for endgame players.

Edited by Tielk
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After running HM's for a few weeks, and we've run a bunch of them, we got our first columi inquisitor piece to drop in Foundry. All other drops have been 85% BH and 15% IA. (We tend to run with a PT tank and 3 Inqs)


We also killed the first boss in EV 8 Man Normal prior to this HM run and got a SI columi piece.


These are the first 2 pieces of SI columi gear we've gotten and our guild is mostly SI. I've been all over these forums whining about it.


There has to be something to this. People getting 85% of Cons/Inq drops without any Cons/Inqs in the group, and us getting 85% BH drops with 1 BH in the group sure sounds systematic to me.


However, after last night, perhaps they changed something in the last update? We'll run Kaon and Foundry tonight and see what happens. If any new pieces drop I'll post it.

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While the drops may be random considered as a whole (25% across the board), looking at the rates of dropped pieces actually being useable by a group is far less likely. I believe this may be bioware pressuring for groups to have 1 of each base class, rather than stacking sorcs/sins, etc. I'm not saying only BH and ops drops for groups, i think it favors a non-present class or in my case a minority class (I'm the only BH on a group of 2 inq base and 1 jug tank, and BH drops are far more common)


if this is what they're doing than it's BS.


a group should be a group and random should be random.


pressuring people into making cookie cutter groups is stupid, especially as getting groups (at least on shadow hand) is never really easy.


if you can build a successful group, regardless if it's 4 sorcs or any kind of build, the loot drops should be just as radnom as what bioware may feel is the optimal cookie cutter group....

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In order to knock out our weekly fast, we ran 3 HMs (Essless, Kaon, and Maelstrom) in one night with a Guardian, Sage, Shadow, and Commando.


Nothing but Smuggler gear/tokens dropped off every boss with the exception of the last boss of Maelstrom (who dropped Trooper Boots). On a related note: our Cunning companions are hella-geared.

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There has to be some sort of priority system in place. If it was a base 25% chance to drop each piece, then this many people wouldn't just be having "bad luck". With as long as instances can take when you pug them, getting nothing out of them is just plain frustrating. It's not that I expect to get loot every time, but after 2 weeks of running at least one HM a day and only getting new bracers, something seems off. It would be great if Bioware had some forum presence and could actually comment on some of the many concern brought up on these forums. But with them only fixing one bug a week, I'm not holding my breath.
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There has to be some sort of priority system in place. If it was a base 25% chance to drop each piece, then this many people wouldn't just be having "bad luck". With as long as instances can take when you pug them, getting nothing out of them is just plain frustrating. It's not that I expect to get loot every time, but after 2 weeks of running at least one HM a day and only getting new bracers, something seems off. It would be great if Bioware had some forum presence and could actually comment on some of the many concern brought up on these forums. But with them only fixing one bug a week, I'm not holding my breath.


Please see:



Also random loot is random. You might have ran HM at least once a day, but that sample size is still too small to determine that loot drop is not random.

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Yes, thank you for your worthless link. I know what confirmation bias is, which is exactly the same thing you are doing by assuming that it is totally random. That's why they call this a discussion board, so you can discuss things with other people. There are lots of other threads on this same topic so it's not just an isolated thought. Take your troll elsewhere.
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Yes, thank you for your worthless link. I know what confirmation bias is, which is exactly the same thing you are doing by assuming that it is totally random. That's why they call this a discussion board, so you can discuss things with other people. There are lots of other threads on this same topic so it's not just an isolated thought. Take your troll elsewhere.


The people who had lots of bad luck are the one most likely to post on the forums complaining that the loot is not random and that there is systematic flaw. It's human nature to see patterns when there isn't one, or else the roulette tables at casinos would be empty all the time.

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15 runs in FE and 12 times the BH dropping and 3 OP dropping is not random. its broken there have been threads for three weeks on this issue im not the only one seeing it. if you have to do FE 24 times to get a force user BP to drop . well not many of the community willplay that game. and the Kaon head piece is supposed to drop 2 pieces of columi because the bonus boss is harder then main boss.


It is completely random, you're just having terrible luck. I see a lot of people saying nothing but BH/Trooper tokens drop, yet I ran Hardmodes for over a month on my Commando and didn't get a single drop until this week where I finished my set out in 3 days. Hell, I had a full set of Tionese gear and started getting Rakata armor before I even got Columi armor. Completely random, there is no dps, healing, class comp, or any other imaginary excuse people can pull out of their asses taken into account. Random loot system is random, if you don't get what you want then better luck next time. I swear, people are acting like getting unlucky with loot is some new MMO feature out to get them.

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You know what i love about this post the most? How its the BH/Troopers defending the drop rates.


Dont patronize us, i've played ALOT of MMO's for alot of years and i know for a fact something is not right here. People are not complaining that there loot dosent drop, they are complaining that only BH loot drops.


I dont do HM's anymore, i did HMs daily, spammed em, for over a month, and i never got a SINGLE item, i saw Sorc loot drop twice, warrior loot 3 times, cunning loot quite often and about 100 pieces of BH loot drop, its a pointless task.


I will happily steak the life of my cat, who i love very much, on the fact its messed up, it aint bad luck, its faulty code.


Funny, dont you think? How people here say "its just bad luck" yet its the same class of loot people are complaining about that drops all the time...

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There has to be some sort of priority system in place. If it was a base 25% chance to drop each piece, then this many people wouldn't just be having "bad luck".



Wrong, it is entirely in the realm of "bad luck"


Each roll to pick what loot drops is independent and so the odds are always 1 in 4 for each piece. And given the number of people running Flash Points, and getting loot, weird and unlikely streaks *WILL* pop up.


Its all just statistics.

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I think it is based on bad luck but a system that atleast drops loot for the classes present would be nice im a Trooper tank have yet to see a Trooper Columi token and only 1 Smuggler token.


Seen nothing but Counsular and Knight tokens only problem is we dont run a knight in my 4 man core our Smugglers Bowdar is full columi at this point.


More annoying to me than anything else not being rewarded for my time Tionese and Columi Commendation are stupid slow system aswell.

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You know what i love about this post the most? How its the BH/Troopers defending the drop rates.


Dont patronize us, i've played ALOT of MMO's for alot of years and i know for a fact something is not right here. People are not complaining that there loot dosent drop, they are complaining that only BH loot drops.


I dont do HM's anymore, i did HMs daily, spammed em, for over a month, and i never got a SINGLE item, i saw Sorc loot drop twice, warrior loot 3 times, cunning loot quite often and about 100 pieces of BH loot drop, its a pointless task.


I will happily steak the life of my cat, who i love very much, on the fact its messed up, it aint bad luck, its faulty code.


Funny, dont you think? How people here say "its just bad luck" yet its the same class of loot people are complaining about that drops all the time...


I see all Smuggler and Knight tokens and you see all Trooper tokens, that right there tells me it is a simple RNG based loot system.


I'm not defending the system either, I think it should take into account which classes are in the group and only let those pieces drop that people can use(they've already proven they can see what class we are for loot through their terrible forced normal operation loot system). Why would I be defending a system where I see a lot of Smuggler and Knight loot that goes completely to waste as I hardly ever run with one?


. It took me a month to get a single piece of Columi gear to drop for me(and I'm a Trooper) but you don't see me whining on the forums saying the loot system is rigged against me. It pissed me off every time I killed a boss and a smuggler token dropped while we didn't have one but that is the nature of a RANDOM loot system, you could get the same one every time or a different one every time. If every group in the entire game receives nothing but a single type of class token then I would say it's bugged, but that is not the case.


But you're right it's much easier to think it is a big conspiracy against you by Bioware to make sure you never get gear. They waited until you made your main character and then made sure that every class except yours had a much higher chance for their loot to drop. It's all a big conspiracy to keep you out of hardmodes, nothing gets by you does it. Couldn't possibly just be bad luck in a standard random loot system, you're the luckiest person in the world after all.

Edited by Qishari
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Wrong, it is entirely in the realm of "bad luck"


Each roll to pick what loot drops is independent and so the odds are always 1 in 4 for each piece. And given the number of people running Flash Points, and getting loot, weird and unlikely streaks *WILL* pop up.


Its all just statistics.


Exactly, you have a 25% EACH time to get the loot you want. You don't add them together. You won't simply run 4 Hardmodes and have a 100% chance to get the loot you want, you'll have a 25% each time you kill the boss.

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I just completed doing 4/5 Bosses on both Hard Mode EV and Hard Mode Karagga's Palace with my guild.

I went into the run being the only IA with high hopes of getting gear.


Not ONE piece of Rakata dropped, not even Columi!!

Two bosses in KP dropped offset cunning gear for DPS , that I don't even need.


I feel so cheated...


There for ... : Ra-NADA

Edited by Danchou
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