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Petition to ban rage-quitters and "Disconnects" from pvp for a hour


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I have a better idea- how about you reroll Republic, level/pvp to 50 and then come back and tell us how it went? How it compared to the Imperial Faction PVP.


He won't even have to get to 50. Pvp pre-50 Republic is so bad I can't even bring myself to log in to my Republic toons. I have one on a pvp server, and that was pretty bad, and the other is on a pve server, and that was worse, because not only did we constantly get crushed, our team was constantly whining about it.


And I will gripe when we're getting rolled, so when other players crying annoys me, you know it's bad.

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Any bad punishment for leaving, would probably be worse for your Warzone.


If they hate the game they're in and don't leave, they will simply sit in a corner and you'll be fighting 7 v 8 (assuming there is only one...). At least when they leave you normally get a replacement.

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This would be plainly stupid.


Twice I've randomly crashed during Warzones.


Once when we were winning in Huttball, and twice right as I won a game of Voidstar or Civil War. (Can't remember exactly.)


Don't ban me because my program decides to randomly crash

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Any bad punishment for leaving, would probably be worse for your Warzone.


If they hate the game they're in and don't leave, they will simply sit in a corner calling everyone on their team bad and you'll be fighting 7 v 8 (assuming there is only one...). At least when they leave you normally get a replacement.


Fixed it for you. Some players remind me of an awesome debuff from another game called 'demotivational speech'. Been known to give a few of those in my time as well, but really, some people make it into an art form. I'd rather they just leave the match!

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How about a simple system kicking out people like now, but allowing them to return immediately after they load to their area? How about a little change in the respawn area from fleet to ship? Just give them one button like "enter area" instead of allowing them to requeue?


One fix, two systems fixed. Both random kicks from warzones (like unable to respawn, respawns with perm-knockdowns, no speeders after respawn, unable to leave spawn after respawn, respawning on wrong resp in Voidstar), which would allow you to re-enter and the leavers, because they couldn't requeue for as long as the warzone lasts. Simple.




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I am all for this idea as long as they also give the option to flag people so that you are never forced to group with them again.


I will be the first to admit that I will quit a huttball match if everyone ignores the ball and is running around the middle just trying to get medals.

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I can see only bunch of feeble-minded kids weeping in this thread.

Everyone of them is saying only one thing wrapped in different packages: "Do what we want or we will ruin game experience of any other DECENT AND ADULT player. Because we are not enjoing it!" Go back to the nursery with this attitude!


If you want to change something. Use ADULT methods and not rage-quiting! It is nonsense and it is killing the PvP game experience (not mentioning the fact you are pointlessly increasing a pressure on those servers). If you are inteligent enough to bombard forum threads with your complains, try to focus your "talent" on the right spot - game developers. Do not use all other players like your hostages!


I will vote for every kind of punishment for rage-quitters. The harder the better.


The second kind of people is: "But I lost my connection! You are trying to ban me too!" I would like to say one thing to those people. If BioWare has at least chimps behind their keyboards, they are able to recognize who is rage-quitter and who have connection problems. From my point of view. All problems connected with this rage-quitting are naturaly connected with the BioWare logical solution how to handle problem with suddenly disconnected players due to bad connection with their servers during the match. They tried to fix this thing by comon way and they logically didn't counted with this kind of behavior.


I haven't seen this kind of behavior anywhere. I played CS, WoW and I never experienced such big bunch of spoiled kids without patience like here! :mad:

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Other games have a lockout debuf for dropping a queue based group.


Other games also enforce rules against AFK farming and allow you to reconnect to an ongoing match if you DC for some reason. Some even allow "vote kicks" to be used to remove people who just contribute nothing to the team. Add those features and the option to queue only for new games and we can talk about it.

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Chances are people quit for a reason. That reason being a clear sign of defeat, such as the enemy team arming the bomb 15 seconds into the game. At that point you can bet your ***... the game is over.


We had a game the other night where the enemy blew the first door about 30 seconds in, the second door about 30 seconds after that. Half the team rage quit somewhere between the 1st and second door getting blown.


They got to the 3ed door with 5 minutes left and you know what, we stopped them dead at the 3ed door with the non rage quit players and went on to win the match... you can't determine a match's outcome 30 seconds into it, well not always.


It was probably one of my most memorable matches for the week.

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They can start temp bans once they fix quest credit.


Two times yesterday I joined a huttball match a couple minutes in. Both times my team won and I did not get credit for the win. Now, if I join a match in progress, I will automatically leave (unless I'm not working on my daily or weekly). Why would I stick around 15 minutes if I'm not going to get credit for a win?

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Also how about they have to run around with some title indicating they flee once the other team scores 1 point in huttball?


Seriously, anyone else tired of that


I can tell you this, and I am not ashamed to say that I do it. If I join a Warzone, attempt to give people some semblance of order, nobody listens and they spend the entire warzone fighting individual fights instead of working at objectives, I'm not going to let them waste my time. I don't get mad, I don't rage, I just leave and hope I get people with a clue next time. Rinse and Repeat.


The most valuable thing I have is my time. My play time is limited and I'm not going to spend my time trying to get some kid to play with a little common sense and order.

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A lockout is fine in my opinion. Though an hour would be far too harsh. 10-15 mins tops. Though it would be better to have an afk report system and after enough votes (set a certain minimum), people will get a debuff (same as in wow with the cow icon ^^).


You need to deal damage or in anyway participate in the game to remove the debuff or you will get booted and have to wait 10-15 mins to get into another wz.


Since having just "kick-votes" is bad, seeing power hungry people or just plain bullies trying to get rid of someone they don't like.


But far most, they should implement rewards for actually going for objectives, apart from the 1 and 3k defender points. This would mean you have to work as a team.


On top of that, seeing as the reward system in regards to the rng loot is totally screwing over some people (I'm at bag 14 now and still 0 loot). Not very motivating, seeing valor 23 (I'm valor 55) players get full championship within a week for example.

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BW should def give some kind of punishment for people to constantly quit WZ. also, people who dont even try should lose valor for just sitting down after 1 minute. not sure how it is for empire side, but they are a number of rep players who will just sit and do nothing the entire WZ. BW should use their metrics and remobe valor from people who do that.
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I'm Not sure why people want something like this? You get randomly sent to character select all the time in this game, and people do run into stuff popping up in real life that causes them to have to leave. And you get general rage quitters too.


That being said, I've never intentionally left a warfront, However IF...


Someone dc's and gets kicked, it's not there fault they shouldn't be punished.


Someone leaves because they have an emergency, (kid crying, pot over boiled, ect), they shouldn't be punished.


Even rage quitters, If they rage and quit because the team is losing horridly it's not like that one person was making a difference in the first place, maybe them leaving lets someone better in, if not who cares, the match will be over shortly anyways.

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In the beginning, I lol-ed at people quitting mid warzone. However, I admit, I do this too now, and here is why...


- PvP is a gear grind to acquire expertise gear

- Warzone dailies and weeklies require warzone WINS

- With faction imbalance, its quite conceivable to go hours upon hours with no wins.


I simply don't have time to play through an entire warzone when it is clear we are gonna get stomped and farmed. I don't bail on the first goal, but if within the first 5 minutes, we are down 3-0, there are more productive things I can do in the next 10 minutes.


The game design encourages this behavior, and until factions get balanced and people are more evenly geared, expect this to continue.

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Adding a deserter debuff is just going to force people to AFK within warzones if they're losing.


If it's 8vs4 and 5-0 in Huttball with the enemy holding the ball so they can farm, if I can't leave I'm gonna go stealth afk in the corner...

Edited by savionen
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Deserter Debuffs or bans wont do anything. It's crazy to think it will.


I used to leave the warzone if I saw a single person on my team under level 14. But, it happens so freakin often that I just spent my game time in queues. So, now I leave when there's 2 or more.


Give me a deserter debuff and I'll just go fly space missions for awhile. Or keep questing. Or do dailies on my Lvl 50. This isnt as much of a deterrent as you think, it just reduces the pool of available players, which on my underpopulated Republic-side is a big deal.

Edited by Orzhag
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Adding a deserter debuff is just going to force people to AFK within warzones if they're losing.


If it's 8vs4 and 5-0 in Huttball with the enemy holding the ball so they can farm, if I can't leave I'm gonna go stealth afk in the corner...


thats why empire wins so often. because they are way to many people who do that on rep side. as soon as empire gets lead people stop trying and just sit. you should lose valor for that.

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This stupid topic comes up over and over and over and over and over and over... again.


What ppl think will a penalty achieve?


Really think about the possible outcome and think hard. The only game with a similar penalty is... yes, that one. Did it make the BGs any better AT ALL?



That's really the only question you have to ask. Once again: what will a penalty achieve?


The motivation behind threads like this is just venting for matches that have been lost. The reason for losing a match is never ever ever ever ever leavers, but the team not playing well together. That's what i learned from 15 years of pvping. And it's the same in sports. Sure sometimes a very good player can turn around a match. But that's an exception. You can setup a team of exceptional players and still lose to a team that works together vs a team of individuals not working as a team.


What i mean is that there are many reasons for losing/winning a match besides premades, a leaver surely is no deciding factor.


Demanding a penalty is just people being angry and need to blame someone, when there is no one to blame.

Edited by Tristine
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Also how about they have to run around with some title indicating they flee once the other team scores 1 point in huttball?


Seriously, anyone else tired of that


So the other night I was in Huttball and it was storming outside. The power flickered and my computer restarted. When I got back in I was back at Fleet and if I clicked on my PvP icon it said "Leave Warzone" but if I clicked it nothing would happen. So I exited out of the client and fired it back up. When I got back in I was able to Q for warzone. It popped and I found myself in a huttball match with only 45 seconds left. The match ended and I was surprised to have MVP voting rights for a 45 second game. When I looked down the roster my name was there with all the kills I had racked up before my disconnect.



You assume that a person leaving your match is raging when anything could have happened. Aliens? Power outage? Kids seize up all the household bandwidth with a 45 minute YouTube vid stream? The good news is that you get a replacement, sometimes it might even be the person who left involuntarily the first time.

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