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Everything posted by WmongerCZ

  1. It is not possible to get this amount of damage without some good healers on the other side. And, as I can see, there are three of them. Enemy healers have approx. more than 1.5mil of healing done. Thats all folks. Nothing too much amazing - long game and good healers -> crazy numbers But! I am not telling that are not nice! I would like to have them too
  2. Useless thread I am used to snow/grass. I will use snow/grass. Get used to it or die on my We are not "yogurt" nation. We all are from different servers, different environments. We have our history, our habits. Do not push us to use your language because it is the most "true" for you. DO NOT HOMOGENIZE US! It is not fun! Snow/grass rulez!
  3. Very very nice Thx for sharing!
  4. I am not weeping here. I am doing those WZ too. I only have no fun in it. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS, when they start farming, the periods between WZ are longer and longer. Guess why THIS IS what I really hate. Due to this behaviour, they are forcing ordinary players to stop solo queueing WZ!!! And please, do not try to start argumenting with - you should be grateful for good challenging oponent. I like good challenging fights. But running against the wall is not challenging at all. Think about it
  5. Nonsense. I am doing PUGs in BM/WH gear all the time and I do not think we are loosing because of gear. However, have you ever tried to organize a decent offense against good premade? Do you really think somebody have time to organize this via simple chat? This is the real problem. Finely composed and organized premade vs. bunch of 8 random players. Example: We have one really annoying pub. guild on my server (Thomb of Freedon Nadd) - "Green Fire" is their name (some Imps actually started to call them "Eco Farmers "). Those pure WZ farming guys usually have 4dps/tank/something+4healers (permanent cross healing in addition to all of this. Another nice example of nowadays problems in WZs). I havent seen them to lose any match because you practically can't kill them fast enough (you can't discuss this kind of strategy by simple chat. You are usually lucky if you are able to call for help). I am not quitting even lost match and I am usually trying to fight to the bitter end (I hate RQs. But at this particular case, I understand why people are leaving).I usually even can't do my 8medals to have at least some comms at the end when I am fighting with this group (8medals are very easy to get if you know how to obtain it. So no medals farming in my case.). So please, explain me, how can you randomly find 8 good players who have telepatic abilities to quickly find the surgically precise counter measures to their offense/deffense in 15-30mins. I am REALLY curious In addition (you think that the main problem is gear gap). If they are doing this garbage for hours each day, can you imagine how well geared they possibly are at this time?
  6. Have you ever tried it without well synchronized premade? You are probably as insane as people who claims that the solution is to group 8dps players and than you will win (like they can buy dps players in supermarkets just in front of the force wall at the start of the WZ) It is quite difficult to kill healer in case of 1vs1. On one healer you need 2 dps to kill him quickly (and if you do not kill him quickly, you already lost anyways). Because of lack of experience in WZs, you can disagree. That is all. Yesterady's Thomb of Freedom Nadd: 11 WZs in a row without any or only one healer on the Imps side and 3-4 healers on the Reps side (Imps had one healer exactly 2times - I counted it for fun and mere curiosity). None of those WZs were victorious for Imps. Guess why ;-) Sometimes, despite the fact I am relatively well geared and experienced PvP DD, I was not able get over 8 kills per match! Few of those WZ had 15sec survivability. It was a real joke. After several hours of this pain, you just leave WZ queue and never come back (until next day ;-) I would like to add that I am core anti-RQ. I am not used to leave WZs until they end cmpletely.).
  7. Yesterday's Tatooine event was really fresh breeze to SWTOR world. Very nice piece of work. Thanks BW!
  8. "Tougher"? Really?! I suppose you are playing madness tree. Am I right?
  9. OMG. If I am playing against four lame players with my deception I can hold them for a while too What do you want, nerf deception too? And everybody who is better than you? Or everybody who have better gear and better teammates? Give me some proof about your findings. For example, give me logs, videos or something solid! Please! I am not boasting here. I would like to stress that I am not considering myself as a very good deception player (I think I am somewhere in the middle - and it took me a while to get there). I would only like to highlight the fact that everything depends mainly on the skill of the oponent. Sometimes, you end up with 44 kills vs 1 death score, sometimes you end with 6kills vs 17 deaths. At first, all those things mainly depends ONLY on you, your teammates and the ability to use your characters properly. After that you can count with some gear differences and minor changes in the balance between characters.
  10. Whow, those kids are dumbest and more and more selfish with each passing year
  11. I didn't know sins are feared sooo much. Maybe because I am playing one and I know how easily they can kill me Your problem is that you do not know how to properly defend yourself. That's all. You do not even know how hard one have to work to find a right way to be a decent sin in the WZs. We are probably the hardest class to play in this game (e.g. deception tree).
  12. Whow! RaulTheConquerer! Such a bold name and nothing behind it (even brain) We are not paid to play with you too. So next time, if I see notorious quitters like you in my WZ, I will try to kick them out even before the start of the game. Why? Because you are definitely ruing my game exp I paid for! So why not to fight back OMG! What a nice trolling thread. How is possible that it is not closed already (too tempting to not answer in a same tone) Good gaming weekend to everybody!
  13. Nice work. Thanks for sharing. Newbies would love this.
  14. What do you think I am doing? I am the one who is usually planting the bombs in void star, I am the one who is cleaning the way on bridges before the carrier or carry the ball to the goal line and I am definitely the one who first switch on the turrets on Alderan. But I am the one who gets usually nothing from it. If you are doing this as deception sin, you are at the bottom of the list and, if lucky, you are victorious (usually with bunch of people who even do not know who help them to win so much). I am not complaining, it is OK. I am a core team player. But when you cannot even properly defend turret against two mild players long enough to bring your teammates to handle the situation it sucks (because you are stunned, in fire, stunned again if you break free and one melee is on you and the second one is throwing rocs on you from the distance -> you are good as dead. You even cannot use stealth properly in this stage because if you are in fire, you have stealth for approx 2-3 secs before it crashes. That is all) In addition, if you compare my 8-10keybinds I have to use to kill somebody if you are so lucky to be in 1v1 - very rare (compare it with BH noob rockets and tell me everything is OK). It sucks too. Sometimes, I think I am more piano player than PvP player. Tell me, have you tried to kill somebody, change charges, jolt sorcs - shortly play deception sin with even small lags? Impossible. Try to maul somebody when you see only postcards on your monitor or try to track somebody who is zig-zag running everywhere (and yes I am using slow as much as possible ). I can tell you one thing, I have read entirely whole section about Sins. I even chosed deception by purpose. Everything went good up to 50. After level 50, I have to change my playing style to darkness or madness because everybody is telling me "You have to know the future!" "How is possible you didn't know deception sucks?" (I have played WZ from 35level, 50s are totally different.) I am not trully whinning. I am in resigned stage and I want to say what I think I need to say. It took me whole week to decide this, but I think it is the best solution for me now. I have developed decent gaming style with my deception sin, commonly in the middle of the list, 120-160k damage per match, usefull for team - I was happy. Now, try to do everything from the scratch again. No, sorry I have no time for this. I know I am not going to subcribe next month for sure. I don't want to play something that frustrates me (and another 50level operative - to hear again - hey buddy! You chosed a wrong class - really, I do not want to go through this again). It is not because of my class. It is because of the PvP game itself after 50. Ilum, no victory counts in WZ, Rage quitting players- than you can do everyhing you can and still not usefull at all, treminal blocades - never seen such thing anywhere. This was only the last nail in my coffin. So bye and try to survive sins
  15. This is the most ridiculous answer I have read today So you are mighty madness, someone is mighty darkness and deception is for PvE get used to it. Nice, if I am trying to be tecent deception sin in PvP I have bad luck and I have to change everything from scratch. No decent strategy how to survive as deception in WZs. I think you finally hit the point guys . You only confirmed me what I am saying here. Nice input :-))) Please, if you do not play deception, do not bother with this. OK?
  16. Yes :-))) Tell this to somebody who spent 2-3 weeks to get 50 level Sin to the face :-)))) Hey buddy, forget Sin! Try to level up an Imperial Agent this is real assasin :-))) Tell me, why assasin is not able to assasinate anything? (or survive anything that includes more than one player - really useless.) And stealth? Stuns? Everybody have stuns and stealth and you even have no good cure how to unstealth them if you are not too close.
  17. Totally agree. No real DPS class. Far away from it. Only a real fool can think that something so squishy can do something more than die hard in this unbalanced game. Playing as-sas-sin too. Good luck and strong nerves to you!
  18. You really mean THIS PROOF seriously?!???!! This is soooo lame! Whow Niri was a real player! From what I can see, the oposite team had only three decent or good players. What do you expect? If you have good team you can have big score. NICE! So every deception Sin player have to wait to "win " a good team ... hey we have a new lotery in town :-))))) In addition, 20 killing blows? Seriously? :-) So now I know how to play deception Sin. I have to wait in stealth and steal easy kills from my teammates. NICE! Now I know why it is "Deception Sin" :-)))) Your arguments are totally useless. Try to stand against marauder or gunslinger 1v1 (if they have no good gear). Maybe you survive. In WZ you are useless. Every time you are not protected by the dark charge, you are as squishy as baby cocroach on the floor. Do you really think that somebody let you beat his/her teammate without response? Even when they can see how quickly your life is decreasing after each hit? Yes, maybe you can kill somebody, but you are the next after him if he is not alone :-))) I can tell you this: You are using surging chare and you are in stealth, full force. You open fight, you hit somebody fro 5-6k in sequence, than you have no force, you are stunned and dead. This happens if you meet good oponents and you are squishy. Sorry but running around and searching for easy kills is not good DPS character. It is ridiculous character (unfortunatelly, I am deception Sin too. I am trying to find the balance and proper way how to play this class too. I have spent more than one whole month in WZs only and, now, I can start again with the squishiest glass cannon I have ever seen. Even the stealth is useless when you open a fight. Every dumb player can easilly find the way how to put you out of the force cloak (fire, etc.). When you burn or when something dealing you damage over time, you have very small chance to stay in the stealth mode. Totally useless too. Actually very ridiculous class when you try to run around with surging charge as your main attribute. Really.).
  19. Nobody is actually whining about quitters (I really would like to see some punishment for rage quitting but I can survive without it too. At least for some time.). I didn't even proposed to punish them in this thread . I was talking about future and survability of this community. I tried to ask you about what do you think about this PvP community. That's all. The last possibility is always to quit the game - no need to whine about unsolved rage quitters or anything I mentioned But if I start thinking about leaving after one month of playing ... something is definitely wrong. This game has many bugs and issues but it is still bearable. But how do you want to play MMO when many other players are trying to ruin you fun? Usually because they are not patient enough? (sometimes even desperate due to no response and decent discussion from developers side). Those unhappy players easilly and quickly developed "amplifying feedback" already. Their unhappiness is already spreading to others. Soon, everybody will try to force developers to change something by this very unfair behavior - ruining a game experience of other more-less happy players by terminals blockades, rage quitting, AFKs, etc. It is sooo lame! At some point, even happy player who have patience with developers, lose patience with those "annoying players" and quit the game. Logical and inevitable consequence if you let them out from leash and do not care how they are influencing other players. This is my opinion. In this thread, I asked for your opinion. Nothing more.
  20. yep, blocking of PvP terminals. They are quite inventive those days.... You are lucky. Try to do your daily WZs when half of your team is replaced 4min after beginning of the match. Or, more important thing, try to enjoy a match when half of an enemy team is changeing every 5minutes because you already have occupied two deffense turrets and they are evidently the loosing side (and they had too many rage quitters in their team). BORING 30minutes! They even do not try to fight! They resign without any hope to change it! (quite sad when the main purpose of this game should be fun) Not fun at all, neither for them nor for me.
  21. What do you think. Are those issues OK in PvP community or we should do something with it? 1. Rage qitters and WZ AFK (many threads were already dedicated to this issue. Still, no response nor solution.) 2. Blocking of PvP terminals (see: http://uploadpic.org/v.php?img=8cOGqyQekH) (a new "invention" of spoiled weeping kids) 3. "Possibility" of unbalanced classes, PvP gear, Ilum PvP world and their impact on PvP community behavior without any effective and quick solution in following months. (lack of feedback from BW) A little PvP survey: Is SWTOR community healthy and adult? 1. Yes definitely. Everybody knows it is for fun. Nobody is trying to ruin good game experience. 2. Community has its small issues but it will be solved in following months quickly. 3. Community has issues. They can be solved without BW intervention in following monts. I will stay and check how it ends up. 4. Community has big issues to solve. Many of them cannot be solved by community itself. We need BW intervention. Still, I will stay and check how it ends up. 5. I've never seen such problematic community. Many issues cannot be solved by community itself. We really need BW intervention. Those problems even dispirited me to the point of leaving this MMO game for an indefinite period.
  22. 1. Do not even think about it. Those weeping players will start using it as common thing, they already using it as common strategy!!! , and all WZ experience will go to the deepest hell. They are using all other decent players as their hostages in open war against developers! How ridiculous! This behaviour is acceptable for small spoiled kids when they try to push their parents to buy something! Not acceptable for real MMOG players! Developers need reasonable discussion, pros and cons, not threats and fighting with part of their own "customers"! 2. No, if they do it by reasonable and intelligent way, this will not happen. This behaviour cannot be allowed. In addition, please enlighten me, how do you want to bypass/hide rage-quitting punishment/behavior. I am really curious . TheAFK is not good solution too. It can be detected, flaged and punished too.
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