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  1. Because 1 warrior > 1 pyrotech assuming equivalent gear and cc useage.
  2. I get on maybe get 3-4 hours to play on a good day, typically 1-3 hours. I like to pvp, so I pvp, leaves me little time for money farming in between, and they're are many like people that. Just because you can spend hours farming mats, and crafting, and doing PVE dailies, doesn't mean the entire PVP population, has the time, nor PVE desire to.
  3. Biggest problem with your post is... 1. I'm a pvp'er... I don't want to do PVE dailies so I can PVP. That is stupid. How would PVE'ers like to do hours of PVP a day just so they can PVE? PVP in general should provide income similar to PVE content in my opinion. 2. It is much faster to get BM gear, but the stat gap is huge, and having a fresh 50, vs BM/warhero 50 is painful. You are completely useless most of the time and typically just get face-rolled. You pvp to have fun. No matter who you are, dieing over and over again for a week or more (depending on if you work or live in your moms basement), until you start to get equivalent gear, is not fun. They stretched things a bit too much.
  4. It should reduce all damage received and output by the 99% if they are going to do it that way. It's just awesome how a mara in a 1v2 or a 1v3 can kill 1 person, then use undying rage and kill another person before it wares off. Yes I could have stunned them if my pug teammates didn't have the same idea and give the mara max resolve and they instantly broke out of the cc with there cc break, charge rooted me, and finished me off, before there defensive cool-downs went down so I could kill them. And pits in huttball should ignore all defensive abilities, otherwise it's pointless to have hazards, as they can be negated by abilities, they just become a shield for the classes that can walk through them freely.
  5. Really It depends on the SSD, There are alot of low cost SSD, that don't really have speeds better then a high end sata drive, look at the read/write times and make sure the SSD is actually and upgrade on what you have (though most likely it is) if so, you always want games on the fastest drive.
  6. How Pvp Gearing works in MMO's... People work and get high end sets, a new high end set is released and the previous sets become cheaper and easier to get. Rinse and Repeat. Welcome To MMO's.
  7. Isn't that how every single MMO works? You work for the top end gear, then they have to release bigger better gear, so people have something else to work for. They always make the previous sets cheaper and easier, so there isn't a massive gap between the new players and the veterans. MMO's are always a grind, that's the whole point, some just do it with pretty shells.
  8. They did however nerf healing as well at least for sages and mercs, have yet to play an operative healer. Well at least it seems less bursty and the amount and or buffs to healing %'s have been reduced. As well as having less resources to heal with in total, (force surge no longer negating the health loss from consumption for sorcs. And the lessened heat venting from supercharged gas, and kolto shell heat addition as well as the % to healing decreases for mercs). Then again a solid healer, will know how to properly manage damage taken and stay alive/help keep others alive, sense that is what they are supposed to be doing. A sage/sorc with equivalent gear to me has bursted me down before, in a heavy lightning spec solo. He placed his cc's quite well though. So it's very possible without the hybrid spec. However for madness they should probably add talents to make either Dot's UN-cleanse able or do something like damage, stun, or silence the cleanser. And as with most pvp, equal gear means and much more equal game. If you can't kill guy #1, because they are full bm and you have half champ and half cent, there's your main problem ;p. I have fresh 50's whisper my nearly full champ merc healer complaining about how they can't kill me, when I saw them trying with there 12k health and thought, he must be a fresh 50. And on the other end of the spectrum I have a fully bm geared assassin or mara, have me down to 10% health in 4-5 seconds. I believe they want madness sorcs/sages as more of a support class, with slows, snares, dot's, aoes and Utility skills, and less of a burst class, which makes sense to me as a Dot class should be a class that weakens a group considerably overtime. And for the lightning tree to be more of the damage tree. They essentially gave hybrids too much burst and Utility all at once, and realized it, hence the hybrid re-balancing.
  9. I reported a guy who was literally walking into walls and pillars and killing people from inside them while immortal. He would even leave a pillar go to another one. mailed in screenshots. two days later same guy, same thing, maybe they just take to long to get to checking the reports? Although why anyone would want to intentionally cheat in an mmorpg pvp is beyond me. Not really a test of skill or any fun if you're cheating. I would never accept exploit usage, I would however accept bugs. If you get thrown somewhere, or through a floor by a bug, that's ok. If you intentionally do it to kill people from an immortal position, that's wrong.
  10. On our server 99% of people are mercs or sorcs, so they are all healers and dps at the same time, they just stand in a neat arc shape and focus heal whomever the opposing team is trying to focus down. So when you're a melee dps you die to an immortal pack of dps that cross heal each other ;p. If you're getting killed quick as a healer. It's probably b/c you're team doesn't have enough mercs/sorcs to win ;p. But seriously though when I play my healer, I get focused and killed nearly instantly. It doesn't help that all the dps on my team completely ignore the two guys that run right past them and straight up my butt. Never stopping to help the healer, more concerned with chasing down a guy halfway across the map that's at 20% hp. So they have more killing blows at the match end to buff there epeen. Pvp is a team game alot of people don't understand this though. Healers keep people alive, dps kill, and cc. Tanks, guard, grip/knockback cc and ball carry. Sages and Sorcs do everything. If you want you're team to win you've got to kill appropriate targets first (enemy Healers), watch objectives (don't fight miles away from the points/ball) and help out your fellow team mates. It doesn't matter how cool you look solo'ing a guy if you're letting you're healer die right next to you. It's not really the marking that makes things difficult for a healer. It's that people don't even try to watch out for there healer. They get tunnel vision chasing after someone or diving into a group and have no ability to help there healer. Pvp is won by killing the other team before they kill your team. The longer you keep/help keep your healer alive the better off your whole team is.
  11. I think the main problem is some people have been playing MMORPGS toooooo long without a break. If you played them for the last several years you're just bored of MMORPGS in general and raging on various forums, because you want something new. Go take a few months play something offline, or a fps, then comeback when there fresh feeling. Sorry to say all MMORPG's are esentially the same thing. Some focus pvp and do it well, some do pve and do it well, some do a bit of everything and do nothing amazing. Some release quick cash cows and let them die intentionally. All games of a genre are essentially the same thing in different packages. All online mmo's have bugs, exploits, imbalance and have support teams that can't live up to sky high standards that never please people.
  12. As I said I rerolled assassin because sorc pvp was so dull/easy, merc was no better, and casual to me is maybe 2 hours a day not the 6-8 of the normal "casuals" ;p. It's not like 50+high end is much different if both sides are premade and in the same gear it's exactly the same thing, most sorcs/mercs/sage/commando's=win. If sides are not equally geared a lot of it becomes gear imbalance. Sometimes class imbalance can make up for gear imbalance though It's just the fact that if you give sorcs snares, bubbles, dot's, hot's, instant cast slow, heals, speedboosts, knockbacks, interrupts, stuns, cc's all in the same character. I'm not necessarily saying nerf them. However sorc vs tank, tanks need more mitigation vs force abilities. Sorc vs melee dps, melee need either more gap closers or more slow resistance/resolve stopping slows/snares or long ranged interrupts. Not that this is much different then any other pvp game. ranged classes always kite/slow **** melee classes.
  13. I have a 50 sorc, and a 49 merc, they were so boringly easy in pvp that I rolled a new assasin. 1-49 sorcs/sages are nutty op vs everything but other sorcs and maybe arsenal mercs that get the jump on them. I haven't played much 50+ pvp yet, I have a job and a life and am still enjoying the leveling process on alts. sages/sorcs mutilate nearly all melee. Stealthies have the best chance of getting them down. however, knock back, stun, bubble, dots and kite/force lightning. If you get anywhere near close to killing even a mildly competent one they can sprint away to the nearest health powerup on the map. If they are a crappy sorc, i'll tear them apart easily however with the simplicity of gameplay never run into a crappy one. That's a one on one scenario. 2v2 if you have one melee and one sorc vs two sorcs. The two sorcs will win either by out healing/bubbling while dots kiting and cross healing keeps them immortal. yes you can have all the stars align and stun interrupt and cc them perfectly and them have absolutely no cool downs up and maybe win, but that happens once in 2 million years. You can attempt to lock them down. That's assuming they don't lock you down first? Let's not forget the whole time you are trying to manage them, they are trying to manage you. You can just get slowed and kited to death. 8v8 it becomes whomever has the most sorcs/mercs. knockbacks, bubbles, dots slows, kiting and cross healing pretty much every fight currently in pvp 1-49 for me is. Sorcs+mercs= win. Dps sorcs can cast two heals and get a majority of there health back in those two heals. Not to mention the fact that you have supper long range with recklessness and crits ;p. To me this game has an issue with no defined roles in warfronts. Healers can also Dot, Aoe and pull high dps if they want too. Tanks can do tons of dps and be durable at the same time with a proper spec. Dps can stop dps'ing focus on healing and be nearly as efficient as a dedicated healer. People argue that dedicated healers can pull 600K+ and dps can't however i've never seen a hybrid/full dps spec only spam heals all match like a pure healer does, I have however seen a dps sorc, slow, dot/kite force speed away and cast two heals and be back over half health, so I'd like to see someone in full gear in a dps or hybrid spec go all out on healing and see just how comparative it is. Are pvp problems all sorcs fault? No, however. Something needs to be done to help balance things a bit. Pvp still however is enjoyable, and I have great games and bad games, just part of playing.
  14. How about instead of nerfing it make it take like 2.5 times longer to cast and scale the heat and damage to that. The problem is a merc can cast several quickly and get a bunch of crits then pop instant casts to finish someone off. If you had to wait longer (about 4 seconds minus alacrity) to get the shot off even if it hit harder. It would be more easily interrupt able/los able/manageable.
  15. I dunno I play my assassin, I interrupt one heal, they have multiple others, I stun them to try and do some damage they use there cc removal skill and break out. I knock them back during one of there heals. Even if I do everything perfectly they are one shot from dead and they stun me, my cc break is on cd from when I was cc'd earlier and heal up. You shouldn't require most of your cd's to kill something that heals when you're a pure dps just my opinion. fighting a 2 v 2 me and another dps we focus on one guy after stunning the other guy. He quickly down to 1/3rd health the other guy breaks outta cc and starts healing him. Even if we split up and try to simultaneously kill them, they just stun, slow, knockback , los and heal/pop a healing pot if they get low. 2 sages, 2 merc, or one of each will almost always beat two opposing people if one of the opposing can't or doesn't know how to heal. Granted I'm level 23 but I've seen dual level 20 sages 2v3 melee's 40+ before I could make it across the map to help out.
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