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Clone Wars Series and Ahsoka Tano


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On the bonus features for Star Wars Robot Chicken Episode III, there's a talk with Seth Green, two or three other guys heavily involved in Robot Chicken (I forget their names), and George Lucas. One of the other guys asks after Ahsoka:


"Ahsoka Tano is on one train, Order 66 is on another, and those trains are," moves his fists together like two colliding trains. "What's going to happen?"


George replies, "I can't tell you that. That's top secret!"


But yeah, she's probably not going to survive the series. The show has been getting progressively darker (kids show indeed!) and I'm fairly certain Ahsoka will meet some kind of untimely end.


That is hinted in one of the episodes, when anakin, obi wan and ashoka are in the convergency point of the force, with father , and the son and daughter. she will die im certain of it, and anakin would be to blame for various reasons, or rather it would make him feel no doubt guilty, for being her master but mainly because of the atachment he has with her. In other words it will be one more thing to add on Anakins mind and conscience, that would help in his fall to the dark side. Even dooku might have been something to do with it and fuel anakins hate for him, we dont know. But it makes sense.

the show is becoming quite interesting despide being a kids show oevrall. It is still interesteing most of the times.

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  • 2 months later...
Guys, it is pretty obvious it is a kids show. They are going to throw a fit if Ahsoka gets killed they are obviously going to end the series in the middle of the Clone Wars don't even think they will have an episode during Order 66 or beyond.
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Guys, it is pretty obvious it is a kids show. They are going to throw a fit if Ahsoka gets killed they are obviously going to end the series in the middle of the Clone Wars don't even think they will have an episode during Order 66 or beyond.


So characters aren't aloud to die in kid shows anymore?

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I will continue to present my theory:



(Bet on this, call Vegas[oh wait, you are all 13])



Ahsoka is the keeper of the light from the FOTJ novels. If you;ve read the first book and/or the last, you know what i am talking about



An unknown female

Keeper of the light side in a dark time

Key to restoring order



Who else could it be? Some say Jaina, and a good guess. My argument that it isn't her is that it sounds like this mystery woman is hidden, and Jaina isn't hidden. And the last page of the last book goes from Jaina's wedding to this mystery woman. I dont think it makes sense to go from her wedding to her hidden nature. And finally, they've padded Jaina to death in the EU.


PS Finally, they talked about the Mortis in the last book and bring up Anakin and Obi Wan's trip to the mortis, like in the CW cartoon.



That is a pretty strong argument.

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I had more /facepalms of the old one than the new/current one.


Mace Windu is my favorite character, but come on! Punching over 1,000 Battle Droids with your bare hands?


Grevious taking on 10 Jedi 2 of them being from the High Jedi Council?


Durge being a 2,000 monster that had to be thrown into the Sun?


The only face palms I have in TCW is when they have shows for the extra little kids(The Jar Jar Binks and the Droids.)


the Gen'Dai are in SWTOR, bro. Their near-immortality is supported by SWTOR too.


Punching 1000 battledroids with bare fists is no more pathetic than Grievous being disabled by a Gungan.


The biggest flaw of the Clone Wars is that it downplays ALL the separatist heroes. WHile the '03 series may have been exaggerated, it was smooth, filled with adventure, and it's aim was clearly steered at kids while the rest of us enjoyed and appreciated it as well.


The new clone wars series is pure shennanigans. Storyline or not, it is clunky and just overall derp. I haven't seen GL ruin the idea of the force so badly with the Mortis series since the introduction of Midichlorians.

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I think the last episode of the series is going to be a cut to the middle of the ROTS, and Anakin is going to kill her in the Jedi Temple.


And YMMV on Mortis. Personally, I loved that arc.

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I will continue to present my theory:



(Bet on this, call Vegas[oh wait, you are all 13])



Ahsoka is the keeper of the light from the FOTJ novels. If you;ve read the first book and/or the last, you know what i am talking about



An unknown female

Keeper of the light side in a dark time

Key to restoring order



Who else could it be? Some say Jaina, and a good guess. My argument that it isn't her is that it sounds like this mystery woman is hidden, and Jaina isn't hidden. And the last page of the last book goes from Jaina's wedding to this mystery woman. I dont think it makes sense to go from her wedding to her hidden nature. And finally, they've padded Jaina to death in the EU.


PS Finally, they talked about the Mortis in the last book and bring up Anakin and Obi Wan's trip to the mortis, like in the CW cartoon.



That is a pretty strong argument.


Ashoka, not only living past order 66 but defiling my post Rotj reading!!

There is only one thing that can be said to that if it turns out the theroy is true.




She is bad enough in the show, for gods sake keep her out of my books.

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I like the character, so I don't really want to see her die off. Whenever she's 'written out', it'll likely be close to the very end of the series, which will likely be close to the beginning of ROTS (probably overwriting the lead-up to ROTS that both Labyrinth of Evil and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars had), so a death and maybe even exile might be odd for nobody to mention during events of the film.


I've thought that eventually Yoda will decide to reassign Ahsoka, maybe back to Plo Koon who shares a connection with her, but not quite the same attachment she & Anakin have developed (or at least not as strong). Then, it'd basically be up to us, perhaps, whether she lives or dies in Order 66. I'd prefer her to live, but have someone tell her to just forget the Jedi ways, hide what she is, so she can remain safe in the dark times--much like Kai Huddora did to the Padawan he was dragging around with him after Order 66.


Whether she survives Order 66 or not, having her reassigned means they can do it sooner rather than later in the series, and means it'd be no surprise that Anakin's not dwelling on it in ROTS. If she died or was banished, it'd probably weigh on him more than if she's just reassigned because he screwed up or Yoda thought it best.


Plo Koon gets shot down over Cato Nemoidia during Order 66 so if she did get reassigned to him the most logical outcome would be her dying as well. Unless she flees the scene, but that would seem faithless to the most awesome Kel Dor ever to exist.

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padme got jealous and anakin cant see ahsoka again


broken hearted, ahsoka left jedi order and become a hermit in some backwater planet


Isn't ahsoka like 15 or something. Unless anakins a predator I don't think that would happen. Made me laugh though.:D

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Isn't ahsoka like 15 or something. Unless anakins a predator I don't think that would happen. Made me laugh though.:D


Its not anakin, its ahsoka.. you can see the admiration in her eyes .. so much that she warned herself to avoid anakin (herself from the future).. because love with anakin is akin to falling to darkside.. its like a female student got smitten by her teacher..

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Episode III released in 2005. The Clone Wars show didn't debut until 2008.


You know why Ashoka wasn't in Episode III. Because she didn't exist yet. She was created solely for the TV series to appeal to the female fans. Chances are, she'll either die being a hero or just be given a good bye and have all the kids assume she lived happily ever after until they grow up and learn about Order 66 and realize she died.


Though honestly, the fact that people are suggesting Pod Racing for SWTOR and asking why May 4th is so important leads me to believe that no one actually takes the time to learn about the Star Wars saga and fandom anymore, so we'll never have to worry about the kids finding out for a long time.

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ahsoka dont die , because she exist in the future of SW timeline.. remember the Adult Ahsoka warning from the future ? that means she grew up to be an adult jedi.. maybe in hiding.. just like yoda.. living among the non-force humanoids , pretending to be a non-jedi..
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Personally I love Ahsoka and the series.


So my guess is this.. after thinking about the events of Ep3.


I think Ahsoka's death and how it occurs could push Anakin closer

to the darkside and will probably be orchestrated as such.


He has as much affection for Ahsoka as he does Padme.


So losing her and how that would happen could seriously effect him.


But as stated, she did have a vision of herself in the future.

A future where she was very much alive. And very much dark side.

And he future self did tell her that if she continued to trust Anakin and

stay as his Padawan, her turning would be the result. And judging by her

age in the vision she was definitely alive after the Jedi Purge.


So death might not be her outcome but turning to the dark side is.

And in a way that could still effect Anankin in a way that sees him go

down that road himself.


Honestly I would rather not have her die or have it be some kind of silly



In my opinion the Clone Wars series makes up for the Godz awful prequels.


Can't wait to see what Underworld will be like. She might be a live character

in that.


That would rock :)


As far as Underworld goes... that's a myth for me.


Link please.

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Either she dies or she takes off and joins the Witches of Dathomir....or she becomes time displaced and is actually Darth Talon.


For a fan of hers you must really not be well versed in Star Wars.


Togruta =/= Twi'lek.


Besides, Darth Talon is way more interesting than Ashoka.

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Episode III released in 2005. The Clone Wars show didn't debut until 2008.


You know why Ashoka wasn't in Episode III. Because she didn't exist yet. She was created solely for the TV series to appeal to the female fans. Chances are, she'll either die being a hero or just be given a good bye and have all the kids assume she lived happily ever after until they grow up and learn about Order 66 and realize she died.

Even if she survives to Order 66, that doesn't mean she dies during it. Order 66 didn't kill "all Jedi in the galaxy but Yoda & Obi-Wan". It just killed MOST of the Jedi, enough to break the Jedi Order. The EU goes further into it, with Palpatine not worrying about any leftovers (whether a handful or even a couple hundred) because the Jedi Order is gone, their reputation tarnished, and the galaxy is his. He's got most of the Senate convinced the Jedi were traitors. He's got the Imperial propaganda machine in his control. He's got Vader slaughtering a half-dozen Jedi on Kessel with some timely assistance from the 501st, now expanded to Vader slaughtering over a dozen on Kessel single-handedly (and other stories exaggerating Vader's role in hunting down Jedi after the temple massacre). Vader does still go out and hunt down Jedi, but not very many.


So Jedi survivors aren't very important. They're no longer organized. A scattered handful can't possibly pose a threat to the Empire; Obi-Wan & Yoda only do so because they're watching over Anakin's kids. And since most don't have the same strength of purpose that Yoda & Obi-Wan have, most Jedi survivors effectively quit being Jedi. They abandon their teachings, their robes, their sabers, and do all they can to blend in, make a new life without relying on the Force so much. Ahsoka can easily be written into that group.


And what about what Yoda says in ROTJ? About Luke being the last? Doesn't that absolutely mean the Jedi that weren't killed in Order 66 were definitely hunted down by Vader later? No. Because if they quit being Jedi, went into hiding, started new lives... then they're no longer Jedi in Yoda's eyes. And Ahsoka, she's a Padawan, unlikely to be knighted by war's end (she'd be about 16, and Anakin--the Chosen One--was already unusual by being knighted at 19). Many people don't consider Padawans to be Jedi anyway, like Padme in AOTC (one of the dumbest lines in the film, and that's saying something), or Yoda himself in ROTJ: "Then I am a Jedi." "Not yet!"


Even if 100 former Jedi are still alive at the time of ROTJ, scattered around the galaxy, Yoda's statement is still true...from a certain point of view (you know, that little trick Ben explained to Luke RIGHT AFTER Yoda's dying words?).


Bottom line, people that think she MUST be dead (or even leave the Order) by Episode III/Order 66 are mistaken. Same way people that insisted Padme MUST die ('must', not 'will') in Episode III were mistaken.

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Let's look at this from Palpatine's point of view. He's been grooming Anakin to be his apprentice since he came to Coruscant. Obviously he wants to keep pushing Anakin down the path to the dark side. Anakin and Ahsoka have developed a close bond and her death would definitely push down even further. Now, what would be better than just her dying? Having her die right in front of him with him not being able to stop it. That would make him question his power and faith in the light side. Who knows, Palpatine could have been supplying him with vsions of Padme's death to make him seek alternative powers to save her.
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Maybe Anakin knocked her up and only Ahsoka knew. Ahsoka leaves the order and keeps her secret. She is killed off on order 66 but her baby survives and her child is the keeper of the light in the FOTJ series?




Oh wait, thats been done before

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keep in mind, there is a live action tv series that takes place between ep III and IV and i imgaine ashoka will be in one of the seasons and it will be very heart breaking to see vader hunt her down and kill her
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keep in mind, there is a live action tv series that takes place between ep III and IV and i imgaine ashoka will be in one of the seasons and it will be very heart breaking to see vader hunt her down and kill her


Nope, the tv series won't include any force users. Going to into more normal characters, like bounty hunters and such.

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