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2V-R8 Droid


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Yes, please, for the love of the Force, a mute option! Or moved to a part of the ship I don't have to pass when leaving/arriving/taking to companions!


Or, as an extreme alternative, have Jennifer Hale re-do the droid's lines. Then it might actually be pleasant to be around.

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While a mute option would do as a bare minimum want I really want is the option to trade my useless protocol droid to the jawas for something that is actually of use on a ship....like a second hand astromech droid.


Even a third hand probe droid or a malfunctioning mouse droid that hits the walls all the time is more useful than an annoying protocol droid that didn't shut up when i clicked that option during the very first time I spoke to it :(

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I find turning my sound off when I have to board my ship a reasonable option so that I don't have to listen to that annoying droid. And I would definitely shut him down if possible, worthless hunk of metal if you ask me.


Not just on the Ship but when you send it off on a Mission or to Gather and Craft.


Oh to be able to SWITCH IT OFF.. would be Bliss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
While a mute option would do as a bare minimum want I really want is the option to trade my useless protocol droid to the jawas for something that is actually of use on a ship....like a second hand astromech droid.


Even a third hand probe droid or a malfunctioning mouse droid that hits the walls all the time is more useful than an annoying protocol droid that didn't shut up when i clicked that option during the very first time I spoke to it :(



I would love for the droids to have a mission pop up around lv22 or so. This would be like the regular companion missions which you take on your ship. The droid mentions that one of his core components is malfunctioning and needs replacing. Naturally, this component can most easily be picked up from the Jawas of Tattooine.


You travel with your droid into the abyss of the deep desert where you find a sandcrawler stocked with droid parts and staffed by Jawas. The Jawas require you to defeat a tribe of sandpeople over the next dune before they will speak with you, because that's how it always goes.


Upon returning with the leader of the sand people's head, they break down what they can do for you and your droid:




a) Buy the droid his component and he continues to function as he always has, by your side and on your ship. This component includes a mute functionality. (100 LS points)


b) Trade the droid to the Jawas where he will be used as their new cataloging droid. In exchange, the Jawas will trade one of their own for your personal use as a "protocol Jawa. (Neutral)


c) A brutal hijacking and ceremonial joyride of the sandcrawler into the Sarlaac pit. The sandcrawler still contains all the Jawas and your droid. You get to keep the head of the sand people's leader. (150 DS Points)





BioWare, please take this idea. I would gladly purchase this as a full-price DLC.

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I tend to forget that he's there. I've learned to tune him out. Mostly.


It's that 5% of the time that he says the same thing 80 billion times in a row that I want to ship him off to the Yuuzhan Vong.


Course, that's also true of every other NPC in the game with dialogue. Every time you pass them, they say the same thing. Over. And over. And over.


I think a mute button for the droid is a good idea, even if not everyone uses it.

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I would much rather have the option to kill the worthless piece of trash. I hate this thing.


I dunno. Lately he's been doing FAR better at crew missions than Mako. 2V makes money every time, while Mako is apparently spending it on booze or something.


I would like to rocket punch his vocoder into orbit around the nearest star, however.

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Things to relieve the ship-droid-pain:


1) Play a jedi consular. Their ship design allows you to bypass the stupid droid on the way out, one annoying comment saved.


2) Play in windowed mode, as soon as the droid pipes up, switch to a different window for a moment - an effective and fast sound on/off switch kind of.

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