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so why is cybertech considered one of the top 2 crafting professions end game?


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Most people probably know that Cybertech is nothing special, and they're just lashing out because they feel it's a little bit better than what they have. Either that, or they don't know enough about it to judge, but they see grenades and speeder bikes and automatically think those things are a lot better than they really are.


Cybertech might very well be in second place, but it's like finishing second place to Secretariat in the Belmont Stakes, 31 lengths behind and back with the rest of the field.

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I'm a cybertech as well. Another disappointment currently(hopefully they fix something soon), not finding recipes that drop. I have done hard modes in all raids and I've seen two schematics drop off the same two bosses. Cybertech's literally have no value in items created to sell on the auction house. The armoring or mods sold at first, but now it has declined as more people have moved up in gear.


The ship upgrades that are made for end game are great. However, how many people do space past leveling? I really enjoy the space missions and gave great XP while leveling. That cannot be said to the whole.


Armormech has tons of recipes that drop from hard flashpoints and raids. I am trying to understand why such a huge difference between the two professions. Otherwise, there will be a lopsided decision on what profession to choose.


A fellow guildmate of mine is a Armormech and has 12 million credits through his crafting profession.

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I'm a cybertech as well. Another disappointment currently(hopefully they fix something soon), not finding recipes that drop. I have done hard modes in all raids and I've seen two schematics drop off the same two bosses. Cybertech's literally have no value in items created to sell on the auction house. The armoring or mods sold at first, but now it has declined as more people have moved up in gear.


The ship upgrades that are made for end game are great. However, how many people do space past leveling? I really enjoy the space missions and gave great XP while leveling. That cannot be said to the whole.


Armormech has tons of recipes that drop from hard flashpoints and raids. I am trying to understand why such a huge difference between the two professions. Otherwise, there will be a lopsided decision on what profession to choose.


A fellow guildmate of mine is a Armormech and has 12 million credits through his crafting profession.


Space dailies are solid credits... at least for everything through 43 so far.


Grenades are like the medpacs - it's like a free ability for maxing the profession. Everything the other skills have can be obtained by a cybertech, but the grenades REQUIRE cybertech.

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Space dailies are solid credits... at least for everything through 43 so far.


Grenades are like the medpacs - it's like a free ability for maxing the profession. Everything the other skills have can be obtained by a cybertech, but the grenades REQUIRE cybertech.


You mean the granades with 5 min CD?! Rly?! They are the most useless thing ever (unless you're PvPer and you is as vanilla granades in WoW). Granade which will do 2,5k dmg in 12 sec and can be used 1x per 5 min <- THIS IS A FKING JOKE!!!

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You mean the granades with 5 min CD?! Rly?! They are the most useless thing ever (unless you're PvPer and you is as vanilla granades in WoW). Granade which will do 2,5k dmg in 12 sec and can be used 1x per 5 min <- THIS IS A FKING JOKE!!!


wow..... Why do they make them so bad : / ?

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i'm just not seeing it, unless the earpieces and grenades are just that good...and they're not.


Having toyed with most of the professions, I'd have to agree that Cybertech is the 2nd best profession.


The first is Bio, hands down. Not only do you get stims to use while leveling, but medkits that heal for significantly more (probably the biggest benefit to it while leveling, actually). And ultimately, the endless use one.


Cybertech I'd rate second best, not because of the grenades, which, quite frankly, are a nice toy, but hindered by some of Bioware's decisions. They've poorly implemented their ground targeting mechanics and the grenades themselves have a short range. Though I do like the fire one with my healer. No, what makes Cybertech second best is that it has a lot to offer while leveling and is great for twinks. Unlike armortech and synthweaving, it supports all 4 stats. For this reason, it is nice to have a cybertech character.

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How can it be second? I rushed my Cybertech Skills to 400 within a week, and I rarely get to sell anything. I can Make Purple Armoring and Augments that are level 50 but guess what thanks to the last patch no one buys them because of the Daily commendations where you get level 23 mods and augments for freeeeee. Earpieces I can made as of right now 5 purple ones at level 50 and they NEVER sell. So if someone is thinking about making credits from the class think again long and hard. The only reason i choose this profession was to modify my gear but, you can only craft for 2 slots in your armor, you cant make enhancements :/. Oh well you live and learn.
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The only use for Cybertech I've found is to make Armoring for my alts, but even sometimes I don't bother due to how unpredictable and time-consuming RE is.


That's pretty much how I see it too. I am currently spending more time on my Cybertech gearing my couple of alts than anything.


And seriously who thought it was a nice idea to make these vehicles BoP?! Why am I not able to sell/trade my speeders? Once I have crafted one my schem is just completely useless...


I thought the point of crafting was selling/trading but I must have picked the wrong game?

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Currently at 50 you can get better gear through doing dailies than anything you can craft, from what I understand.


This means that the only crafting skills that have any value at all are the ones that give you extras that cannot be gained through other means.


Biochem is obviously on top with re-usable medpacks, stims, and adrenals. There is no equivalent of those through drops or daily rewards.


Synthweave, Armormech, and Armstech offer nothing at all.


I'm not 100% sure on Artifice crystals or enhancements in terms how easy it is to get those outside of the crafted ones. But I'm assuming you can get better than what you can craft through other means just like armoring, mods, barrels, and hilts.


So then there's Cybertech. Cybertech can make re-usable grenades, and they can make ship parts. Do the grenades suck? I dunno pretty much... but it is still something extra you can't get any other way. Ship parts are nice, you can make a little money with them here and there, but nothing great. It is also the best crew skill to use to gear up alts.


So is Cybertech good? Of course not. But, when every other crew skill besides Biochem is 100% useless in the end game, that just sort of leaves Cybertech in 2nd place by default. Not because it's good.

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How many people reading this thread are actually level 50? Or plan to be in a month's time?


I haven't even hit 40, so I'm not worried in the slightest what Crew Skill is the best at 50.


All I know is that these skills that may not be the brightest at 50 sure do help a lot in that trek to 50. Not having to spend a ton of commendations to mod out all my orange gear on my main character and companions sure does save me a ton of time.


If I can make it to 50 in a week, sure, don't mess with any other Crew Skill other than Biochem, but I could see it taking me months to get to 50, as it will take others as well, so I'm not so concerned about endgame at the moment.

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As a level 50 cybertech, I use my crew skill..... once per raid on average, maybe twice. I could possibly get a drop to craft a earpice to help out fresh 50's before they get thier rakata piece from Illum.


As a level 50 Biochem I would use my crewskill all the time everwhere I go (medpacks, adrenals,stims) and can help my guildies out all the time, forever. I could also possibly get a implant drop and be able to help out guildies before they get thier Illum implants (2).


As a Level 50 armormech/synthweaver I could craft rakata armor for myself and could possibly help out guildies if I get a BOE schematic.


As a level 50 artifice I can craft 31-33 crit/power/end crystals (schem from simple world boss)for myself and guildies. I can also make rakata relics for myself.


As a level 50 I can make purple weapons like "techstaffs" to gear out me and my guilds companions.... I might be able to get a columi/rakata BOE schem?




cybertech may be better than armstech but.... really we all suck compared to the advantages that biochem gives.

Edited by Pilige
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It is more accurate to say that Cybertech is marginally less useless than any other crafting profession except Biochem.

Saying that CT is the second-best crafting profession makes it sound useful.



But seriously, if you take Biochem out of the discussion, the rest of the crafting professions do not give you much compared to the time, effort and cost involved in getting to 400. Cybertech comes out slightly ahead of the pack for me, but they are all an exercise in near-futility for anyone who is not a crafting fanatic.

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I'm making a ton of money with Armstech as well. Not sure why everyone is complaining about all the classes. There's something for everyone in every profession. You just need to work the GTN and know what is needed by everyone.




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Clearly most in this thread are doing it wrong i make 200k - 300k every other day with CT. SO keep your BioChem and leave the GTN to me :D


yeah but Biochem still makes good money too. Stims sell for 11=20k a piece



And money Is pretty useless atm. I can make 200k in an hour just running my dailies.


Cybertech is somewhat useful, as is artifice , and armormech/synthweaving... but Bichem gives you the equivelent of another gear slot with the stim. an insane amount of one stat every 3 min, and a nice heal every 90s.


and becasue cybertech was lumped in with Biochem we got hit with a nerf bat when we are in reality just on par with other professions. possibly lower since the gear we craft is easily replacable through dailies and we cant even craft anything to help our own character be better.

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Space dailies are solid credits... at least for everything through 43 so far.


Grenades are like the medpacs - it's like a free ability for maxing the profession. Everything the other skills have can be obtained by a cybertech, but the grenades REQUIRE cybertech.


The main drawback on the reusable grenades is this...... they all SHARE A 5 MINUTE COOLDOWN!!!!


Yep, shared 5 min cooldown.... since most have some cc I can see why they share a cooldown but 5 minutes is excessive.

Edited by Kazzuk
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From someone that dropped 400 cyber and spent 200k PLing Biochem. I am happy I did so.


Cyber is great but ya a 5min cool down sucked. It would have helped DPS in raids and made it a good thing for DPS classes to have has a skill.


Biochem I did simply cause I got tired of paying 15k a stim and the having medpacs on me.


Now I have Rakata Stim and that is like a free perm hp buff on me. I have Rakata medpac free heal when I need it to help out healers or let their big heal hit me. Then the 1750 armor adrenal is nice too.


I made money with Cyber it is viable but I spent all the money I made on Biochem things for raids and HMs so left me all equal.

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How can it be second?


Because everything else is worse.


The only close competitor for second place is Artifice, which is good because the Relics are very strong until you get some hm operation drops, at which point the grenades that only Cybertechs can use probably edge it out.


Every profession can make a profit if you find the market depending on your server (such that revenue > cost). Even Armormech, Armstech and Synthweaving, but if you're talking about the useability for a single character, they're far lower than Biochem, Cybertech, and Artifice.


Good for gearing alts though.

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I've gotten 2 purple Cybertech Earpiece Recipes from Eternity Vault.


They are BOP, what's the point? Look I can make this purple earpiece on my Sorc, that is great for bounty hunters!! Oh it's BoP... The bombs arn't that good, especially since they all share exact cool down, so no point there. 22 Mods, so what? As folks know, you can rip out mods from PvP Gear & Dailies.


-twirls finger-




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As far as making credits off of Cybertech, it's about finding the right market niche which is not level 50 gear. It also greatly depends on your server, in my experience.


I make credits hand over fist selling purple earpieces, mods, and pretty much any type of ship upgrade for players who are still leveling. These items take less time and resources to create and turn over. For me that's where the $ has been.

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