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what Sentinals Really need <-----


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they need to do a few things to the sentinal class fix focus so its even REMOTELY ok to be a spec for a sentinal otherwise might as well make it a gaurdian olny spec becuase its not worth it if ur not a guardian... guardians get 30% increased dmg to forcesweep on top of our dmg and thats all focus is good for they get heavy armor so if they were to dps in it they would take less dmg than us they get soresu for which would take even less dmg...


Give us a stun i want a 2-4 seconds stun OR give us a push or a pull or a knockback (any of that and im happy , pvp is just anoying not having one of the above)


increase bladestorms dmg 30% its a great skill and i love to use it id really like to see some real dmg with it our dmg isnt as high as other classes with same gear and same player skill lvl ( that being said alot of sentinals still out dps everyone because of pure player skill and gear)


for combat fix aturu form if ur fighting a monster that is to big you will not hit with aturu form unless ur straight underneath the target, Also buff combat so it is sustainable close to watchmen im not saying gogogogo make it the best spec because i love watchmen im saying they already have alot of downtime for their cd's they have ok dmg but when their cd's arent up their is alot of filler that just brings it down greatly so fix it and simply put in a move that does 2-3k dmg in their so they have 1 more move it will balance things out

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they need to do a few things to the sentinal class fix focus so its even REMOTELY ok to be a spec for a sentinal otherwise might as well make it a gaurdian olny spec becuase its not worth it if ur not a guardian...



Focus is the highest dps spec available to sentinel and is totally fine. When you see a sentinel breaking 500k chances are they are in focus.



When your first point is this wrong its time to just /thread.

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500k ? yeah in pvp becuae their walking into a group of 6 people force sweekping for 30k dmg easily thats all their doing and they have to do that a whopping 15 times ... and im not saying its a bad spec im saying its a HUGE slap in the face for us sentinals when a gaurdian can walk up and do 39k instead of 30k becuase they have 30% more dmg on the move and for highest dps spec you better be joking its no where near watchmen for single target.
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Focus is the highest dps spec available to sentinel and is totally fine. When you see a sentinel breaking 500k chances are they are in focus.



When your first point is this wrong its time to just /thread.


Focus is the highest burst dps spec available based on modifier stacking. Relying on a single ability to be within its highest potential in order to reach any level of acceptable dps is not fine. Breaking 500k damage means nothing if in that time period the most damage you did is based on 3 abilities.


Actually it does mean something. it means focus needs a nerf.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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Focus is the highest burst dps spec available based on modifier stacking. Relying on a single ability to be within its highest potential in order to reach any level of acceptable dps is not fine. Breaking 500k damage means nothing if in that time period the most damage you did is based on 3 abilities.


Actually it does mean something. it means focus needs a nerf.


Focus doesn't need a nerf. To get highest DPS on Focus, you need to 3 other attacks first. They can't just walk up a to group and force sweep and do massive damage.

Edited by JerokTalram
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what setinals need... less winers...



Focus is AOE.... in case you don't know what that means AREA OF EFFECT, which means its only viable in groups of people, so when people use it in pvp and have sporadic highs and lows but cant solo anyone this is why... its not ment for that



Wishlist a pull would be nice but not needed, i would also like to do force leap kinda like how you toss the hutball so i could jump anywhere, but its not needed.



we do have 2 stuns, FOrce choke ya its a channel but if your working as a team (like you should) people will kill him before choke is over. also we have an aoe Flash stun (dont remember the name



Combat is basically on par with watchmen if played correctly... people who complain about combat just aren't doing it right.

Edited by Dagimpster
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we do have 2 stuns, FOrce choke ya its a channel but if your working as a team (like you should) people will kill him before choke is over. also we have an aoe Flash stun (dont remember the name...


No, we do not have two stuns. Force Stasis is not a stun, it's a channeled control that leaves you completely open to attack.


And you're thinking of the Awe ability, which is nowhere near being a stun. It disorients all enemy targets within an 8 meter range for 6 seconds. A disorient, meaning any damage will cancel the effect. Not a stun. Not even close.


Versus other classes, like Agent and Inquisitor, which have literal stuns. As in, press button, and opponent-stops-functioning-while-allowing-damage-to-them.

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No, we do not have two stuns. Force Stasis is not a stun, it's a channeled control that leaves you completely open to attack.


And you're thinking of the Awe ability, which is nowhere near being a stun. It disorients all enemy targets within an 8 meter range for 6 seconds. A disorient, meaning any damage will cancel the effect. Not a stun. Not even close.


Versus other classes, like Agent and Inquisitor, which have literal stuns. As in, press button, and opponent-stops-functioning-while-allowing-damage-to-them.


They are not "stuns" But they are inter. Which are just as important.


Agents/smugglers have one stun out of stealth, the one from stealth grants you a full resolve bar. There flash bang is just like our awe (as in if you take dmg it breaks the cc) , they have 2 int. they can relly on where we have 4. Bad example to use as we have way more utility we can rely on.

Edited by Hezakia
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OK to answer to all your responces AWE the aoe "stun" isnt a stun..... force stasis is a channel not a stun if i could click force stasis and still rampage on a guy i would but you cant because its not a stun, awe is completely useless if you use your highest SINGLE target dps spec WATCHMEN!!! which is almost 2 times the damage of combat if done CORRECTLY becuase you have dots and if u try to awe a guy with dots chances are its not gonna happen and even at that awe is our olny reall cc unless you go combat which has the saber throw and the master strike talents if you take them, and if u aoe a group with awe 99% of the time people just use their break free and your olny option is pop rebuke saber ward and 1v5 and kill possibly 2-3 because sentinal is so op if used correctly, focus i never said it had bad dps but the REALITY of focus spec is its all patted aoe dmg and even at that my point was its 30% more dmg if your a gaurdian so if ur running focus reroll a gaurdian and focus is not the highest dmg spec unless you have 3 or more targets in a 10m range you can aoe at once if not watchmen is still the highest dps spec.... anyone who disagrees with what this post says spend 10 minutes of your life and look up the facts
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It's what happens when you reach 10,000 affection with Rusk: he lets you touch, even hold, his big gun!


Touching yes, holding? Well he's a republic soldier, I didn't ask, he didn't have to tell :p



Is it called Sasha?

It is now! And when I do rp with my companion, it'll be known as such. Is this a reference to something?


I was soloing Cadimimu for the practice and maybe some oranges. If you take your companion down that first really long elevator, they'll fly up halfway through and become invalidated.


You can unsummon and resummon them (or another) and use them just fine afterwards.


It was at that point that his gun appeared on my back whenever I went down an elevator in that FP, he would get it back when combat started. I haven't tried to repoduce the bug yet.

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They are not "stuns" But they are inter. Which are just as important.


Agents/smugglers have one stun out of stealth, the one from stealth grants you a full resolve bar. There flash bang is just like our awe (as in if you take dmg it breaks the cc) , they have 2 int. they can relly on where we have 4. Bad example to use as we have way more utility we can rely on.


One of the interrupts is only useful to Watchman or in situations where you get knocked back during a fight. And of course can be used at the beginning of the fight if you sent your companion in first.

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No, we do not have two stuns. Force Stasis is not a stun, it's a channeled control that leaves you completely open to attack.


And you're thinking of the Awe ability, which is nowhere near being a stun. It disorients all enemy targets within an 8 meter range for 6 seconds. A disorient, meaning any damage will cancel the effect. Not a stun. Not even close.


Versus other classes, like Agent and Inquisitor, which have literal stuns. As in, press button, and opponent-stops-functioning-while-allowing-damage-to-them.


a stun is anything that mkaes a target unable to cast.... both of those do that... yes they aren't good stuns but they are stuns



and jsut cause 1 class has something doesn't mean we have to.... let look at wow Pally bubble... how retarded would it be for every class to have a pally bubble?

Edited by Dagimpster
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a stun is anything that mkaes a target unable to cast....




1. Root. Stops movement.


2. Snare. Slows movement.


3. Stun. Stops movement and action.


4. Mez/Sleep. Stops movement and action. Breaks on damage.


5. Silence. Stops casting-type actions (not present in SWTOR).


6. Disarm. Stops physical/attack type actions (not present in SWTOR).




Other terminology, such as "disorient" or "daze" change from game to game. The above terms are quite solid across MMOs. When a game tries to re-define 'snare' or 'stun', they are typically rejected by players, who tend to continue to use the definitions above.

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