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Everything posted by Sotien

  1. agian at my post the dmg increase on crit multipler goes down the more surge you have i know i didnt post any math but someone previous of me has and when we reach that crit its like 80% crit multipler i used 70 in my post and it was increase but at like 80% base from stats the crit dmg and the base dmg is both lower and their is NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that its a dps loss... THE OLNY way i can see this as a dps increase is to a VERY VERY fresh 50 sentinal with like 55% crit multiplier and somehow has good crit chance even then its questionable but its a fact its a dps loss
  2. OK ik this isnt helping much because im not posting any math to back my answer simply becuase i dont feel like it but with the old system it gave us 30% pure dmg what they did is took that away gave us the 30% crit multiplyer and gave us 15% straight dmg up from 4% on the other move well ok say you have 70% crit multiplier with your current gear which is a low average. using 400 base dmg. for a crit you would get say your base dmg on it is 400 you would take 400 x 1.34( the 30% plus the 4 % from plasma blades which is also brok supposed to give 6%) then time 1.7 (which is your crit multiplyer) and get 911.2 for a crit if you do it with new system you get 15% increase times the 70% crit u have but it gains 30% from talent so its 400 x 1.15 x2.0 = 920 ok we get a lil dps increase if we crit ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THE TIME well lets be honest WE DONT even using ZEN on cd with valorous call... its not 100% all the time now i didnt cover the other half of the time i am lazy not gonna do the math i am not wrong check it urself without crit the old system is 19% more dmg all around to get this number take 30% pure dmg increase already from the broken talent then add the other broke talent plasma blades 4% and you get 34% increase on not crits the new system is 15% increase dmg which is 19% less dmg on ALLL not crits THIS IS HOW IT WORKS DONT QUESTION JUST BUMP
  3. OK to answer to all your responces AWE the aoe "stun" isnt a stun..... force stasis is a channel not a stun if i could click force stasis and still rampage on a guy i would but you cant because its not a stun, awe is completely useless if you use your highest SINGLE target dps spec WATCHMEN!!! which is almost 2 times the damage of combat if done CORRECTLY becuase you have dots and if u try to awe a guy with dots chances are its not gonna happen and even at that awe is our olny reall cc unless you go combat which has the saber throw and the master strike talents if you take them, and if u aoe a group with awe 99% of the time people just use their break free and your olny option is pop rebuke saber ward and 1v5 and kill possibly 2-3 because sentinal is so op if used correctly, focus i never said it had bad dps but the REALITY of focus spec is its all patted aoe dmg and even at that my point was its 30% more dmg if your a gaurdian so if ur running focus reroll a gaurdian and focus is not the highest dmg spec unless you have 3 or more targets in a 10m range you can aoe at once if not watchmen is still the highest dps spec.... anyone who disagrees with what this post says spend 10 minutes of your life and look up the facts
  4. arcane is a complete troll guys he comes to these forums to try to be a ****** and think hes all that on a sentinal i could sit here and brag that im in top 1-2 dps EVERY wz and i do 350k-600k every wz as st in watchmen spec but i never once mentioned that in my thread and arcane comes and tries to say focus is the best spec and i had nothing against focus besides that if your a sentinal focus reroll a guardian becuase they do more dmg in it and take less.... then he continues on to tell me im wrong
  5. the thing is you all act like sentinal is soooooo hard to play now i admit using the cd's is what seperates the tope 3% elites like me and the other people that call themselves players.... but th truth is sentinal is by no means hard watchmen spec leap in overcharged saber , zealous, cuaterize, merciless slash, strike, bladestorm..... focus all you have to you is leap in use the dot and force sweep.... and combat doesnt really matter to much masterstrike imobilize them and attack..
  6. arcane you have yet to post anything that proves what i said is wrong so where am i wrong
  7. 500k ? yeah in pvp becuae their walking into a group of 6 people force sweekping for 30k dmg easily thats all their doing and they have to do that a whopping 15 times ... and im not saying its a bad spec im saying its a HUGE slap in the face for us sentinals when a gaurdian can walk up and do 39k instead of 30k becuase they have 30% more dmg on the move and for highest dps spec you better be joking its no where near watchmen for single target.
  8. haha why whats wrong with me playing sentinal name why all them suggestions are bad
  9. they need to do a few things to the sentinal class fix focus so its even REMOTELY ok to be a spec for a sentinal otherwise might as well make it a gaurdian olny spec becuase its not worth it if ur not a guardian... guardians get 30% increased dmg to forcesweep on top of our dmg and thats all focus is good for they get heavy armor so if they were to dps in it they would take less dmg than us they get soresu for which would take even less dmg... Give us a stun i want a 2-4 seconds stun OR give us a push or a pull or a knockback (any of that and im happy , pvp is just anoying not having one of the above) increase bladestorms dmg 30% its a great skill and i love to use it id really like to see some real dmg with it our dmg isnt as high as other classes with same gear and same player skill lvl ( that being said alot of sentinals still out dps everyone because of pure player skill and gear) for combat fix aturu form if ur fighting a monster that is to big you will not hit with aturu form unless ur straight underneath the target, Also buff combat so it is sustainable close to watchmen im not saying gogogogo make it the best spec because i love watchmen im saying they already have alot of downtime for their cd's they have ok dmg but when their cd's arent up their is alot of filler that just brings it down greatly so fix it and simply put in a move that does 2-3k dmg in their so they have 1 more move it will balance things out
  10. actually it does work and always did but its better than what it says its just pure 30% dmg to it which is > than 30% crit because its always their and it will still stack with ur current crit dmg
  11. ^ bumb this i am a watchmen sentinal battlemaster on the server wound in the force and i have no problem walking into a battleground and taking 2-3 people on at once if civil war pops ill go right kill 2-3 people still be at half helath take the base and 3 cap it for us half the time sentinal is all about using your cd's correctly applying your overcharged saber and cauterize and building focus using zealous and strike then spamming merciless slash and bladestorm on cd and masterstrike when apropriate i also am 99% 1st in dps or second
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