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I can't take the pointless travelling between planets...


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To get to ilum from republic fleet you must


go class elevator ----> speeder through hanger ------> board ship ------>


loading screen --------> walk through ship --------> use galactic map --------->


Select unknown space sector ---------> select ilum ---------->


walk back through ship and click door to exit ship ---------> Loading screen --------->


walk through airlock --------> elevator to orbital station ------------>


walk through orbital station click drop ship -----------> loading screen --------->


14 steps later you have arrived on ilum.


This seems pretty streamlined to me.

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Lets say I am in one city and I want to travel to a different city. I have to get in my car drive down the road.... you getting my point. You ppl and your "I want to just click and go here, then click to go there." Maybe MMOs aren't for you.


Luckily this is a game and not REAL LIFE so it does not need to exist....And being an MMO does not mean you should have to travel like we do in this game....In fact just about every MMO Ive played has some form of instant travel.........The time sink is on the ground, running around planets...???


Whats wrong with boarding the ship at the SP, then clicking your internal map to travel DIRECTLY to the Fing SP you want to goto.....Dont really remember seeing Han Solo go through the crap we do just to get to another planet........Heck. half the time he just landed the Falcon where he wanted....!!:mad:

Edited by Nippon
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I think what would help the travel tedium is for there to be an option to skip the ship leaving/arriving. That way, once you board your ship, you just have the loading screen to get into it. Also, the using speeders in the spaceports is a great idea, I'm not exactly sure why you can't use them there now, as even some of the hangers allow you to use them.


As for the people wondering why some of us like the travel as it is currently, for me it's about seeing new things once I go to a new planet. Even when I go to planets I've been to before, the hangers all look different, and I tend to explore them.


Also, the space ports have fun bits to them, the most noticeable is on Taris Repub side, when the holo of the governor does the public address bit. You also get the odd npc conversation, or action that is fun to stumble across.


Now, time sinks are something that is needed in an MMO, and travel is an easy way to add that, but if people would rather push a button and start a countdown that takes as much time, but allows them to wander off to do whatever, then I don't see why that can't be added in later.

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Execept you do not account for planets without starports.

Of course I didn't. There's no load screen from orbital station to planet. The station & planet loads when you go to that planet.


To get to ilum from republic fleet you must


go class elevator ----> speeder through hanger ------> board ship ------>


loading screen --------> walk through ship --------> use galactic map --------->


Select unknown space sector ---------> select ilum ---------->


walk back through ship and click door to exit ship ---------> Loading screen --------->


walk through airlock --------> elevator to orbital station ------------>


walk through orbital station click drop ship -----------> loading screen --------->


14 steps later you have arrived on ilum.


This seems pretty streamlined to me.

Way to go man. You've added the walking through your ship part as one of the tedious steps. Using the galactic map hahahahaha. Walking back through ship.


Now I don't know what type of computer you got but mine is cap. But I get a fade to black and since ine of the recent patch anytime I got a 2-5 second fade to black I get a "load screen" pst... That doesn't count.


Stop trying to exaggerate to make your point people. Next you'll be telling us you're sacrificing babies.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Lets say I am in one city and I want to travel to a different city. I have to get in my car drive down the road.... you getting my point. You ppl and your "I want to just click and go here, then click to go there." Maybe MMOs aren't for you.


OH please, let's not make any comparisons here to the way things actually work. The Themepark MMO is the antithesis of the realism described in your post . . .

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Maybe people shouldn't be making comparisons to "how things actually work", but....


...and I see this as a pivotal 'but'..... if you really think about it; it actually is the contrast created in our lives between the various trivial and extraneous tasks and the actually significant achievements that creates the sense of acomplishment we all look for.


So.......isn't then our desire to streamline/remove "trivial" tasks the very thing which will serve to lower our sense of achievement and enjoyment of the greater product?

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So.......isn't then our desire to streamline/remove "trivial" tasks the very thing which will serve to lower our sense of achievement and enjoyment of the greater product?


walking through the same 3 hallways ad infinitum isn't an achievement.

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And in SWTOR you don't load screen every zone. It's way better. You can travel nearly an entire planet and never see a load screen. If SWTOR was like EQ, Anchorhead would zone to Jutland which would zone to... etc.. etc.


Except you DO see them all the time.


Because in SWTOR a "planet" is more like a zone in EQ1.





But frankly even if there was a loading screen at every zone (in SWTOR), it would still be better than a plethora of artifact loading screens at the central travel nexus.


So again where is the justification for this? And why wouldn't the fixes to this suggested be a good idea?

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I don't see the problem with having a bind point in your ship. Wouldn't that cut out most of the dreary repetition?


I really want to not hate all the running but it does seem to have been stretched out to the n'th degree sometimes. The space port in Coruscant is bigger than some heroic instances and there isn't a THING you can do once you're more than ten meters into it - all the vendors are at the front.


I'm down with having these areas be large, but couldn't the paths through them be streamlined? By all means add in a lounge and vendors farther back in - there should pretty much always be a cantina for example but make those areas optional. Keep the 'I'm on business' paths shorter.

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Right, the main concourse in any spaceport is a private instance. Must be as you say that 80-90% is private instance. And as elevator/airlock and hangar make up for at best 50%...


You must be playing a different game I guess.


Or maybe you are just on a low pop server where you just never happen to be in the port at the same time as somebody else? :confused:


As to a 'real life' experience only on RP servers.


Do you actually know what RP means?


It means 'role-playing'.


Which you already do by creating a character, your 'role', and having him take his very first action.


'Role-playing' in itself is not 'Oh good sire, may I ask thee...', not in an computer RPG, because frankly you don't have much choice other than to play the role you have chosen. Or do you see Jedi with blasters (would be playing against their role), non-force characters wielding lightsabers (again: playing against your role)?


'RP server' are actually there to allow you to actually focus on playing 'in character', a relic of P&P days: you didn't just play a warrior, you were playing 'Orthmarg the Strong'!


So, having a location (like a spaceport) based on what would most like be the fitting basic design (spaceport: (main) concourse, gateway, accesspoint to hangar, hangar with control center) is not trying to re-create RL, it's just the designer's choice of how to present 'his' world.


Obviously s/he could also have gone 'enter game: in airlock, HUD/holo for missions, select one, airlock opens, you are in mission zone'.


Looking for that? Well, I'm sure you will be happy playing some online FPS...




Err... eye of the beholder and stuff like that?


Maybe YOU never looked at your ship. Maybe YOU never met one of your companions or a Quest NPC in the hangar. Maybe YOU never explored the hangar.


The thing is, we aren't all called 'YOU'!






I don't know why people are bringing up 'loading screens' (as opposed to loading screens).


I consider a loading screen to be what you get when e.g. access your ship i.e. the ships interior is being loaded, or when you leave your ship to do thing on a planet.


Transitions (like the black 'loading screen' when 'travelling' the 'elevator' (or potentially actually airlock) to the hangar) are not loading screens.


So, anybody complaing about those transitions: jeez, they are not even 5 sec!


Anybody complaining about (actual) loading screens: Very likely that is not a problem BW will be able to help you with!


They are there fore a reson (loading new content)


How quick that content is being loaded depends (mostly) on your system!


If you feel it takes too long, well, have fun troubleshooting/upgrading your system, or learn to relax *shrug*


Loading screens are loading screens are loading screens.


If it looks like a Loading Screen and walks like a Loading Screen..... it probably is a Loading Screen.



Now why would multiple Loading Screens be perferable to ANYONE rather than being able to take a speeder point straight to your ship (as opposed to being able to speeder point 90% of the way then having to get off run... loading screen... run... loading screen to get there?)?


Or fast travel straight to your ship.


Indeed why would it be a bad idea to take fleet passes of the security key vendor for that matter.



Hyperbole and daft immersion issue arguments (I'm pretty sure IRL people have to eat and go to the toliet - where are these things in SWTOR? And where are the Loading Screens IRL?) are not arguments at all.







How many people on either side have by now dug in and potentially are just trolling for the sake of trolling the other troll who trolled of course first, or actually could give a perfectly fine reason why a suggestion should not be added to the game, frankly I'm not really sure I'd care to find out.



Pretty sure most of the anti's have been trolling from thier first post.



How do I know?


Because the suggestions to fix this issue are progressive, sensible, reasonable and without any drawbacks.


And the few anti's (the vast majority of the posters are for a change) know this as there hasn't been one arguement against it appart from "it's how it is, lump it" and "naaneenaaneenerner".

Edited by Goretzu
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Part of me is tempted to read all 83 pages of this to see if anyone beat me to the following suggestion. But that would be an epic waste of my time. So I'll just spell it out:


Why don't they provide a way to let people go fast, but not remove the ship and have you go there ****when it is time for a story sequence, such as talking on the holo or communicating with your crew***? That way, both people who want to zip around and people who care about immersion can be happy. And when immersion *should* actually matter, we all still get it.


Just a thought. Bye!

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I don't see the problem with having a bind point in your ship. Wouldn't that cut out most of the dreary repetition?


I really want to not hate all the running but it does seem to have been stretched out to the n'th degree sometimes. The space port in Coruscant is bigger than some heroic instances and there isn't a THING you can do once you're more than ten meters into it - all the vendors are at the front.


I'm down with having these areas be large, but couldn't the paths through them be streamlined? By all means add in a lounge and vendors farther back in - there should pretty much always be a cantina for example but make those areas optional. Keep the 'I'm on business' paths shorter.






Yes, a bind point in your ship or allowing you to speeder point straight into your ship (instead of somewhere just outside the spaceport) would largely solve these problems (extend the cut scene to show you getting off your speeder and heading into the space port would likely be more immersive than run... loading screen.... run... LS.... run too).


Taking the Fleet pass of the secuity key vendor would help some what too.

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Let's say for instance I'm on a planet and i want to go to the next planet...


I start off on planet A... I have to run through the pointless space station that for some reason looks the exact same on every planet...


I think I then have to zone into the hangar of my class... then I have to run all the way to shuttle or whatever...


Then for whatever reason I'm now on a pointless orbital station... god dammit! So I have to run to the next point where I have to zone... now I'm in a gosh darn airlock??? jesus Christ when will I get to my Spaceship...


Ok cool I'm finally on my spaceship... oh my god I wish my stupid droid had something else to say other than the same 5 lines every time I zoned in... I wish he would shutup already!


Ok cool, finally I'm ready to go to the planet I want... what the hell I'm in the gosh darn airlock again... awesome I'll just run through that again for whatever pointless reason...


Jesus Christ I'm on another orbital station. I guess I'll just spend more time running to the stupid shuttle... is there even a point to this stupid orbital station other than pissing me off...


Cool I'm finally on the planet I want... oh Jesus tapdancing Christ i have to run through the hangar again... oh look I zoned into the exact same space station again? is this even a different planet or am I on the same one? Guess I'll have to run through this generic space station to see what planet I'm on...


All that time wasted for no reason...

My point... please for the love of god BW... make travel between planets less painful...


not sure how travel could be less painful. Having to use your spaceship to travel between planets seems like a pretty immersive idea to me.

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