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Is TOR a good game? HELP new mmo player.


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Nonsense. I remember the threads specifically.


You're full of it, buddy.


It was nothing compared to this. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best, ignorant at worst.


People were doing the 60 dungeons for months and pretty happy about it.

Edited by Gohlar
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Coming from someone who was there, it was nothing at all like what you described and it took far, far longer for the majority of the playerbase to hit max level.


In other words, you're full of it.


Actually he's not. I played WoW from beta phase 2 - shortly after cata launched. I experienced the EXACT same thing he did. Nice try though.

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Actually he's not. I played WoW from beta phase 2 - shortly after cata launched. I experienced the EXACT same thing he did. Nice try though.


See above. It was nothing compared to what we have here in SW. Not even remotely close.


Example: This game's population took a HUGE hit after 30 days. To try to compare the 2 is ridiculous. So many more people are bailing here due to the endgame.

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SWTOR is the best MMO on the market; it has the best combat engine, graphics engine, least amount of bugs, the most complex and difficult end-game raids, amazingly good pvp with very well designed and laid out warzones and world pvp, best UI layout, quality and well informed customer service who are eager to help you..


You should buy SWTOR today and have the best gaming experience of your life. You will never find another game ever that can top SWTOR for all the things it's given you as a player, just the best of everything.

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See above. It was nothing compared to what we have here in SW. Not even remotely close.


Example: This game's population took a HUGE hit after 30 days.


I'd keep going back and forth with you, but judging by your forum history... all you do is troll the forums negatively, and post hate threads about SWTOR. Like I said, nice try. G'day sir. You say you quit, but yet you're still here... hrmm.

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I'd keep going back and forth with you, but judging by your forum history... all you do is troll the forums negatively, and post hate threads about SWTOR. Like I said, nice try. G'day sir. You say you quit, but yet you're still here... hrmm.


You're so wrong, I used to defend this game left and right.


But reality is reality and you'll face it when you hit max level sorry. Also, you're both completely wrong to suggest there was anywhere close to this level of dissatisfaction with WoW at 60.


I never even said I quit, although I won't resub. Nice Fail.


Good day.

Edited by Gohlar
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Hey guys I'm a new player to mmo's and this is my very first mmo im Enjoying! the only thing getting to me is YOU GUYS?


I'm always on the forums in the new player section always looking to improve my game! but i head over to the general discussion page and its war over there everyone is talking about the way this game is heading and its all GOING DOWN HILL! Now a couple of questions...


Is this game a good game to play is it worth my $15 every month cause 90% of other people are complaining and comparing to some game called 'WoW' or something... and its really making me angry cause i feel like i should not be enjoying this game because everyone has their problems with it i just dont understand help :(..


If you're enjoying the game, keep paying. There are lots of bugs and little issues that people are over-reacting to and a couple of big ones that they aren't, but the bottom line is how you feel about spending your money. If you like the game, keep spending.

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Haters gonna hate.


And then after they're done hating, they lurk around on the forums of the game they hate because they have so many better things to do than play said game.


And then they hate some more.


I used to be just like you. lol prepare to eat your words, I had to.

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If you're playing the game and enjoying it, then keep playing and enjoying it. When you stop enjoying it, then it's time to quit. It's honestly that simple.


Entertainment is subjective. What is fun to one person is not fun to another. Do not let other people dictate to you whether you are having fun.


I find this game fun. Most of the people I play with find it fun. The people having fun are in the game playing. Most are not on the forums.


Often, when people don't find an MMO fun, they have nothing else better to do with their time than come to the forums and complain. It is like this in every game, even the 'sacred' WoW that you hear the nay-sayers talk about.


Combine that with the fact that forum posters usually represent less than 5% of the entire player base, and you have a very loud, obnoxious minority that needs to make sure nobody else is having fun, since they're not.


Coming from someone who was there, it was nothing at all like what you described and it took far, far longer for the majority of the playerbase to hit max level.


In other words, you're full of it.


I just want to pile in as another person that remembers all the hate and bile on the WoW forums at launch. That place was as much of a cesspool as this place, and even your rose-tinted nostalgia glasses can't rewrite history, no matter how hard you try.

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I used to be just like you. lol prepare to eat your words, I had to.


I'm not going to eat my words.


If at some point I stop enjoying the game and decide to cancel my subscription, I will also stop frequenting the forums.


Because nothing is more pathetic than lurking around forums bashing on a game that you aren't playing anymore.


It's like breaking up with your girlfriend and then walking behind her calling her a **** all day.

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It was nothing compared to this. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous at best, ignorant at worst.


People were doing the 60 dungeons for months and pretty happy about it.


Not sure what you're talking about because he's spot on about how it was. I was there too. Those forums were nuts between all the issues people were complaining about. Lack of endgame content, PvP issues, bugs, queue times, server downtimes, clas issues, etc.


You name it there were people complaining about it.


Then there was the whole GW is going to destroy this game crowd. Or was it VG first? Can't remember.

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Hey guys I'm a new player to mmo's and this is my very first mmo im Enjoying! the only thing getting to me is YOU GUYS?


I'm always on the forums in the new player section always looking to improve my game! but i head over to the general discussion page and its war over there everyone is talking about the way this game is heading and its all GOING DOWN HILL! Now a couple of questions...


Is this game a good game to play is it worth my $15 every month cause 90% of other people are complaining and comparing to some game called 'WoW' or something... and its really making me angry cause i feel like i should not be enjoying this game because everyone has their problems with it i just dont understand help :(..


Don't spend time in General Discussion... it's like Wal-Mart on welfare check day.


But the only person who can determine if this is a good game for you, is you! If you're thoroughly enjoying what BioWare has produced, I can't imagine a cheaper form of entertainment than 50 cents per day :)

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I'm not going to eat my words.


If at some point I stop enjoying the game and decide to cancel my subscription, I will also stop frequenting the forums.


Because nothing is more pathetic than lurking around forums bashing on a game that you aren't playing anymore.


It's like breaking up with your girlfriend and then walking behind her calling her a **** all day.


You just join the discussion? I suggest you read the thread, people asked questions, people answered. Some people presented misinformation, I corrected them. Forums are for discussion. You might want to stay off the forum if you can't handle it.


You also might want to talk to someone...

Edited by Gohlar
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Don't spend time in General Discussion... it's like Wal-Mart on welfare check day.


Now that is just insulting to Wal-Mart customers and welfare recipients everywhere :)



But yes, to the OP if you enjoy the game play it. That is all that really matters. Do you let other people tell you if you should keep watching a movie if you started it and you are entertained at that point?


Don't worry so much about what other people think.

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You just join the discussion? I suggest you read the thread, people asked questions, people answered. Some people presented misinformation, I corrected them. Forums are for discussion. You might want to stay off the forum if you can't handle it.


You also might want to talk to someone...



Discussion is one thing.


Subjective hate on a game because it wasn't your cup of tea is a whole other story.


Also, if you can't differentiate an analogy from a literal statement, then it's not I who needs to talk to someone.

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You just join the discussion? I suggest you read the thread, people asked questions, people answered. Some people presented misinformation, I corrected them. Forums are for discussion. You might want to stay off the forum if you can't handle it.


You also might want to talk to someone...


So multiple people in this thread correct your false information, yet you're still talking? You speak of reality, yet for w/e reason reality escaped you when WoW launched... Or you weren't there.


I have three 50s and working on another during my workweek, while raiding on my days off... Yep, just checked with my mom, I'm still enjoying this game immensely.


OP, just enjoy your game, and I hope you can manage a better job at ignoring these filthy WoW trolls.

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Now that is just insulting to Wal-Mart customers and welfare recipients everywhere :)



But yes, to the OP if you enjoy the game play it. That is all that really matters. Do you let other people tell you if you should keep watching a movie if you started it and you are entertained at that point?


Don't worry so much about what other people think.


How can he enjoy the game if he has not played it yet, dude, pay attention. He is asking if TOR is a good game because he has an interest, therefore, all reviews whether good or bad are essential for him to make a proper decision. TOR is certainly not all good and its not all bad. The OP can read the good and the bad and decide later.


"Just buy it don't pay attention what others say" ridiculous idea, horrible advice. Unscrupulous salespersons of all types would love you and those who share that idiotic ideology.

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How can he enjoy the game if he has not played it yet, dude, pay attention. He is asking if TOR is a good game because he has an interest, therefore, all reviews whether good or bad are essential for him to make a proper decision. TOR is certainly not all good and its not all bad. The OP can read the good and the bad and decide later.


"Just buy it don't pay attention what others say" ridiculous idea, horrible advice. Unscrupulous salespersons of all types would love you and those who share that idiotic ideology.


He says that this is his first MMO he is enjoying. Meaning he is playing it now. And you have to have an account to be able to post on the forums, so that would imply that he is playing.


He says later in his post that he feels like he should not be enjoying the game because of all the negative posts on the forums. That would also imply that he is playing it.

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Discussion is one thing.


Subjective hate on a game because it wasn't your cup of tea is a whole other story.


Also, if you can't differentiate an analogy from a literal statement, then it's not I who needs to talk to someone.


No it's just that was a strangely strong emotional response, usually there is an underlying issue...anyways,


Endgame stinks btw. Yes it's subjective, problem is the vast majority seem to agree and have jumped ship. They should probably work on that.

Edited by Gohlar
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Hey guys I'm a new player to mmo's and this is my very first mmo im Enjoying! the only thing getting to me is YOU GUYS?


I'm always on the forums in the new player section always looking to improve my game! but i head over to the general discussion page and its war over there everyone is talking about the way this game is heading and its all GOING DOWN HILL! Now a couple of questions...


Is this game a good game to play is it worth my $15 every month cause 90% of other people are complaining and comparing to some game called 'WoW' or something... and its really making me angry cause i feel like i should not be enjoying this game because everyone has their problems with it i just dont understand help :(..


I absolutely love it. Have no problems at all aside from a few bugs.

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